def _find_read_channel_labels(self, path):
        labelFileName = join(path, "ROIs_names.mat")

        if not isfile(labelFileName):
            raise ValueError("Can't find file", labelFileName)

        self.channelLabels = loadmat(labelFileName)['ROIs_names']
    def read_neuro_files(self):
        if 'neuro' in self.metaDataFrames.keys():
            nNeuroFiles = self.metaDataFrames['neuro'].shape[0]

            self.dataNeuronal = []
            progBar = IntProgress(min=0, max=nNeuroFiles, description='Read Neuro Data:')
            display(progBar)  # display the bar
            for idx, datapath in enumerate(self.metaDataFrames['neuro']['path']):
                filepath = join(datapath, 'data.mat')
                data3D = loadmat(filepath, waitRetry=3)['data']

                # Crop bad channels
                data3D = data3D[:, :, self.targetChannels]

                # Crop to important timeframe
                data3D = data3D[:, self.targetTimesteps[0] : self.targetTimesteps[1]]

                # Crop bad trials
                goodTrialIdxs = ~np.any(np.isnan(data3D), axis=(1, 2))
                data3D = data3D[goodTrialIdxs]

                self.dataNeuronal += [data3D]
                progBar.value += 1

            print("No Neuro files loaded, skipping reading part")
Example #3
    def _find_read_allen_map(self, path):
            Find the 2D mapping file of hemispheric cortical areas according to allen brain atlas
        labelFileName = join(path, "L_modified.mat")
        if not isfile(labelFileName):
            raise ValueError("Can't find file", labelFileName)

        self.allenMap = loadmat(labelFileName)['L']                                # 2D map of cortical regions
        self.allenIndices = sorted(list(set(self.allenMap.flatten())))[2:]         # Indices of regions. Drop First two
        self.allenCounts = [np.sum(self.allenMap == i) for i in self.allenIndices] # Number of pixels per region
Example #4
    def _find_read_channel_labels(self, path):
            Channel labels are brain regions associated to each channel index
            The channel labels need not be consistent across mice, or even within one mouse
        labelFileName = join(path, "ROI_names.mat")

        if not isfile(labelFileName):
            raise ValueError("Can't find file", labelFileName)

        self.channelLabels = loadmat(labelFileName)['ROI_names']
Example #5
def pooled_mark_channel_labels(dfRawH5, dfLabels):
    for idx, row in dfLabels.iterrows():

        M = loadmat(row['path'])

        rowH5 = dfRawH5[dfRawH5['mousename'] == row['mousename']]
        pathH5 = list(rowH5['path'])[0]

        with h5py.File(pathH5, 'a') as h5file:
            if 'channelLabels' not in h5file.keys():
                h5file.create_dataset('channelLabels', data=M['channel_labels'].astype('S'))
Example #6
def read_paw(folderpath, verbose=True):
    if verbose:
        print("Processing paw folder", folderpath)

    filepath = os.path.join(folderpath, 'trials.mat')
    rezdict = {'trialsPaw': loadmat(filepath)['trials']}

    nTrialsPaw, nTimesPaw = rezdict['trialsPaw'].shape
    if nTimesPaw == 64:
        freqPaw = 7
    elif nTimesPaw > 250:
        freqPaw = 30
        raise ValueError("Unexpected number of paw timesteps", nTimePaw)

    rezdict['tPaw'] = np.arange(0, nTimesPaw) / freqPaw
    rezdict['freqPaw'] = freqPaw
    return rezdict
Example #7
def read_whisk(folderpath, verbose=True):
    if verbose:
        print("Processing whisk folder", folderpath)

    # Read whisking angle
    rezdict = {
        loadmat(os.path.join(folderpath, 'whiskAngle.mat'))['whiskAngle']
    nTimesWhisk, nTrialsWhisk = rezdict['whiskAngle'].shape
    if nTimesWhisk <= 900:
        freqWhisk = 40
    elif nTimesWhisk >= 1600:
        freqWhisk = 200
        freqWhisk = 40
        # raise ValueError("Unexpected number of whisk timesteps", nTimesWhisk)
        print("Unexpected number of whisk timesteps", nTimesWhisk)

    rezdict['tWhisk'] = np.arange(0, nTimesWhisk) / freqWhisk
    rezdict['whiskAbsVelocity'] = np.vstack(
        (np.abs(rezdict['whiskAngle'][1:] - rezdict['whiskAngle'][:-1]) *
         freqWhisk, np.zeros(nTrialsWhisk)))

    # Read first touch
    firstTouchFilePath = os.path.join(folderpath,
                                      os.path.basename(folderpath) + '.txt')
    if not os.path.isfile(firstTouchFilePath):
        print("Warning: first touch file does not exist", firstTouchFilePath)
        rezdict['firstTouch'] = None
        with open(firstTouchFilePath) as fLog:
            rezdict['firstTouch'] = np.array(
                [line.split('\t')[1] for line in fLog.readlines()[1:]],

    return rezdict
Example #8
def validate_trials_ind_from_orig_videos(pwdH5, pwd, dfSession):
    trialTypes = ['Go', 'No Go', 'Miss', 'FA']
    trIndMap = {
        'tr_100': 'Go',
        'tr_1200': 'No Go',
        'tr_MISS': 'Miss',
        'tr_FA': 'FA'

    for idx, row in dfSession.iterrows():

        # Count trial types in metadata
        fpathH5 = os.path.join(pwdH5, row['mousename'] + '.h5')
        dfMeta = pd.read_hdf(fpathH5, '/metadata/' + row['session'])
        countsMeta = {
            tt: (dfMeta['trialType'] == tt).sum()
            for tt in trialTypes

        # Count trial types in trials_ind
        fpathTrInd = os.path.join(pwd, row['path_rel'], 'Matt_files',
        mTrInd = loadmat(fpathTrInd)
        countsTrInd = {}
        for key, mat in mTrInd.items():
            L = 1 if isinstance(mat, int) else len(mat)
            if key in trIndMap:
                countsTrInd[trIndMap[key]] = L
                assert L == 0

        # Flip Go and NoGo for latter mice
        if (row['mousename'] == 'm18') or (row['mousename'] == 'm20'):
            countsTrInd['Go'], countsTrInd['No Go'] = countsTrInd[
                'No Go'], countsTrInd['Go']

        # Test the number of trials of each type
        for tt in trialTypes:
            assert countsMeta[tt] == countsTrInd[tt]
Example #9
    def read_neuro_files(self):
        if 'neuro' in self.metaDataFrames.keys():
            nNeuroFiles = self.metaDataFrames['neuro'].shape[0]

            self.dataNeuronal = []
            progBar = IntProgress(min=0, max=nNeuroFiles, description='Read Neuro Data:')
            display(progBar)  # display the bar
            for idx, row in self.metaDataFrames['neuro'].iterrows():
                matFile = loadmat(row['path'], waitRetry=3)
                for k, val in matFile.items():
                    if 'Hit_timecourse' in k:
                        data = numpy_transpose_byorder(val, 'psr', self.dimOrdCanon)
                        if 'yasir' not in row['datatype']:
                            data = self._allen_normalize_data(data)   # Normalize data, unless already normalized by Yasir

                        self.dataNeuronal += [data]
                    elif k == 'dp':
                        self.metaDataFrames['neuro'].at[idx, 'performance'] = val

                progBar.value += 1
            print("No Neuro files loaded, skipping reading part")
Example #10
    def load_data_impl(self):
        # Extract info from form
        dataPath = self.loadDataGUI.pathDataLineEdit.text()
        haveDeepSearch = self.loadDataGUI.pathRecursiveCheckBox.isChecked()
        fnameTemplate = self.loadDataGUI.parseFnameLineEdit.text()
        dataInsideKey = self.loadDataGUI.fileStructureLineEdit.text()
        ftype = '.mat' if self.loadDataGUI.fileTypeComboBox.currentIndex(
        ) == 0 else '.h5'
        extraKeys = [
            for k in self.loadDataGUI.pathFilterKeysLineEdit.text().split(',')
        allKeys = [ftype] + extraKeys

        # Get data file names
        if haveDeepSearch:
            fileswalk = getfiles_walk(dataPath, allKeys)
            filepaths = [os.path.join(dir, file) for dir, file in fileswalk]
            files = getfiles(dataPath, allKeys)
            filepaths = [os.path.join(dataPath, file) for file in files]

        # Parse data file names
        if fnameTemplate == '':
            df = pd.DataFrame({'fpaths': filepaths})
            df = pd.DataFrame(
                    [path_extract_data(s, fnameTemplate) for s in filepaths]))

        # Read data
        ################################ = []
        if ftype == '.mat':
            for iPath, fpath in enumerate(filepaths):
       += [loadmat(fpath)[dataInsideKey][:, :, :48]]
                self.loadDataGUI.loadDataProgressBar.setValue(iPath + 1)
            raise ValueError('Not Implemented')

        # Update data table
        df['dataname'] = 'src'
        df['shape'] = [str(d.shape) for d in]
        self.df = df
        qtable_load_from_pandas(self.gui.dataTableWidget, df)

        # Update plot coloring
        self.dataKeys = set(df.columns) - {'dataname', 'shape'}
        self.gui.plotColorComboBox.addItems(['None'] + list(self.dataKeys))

def load_ref_img(path):
    return loadmat(path)['refImg']
Example #12
def read_neuro_perf(folderpath, verbose=True, withPerformance=True):
    # Read MAT file from command line
    if verbose:
        print("Reading Yaro data from", folderpath)
    fname_data = os.path.join(folderpath, "data.mat")
    fname_behaviour = os.path.join(folderpath, "behaviorvar.mat")
    fpath_performance = os.path.join(folderpath, "Transfer Entropy")

    waitRetry = 3  # Seconds wait before trying to reload the file if it is not accessible
    data = loadmat(fname_data, waitRetry=waitRetry)['data']
    nTrialsData = data.shape[0]
    behavior = loadmat(fname_behaviour, waitRetry=waitRetry)

    # Preprocess behaviour
    behKeys = ['iGO', 'iNOGO', 'iFA', 'iMISS']
    behavToArray = lambda b: np.array([b], dtype=int) if type(
        b) == int else b  # If array has 1 index it appears as a number :(
    behavior = {k: v
                for k, v in behavior.items()
                if k[0] != '_'}  # Get rid of useless fields in behaviour
    for k in behKeys:
        behavior[k] = behavToArray(behavior[k])  # Convert to arrays

    # Compute performance
    if withPerformance:
        performance = mouse_performance_single_session(nTrialsData, behavior)

        if not os.path.exists(fpath_performance):
            print("--Warning: No performance metrics found for",
                  os.path.dirname(folderpath), "; Using calculated")
            fname_performance = os.path.join(fpath_performance,
            performanceExt = loadmat(fname_performance,
            if performanceExt != performance:
                print("Calculated performance", performance,
                      "does not match external", performanceExt)

    # Convert trials structure to a dictionary
    behavior['trials'] = merge_dicts_of_lists(
        [matstruct2dict(obj) for obj in behavior['trials']])

    # CONSISTENCY TEST 1 - If behavioural trials are more than neuronal, crop:
    for behKey in behKeys:
        behArray = behavior[behKey]
        behNTrialsThis = len(behArray)
        if behNTrialsThis > 0:
            behMaxIdxThis = np.max(
                behArray) - 1  # Note Matlab indices start from 1
            if behMaxIdxThis >= nTrialsData:
                print("--Warning: For", behKey, "behaviour max index",
                      behMaxIdxThis, "exceeds nTrials", nTrialsData)
                behavior[behKey] = behavior[behKey][
                    behavior[behKey] < nTrialsData]
                print("---Cropped excessive behaviour trials from",
                      behNTrialsThis, "to", len(behavior[behKey]))

    # CONSISTENCY TEST 2 - If neuronal trials are more than behavioural
    # Note that there are other keys except the above four, so data trials may be more than those for the four keys
    behIndices = [idx for key in behKeys for idx in behavior[key]]
    assert len(
    ) <= nTrialsData, "After cropping behavioural trials may not exceed data trials"

    # CONSISTENCY TEST 3 - Test behavioural indices for duplicates
    for idx in behIndices:
        thisCount = behIndices.count(idx)
        if thisCount != 1:
            keysRep = {
                key: list(behavior[key]).count(idx)
                for key in behKeys if idx in behavior[key]
            print("--WARNING: index", idx, "appears multiple times:", keysRep)

        #assert behIndices.count(idx) == 1, "Found duplicates in behaviour indices"

    if withPerformance:
        return data, behavior, performance
        return data, behavior
Example #13
def read_lick(folderpath, verbose=True):
    if verbose:
        print("Processing lick folder", folderpath)

    rez = {}

    # Process Reaction times file
    rt_file = os.path.join(folderpath, "RT_264.mat")
    rt = loadmat(rt_file)

    rez['reaction_time'] = 3.0 + rt['reaction_time']

    # Process lick_traces file
    def lick_filter(data, bot_th, top_th):
        data[np.isnan(data)] = 0
        return np.logical_or(data <= bot_th, data >= top_th).astype(int)

    lick_traces_file = os.path.join(folderpath, "lick_traces.mat")
    lick_traces = loadmat(lick_traces_file)

    nTimesLick = len(lick_traces['licks_go'])
    freqLick = 100  # Hz
    rez['tLicks'] = np.arange(0, nTimesLick) / freqLick

    # Top threshold is wrong sometimes. Yaro said to use exact one
    thBot, thTop = lick_traces['bot_thresh'], 2.64

    for k in [
            'licks_go', 'licks_nogo', 'licks_miss', 'licks_FA', 'licks_early'
        rez[k] = lick_filter(lick_traces[k], thBot, thTop)

    # Process trials file
    TIMESCALE_TRACES = 0.001  # ms
    trials_file = os.path.join(folderpath,
                               os.path.basename(folderpath) + ".mat")

    lick_trials = loadmat(trials_file)

    # NOTE: lick_trials['licks']['lick_vector'] is just a repeat from above lick_traces file
    #     lick_trials['licks'] = merge_dicts([matstruct2dict(obj) for obj in lick_trials['licks']])
    lick_trials['trials'] = merge_dicts_of_lists(
        [matstruct2dict(obj) for obj in lick_trials['trials']])
    fixearly = lambda trial: np.nan if trial == 'Early' else trial
    lick_trials['trials']['reward_time'] = [
        fixearly(trial) for trial in lick_trials['trials']['reward_time']
    rez['reward_time'] = np.array(lick_trials['trials']['reward_time'],
                                  dtype=float) * TIMESCALE_TRACES
    rez['puff'] = [
        np.array(puff, dtype=float) * TIMESCALE_TRACES
        for puff in lick_trials['trials']['puff']

    return rez