Example #1
def log_interpolate_1d(x, xp, *args, **kwargs):
    Interpolation on a logarithmic x-scale for interpolation values in pressure coordintates.
    x : array-like
        1-D array of desired interpolated values.
    xp : array-like
        The x-coordinates of the data points.
    args : array-like
        The data to be interpolated. Can be multiple arguments, all must be the same shape as
    axis : int, optional
        The axis to interpolate over. Defaults to 0.

        Interpolated values for each point with coordinates sorted in ascending order.
    # Log x and xp
    log_x = np.log(x)
    log_xp = np.log(xp)
    return interpolate_1d(log_x, log_xp, *args, **kwargs)
Example #2
def equivalent_potential_temperature(pressure, temperature, dewpoint):
    r"""Calculate equivalent potential temperature.
    This calculation must be given an air parcel's pressure, temperature, and dewpoint.
    The implementation uses the formula outlined in [Bolton1980]_:
    First, the LCL temperature is calculated:
    .. math:: T_{L}=\frac{1}{\frac{1}{T_{D}-56}+\frac{ln(T_{K}/T_{D})}{800}}+56
    Which is then used to calculate the potential temperature at the LCL:
    .. math:: \theta_{DL}=T_{K}\left(\frac{1000}{p-e}\right)^k
    Both of these are used to calculate the final equivalent potential temperature:
    .. math:: \theta_{E}=\theta_{DL}\exp\left[\left(\frac{3036.}{T_{L}}
    pressure: `pint.Quantity`
        Total atmospheric pressure
    temperature: `pint.Quantity`
        Temperature of parcel
    dewpoint: `pint.Quantity`
        Dewpoint of parcel
        The equivalent potential temperature of the parcel
    [Bolton1980]_ formula for Theta-e is used, since according to
    [DaviesJones2009]_ it is the most accurate non-iterative formulation
    t = temperature
    td = dewpoint
    p = pressure
    e = saturation_vapor_pressure(dewpoint)
    r = saturation_mixing_ratio(pressure, dewpoint)

    t_l = 56 + 1. / (1. / (td - 56) + np.log(t / td) / 800.)
    th_l = t * (1000 / (p - e)) ** constants.kappa * (t / t_l) ** (0.28 * r)
    th_e = th_l * np.exp((3036. / t_l - 1.78) * r * (1 + 0.448 * r))

    return th_e
Example #3
def dewpoint(e):
    r"""Calculate the ambient dewpoint given the vapor pressure.
    e : `pint.Quantity`
        Water vapor partial pressure
        Dew point temperature
    See Also
    dewpoint_rh, saturation_vapor_pressure, vapor_pressure
    This function inverts the [Bolton1980]_ formula for saturation vapor
    pressure to instead calculate the temperature. This yield the following
    formula for dewpoint in degrees Celsius:
    .. math:: T = \frac{243.5 log(e / 6.112)}{17.67 - log(e / 6.112)}
    val = np.log(e / constants.sat_pressure_0c)
    return 243.5 * val / (17.67 - val)