def resetdb(): """ this function will reset the entire database with new fixture """ if not env.hosts: print "Error: must use enviroment (e.g fab staging resetdb)" exit() with cd(env.project_dir): virtualenv("python dba_init_db")
def build_cars_base(arg): """ this function will cars into the database randomly based on the number given in the args """ if not env.hosts: print "Error: must use enviroment (e.g fab staging build_cars_base)" exit() with cd(env.project_dir): virtualenv("python build_cars_base %s" % arg)
def deploy(resetdb=False): """ deployment function """ if not env.hosts: print "Error: must use enviroment (e.g fab staging deploy)" exit() if not exists(env.project_dir): print "Error: the project directory does not exists." exit() # install pip requirements now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") with cd(env.project_dir): git_pull(env.git_merge_with) git_pull(env.git_branch) git("merge %s" % env.git_merge_with) git("tag %s" % now) git("push") if exists("garcom/misc/setting_templates/"): run("rm garcom/misc/setting_templates/") run( "cp %(TEMPLATE_SETTING_DIR)s%(TEMPLATE_SETTING)s garcom/misc/setting_templates/" % {"TEMPLATE_SETTING_DIR": env.config_template_dir, "TEMPLATE_SETTING": env.template_setting} ) virtualenv("pip install -r requirements.pip ") virtualenv("python syncdb --noinput") virtualenv("python collectstatic --noinput") restart_celery() restart_uwsgi()
def restart_celery(): '''Restart celery daemon''' with cd(env.project_dir): virtualenv( 'python celeryd_multi restart celery -B -E --logfile=%scelery.log --loglevel=INFO' % ( env.celery_log_dir, env.celery_log_dir))
def stop_celery(): '''Stop celery daemon''' with cd(env.project_dir): virtualenv('python celeryd_multi stop celery' % env.celery_log_dir)
def stop_celerycam(): '''Stop celerycam daemon''' with cd(env.project_dir): virtualenv("kill `ps ax| grep -v awk| awk '/celerycam/{print $1}'`")
def start_celerycam(): '''Start celerycam daemon''' with cd(env.project_dir): virtualenv('python celerycam --logfile=%scelerycam.log --detach' % ( env.celery_log_dir, env.celery_log_dir))