class TestGaussianMixtureModel:
    """Test the GaussianMixtureModel base class."""

    def setup_class(self):
        """Mock a simple base class."""
        from mixture_model.gaussian_mixture import GaussianMixtureModel
        mixture_model_grouping = np.arange(0, 50)
        self.model = GaussianMixtureModel(mixture_model_grouping)
        self.model.set_member_means([0] * 50)

    def test_cdf_upper_boundary(self):
        """Test upper boundary of the cumulative density function."""
        # Cumulative mass should never exceed 1.
        assert_almost_equal(self.model.cdf(10e999), 1.0, 6)

    def test_cdf_lower_boundary(self):
        """Test lower boundary of the cumulative density function."""
        # Cumulative mass should never go below 0.
        assert_almost_equal(self.model.cdf(-10e990), 0.0, 6)
 def setup_class(self):
     """Mock a simple base class."""
     from mixture_model.gaussian_mixture import GaussianMixtureModel
     mixture_model_grouping = np.arange(0, 50)
     self.model = GaussianMixtureModel(mixture_model_grouping)
     self.model.set_member_means([0] * 50)