def from_proto(cls, proto):
        run_data = cls()
        # iterate proto and add metrics and params
        for proto_metric in proto.metrics:
        for proto_param in proto.params:

        return run_data
Example #2
 def from_proto(cls, proto):
     run_data = cls()
     # iterate proto and add metrics, params, and tags
     for proto_metric in proto.metrics:
     for proto_param in proto.params:
     for proto_tag in proto.tags:
     return run_data
Example #3
    def get_metric_history(self, run_uuid, metric_key):
        Returns all logged value for a given metric.

        :param run_uuid: Unique identifier for run
        :param metric_key: Metric name within the run

        :return: A list of float values logged for the give metric if logged, else empty list
        req_body = _message_to_json(GetMetricHistory(run_uuid=run_uuid, metric_key=metric_key))
        response_proto = self._call_endpoint(GetMetricHistory, req_body)
        return [Metric.from_proto(metric).value for metric in response_proto.metrics]
Example #4
    def get_metric(self, run_uuid, metric_key):
        Returns the last logged value for a given metric.

        :param run_uuid: Unique identifier for run
        :param metric_key: Metric name within the run

        :return: A single float value for the give metric if logged, else None
        req_body = _message_to_json(GetMetric(run_uuid=run_uuid, metric_key=metric_key))
        response_proto = self._call_endpoint(GetMetric, req_body)
        return Metric.from_proto(response_proto.metric)
Example #5
    def test_creation_and_hydration(self):
        key = random_str()
        value = 10000
        ts = int(time.time())

        metric = Metric(key, value, ts)
        self._check(metric, key, value, ts)

        as_dict = {"key": key, "value": value, "timestamp": ts}
        self.assertEqual(dict(metric), as_dict)

        proto = metric.to_proto()
        metric2 = metric.from_proto(proto)
        self._check(metric2, key, value, ts)

        metric3 = Metric.from_dictionary(as_dict)
        self._check(metric3, key, value, ts)