Example #1
 def getuncommons(answers):
     answerchoices = (AnswerChoiceModel.get_all())
     cnt = Counter()
     for answer in answers:
         cnt[answer] = 0
     for answerchoice in answerchoices:
         if answerchoice.best_answer_id in answers:
             cnt[answerchoice.best_answer_id] += 1
     if len(cnt) > 1:
         return [cnt.most_common()[-1][0],cnt.most_common()[-2][0]]
     else: return False
Example #2
 def getotheranswers(userID,questionID):
     allanswers = (AnswerModel.get_all())
     allanswerchoices = (AnswerChoiceModel.get_all())
     validAnswers = []
     for currentanswer in allanswers:
         # if relevant answer and not submitted by the current user
         if currentanswer.userID != userID and currentanswer.questionID == questionID:
             shouldadd = True
             for currentanswerchoice in allanswerchoices:
                 # if answer was not rated before by the current user
                 if (currentanswerchoice.best_answer_id == currentanswer.id or currentanswerchoice.other_answer_id == currentanswer.id) and currentanswerchoice.user_id == userID:
             else: validAnswers.append(currentanswer.id)
     return validAnswers