Example #1
    def processAccount(self, aclink, acCount, acName, account_path):

        logging.debug('ac link - ' + aclink)

        logging.debug('ac path - ' + str(account_path) + ' - end')

        if account_path != "":

            # delete existing current xactions

            logging.debug('Processing account ')

            builder = StatementBuilder(self.facade, account_path, self.token)

            self.statementbuilder = self.statementlist[self.current_statement]

            currentBalance = 34505

            isVisa = False

                'Smile-recent', 'Scraper', None)  #TODO change this


            for row in xacts1:

            #self.statementbuilder.set_balance(atts['amount']) #TODO - still use this?

            self.current_statement = self.current_statement + 1

        return "http:\\blah2.com"
Example #2
    def _processNormAccount(self, raw, account_path, balance):

        soup = BeautifulSoup(raw)

        logging.debug('Norm ac path - ' + str(account_path) + ' - end')

            if account_path != "":
                # delete existing current xactions
                logging.debug('Processing :) norm ')

                builder = StatementBuilder(self.facade, account_path,
                self.statementbuilder = self.statementlist[

                # we know this is not a credit card
                isCCard = False

                # get a fixed balance somewhere??
                # balance passed in for natwest

                # set up our statement
                    'NatWest-recent', 'Scraper', None)

                # now set the final balance
                logging.debug("Balance - - - - - - - > " + str(balance))

                # now find all the recent transactions
                x_table = soup.find('table', attrs={'class': 'ItemTable'})

                if x_table == None:
                    # could easily be no transactions
                    logging.debug(" No xtable ======>")

                if x_table != None:
                    x_body = x_table.find('tbody')
                    inputs = x_body.findAll('tr')

                    # build the post values up
                    for rows in inputs:
                        atts = {}

                        vals = rows.findAll('td')
                        if vals:
                            cash = ''
                            for i, val in enumerate(vals):
                                data = self.tidy_text(val.text)
                                if i == 0:

                                    dp = DateParser()
                                        atts['date'] = dp.ymd_from_date(
                                        atts['date'] == ''
                                if i == 1:
                                    if data == 'ATM':
                                        cash = 'CASH - '

                                if i == 2:
                                    if data != "":
                                        extra = ""
                                        datebit = ""
                                        parts = data.split(',')
                                        if len(parts) > 1:
                                            # match natwest dates - a.la. 8062 14APR11
                                            if re.match(
                                                    parts[0]) != None:
                                                datebit = parts[0][
                                                    0:4] + ' ' + parts[0][
                                                        5:7] + ' ' + parts[0][
                                                # remember pretty_display strips out any words containing a sequence of 3 or more numbers

                                                parts = parts[1:]

                                        if len(parts) > 1:
                                            extra = parts[-1]
                                            parts = parts[0:-1]

                                        data = ' '.join(parts)

                                        disp = (cash + data).strip()

                                        atts['display'] = " ".join(

                                        atts['extradisplay'] = " ".join(
                                            (extra + " " + datebit).split())

                                if i > 2:  # the numbers

                                    if data != "" and data != '-':

                                        amount = self.normalise_ammount(data)

                                        if i == 3:
                                            atts['amount'] = amount
                                            atts['type'] = 'Credit'

                                        if i == 4:
                                            atts['amount'] = amount
                                            atts['type'] = 'Debit'

                                    if i == 5:

            self.current_statement = self.current_statement + 1

        except Exception, e:
            logging.exception('NatWest parsing error - ' + str(e))
Example #3
    def _processCCAccount(self, raw, account_path, balance):
        soup = BeautifulSoup(raw)

        logging.debug('CC ac path - ' + str(account_path) + ' - end')

            if account_path != "":
                # delete existing current xactions
                logging.debug('Processing :) ')

                builder = StatementBuilder(self.facade, account_path,
                self.statementbuilder = self.statementlist[

                # we know this is not a credit card
                isCCard = True

                # get a fixed balance somewhere??
                # passed in for natwest

                # set up our statement
                    'NatWest-recent', 'Scraper', None)

                # now set the final balance
                logging.debug("Balance - - - - - - - > " + str(balance))

                # now find all the recent transactions
                x_table = soup.find('table', attrs={'class': 'ItemTable'})

                if x_table != None:
                    x_body = x_table.find('tbody')
                    inputs = x_body.findAll('tr')

                    # build the post values up
                    for rows in inputs:
                        atts = {}

                        vals = rows.findAll('td')
                        if vals:
                            datebit = ''
                            for i, val in enumerate(vals):
                                data = self.tidy_text(val.text)
                                if i == 0:
                                    dp = DateParser()
                                        atts['date'] = dp.ymd_from_date(
                                        atts['date'] == ''

                                if i == 1:
                                    datebit = data[:-5]

                                if i == 2:
                                    if data != 'SALE':  # only keep extra xact date for Sales
                                        datebit = ''

                                if i == 3:
                                    if data != "":
                                        atts['display'] = " ".join(
                                        atts['extradisplay'] = datebit.encode(

                                if i > 3:  # the numbers

                                    if data != "" and data != '-':
                                        amount = self.normalise_ammount(data)

                                        if i == 4:
                                            atts['amount'] = amount
                                            atts['type'] = 'Credit'

                                        if i == 5:
                                            atts['amount'] = amount
                                            atts['type'] = 'Debit'

                                    if i == 5:

            self.current_statement = self.current_statement + 1

        except Exception, e:
            logging.exception('NatWest parsing error - ' + str(e))
Example #4
    def processAccount(self, acCount, acName, account_path, allofit):

        page = self.HexToByte(allofit['body'])

        # save this page
        self.output_page("account" + str(acCount) + ".html", page)

        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

        logging.debug('ac path - ' + str(account_path) + ' - end')

        if account_path != "":
            # delete existing current xactions

            logging.debug('Processing :) ')

            self.statementbuilder = StatementBuilder(self.facade, account_path,

            # need to get last statement and make a new one every time
                'Fd-recent', 'Scraper', None)  #TODO change this

            isVisa = False
            loginform = soup.find(
                'input', attrs={'name': 'cmd_sort_referenceAscending'})
            if loginform != None:
                isVisa = True

                bal_tables = soup.findAll(
                    'table', attrs={'class': 'fdTableBackgroundOne'})
                balance_table = bal_tables[2]

                if balance_table <> None:
                    vals = balance_table.findAll('td')

                    if vals:
                        bal = vals[1].text
                        data = bal.replace('&#163;', u'£')
                        data = data.strip(u'£')
                        if data[-1] == 'D':
                            data = data.replace('DB', '')
                            data = data.replace('D', '')
                            lastbal = int(float(data) * 100)
                            firstbal = 0 - lastbal
                            data = data.replace('CR', '')
                            data = data.replace('C', '')
                            firstbal = int(float(data) * 100)


            if isVisa:
                logging.debug("found visa --")

            acTable = soup.find('table', attrs={'class': 'fdStatTable'})

            # if no table then no new data afaik
            if acTable != None:
                datarows = acTable.findAll('tr')

                next = False

                # build the post values up
                atts = {}

                isFirst = True
                firstbal = 0
                firstdate = ""

                lastbal = 0
                lastdate = ""

                doBalance = False

                dp = DateParser()

                for rows in datarows:
                    vals = rows.findAll('td')

                    if vals:
                        for i, val in enumerate(vals):

                            if val.text:
                                data = val.text.strip()
                                data = unescape(data)
                                data = unicode(data)

                                data = ""

                            if data != "&nbsp;":
                                data = data.replace('&nbsp;', '')
                                if i == 0:
                                    if data != "":
                                            lastdate = dp.ymd_from_date(
                                                dp.date_from_dmy(data, '/'))
                                                "Invalid FD date format - probably no transactions"

                                        if firstdate == "":
                                            firstdate = lastdate

                                    atts['date'] = lastdate

                                if (i == 1 and not isVisa) or (i == 2
                                                               and isVisa):
                                    atts['display'] = data[0:19]
                                    atts['extradisplay'] = data[19:]

                                if (i == 2 and not isVisa) or (i == 3
                                                               and isVisa):
                                    if data != "":
                                        data = data.strip(u'£')
                                        data = data.strip(u'D')
                                        data = data.strip(u'B')
                                        if data == '':
                                            atts['amount'] = 0
                                            atts['amount'] = int(
                                                float(data) * 100)
                                        atts['type'] = 'Debit'

                                if (i == 3 and not isVisa) or (i == 4
                                                               and isVisa):
                                    if data != "":
                                        data = data.strip(u'£')
                                        data = data.strip(u'C')
                                        data = data.strip(u'R')
                                        if data == '':
                                            atts['amount'] = 0
                                            atts['amount'] = int(
                                                float(data) * 100)
                                        atts['type'] = 'Credit'

                                if not isVisa:
                                    if i == 4:
                                        data = data.strip(u'£')
                                        if data != "":
                                            lastbal = int(float(data) * 100)

                                            if isFirst:
                                                isFirst = False
                                                firstbal = lastbal
                                                doBalance = True

                                    if i == 5:
                                        if doBalance:
                                            doBalance = False
                                            if data == "D":
                                                firstbal = 0 - firstbal


                self.current_statement = self.current_statement + 1
Example #5
class FirstDirectScraper(Scraper):

    filledCredentials = {}

    version = '1.01'
    display = 'First Direct'

    questionlist = [{
        'id': '03',
        'display': 'User Name',
        'x': '0',
        'l': '0',
        't': 'a'
    }, {
        'id': '04',
        'display': 'Electronic Password',
        'x': '0',
        'l': '0',
        't': 'a'
    }, {
        'id': '06',
        'display': 'Memorable Answer',
        'x': '0',
        'l': '0',
        't': 'a'

    account_names = [{
        'id': '1',
        'htmlkey': 'Joint 1st Account',
        'display': 'Joint 1st Account',
        'compound': '1st Joint Account',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '2',
        'htmlkey': 'Joint Savings Account',
        'display': 'Joint Savings Account',
        'compound': '1st Joint Savings',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '3',
        'htmlkey': '1st Account',
        'display': 'Current Account',
        'compound': '1st Account',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '4',
        'htmlkey': 'Savings Account',
        'display': 'Savings Account',
        'compound': '1st Savings',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '5',
        'htmlkey': 'Joint offset Mortgage',
        'display': 'Joint offset Mortgage',
        'compound': '1st Joint Mortgage',
        'type': 'Credit',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '6',
        'htmlkey': 'offset Mortgage',
        'display': 'offset Mortgage',
        'compound': '1st Mortgage',
        'type': 'Credit',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '7',
        'htmlkey': 'Credit Card',
        'display': 'Credit Card',
        'compound': '1st Credit Card',
        'type': 'Credit',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '8',
        'htmlkey': 'e-Savings Account',
        'display': 'e-Savings Account',
        'compound': '1st e-Savings',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '9',
        'htmlkey': 'Everyday e-Saver',
        'display': 'Everyday e-Saver',
        'compound': '1st Everyday e-Saver',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '10',
        'htmlkey': 'cash e-ISA',
        'display': 'cash e-ISA',
        'compound': '1st Cash e-ISA',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '11',
        'htmlkey': 'Joint Flexiloan',
        'display': 'Joint Flexiloan',
        'compound': '1st Joint Flexiloan',
        'type': 'Credit',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '12',
        'htmlkey': 'Regular Saver',
        'display': 'Regular Saver',
        'compound': '1st Saver',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '13',
        'htmlkey': 'gold card',
        'display': 'Gold Card',
        'compound': '1st Gold Card',
        'type': 'Credit',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '14',
        'htmlkey': 'Flexiloan',
        'display': 'Flexiloan',
        'compound': '1st Flexiloan',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '15',
        'htmlkey': 'Visa',
        'display': 'Visa',
        'compound': '1st Visa',
        'type': 'Credit',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '16',
        'htmlkey': 'Joint Everyday e-Saver',
        'display': 'Visa',
        'compound': '1st Joint e-Saver',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '17',
        'htmlkey': 'Joint Bonus Savings',
        'display': 'Joint Bonus Savings',
        'compound': '1st Joint Bonus',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '18',
        'htmlkey': 'Everyday Savings',
        'display': 'Everyday Savings',
        'compound': '1st Everyday Savings',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'
    }, {
        'id': '19',
        'htmlkey': 'Joint Everyday Savings',
        'display': 'Joint Everyday Savings',
        'compound': '1st Joint Everyday',
        'type': 'Cheque',
        'parser': 'synchronised'

    def __lookupAccount(self, htmlkey):
        for row in self.account_names:
            if row['htmlkey'] == htmlkey:
                return row['id']
        return '0'

    def __init__(self, passedCreds):
        self.credentials = {}

        for cred in self.questionlist:
            self.credentials[cred['display']] = ''

        self.filledCreds = passedCreds

    def getQuestions(self):
        return self.questionlist

    def getDisplay(self):
        return 'First Direct'

    def getCreds(self):
        return self.credentials

    def lookupdigit(self, word):
        passcode = self.filledCreds['04']

        lupword = word.lower()

        if lupword == 'first':
            return passcode[0]
        if lupword == 'second':
            return passcode[1]
        if lupword == 'third':
            return passcode[2]
        if lupword == 'fourth':
            return passcode[3]

        if lupword == '1st':
            return passcode[0]
        if lupword == '2nd':
            return passcode[1]
        if lupword == '3rd':
            return passcode[2]

        if len(lupword) >= 3 and lupword[-1] == 'h':
            lupword = lupword[0:-2]
            return passcode[int(lupword) - 1]

        if lupword == 'last':
            return passcode[-1]

        if lupword == 'penultimate':
            return passcode[-2]

    def processAccount(self, acCount, acName, account_path, allofit):

        page = self.HexToByte(allofit['body'])

        # save this page
        self.output_page("account" + str(acCount) + ".html", page)

        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

        logging.debug('ac path - ' + str(account_path) + ' - end')

        if account_path != "":
            # delete existing current xactions

            logging.debug('Processing :) ')

            self.statementbuilder = StatementBuilder(self.facade, account_path,

            # need to get last statement and make a new one every time
                'Fd-recent', 'Scraper', None)  #TODO change this

            isVisa = False
            loginform = soup.find(
                'input', attrs={'name': 'cmd_sort_referenceAscending'})
            if loginform != None:
                isVisa = True

                bal_tables = soup.findAll(
                    'table', attrs={'class': 'fdTableBackgroundOne'})
                balance_table = bal_tables[2]

                if balance_table <> None:
                    vals = balance_table.findAll('td')

                    if vals:
                        bal = vals[1].text
                        data = bal.replace('&#163;', u'£')
                        data = data.strip(u'£')
                        if data[-1] == 'D':
                            data = data.replace('DB', '')
                            data = data.replace('D', '')
                            lastbal = int(float(data) * 100)
                            firstbal = 0 - lastbal
                            data = data.replace('CR', '')
                            data = data.replace('C', '')
                            firstbal = int(float(data) * 100)


            if isVisa:
                logging.debug("found visa --")

            acTable = soup.find('table', attrs={'class': 'fdStatTable'})

            # if no table then no new data afaik
            if acTable != None:
                datarows = acTable.findAll('tr')

                next = False

                # build the post values up
                atts = {}

                isFirst = True
                firstbal = 0
                firstdate = ""

                lastbal = 0
                lastdate = ""

                doBalance = False

                dp = DateParser()

                for rows in datarows:
                    vals = rows.findAll('td')

                    if vals:
                        for i, val in enumerate(vals):

                            if val.text:
                                data = val.text.strip()
                                data = unescape(data)
                                data = unicode(data)

                                data = ""

                            if data != "&nbsp;":
                                data = data.replace('&nbsp;', '')
                                if i == 0:
                                    if data != "":
                                            lastdate = dp.ymd_from_date(
                                                dp.date_from_dmy(data, '/'))
                                                "Invalid FD date format - probably no transactions"

                                        if firstdate == "":
                                            firstdate = lastdate

                                    atts['date'] = lastdate

                                if (i == 1 and not isVisa) or (i == 2
                                                               and isVisa):
                                    atts['display'] = data[0:19]
                                    atts['extradisplay'] = data[19:]

                                if (i == 2 and not isVisa) or (i == 3
                                                               and isVisa):
                                    if data != "":
                                        data = data.strip(u'£')
                                        data = data.strip(u'D')
                                        data = data.strip(u'B')
                                        if data == '':
                                            atts['amount'] = 0
                                            atts['amount'] = int(
                                                float(data) * 100)
                                        atts['type'] = 'Debit'

                                if (i == 3 and not isVisa) or (i == 4
                                                               and isVisa):
                                    if data != "":
                                        data = data.strip(u'£')
                                        data = data.strip(u'C')
                                        data = data.strip(u'R')
                                        if data == '':
                                            atts['amount'] = 0
                                            atts['amount'] = int(
                                                float(data) * 100)
                                        atts['type'] = 'Credit'

                                if not isVisa:
                                    if i == 4:
                                        data = data.strip(u'£')
                                        if data != "":
                                            lastbal = int(float(data) * 100)

                                            if isFirst:
                                                isFirst = False
                                                firstbal = lastbal
                                                doBalance = True

                                    if i == 5:
                                        if doBalance:
                                            doBalance = False
                                            if data == "D":
                                                firstbal = 0 - firstbal


                self.current_statement = self.current_statement + 1

    def ByteToHex(self, byteStr):
        Convert a byte string to it's hex string representation e.g. for output.

        # Uses list comprehension which is a fractionally faster implementation than
        # the alternative, more readable, implementation below
        #    hex = []
        #    for aChar in byteStr:
        #        hex.append( "%02X " % ord( aChar ) )
        #    return ''.join( hex ).strip()

        return ''.join(["%02X" % ord(x) for x in byteStr])

    def HexToByte(self, hexStr):
        Convert a string hex byte values into a byte string. The Hex Byte values may
        or may not be space separated.
        # The list comprehension implementation is fractionally slower in this case
        #    hexStr = ''.join( hexStr.split(" ") )
        #    return ''.join( ["%c" % chr( int ( hexStr[i:i+2],16 ) ) \
        #                                   for i in range(0, len( hexStr ), 2) ] )

        bytes = []

        for i in range(0, len(hexStr), 2):
            bytes.append(chr(int(hexStr[i:i + 2], 16)))

        return ''.join(bytes).decode("utf-8")

    def firstPass(self, page):
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

        loginform = soup.find('form')

        action = loginform['action']

        urls = urlparse(action)
        self.urlBase = "https://" + urls.netloc
        logging.info("Base URL = " + self.urlBase)

        inputs = loginform.findAllNext('input')

        values = {}

        values['userid'] = self.filledCreds['03']  #username

        # build the body content
        data = urllib.urlencode(values)

        self.response = {}
        self.response['url'] = self.ByteToHex(action)
        self.response['data'] = self.ByteToHex(data)
        self.response['method'] = 'POST'
        self.response['step'] = 2

    def GetInitialUrl(self, allofit):

        body = self.HexToByte(allofit['body'])

        # the following is how you could retrieve the headers from the request
        # for head in allofit['headers']:
        #     name = self.HexToByte(head['name'])
        #     val = self.HexToByte(head['value'])


        return 'good'

    def DoStep2(self, allofit):

        page = self.HexToByte(allofit['body'])

        #-------------------------------- Grab the form values -----------------------------------------------
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

        self.output_page("fd-username.html", page)

        loginform = soup.find('form')

        action = loginform['action']

        inputs = loginform.findAllNext('input')

        values = {}

        self.response = {}

        # build the post values up - there arent any others afaik

        ps = loginform.findAllNext('p')

        numbers = ps[1].findAllNext('strong')

        #not enough lookup digits
            password = self.lookupdigit(numbers[0].text) + self.lookupdigit(
                numbers[1].text) + self.lookupdigit(numbers[2].text)
            logging.debug("credentials incorrect")
            return 'credentials incorrect'

        answer = self.filledCreds['06']

        values['password'] = password
        values['memorableAnswer'] = answer

        # build the body content
        data = urllib.urlencode(values)

        self.response['url'] = self.ByteToHex(action)
        self.response['data'] = self.ByteToHex(data)
        self.response['method'] = 'POST'
        self.response['step'] = 3

        return 'good'

    def DoStep3(self, allofit):

        scrape_result = "good"

        page = self.HexToByte(allofit['body'])

        #-------------------------------- Grab the form values -----------------------------------------------
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

        self.output_page("fd-summary.html", page)

        accountTable = soup.find('table', attrs={'class': 'fdBalancesTable'})

        if accountTable != None:
            self.accountLinks = accountTable.findAll(
                'a', attrs={'class': 'fdActionLink'})

            if len(self.accountLinks) == 0:
                #got some kind of message
                scrape_result = 'bank error'
                logging.info('Still got no accounts')
            logging.debug("No fd table")
            scrape_result = 'credentials incorrect'

        return scrape_result

    def getacclist(self, facade, accountList, token, step, allofit):
        self.facade = facade
        self.token = token

        scrape_result = 'good'

        if step == 1:
            scrape_result = self.GetInitialUrl(allofit)
        elif step == 2:
            scrape_result = self.DoStep2(allofit)
        elif step == 3:
            scrape_result = self.DoStep3(allofit)

            self.response = {}

            if scrape_result == "good":

                self.myAccounts = []

                for ac in self.accountLinks:
                    acName = ac.string

                    logging.info("FFF - " + ac['href'])
                    acpair = self.getAccountFromLink(acName, ac['href'])

                    if acpair != None:
                            "Cant tell what kind of account this is - with number - "
                            + acnum)

                self.response['url'] = ""
                self.response['data'] = ""
                self.response['method'] = 'END'
                self.response['step'] = 3

                scrape_result = "got list"

        return scrape_result

    def getxactlist(self, facade, accountList, token, step, allofit):
        self.facade = facade
        self.token = token

        scrape_result = 'good'

        if step == 1:
            scrape_result = self.GetInitialUrl(allofit)
        elif step == 2:
            scrape_result = self.DoStep2(allofit)
        elif step == 3:

            bankurl = self.HexToByte(allofit['bankurl'])
            urls = urlparse(bankurl)
            self.urlBase = "https://" + urls.netloc
            logging.info("Base URL = " + self.urlBase)

            scrape_result = self.DoStep3(allofit)
            self.myAccounts = []
            self.response = {}

            if scrape_result == "good":
                accounts = []

                for ac in self.accountLinks:

                    acLink = ac['href']
                    acName = ac.string

                    theAccountPath = ""

                    logging.info('-------------->' + acName)

                    # do we know about this account
                    acID = self.__lookupAccount(acName)

                    if acID == '0':
                        logging.warn("N-B - unknown account " + acName)

                    logging.info('-------------->' + str(acID))

                    acpair = self.getAccountFromLink(acName, acLink)

                    # if we did detect an account number - then try lookimg it up in the list of acconts
                    if acpair != None:
                        acID = acpair['num']
                            'Checking if we have this acc num in our list----->'
                            + str(acID))

                        # found the newer style account is not in our account list look it up the old way
                        if not (acID in accountList):
                            acID = self.__lookupAccount(acName)
                        acID = self.__lookupAccount(acName)

                    # and is this one in our list
                    if acID in accountList:
                        theAccountPath = accountList[acID]

                        chunks = acLink.split("'")

                        acJsLink = chunks[1]

                        url = self.urlBase + acJsLink

                        account = {}
                        account['accountid'] = acID
                        account['href'] = url
                        account['path'] = theAccountPath
                        account['synched'] = False
                        logging.warn("N-B - account not in users list " +
                                     acName + ' - ' + acID)

                # get the next on the list
                # set the url

                accounts[0]['synched'] = True
                self.response['accountlist'] = accounts

                # TODO - choose the right url
                self.response['url'] = self.ByteToHex(accounts[0]['href'])
                self.response['data'] = ""
                self.response['method'] = 'GET'
                self.response['step'] = 4
                self.response['accountid'] = accounts[0]['accountid']
                self.response['accountpath'] = accounts[0]['path']

                scrape_result = "account list"

        elif step == 4:

            accounts = allofit['accountlist']

            acCount = allofit['accountid']
            theAccountPath = allofit['accountpath']
            acName = ""

            bankurl = self.HexToByte(allofit['bankurl'])
            urls = urlparse(bankurl)
            self.urlBase = "https://" + urls.netloc
            logging.info("Base URL = " + self.urlBase)

            logging.debug("PROCESSING - -- -> ")
            logging.debug("acCount - " + acCount + "  acName - " + acName +
                          " acPath - " + str(theAccountPath))

            # do the processing

            acLink = self.processAccount(
                acCount, acName, theAccountPath, allofit
            )  #TODO - cant do this  - have to click back button redo this and click second one

            url = ""
            acind = 0
            acit = 0
            # now work out the next url
            for acc in accounts:
                if not acc['synched']:
                    acind = acit
                    url = acc['href']
                acit = acit + 1

            self.response = {}

            # TODO - choose the right url

            self.response['data'] = ""

            self.response['curaccountid'] = acCount
            self.response['curaccountpath'] = theAccountPath

            if url == "":
                self.response['url'] = ""
                self.response['method'] = 'END'
                self.response['url'] = self.ByteToHex(url)
                accounts[acind]['synched'] = True
                self.response['method'] = 'GET'
                self.response['accountid'] = accounts[acind]['accountid']
                self.response['accountpath'] = accounts[acind]['path']

            self.response['step'] = 4

            self.response['accountlist'] = accounts

            scrape_result = "got account"

        return scrape_result

    def getAccountFromLink(self, acName, link):

        acpair = {}

        pos = link.find('SelectedAccount=')
        pos = pos + 16

        pos2 = len(link) - 2

        actype = 'Cheque'

        # might be a credit card
        if (pos2 < 0) or ((pos2 - pos) > 14):
            actype = 'Credit'

        acnum = link[pos:pos2]


        if len(acnum) > 7 and len(acnum) < 20:
            acpair['name'] = acName
            acpair['num'] = acnum
            acpair['type'] = actype

            return acpair
            return None
class FirstDirectScraper(Scraper):

    filledCredentials = {}
    version = '1.01'
    display = 'First Direct'
    questionlist = [
                   {'id': '03', 'display':'User Name', 'x':'0', 'l':'0', 't': 'a'},
                   {'id': '04', 'display':'Electronic Password', 'x':'0', 'l':'0', 't': 'a'},
                   {'id': '06', 'display':'Memorable Answer', 'x':'0', 'l':'0', 't': 'a'}
    account_names = [{'id':'1', 'htmlkey': 'Joint 1st Account', 'display': 'Joint 1st Account', 'compound': '1st Joint Account', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised' },
                    {'id':'2', 'htmlkey': 'Joint Savings Account', 'display': 'Joint Savings Account', 'compound': '1st Joint Savings', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'3', 'htmlkey': '1st Account', 'display': 'Current Account', 'compound': '1st Account', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised' },
                    {'id':'4', 'htmlkey': 'Savings Account', 'display': 'Savings Account', 'compound': '1st Savings', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'5', 'htmlkey': 'Joint offset Mortgage', 'display': 'Joint offset Mortgage', 'compound': '1st Joint Mortgage', 'type': 'Credit', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'6', 'htmlkey': 'offset Mortgage', 'display': 'offset Mortgage', 'compound': '1st Mortgage', 'type': 'Credit', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'7', 'htmlkey': 'Credit Card', 'display': 'Credit Card', 'compound': '1st Credit Card', 'type': 'Credit', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'8', 'htmlkey': 'e-Savings Account', 'display': 'e-Savings Account', 'compound': '1st e-Savings', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'9', 'htmlkey': 'Everyday e-Saver', 'display': 'Everyday e-Saver', 'compound': '1st Everyday e-Saver', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'10', 'htmlkey': 'cash e-ISA', 'display': 'cash e-ISA', 'compound': '1st Cash e-ISA', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'11', 'htmlkey': 'Joint Flexiloan', 'display': 'Joint Flexiloan', 'compound': '1st Joint Flexiloan', 'type': 'Credit', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'12', 'htmlkey': 'Regular Saver', 'display': 'Regular Saver', 'compound': '1st Saver', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'13', 'htmlkey': 'gold card', 'display': 'Gold Card', 'compound': '1st Gold Card', 'type': 'Credit', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'14', 'htmlkey': 'Flexiloan', 'display': 'Flexiloan', 'compound': '1st Flexiloan', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'15', 'htmlkey': 'Visa', 'display': 'Visa', 'compound': '1st Visa', 'type': 'Credit', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'16', 'htmlkey': 'Joint Everyday e-Saver', 'display': 'Visa', 'compound': '1st Joint e-Saver', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'17', 'htmlkey': 'Joint Bonus Savings', 'display': 'Joint Bonus Savings', 'compound': '1st Joint Bonus', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'18', 'htmlkey': 'Everyday Savings', 'display': 'Everyday Savings', 'compound': '1st Everyday Savings', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'},
                    {'id':'19', 'htmlkey': 'Joint Everyday Savings', 'display': 'Joint Everyday Savings', 'compound': '1st Joint Everyday', 'type': 'Cheque', 'parser': 'synchronised'}
    def __lookupAccount(self, htmlkey):
        for row in self.account_names:
            if row['htmlkey'] == htmlkey:
                return row['id']
        return '0'
    def __init__(self, passedCreds):
        self.credentials = {}
        for cred in self.questionlist:
            self.credentials[cred['display']] = '';            
        self.filledCreds = passedCreds
    def getQuestions(self):
        return self.questionlist
    def getDisplay(self):
        return 'First Direct'
    def getCreds(self):
        return self.credentials
    def lookupdigit(self, word):
        passcode = self.filledCreds['04']
        lupword = word.lower()
        if lupword == 'first':
            return passcode[0]
        if lupword == 'second':
            return passcode[1]
        if lupword == 'third':
            return passcode[2]
        if lupword == 'fourth':
            return passcode[3]
        if lupword == '1st':
            return passcode[0]
        if lupword == '2nd':
            return passcode[1]
        if lupword == '3rd':
            return passcode[2]
        if len(lupword) >= 3 and lupword[-1] == 'h':
            lupword = lupword[0:-2]
            return passcode[int(lupword)-1]
        if lupword == 'last':
            return passcode[-1]
        if lupword == 'penultimate':
            return passcode[-2]
    def processAccount(self, acCount, acName, account_path, allofit):
        page = self.HexToByte( allofit['body'])
        # save this page
        self.output_page("account" + str(acCount) + ".html", page) 
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
        logging.debug('ac path - ' + str(account_path) + ' - end' )
        if account_path != "":
            # delete existing current xactions
            logging.debug('Processing :) ' )
            self.statementbuilder = StatementBuilder(self.facade, account_path, self.token)
            # need to get last statement and make a new one every time
            self.statementbuilder.make_recent_dif_statement('Fd-recent', 'Scraper', None) #TODO change this 
            isVisa = False
            loginform=soup.find('input', attrs={'name' : 'cmd_sort_referenceAscending'})
            if loginform != None:
                isVisa = True
                bal_tables=soup.findAll('table', attrs={'class' : 'fdTableBackgroundOne'})
                balance_table = bal_tables[2]

                if balance_table <> None:
                    vals = balance_table.findAll('td')

                    if vals:
                        bal = vals[1].text
                        data = bal.replace('&#163;', u'£');
                        data = data.strip(u'£')
                        if data[-1] == 'D':
                            data = data.replace('DB','')
                            data = data.replace('D','')
                            lastbal = int( float(data) * 100 )
                            firstbal = 0 - lastbal
                            data = data.replace('CR','')
                            data = data.replace('C','')
                            firstbal = int( float(data) * 100 )
            if isVisa:
                logging.debug("found visa --")
            acTable=soup.find('table', attrs={'class' : 'fdStatTable'})
            # if no table then no new data afaik
            if acTable != None:
               next = False
               # build the post values up
               atts = {}
               isFirst = True
               firstbal = 0
               firstdate = ""
               lastbal = 0
               lastdate = ""
               doBalance = False
               dp = DateParser()
               for rows in datarows:
                   vals = rows.findAll('td')
                   if vals:
                       for i, val in enumerate(vals):
                           if val.text:
                               data = val.text.strip()
                               data = unescape(data)
                               data = unicode(data)
                               data = ""
                           if data != "&nbsp;":
                               data = data.replace('&nbsp;','')
                               if i == 0:
                                   if data != "":
                                           lastdate = dp.ymd_from_date(dp.date_from_dmy(data,'/'))
                                           logging.warn("Invalid FD date format - probably no transactions")
                                       if firstdate == "":
                                           firstdate = lastdate
                                   atts['date'] = lastdate
                               if (i == 1 and not isVisa) or (i == 2 and isVisa):
                                       atts['display'] = data[0:19]
                                       atts['extradisplay'] = data[19:]
                               if (i == 2 and not isVisa) or (i == 3 and isVisa):
                                   if data != "":
                                       data = data.strip(u'£')
                                       data = data.strip(u'D')
                                       data = data.strip(u'B')
                                       if data == '':
                                           atts['amount'] = 0
                                           atts['amount'] = int( float(data) * 100 )
                                       atts['type'] = 'Debit'
                               if (i == 3 and not isVisa) or (i == 4 and isVisa):
                                   if data != "":
                                       data = data.strip(u'£')
                                       data = data.strip(u'C')
                                       data = data.strip(u'R')
                                       if data == '':
                                           atts['amount'] = 0
                                           atts['amount'] = int( float(data) * 100 )
                                       atts['type'] = 'Credit'
                               if not isVisa:
                                   if i == 4:
                                       data = data.strip(u'£')
                                       if data != "":
                                           lastbal = int( float(data) * 100 )
                                           if isFirst:
                                               isFirst = False
                                               firstbal = lastbal
                                               doBalance = True
                                   if i == 5:
                                       if doBalance:
                                           doBalance = False
                                           if data == "D":
                                               firstbal = 0 - firstbal
               self.current_statement = self.current_statement + 1

    def ByteToHex(self,  byteStr ):
        Convert a byte string to it's hex string representation e.g. for output.
        # Uses list comprehension which is a fractionally faster implementation than
        # the alternative, more readable, implementation below
        #    hex = []
        #    for aChar in byteStr:
        #        hex.append( "%02X " % ord( aChar ) )
        #    return ''.join( hex ).strip()        
        return ''.join( [ "%02X" % ord( x ) for x in byteStr ] )
    def HexToByte(self, hexStr ):
        Convert a string hex byte values into a byte string. The Hex Byte values may
        or may not be space separated.
        # The list comprehension implementation is fractionally slower in this case    
        #    hexStr = ''.join( hexStr.split(" ") )
        #    return ''.join( ["%c" % chr( int ( hexStr[i:i+2],16 ) ) \
        #                                   for i in range(0, len( hexStr ), 2) ] )
        bytes = []
        for i in range(0, len(hexStr), 2):
            bytes.append( chr( int (hexStr[i:i+2], 16 ) ) )
        return ''.join( bytes ).decode("utf-8")

    def  firstPass(self, page):
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
        action = loginform['action']
        urls = urlparse(action);
        self.urlBase = "https://" + urls.netloc
        logging.info("Base URL = " + self.urlBase)
        inputs = loginform.findAllNext('input')
        values = {}
        values['userid'] = self.filledCreds['03']  #username
        # build the body content
        data = urllib.urlencode(values)

        self.response = {}
        self.response['url'] = self.ByteToHex(action)
        self.response['data'] = self.ByteToHex(data)
        self.response['method'] = 'POST'
        self.response['step'] = 2
    def GetInitialUrl(self, allofit):
        body = self.HexToByte( allofit['body'])
        # the following is how you could retrieve the headers from the request
        # for head in allofit['headers']:
        #     name = self.HexToByte(head['name'])
        #     val = self.HexToByte(head['value'])
        return 'good'
    def DoStep2(self, allofit):
        page = self.HexToByte( allofit['body'])
        #-------------------------------- Grab the form values -----------------------------------------------
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
        self.output_page("fd-username.html", page)
        action = loginform['action']
        inputs = loginform.findAllNext('input')
        values = {}
        self.response = {}
        # build the post values up - there arent any others afaik
        ps = loginform.findAllNext('p')
        numbers = ps[1].findAllNext('strong')
        #not enough lookup digits
            password =  self.lookupdigit(numbers[0].text) + self.lookupdigit(numbers[1].text) + self.lookupdigit(numbers[2].text) 
            logging.debug("credentials incorrect")
            return 'credentials incorrect'
        answer = self.filledCreds['06']
        values['password'] = password
        values['memorableAnswer'] = answer
        # build the body content
        data = urllib.urlencode(values)
        self.response['url'] = self.ByteToHex(action)
        self.response['data'] = self.ByteToHex(data)
        self.response['method'] = 'POST'
        self.response['step'] = 3
        return 'good'
    def DoStep3(self, allofit):
        scrape_result = "good"
        page = self.HexToByte( allofit['body'])
        #-------------------------------- Grab the form values -----------------------------------------------
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
        self.output_page("fd-summary.html", page)
        accountTable=soup.find('table', attrs={'class' : 'fdBalancesTable'})
        if accountTable != None:
            self.accountLinks=accountTable.findAll('a', attrs={'class' : 'fdActionLink'})
            if len(self.accountLinks) == 0:
                #got some kind of message
                scrape_result = 'bank error'
                logging.info('Still got no accounts')
            logging.debug("No fd table");
            scrape_result = 'credentials incorrect'
        return scrape_result
    def getacclist(self, facade, accountList, token, step, allofit):    
        self.facade = facade
        self.token = token
        scrape_result = 'good'
        if step == 1:
            scrape_result = self.GetInitialUrl(allofit)
        elif step == 2:
            scrape_result = self.DoStep2(allofit)
        elif step == 3:
            scrape_result = self.DoStep3(allofit)
            self.response = {}
            if scrape_result == "good":
                self.myAccounts = []
                for ac in self.accountLinks:
                    acName = ac.string
                    logging.info("FFF - " + ac['href'])
                    acpair = self.getAccountFromLink(acName, ac['href'])
                    if acpair != None:
                         logging.error("Cant tell what kind of account this is - with number - " + acnum)
                self.response['url'] = ""
                self.response['data'] = ""
                self.response['method'] = 'END'
                self.response['step'] = 3
                scrape_result = "got list"
        return scrape_result
    def getxactlist(self, facade, accountList, token, step, allofit):    
        self.facade = facade
        self.token = token
        scrape_result = 'good'
        if step == 1:
            scrape_result = self.GetInitialUrl(allofit)
        elif step == 2:
            scrape_result = self.DoStep2(allofit)
        elif step == 3:
            bankurl = self.HexToByte(allofit['bankurl'])
            urls = urlparse(bankurl);
            self.urlBase = "https://" + urls.netloc
            logging.info("Base URL = " + self.urlBase)
            scrape_result = self.DoStep3(allofit)
            self.myAccounts = []
            self.response = {}
            if scrape_result == "good":
                accounts = []
                for ac in self.accountLinks:
                    acLink = ac['href']
                    acName = ac.string
                    theAccountPath = ""
                    logging.info('-------------->' + acName)
                    # do we know about this account
                    acID = self.__lookupAccount(acName)
                    if acID == '0':
                        logging.warn("N-B - unknown account " + acName)
                    logging.info('-------------->' + str(acID))
                    acpair = self.getAccountFromLink(acName, acLink)
               # if we did detect an account number - then try lookimg it up in the list of acconts
                    if acpair != None:
                       acID = acpair['num']
                       logging.info('Checking if we have this acc num in our list----->' + str(acID))
                       # found the newer style account is not in our account list look it up the old way
                       if not (acID in accountList):
                           acID = self.__lookupAccount(acName)
                       acID = self.__lookupAccount(acName)
                    # and is this one in our list
                    if acID in accountList:
                        theAccountPath = accountList[acID]
                        chunks = acLink.split("'")
                        acJsLink = chunks[1]
                        url = self.urlBase + acJsLink
                        account = {}
                        account['accountid'] = acID
                        account['href'] = url
                        account['path'] = theAccountPath
                        account['synched'] = False
                        logging.warn("N-B - account not in users list " + acName + ' - ' + acID)
                # get the next on the list
                # set the url 
                accounts[0]['synched'] = True
                self.response['accountlist'] = accounts
                # TODO - choose the right url
                self.response['url'] = self.ByteToHex(accounts[0]['href'])
                self.response['data'] = ""
                self.response['method'] = 'GET'
                self.response['step'] = 4
                self.response['accountid'] = accounts[0]['accountid']
                self.response['accountpath'] = accounts[0]['path']
                scrape_result = "account list"
        elif step == 4:

            accounts = allofit['accountlist']
            acCount = allofit['accountid']
            theAccountPath = allofit['accountpath']
            acName = ""
            bankurl = self.HexToByte(allofit['bankurl'])
            urls = urlparse(bankurl);
            self.urlBase = "https://" + urls.netloc
            logging.info("Base URL = " + self.urlBase)
            logging.debug("PROCESSING - -- -> ")
            logging.debug("acCount - " + acCount + "  acName - " + acName + " acPath - " + str(theAccountPath))

            # do the processing
            acLink = self.processAccount(acCount, acName, theAccountPath, allofit) #TODO - cant do this  - have to click back button redo this and click second one
            url = ""
            acind = 0
            acit = 0
            # now work out the next url
            for acc in accounts:
                if not acc['synched']:
                    acind = acit
                    url = acc['href']
                acit = acit + 1
            self.response = {}
            # TODO - choose the right url
            self.response['data'] = ""
            self.response['curaccountid'] = acCount
            self.response['curaccountpath'] = theAccountPath;
            if url == "":
                self.response['url'] = ""
                self.response['method'] = 'END'
                self.response['url'] = self.ByteToHex(url)
                accounts[acind]['synched'] = True
                self.response['method'] = 'GET'
                self.response['accountid'] = accounts[acind]['accountid']
                self.response['accountpath'] = accounts[acind]['path']
            self.response['step'] = 4
            self.response['accountlist'] = accounts
            scrape_result = "got account"
        return scrape_result   

    def getAccountFromLink(self, acName, link):
        acpair = {}
        pos = link.find('SelectedAccount=')
        pos = pos + 16
        pos2 = len(link) - 2
        actype =  'Cheque'
        # might be a credit card
        if (pos2 < 0) or ((pos2 - pos) > 14):
            actype =  'Credit'
        acnum = link[pos:pos2]
        if len(acnum) > 7 and len(acnum) < 20:
            acpair['name'] = acName;
            acpair['num'] = acnum;
            acpair['type'] = actype;
            return acpair
            return None
    def processAccount(self, acCount, acName, account_path, allofit):
        page = self.HexToByte( allofit['body'])
        # save this page
        self.output_page("account" + str(acCount) + ".html", page) 
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
        logging.debug('ac path - ' + str(account_path) + ' - end' )
        if account_path != "":
            # delete existing current xactions
            logging.debug('Processing :) ' )
            self.statementbuilder = StatementBuilder(self.facade, account_path, self.token)
            # need to get last statement and make a new one every time
            self.statementbuilder.make_recent_dif_statement('Fd-recent', 'Scraper', None) #TODO change this 
            isVisa = False
            loginform=soup.find('input', attrs={'name' : 'cmd_sort_referenceAscending'})
            if loginform != None:
                isVisa = True
                bal_tables=soup.findAll('table', attrs={'class' : 'fdTableBackgroundOne'})
                balance_table = bal_tables[2]

                if balance_table <> None:
                    vals = balance_table.findAll('td')

                    if vals:
                        bal = vals[1].text
                        data = bal.replace('&#163;', u'£');
                        data = data.strip(u'£')
                        if data[-1] == 'D':
                            data = data.replace('DB','')
                            data = data.replace('D','')
                            lastbal = int( float(data) * 100 )
                            firstbal = 0 - lastbal
                            data = data.replace('CR','')
                            data = data.replace('C','')
                            firstbal = int( float(data) * 100 )
            if isVisa:
                logging.debug("found visa --")
            acTable=soup.find('table', attrs={'class' : 'fdStatTable'})
            # if no table then no new data afaik
            if acTable != None:
               next = False
               # build the post values up
               atts = {}
               isFirst = True
               firstbal = 0
               firstdate = ""
               lastbal = 0
               lastdate = ""
               doBalance = False
               dp = DateParser()
               for rows in datarows:
                   vals = rows.findAll('td')
                   if vals:
                       for i, val in enumerate(vals):
                           if val.text:
                               data = val.text.strip()
                               data = unescape(data)
                               data = unicode(data)
                               data = ""
                           if data != "&nbsp;":
                               data = data.replace('&nbsp;','')
                               if i == 0:
                                   if data != "":
                                           lastdate = dp.ymd_from_date(dp.date_from_dmy(data,'/'))
                                           logging.warn("Invalid FD date format - probably no transactions")
                                       if firstdate == "":
                                           firstdate = lastdate
                                   atts['date'] = lastdate
                               if (i == 1 and not isVisa) or (i == 2 and isVisa):
                                       atts['display'] = data[0:19]
                                       atts['extradisplay'] = data[19:]
                               if (i == 2 and not isVisa) or (i == 3 and isVisa):
                                   if data != "":
                                       data = data.strip(u'£')
                                       data = data.strip(u'D')
                                       data = data.strip(u'B')
                                       if data == '':
                                           atts['amount'] = 0
                                           atts['amount'] = int( float(data) * 100 )
                                       atts['type'] = 'Debit'
                               if (i == 3 and not isVisa) or (i == 4 and isVisa):
                                   if data != "":
                                       data = data.strip(u'£')
                                       data = data.strip(u'C')
                                       data = data.strip(u'R')
                                       if data == '':
                                           atts['amount'] = 0
                                           atts['amount'] = int( float(data) * 100 )
                                       atts['type'] = 'Credit'
                               if not isVisa:
                                   if i == 4:
                                       data = data.strip(u'£')
                                       if data != "":
                                           lastbal = int( float(data) * 100 )
                                           if isFirst:
                                               isFirst = False
                                               firstbal = lastbal
                                               doBalance = True
                                   if i == 5:
                                       if doBalance:
                                           doBalance = False
                                           if data == "D":
                                               firstbal = 0 - firstbal
               self.current_statement = self.current_statement + 1