def getGalaxyModel(params):
    """Return the image of a single galaxy optionally drawn with a psf.

    Look at :mod:`analysis.models` to figure out which galaxy models and psf
    models are supported as well as their corresponding implemented 
    parameters. You can even add your own galaxies if desired. 

        params(dict): Dictionary containing the information of a single
        galaxy where the keys is the name(str) of the parameter and the
        values are the values of the parametes.

        A :class:`galsim.GSObject`

    galaxy_model = params['galaxy_model']
    gal_cls = models.getModelCls(galaxy_model)
    gal_model = gal_cls(params)

    final =

    if params.get('psf_flux', 0) != 0:

        if params.get('psf_flux', 1) != 1:
            raise ValueError('I do not think you want a psf of flux not 1')

        psf_cls = models.getPsfModelCls(params['psf_model'])
        psf_model = psf_cls(params)

        final = galsim.Convolve([final, psf_model.psf])

    return final
def getOmitFit(id_params, omit):

    omit_fit = {} 

    for gal_id in id_params:
        params_omit = omit.get(gal_id,[])
        params = id_params[gal_id]
        galaxy_model = params['galaxy_model']
        cls = models.getModelCls(galaxy_model)
        obj = cls(params_omit=params_omit)
        omit_fit[gal_id] = obj.omit_fit

    return omit_fit
 def sortModelParamsNames(self):
     """Return the keys of :attr:`params` in an ordered specified by
     the class parameters. And when having more than one galaxy, all the
     parameters from one of the galaxies are ordered together.
     param_names = []
     for gal_id in self.id_params:
         galaxy_model = self.id_params[gal_id]['galaxy_model']
         cls = models.getModelCls(galaxy_model)
         for name in cls.parameters:
             for param in self.id_params[gal_id]:
                 if param not in self.omit_fit.get(gal_id, []):
                     if param == name:
                         param_names.append(param + '_' + str(gal_id))
     return param_names