Example #1
def split_commands(commands):
    """Split the commands into N cluster jobs."""
    verbose("There are {0} commands".format(len(commands)))
    if WORK_DATA["job_size"]:  # size of cluster job is pre-defined
        job_size = WORK_DATA["job_size"]
    else:  # if was not defined - compute the size of cluster job
        job_size = (len(commands) // WORK_DATA["jobs_num"]) + 1
    verbose(f"Split commands with size of {job_size} for each cluster job")
    batch = parts(commands, n=job_size)
    verbose("There are {} cluster jobs".format(len(batch)))
    return batch
def save_jobs(filled_buckets, bucket_jobs_num, jobs_dir):
    """Save cesar calls in the dir assigned."""
    os.mkdir(jobs_dir) if not os.path.isdir(jobs_dir) else None
    file_num, to_combine = 0, []
    for bucket_id, jobs in filled_buckets.items():
        num_of_files = bucket_jobs_num[bucket_id]
        # just in case
        num_of_files = len(jobs) if num_of_files >= len(jobs) else num_of_files
        size_of_file = len(jobs) // num_of_files
        # size_of_file = size_of_file + 1 if len(jobs) % num_of_files != 0 else size_of_file
        jobs_split = parts(jobs, n=size_of_file)
        for part in jobs_split:
            file_num += 1
            file_name = f"cesar_job_{file_num}_{bucket_id}"
            file_path = os.path.join(jobs_dir, file_name)
            f = open(file_path, "w")
            f.write("\n".join(part) + "\n")
    return to_combine