Example #1
 def testRemoveWallToNonExistentCell(self):
     maze = Maze(2, 2)
     with self.assertRaises(
             msg="`cellIndex` out of range (55 not between 0 and 3).",
         maze.removeWallBetween(2, 55)
Example #2
 def testRemoveWallBetweenNonAdjacentCells(self):
     maze = Maze(3, 3)
     # remove invalid wall between top left and bottom right cells
     with self.assertRaises(
             msg="Cell at index 0 is not adjacent to cell at 8.",
         maze.removeWallBetween(0, 8)
Example #3
 def testRemoveWallBetweenSelf(self):
     maze = Maze(2, 2)
     # remove a wall between `x` and `x`, i.e., to itself
     with self.assertRaises(
             msg="Cell at index 0 is not adjacent to cell at 0.",
         maze.removeWallBetween(0, 0)
Example #4
 def testRemoveNonExistentWall(self):
     maze = Maze(3, 3, False)
     # remove a wall that doesn't exist
     with self.assertRaises(
             msg="Node index '1' already exists in node 0's connections.",
         maze.removeWallBetween(0, 1)
Example #5
 def testRemoveWall(self):
     maze = Maze(4, 4, True)
     # remove a wall from first cell
     maze.removeWallBetween(0, 1)
     self.assertCountEqual(maze.getConnectionsOfCellAtIndex(0), [1])
     # remove another wall from first cell
     maze.removeWallBetween(0, 4)
     self.assertCountEqual(maze.getConnectionsOfCellAtIndex(0), [1, 4])
Example #6
class RecursiveBacktracker(MazeGenerator):
    """Recursive Backtracker maze generation algorithm implementation.

    |    Here’s the mile-high view of recursive backtracking:
    |    • Choose a starting point in the field.
    |    • Randomly choose a wall at that point and carve a passage through to the adjacent cell, but only if the adjacent cell has not been visited yet.
    |           This becomes the new current cell.
    |    • If all adjacent cells have been visited, back up to the last cell that has uncarved walls and repeat.
    |    • The algorithm ends when the process has backed all the way up to the starting point.
    > Source - http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2010/12/27/maze-generation-recursive-backtracking

    __maze: MazeProtocol
    __visitedOrNotCells: List[
        bool]  # the cell index is the position in the list
    __size: XY
    # the stack of positions
    __positionsStack: Stack[int]

    def __init__(self, size: XY) -> None:
        # check size is valid

        self.__size = size
        # initialize a Maze full of walls
        self.__maze = Maze(self.__size.x, self.__size.y, walls=True)

        # get the last cell index of the maze, so we can initialise __visitedOrNotCells to a list of False (nothing visited yet)
        lastIndex = self.__maze.getIndexFromCoordinates(
            XY(self.__size.x - 1, self.__size.y - 1))
        # init __visitedOrNotCells to a list of False with the length of the max index of cells
        self.__visitedOrNotCells = [False] * (lastIndex + 1)

    def generate(self) -> MazeProtocol:
        # start our maze generator in the top left of the maze
        start = XY(0, 0)

        # init positionsStack to a new empty stack of type int
        self.__positionsStack = Stack[int]()

        # Convert the `start` position to the same cell's index in the maze, and push to the positions stack
            # get the index of the `start` posotion

        # set the starting cell as visited
        self.__visitedOrNotCells[self.__positionsStack.peek()] = True

        # while the positions stack is not empty, so we automatically exit the loop when visited all cells and back at start
        while not self.__positionsStack.isEmpty():
            randomCellChoice: Optional[int] = None
            # this loop tries to find a random cell to visit out of the unvisited neighbours of the current cell
            while randomCellChoice is None:
                # if we've ran out of positions to backtrack to, and therefore made the entire maze
                if self.__positionsStack.isEmpty():

                # get a list of unvisited adjacent cells
                neighbourCells = self.__maze.getNeighboursOfCell(
                    # get the current position by peeking the stack.
                    # don't pop because we want the item to remain on the stack,
                    # so we can backtrach through it.

                # Filter the neighbourCells by whether they've been visited or not
                # create a lambda to return whether or not a cell at index has been visited, but return the inverse because we are _filtering_ the cells!
                checkIsVisited: Callable[
                    bool] = lambda cellIndex: not self.__visitedOrNotCells[
                # …and filter the neighbourCells by this lambda, and put it into the list `unvisitedWalls`
                unvisitedWalls = list(filter(checkIsVisited, neighbourCells))

                # check that there are unvisited walls
                if len(unvisitedWalls) > 0:
                    # choose a random wall
                    randomCellChoice = randomChoice(unvisitedWalls)
                    # set the next cell to visited
                    self.__visitedOrNotCells[randomCellChoice] = True
                    # all the cells here have been visited
                    # so back up to the last cell, by popping the positionsStack

            # if the cell hasn't been chosen, and therefore we've explored the whole maze
            if randomCellChoice is None:
                # break so we can return the completed maze

            # carve a passage through to the adjacent cell
            # push the choice to the positionsStack so it is our next one

        return self.__maze