def main(datacube, outdir, DIT, NDIT, grating, spax, seeing, zenith_ang, telescope='E-ELT', user_PSF='None', AO='SCAO', res_jitter=0, site_temp=280.5, combine_ndits=True, Spec_nyquist=True, Spec_samp=1., noise_force_seed=0, remove_background='False', return_object='False', return_transmission='False', adr_switch='True', version='1', nprocs=mp.cpu_count()-1): '''Main body of code: gathers all inputs and calls all functions to generate outputs. Inputs: datacube: Input high resolution datacube (RA, DEC, lambda) outdir: Output file directory DIT: Exposure time [s] NDIT: No. of exposures grating: Spectral grating spax: spatial pixel (spaxel) scale [mas] seeing: Atmospheric seeing FWHM [arcsec] zenith_ang: Zenith angle [deg] telescope: Telescope type (E-ELT, VLT) user_PSF: Path to user uploaded PSF file AO: AO mode (LTAO, SCAO, Gaussian) res_jitter: Residual telescope jitter [mas] site_temp: Telescope temperature [K] combine_ndits: Boolean - Combine NDITS spec_Nyquist: Boolean - Set spectral sampling to Nyquist sample spectral resolution element Spec_samp: Spectral sampling [A/pix] - used if spec_Nyquist = False noise_force_seed: Force random number seed to take a set value (0=No, 1-10=yes and takes that value) remove_background: Boolean - Subtract background spectrum return_object: Boolean - Return object cube return_transmission: Boolean - Return throughput cube adr_switch: Boolean - turn ADR on or off. version: Version of code. Equal to SVN revision number' nprocs: no. of processes to use for parallel processing Outputs: observed_cube: FITS file of datacube representing HARMONI observation of input cube background_cube: FITS file of datacube representing background sources reduced_cube: FITS file of observed datacube after subtracting background noise_cube: FITS file of noise for each pixel in datacube ''' print 'Filename: ', datacube print 'Output dir: ', outdir print 'DIT = ', DIT print 'NINT = ', NDIT print 'X spaxels = ', spax[0] print 'Y spaxels = ', spax[1] print 'Grating = ', grating print 'Telescope: ', telescope print 'AO = ', AO print 'Seeing = ', seeing print 'Zenith angle = ', zenith_ang print 'Residual jitter = ', res_jitter print 'Temperature = ', site_temp print 'combine NINTS? ', combine_ndits print 'Noise seed = ', noise_force_seed print 'Spectral Nyquist sampling? ', Spec_nyquist print 'Subtract background? ', remove_background print 'User PSF? ' , user_PSF print 'Return Object cube?', return_object print 'Return transmission?', return_transmission print 'ADR off?', adr_switch print 'No. of processes = ', nprocs #Generate random number seed seednum = generate_seed(noise_force_seed) n.random.seed(seednum) #OPEN INPUT FITS file if os.path.isfile(datacube) == True and os.path.splitext(datacube)[1].lower() == '.fits': cube, head = p.getdata(datacube, 0, header=True, memmap=True) #If not FITS file, try passing datacube directly else: try: cube = head = datacube.header except: raise ValueError('UNKNOWN INPUT FILE FORMAT: Please use FITS file') #Check that datacube has required headers to be processed in simulator #Required headers = ['CDELT1/2/3'], ['CRVAL3'], ['NAXIS1/2/3'], ['FUNITS'], ['CRPIX3'] = 1, #['CTYPE1/2/3'] = 'RA, DEC, WAVELENGTH, ['CUNIT1/2/3'] = MAS, MAS, microns/angstroms/etc, #['SPECRES']. fits_header_check(head) pp.pprint(head) #telescope options = 'VLT', 'E-ELT' #Sets diameter D, M1 collecting area and obscuration ratio eps if telescope == 'VLT': D = config_data['VLT']['diam'] area = config_data['VLT']['area'] eps = config_data['VLT']['obsc'] elif telescope == 'E-ELT': D = config_data['E-ELT']['diam'] area = config_data['E-ELT']['area'] eps = config_data['E-ELT']['obsc'] else: raise ValueError('UNKNOWN TELESCOPE CHOICE: choose E-ELT or VLT') #Seeing value at zenith distance calculated as: #X = 1/(n.cos(n.radians(zenith_ang))) #seeing = seeing*X***(3/5.) X = 1./(n.cos(n.radians(zenith_ang))) seeing = seeing*X**(3./5.) if AO == 'LATO' or AO == 'GLAO' or AO == 'SCAO': if seeing > 1.1: print "AO PSFs currently don't support seeing > 1.1'' FWHM" seeing = 1.1 if seeing < 0.67: print "AO PSFs currently don't support seeing < 0.67'' FWHM" seeing = 0.67 print 'Seeing at chosen zenith angle = %.3f arcsec FWHM' % seeing #CREATE WAVELENGTH ARRAY IN MICRONS lambs, head = wavelength_array(head) #Check limits of wavelength array and cut cube into HARMONI wavelength range if neccessary if grating=='None' and lambs[0] < config_data['gratings']['V+R'][0]: print 'Cube lowest wavelength lower than HARMONI range' llim = n.where(lambs > config_data['gratings']['V+R'][0])[0][0] lambs = lambs[llim:] cube = cube[llim:,:,:] head['CRVAL3'] = lambs[0] if grating=='None' and lambs[-1] > config_data['gratings']['H+K'][1]: print 'Cube longest wavelength longer than HARMONI range' hlim = n.where(lambs < config_data['gratings']['H+K'][1])[0][-1] lambs = lambs[:hlim+1] cube = cube[:hlim+1,:,:] head['NAXIS3'] = len(lambs) #RESCALE DATACUBE TO CHOSEN SPECTRAL RESOLUTION. if grating == 'Iz+J+H+K': print 'R = 500 low resolution mode chosen' cube, head, lambs, delta_lambda, pix_disp, R = low_res_mode(cube, head, lambs) else: cube, head, lambs, delta_lambda, pix_disp, R = spectral_res(cube, head, grating, lambs, config_data['gratings'], spec_nyquist=Spec_nyquist, spec_samp=Spec_samp) #PSF GENERATION CODE cube, head, psfspax, psfparams, psfsize, upsf, upsflams = psf_setup(cube, head, lambs, spax, user_PSF, AO, seeing, [D,eps]) #POINT SOURCE CHECK if (head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1'])/float(spax[0]) < 1. or (head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2'])/float(spax[1]) < 1.: print 'Point source - single spaxel output' config_data['ADR'] = 'OFF' cube, head = point_source(cube, head, spax) #CALCULATE ADR airmass = 1./n.cos(n.radians(zenith_ang)) refr = calc_ref(lambs, site_temp) optlam = optimalguide(lambs[0], lambs[-1], site_temp) adr = calc_adr(lambs, refr, airmass, optlam) if adr_switch == 'True': print 'Turning ADR off' config_data['ADR'] = 'OFF' #Empty output cube out_cube = n.zeros((len(lambs),int(head['CDELT2']*head['NAXIS2']/spax[1]), int(head['CDELT1']*head['NAXIS1']/spax[0])), dtype=n.float64) print 'Cube shape (lam, y, x) = ', cube.shape print 'Chosen spaxel scales (x, y) = ', spax print 'Output cube shape (lam, y, x) = ', out_cube.shape print 'PSF generation size = ', psfsize #WAVELENGTH CHANNEL LOOP print 'Entering loop over wavelength channels' psfvars = [psfparams, psfspax, psfsize, [D, eps], res_jitter, seeing, upsf, upsflams] ncpus = nprocs print 'No. of CPUs: ', ncpus try: import pprocess print 'Using ', str(ncpus), ' CPUs' except: print 'No pprocess module' print 'Using 1 CPU' ncpus = 1 PSFs = ['LTAO', 'SCAO', 'Gaussian'] if AO in PSFs and ncpus >= 3: out_cube, head = pp_wavelength_loop(cube, head, lambs, out_cube, AO, psfvars, adr, (head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1']/float(spax[0]),head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])), spax, adr_switch=config_data['ADR'], usecpus=ncpus) elif AO in PSFs and ncpus < 3: # print 'Using 1 CPU' out_cube, head = wavelength_loop(cube, head, lambs, out_cube, AO, psfvars, adr, (head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1']/float(spax[0]),head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])), spax, adr_switch=config_data['ADR']) # elif AO == 'Gaussian': # out_cube, head = pp_wavelength_loop(cube, head, lambs, out_cube, AO, psfvars, adr, # (head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1']/float(spax[0]),head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])), # spax, adr_switch=config_data['ADR']) else: raise ValueError('UNKNOWN AO CHOICE: choose LTAO, SCAO or Gaussian') inspax = n.array([head['CDELT1'],head['CDELT2']])*1.E-3 outspax = n.array([spax[0],spax[1]])*1.E-3 head['CDELT1'] = (spax[0], "mas") head['CDELT2'] = (spax[1], "mas") head['NAXIS1'] = int(head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1']/float(spax[0])) head['NAXIS2'] = int(head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])) #Remove input cube from memory! cube = n.zeros((1,1,1)) print 'PSF convolution, ADR effect, spaxel rebinning - all done!' #Energy-to-Photons Conversion factor will depend on head['FUNITS'] value if head['FUNITS'] == 'J/s/m2/um/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c)/(lambs*1.E-6) #J elif head['FUNITS'] == 'erg/s/cm2/A/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c * 1.E7)/(lambs*1.E-6 * 1.E4 * 1.E4) #erg/1.E4(cm2->m2)/1.E4(A->um) elif head['FUNITS'] == 'J/s/m2/A/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c)/(lambs*1.E-6 * 1.E4) #J/1.E4(A->um) elif head['FUNITS'] == 'erg/s/cm2/um/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c * 1.E7)/(lambs*1.E-6 * 1.E4) #erg/1.E4(cm2->m2) else: raise ValueError('UNKNOWN FLUX UNITS: Please change FUNITS header key to erg/s/cm2/A/arcsec2') en2ph_conv_fac.shape = (len(lambs),1,1) #Total throughput cube throughput_cube = create_thruput_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, delta_lambda, grating, [config_data['trans_w_grat'],config_data['trans_wo_grat']], sky=True, telescope=True, instrument=True, QE=True) #Create object cube (enter spaxel as arcsec = mas*1.E-3) #[units of passed values: lambs: [um], DIT: [s], outspax: [arcsec], pix_disp: [um/pixel], area: [m2]] out_cube = n.divide(out_cube, en2ph_conv_fac) object_cube, object_shot_noise, noiseless_object = generate_object_cube(out_cube, lambs, throughput_cube, DIT, NDIT, outspax, pix_disp, area) #Instrument + Quantum efficiency cube inst_qe_cube = create_thruput_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, delta_lambda, grating, [config_data['trans_w_grat'],config_data['trans_wo_grat']], sky=False, telescope=False, instrument=True, QE=True) #Quantum efficiency cube qe_cube = create_thruput_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, delta_lambda, grating, [config_data['trans_w_grat'],config_data['trans_wo_grat']], sky=False, telescope=False, instrument=False, QE=True) #Create background cube [sky + telescope + instrument photons] background_cube, background_shot_noise, noiseless_background = create_background_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, throughput_cube, inst_qe_cube, qe_cube, DIT, NDIT, outspax, delta_lambda, pix_disp, area, site_temp, sky=True, telescope=True, instrument=False, emis=config_data['emissivity']) #Create observed cube [source + background + dark + SQRT(NDIT)*read] read_cube, nrc = generate_read_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, readsig_vis=config_data['read_noise_vis'], readsig_nirs=[config_data['read_noise_nir'],config_data['read_noise_nir_lowexp']]) dark_cube, noiseless_dark = generate_dark_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, vis_dark=config_data['dark_current_vis'], nir_dark=config_data['dark_current_nir']) observed_cube = object_cube + background_cube + dark_cube + read_cube observed_noise = generate_noise_cube(noiseless_object, noiseless_background, noiseless_dark, nrc) #Create separate background measurement cube background_cube2, background_shot_noise2, noiseless_background2 = create_background_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, throughput_cube, inst_qe_cube, qe_cube, DIT, NDIT, outspax, delta_lambda, pix_disp, area, site_temp, sky=True, telescope=True, instrument=False, emis=config_data['emissivity']) dark_cube2, noiseless_dark2 = generate_dark_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, vis_dark=config_data['dark_current_vis'], nir_dark=config_data['dark_current_nir']) read_cube2, nrc2 = generate_read_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, readsig_vis=config_data['read_noise_vis'], readsig_nirs=[config_data['read_noise_nir'],config_data['read_noise_nir_lowexp']]) background_cube2 = background_cube2 + dark_cube2 + read_cube2 background_noise2 = generate_noise_cube(n.zeros_like(noiseless_object), noiseless_background2, noiseless_dark2, nrc2) #Return cubes: Observed and background each with noise, or reduced (observed-background) with noise. #Return as FITS files #Common headers to add to all cubes common_header_info = {'DIT': DIT, 'NDIT': NDIT, 'SEEING': seeing, 'ZENITH': zenith_ang, 'AOMODE': AO, 'USER_PSF': user_PSF, 'R': R, 'Grating': grating, 'RES_JITT': res_jitter, 'FUNITS': 'electrons', 'VERSION': version} outFile_objcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Object_cube' outFile_nlobjcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Noiseless_Object_cube' outFile_obscube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Observed_cube' outFile_bgrcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Background_cube' outFile_nbgrcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Noiseless_Background_cube' outFile_snr = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Obs_SNR_cube' outFile_redcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Reduced_cube' outFile_redsnr = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Red_SNR_cube' outFile_trans = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Transmission_cube' #return observed_cube, observed_noise, background_cube2, background_noise2 generate_fits_cube(observed_cube, head, lambs, outFile_obscube, common_header_info, outdir, varext=n.power(observed_noise,2)) generate_fits_cube(background_cube2, head, lambs, outFile_bgrcube, common_header_info, outdir, varext=n.power(background_noise2,2)) generate_fits_cube((noiseless_background2+noiseless_dark2), head, lambs, outFile_nbgrcube, common_header_info, outdir) generate_fits_cube((noiseless_object/observed_noise), head, lambs, outFile_snr, common_header_info, outdir) if return_object == 'True': generate_fits_cube(object_cube, head, lambs, outFile_objcube, common_header_info, outdir) generate_fits_cube(noiseless_object, head, lambs, outFile_nlobjcube, common_header_info, outdir) if remove_background == 'True': reduced_cube = n.subtract(observed_cube, background_cube2) reduced_noise = generate_noise_cube(noiseless_object, 2.*noiseless_background, 2.*noiseless_dark, n.sqrt(2.)*nrc2) generate_fits_cube(reduced_cube, head, lambs, outFile_redcube, common_header_info, outdir, varext=n.power(reduced_noise,2)) generate_fits_cube((noiseless_object/reduced_noise), head, lambs, outFile_redsnr, common_header_info, outdir) if return_transmission == 'True': generate_fits_cube(throughput_cube, head, lambs, outFile_trans, common_header_info, outdir) print 'Output cubes created!' print ' -------- ' print 'Inbuilt Telescope Parameters' print ' -------- ' print 'Telescope diameter = %.1f [m]' % D print 'Telescope obscuration ratio = %.2f' % eps print 'Telescope area = %.2f [m^2]' % area print 'Telescope emissivity = %.2f ' % config_data['emissivity'] print 'Telescope temperature = %.1f [K]' % site_temp print 'AO mode = ', AO print ' -------- ' print 'Inbuilt Instrument Parameters' print ' -------- ' print 'Wavelength range = %.4g [A] to %.4g [A]' % (lambs[0]*10000., lambs[-1]*10000.) print 'Spectral resolving power = %.0i' % R if R == 500.: print 'Spectral resolution = variable' print 'Spectral sampling = 2 pixels per FWHM' else: print 'Spectral resolution = %.3f [A]' % (delta_lambda*10000.) print 'Spectral sampling = %.3f [A/pix]' % (pix_disp*10000.) print 'Spatial scale = (%.1f mas, %.1f mas)' % (spax[0], spax[1]) print 'Detector dark current = %.4f [e-/s/pixel] for visible' % config_data['dark_current_vis'] print ' = %.4f [e-/s/pixel] for near-IR' % config_data['dark_current_nir'] print 'Detector read noise = %.3f [e-/pixel] RMS for visible' % config_data['read_noise_vis'] print ' = %.3f [e-/pixel] RMS for near-IR [DIT>120s]' % config_data['read_noise_nir'] print ' = %.3f [e-/pixel] RMS for near-IR [DIT<=120s]' % config_data['read_noise_nir_lowexp'] print ' Cut-off at 0.8 um.' print ' ' print 'Simulation Complete!'
def main(datacube, outdir, DIT, NDIT, grating, spax, seeing, zenith_ang, telescope='E-ELT', user_PSF='None', AO='SCAO', res_jitter=0, site_temp=280.5, combine_ndits=True, Spec_nyquist=True, Spec_samp=1., noise_force_seed=0, remove_background='False', return_object='False', return_transmission='False', adr_switch='True', version='1', nprocs=mp.cpu_count()-1): '''Main body of code: gathers all inputs and calls all functions to generate outputs. Inputs: datacube: Input high resolution datacube (RA, DEC, lambda) outdir: Output file directory DIT: Exposure time [s] NDIT: No. of exposures grating: Spectral grating spax: spatial pixel (spaxel) scale [mas] seeing: Atmospheric seeing FWHM [arcsec] zenith_ang: Zenith angle [deg] telescope: Telescope type (E-ELT, VLT) user_PSF: Path to user uploaded PSF file AO: AO mode (LTAO, SCAO, Gaussian) res_jitter: Residual telescope jitter [mas] site_temp: Telescope temperature [K] combine_ndits: Boolean - Combine NDITS spec_Nyquist: Boolean - Set spectral sampling to Nyquist sample spectral resolution element Spec_samp: Spectral sampling [A/pix] - used if spec_Nyquist = False noise_force_seed: Force random number seed to take a set value (0=No, 1-10=yes and takes that value) remove_background: Boolean - Subtract background spectrum return_object: Boolean - Return object cube return_transmission: Boolean - Return throughput cube adr_switch: Boolean - turn ADR on or off. version: Version of code. Equal to SVN revision number' nprocs: no. of processes to use for parallel processing Outputs: observed_cube: FITS file of datacube representing HARMONI observation of input cube background_cube: FITS file of datacube representing background sources reduced_cube: FITS file of observed datacube after subtracting background noise_cube: FITS file of noise for each pixel in datacube ''' print 'Filename: ', datacube print 'Output dir: ', outdir print 'DIT = ', DIT print 'NINT = ', NDIT print 'X spaxels = ', spax[0] print 'Y spaxels = ', spax[1] print 'Grating = ', grating print 'Telescope: ', telescope print 'AO = ', AO print 'Seeing = ', seeing print 'Zenith angle = ', zenith_ang print 'Residual jitter = ', res_jitter print 'Temperature = ', site_temp print 'combine NINTS? ', combine_ndits print 'Noise seed = ', noise_force_seed print 'Spectral Nyquist sampling? ', Spec_nyquist print 'Subtract background? ', remove_background print 'User PSF? ' , user_PSF print 'Return Object cube?', return_object print 'Return transmission?', return_transmission print 'ADR off?', adr_switch print 'No. of processes = ', nprocs #Generate random number seed seednum = generate_seed(noise_force_seed) n.random.seed(seednum) #OPEN INPUT FITS file if os.path.isfile(datacube) == True and os.path.splitext(datacube)[1].lower() == '.fits': cube, head = p.getdata(datacube, 0, header=True, memmap=True) #If not FITS file, try passing datacube directly else: try: cube = head = datacube.header except: raise ValueError('UNKNOWN INPUT FILE FORMAT: Please use FITS file') #Check that datacube has required headers to be processed in simulator #Required headers = ['CDELT1/2/3'], ['CRVAL3'], ['NAXIS1/2/3'], ['FUNITS'], ['CRPIX3'] = 1, #['CTYPE1/2/3'] = 'RA, DEC, WAVELENGTH, ['CUNIT1/2/3'] = MAS, MAS, microns/angstroms/etc, #['SPECRES']. fits_header_check(head) pp.pprint(head) #telescope options = 'VLT', 'E-ELT' #Sets diameter D, M1 collecting area and obscuration ratio eps if telescope == 'VLT': D = config_data['VLT']['diam'] area = config_data['VLT']['area'] eps = config_data['VLT']['obsc'] elif telescope == 'E-ELT': D = config_data['E-ELT']['diam'] area = config_data['E-ELT']['area'] eps = config_data['E-ELT']['obsc'] else: raise ValueError('UNKNOWN TELESCOPE CHOICE: choose E-ELT or VLT') #Seeing value at zenith distance calculated as: #X = 1/(n.cos(n.radians(zenith_ang))) #seeing = seeing*X***(3/5.) X = 1./(n.cos(n.radians(zenith_ang))) seeing = seeing*X**(3./5.) if AO == 'LTAO' or AO == 'GLAO' or AO == 'SCAO': if seeing > 1.1: print "AO PSFs currently don't support seeing > 1.1'' FWHM" seeing = 1.1 if seeing < 0.67: print "AO PSFs currently don't support seeing < 0.67'' FWHM" seeing = 0.67 print 'Seeing at chosen zenith angle = %.3f arcsec FWHM' % seeing #CREATE WAVELENGTH ARRAY IN MICRONS lambs, head = wavelength_array(head) #Check limits of wavelength array and cut cube into HARMONI wavelength range if neccessary if grating=='None' and lambs[0] < config_data['gratings']['V+R'][0]: print 'Cube lowest wavelength lower than HARMONI range' llim = n.where(lambs > config_data['gratings']['V+R'][0])[0][0] lambs = lambs[llim:] cube = cube[llim:,:,:] head['CRVAL3'] = lambs[0] if grating=='None' and lambs[-1] > config_data['gratings']['H+K'][1]: print 'Cube longest wavelength longer than HARMONI range' hlim = n.where(lambs < config_data['gratings']['H+K'][1])[0][-1] lambs = lambs[:hlim+1] cube = cube[:hlim+1,:,:] head['NAXIS3'] = len(lambs) #RESCALE DATACUBE TO CHOSEN SPECTRAL RESOLUTION. if grating == 'Iz+J+H+K': print 'R = 500 low resolution mode chosen' cube, head, lambs, delta_lambda, pix_disp, R = low_res_mode(cube, head, lambs) else: cube, head, lambs, delta_lambda, pix_disp, R = spectral_res(cube, head, grating, lambs, config_data['gratings'], spec_nyquist=Spec_nyquist, spec_samp=Spec_samp) #PSF GENERATION CODE cube, head, psfspax, psfparams, psfsize, upsf, upsflams = psf_setup(cube, head, lambs, spax, user_PSF, AO, seeing, [D,eps]) #POINT SOURCE CHECK if (head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1'])/float(spax[0]) < 1. or (head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2'])/float(spax[1]) < 1.: print 'Point source - single spaxel output' config_data['ADR'] = 'OFF' cube, head = point_source(cube, head, spax) #CALCULATE ADR airmass = 1./n.cos(n.radians(zenith_ang)) refr = calc_ref(lambs, site_temp) optlam = optimalguide(lambs[0], lambs[-1], site_temp) adr = calc_adr(lambs, refr, airmass, optlam) if adr_switch == 'True': print 'Turning ADR off' config_data['ADR'] = 'OFF' #Empty output cube out_cube = n.zeros((len(lambs),int(head['CDELT2']*head['NAXIS2']/spax[1]), int(head['CDELT1']*head['NAXIS1']/spax[0])), dtype=n.float64) print 'Cube shape (lam, y, x) = ', cube.shape print 'Chosen spaxel scales (x, y) = ', spax print 'Output cube shape (lam, y, x) = ', out_cube.shape print 'PSF generation size = ', psfsize #WAVELENGTH CHANNEL LOOP print 'Entering loop over wavelength channels' psfvars = [psfparams, psfspax, psfsize, [D, eps], res_jitter, seeing, upsf, upsflams] ncpus = nprocs print 'No. of CPUs: ', ncpus try: import pprocess print 'Using ', str(ncpus), ' CPUs' except: print 'No pprocess module' print 'Using 1 CPU' ncpus = 1 PSFs = ['LTAO', 'SCAO', 'Gaussian'] if AO in PSFs and ncpus >= 3: out_cube, head = pp_wavelength_loop(cube, head, lambs, out_cube, AO, psfvars, adr, (head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1']/float(spax[0]),head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])), spax, adr_switch=config_data['ADR'], usecpus=ncpus) elif AO in PSFs and ncpus < 3: # print 'Using 1 CPU' out_cube, head = wavelength_loop(cube, head, lambs, out_cube, AO, psfvars, adr, (head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1']/float(spax[0]),head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])), spax, adr_switch=config_data['ADR']) # elif AO == 'Gaussian': # out_cube, head = pp_wavelength_loop(cube, head, lambs, out_cube, AO, psfvars, adr, # (head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1']/float(spax[0]),head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])), # spax, adr_switch=config_data['ADR']) else: raise ValueError('UNKNOWN AO CHOICE: choose LTAO, SCAO or Gaussian') inspax = n.array([head['CDELT1'],head['CDELT2']])*1.E-3 outspax = n.array([spax[0],spax[1]])*1.E-3 head['CDELT1'] = (spax[0], "mas") head['CDELT2'] = (spax[1], "mas") head['NAXIS1'] = int(head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1']/float(spax[0])) head['NAXIS2'] = int(head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])) #Remove input cube from memory! cube = n.zeros((1,1,1)) print 'PSF convolution, ADR effect, spaxel rebinning - all done!' #Energy-to-Photons Conversion factor will depend on head['FUNITS'] value if head['FUNITS'] == 'J/s/m2/um/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c)/(lambs*1.E-6) #J elif head['FUNITS'] == 'erg/s/cm2/A/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c * 1.E7)/(lambs*1.E-6 * 1.E4 * 1.E4) #erg/1.E4(cm2->m2)/1.E4(A->um) elif head['FUNITS'] == 'J/s/m2/A/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c)/(lambs*1.E-6 * 1.E4) #J/1.E4(A->um) elif head['FUNITS'] == 'erg/s/cm2/um/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c * 1.E7)/(lambs*1.E-6 * 1.E4) #erg/1.E4(cm2->m2) else: raise ValueError('UNKNOWN FLUX UNITS: Please change FUNITS header key to erg/s/cm2/A/arcsec2') en2ph_conv_fac.shape = (len(lambs),1,1) #Total throughput cube throughput_cube = create_thruput_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, delta_lambda, grating, zenith_ang, [config_data['trans_w_grat'],config_data['trans_wo_grat']], sky=True, telescope=True, instrument=True, QE=True) #Create object cube (enter spaxel as arcsec = mas*1.E-3) #[units of passed values: lambs: [um], DIT: [s], outspax: [arcsec], pix_disp: [um/pixel], area: [m2]] out_cube = n.divide(out_cube, en2ph_conv_fac) object_cube, object_shot_noise, noiseless_object = generate_object_cube(out_cube, lambs, throughput_cube, DIT, NDIT, outspax, pix_disp, area) #Instrument + Quantum efficiency cube inst_qe_cube = create_thruput_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, delta_lambda, grating, zenith_ang, [config_data['trans_w_grat'],config_data['trans_wo_grat']], sky=False, telescope=False, instrument=True, QE=True) #Quantum efficiency cube qe_cube = create_thruput_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, delta_lambda, grating, zenith_ang, [config_data['trans_w_grat'],config_data['trans_wo_grat']], sky=False, telescope=False, instrument=False, QE=True) #Create background cube [sky + telescope + instrument photons] background_cube, background_shot_noise, noiseless_background = create_background_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, throughput_cube, inst_qe_cube, qe_cube, DIT, NDIT, outspax, delta_lambda, pix_disp, area, site_temp, sky=True, telescope=True, instrument=False, emis=config_data['emissivity']) #Create observed cube [source + background + dark + SQRT(NDIT)*read] read_cube, nrc = generate_read_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, readsig_vis=config_data['read_noise_vis'], readsig_nirs=[config_data['read_noise_nir'],config_data['read_noise_nir_lowexp']]) dark_cube, noiseless_dark = generate_dark_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, vis_dark=config_data['dark_current_vis'], nir_dark=config_data['dark_current_nir']) observed_cube = object_cube + background_cube + dark_cube + read_cube observed_noise = generate_noise_cube(noiseless_object, noiseless_background, noiseless_dark, nrc) #Create separate background measurement cube background_cube2, background_shot_noise2, noiseless_background2 = create_background_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, throughput_cube, inst_qe_cube, qe_cube, DIT, NDIT, outspax, delta_lambda, pix_disp, area, site_temp, sky=True, telescope=True, instrument=False, emis=config_data['emissivity']) dark_cube2, noiseless_dark2 = generate_dark_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, vis_dark=config_data['dark_current_vis'], nir_dark=config_data['dark_current_nir']) read_cube2, nrc2 = generate_read_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, readsig_vis=config_data['read_noise_vis'], readsig_nirs=[config_data['read_noise_nir'],config_data['read_noise_nir_lowexp']]) background_cube2 = background_cube2 + dark_cube2 + read_cube2 background_noise2 = generate_noise_cube(n.zeros_like(noiseless_object), noiseless_background2, noiseless_dark2, nrc2) #Return cubes: Observed and background each with noise, or reduced (observed-background) with noise. #Return as FITS files #Common headers to add to all cubes common_header_info = {'DIT': DIT, 'NDIT': NDIT, 'SEEING': seeing, 'ZENITH': zenith_ang, 'AOMODE': AO, 'USER_PSF': user_PSF, 'R': R, 'Grating': grating, 'RES_JITT': res_jitter, 'FUNITS': 'electrons', 'VERSION': version} outFile_objcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Object_cube' outFile_nlobjcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Noiseless_Object_cube' outFile_obscube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Observed_cube' outFile_bgrcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Background_cube' outFile_nbgrcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Noiseless_Background_cube' outFile_snr = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Obs_SNR_cube' outFile_redcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Reduced_cube' outFile_redsnr = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Red_SNR_cube' outFile_trans = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Transmission_cube' #return observed_cube, observed_noise, background_cube2, background_noise2 generate_fits_cube(observed_cube, head, lambs, outFile_obscube, common_header_info, outdir, varext=n.power(observed_noise,2)) generate_fits_cube(background_cube2, head, lambs, outFile_bgrcube, common_header_info, outdir, varext=n.power(background_noise2,2)) generate_fits_cube((noiseless_background2+noiseless_dark2), head, lambs, outFile_nbgrcube, common_header_info, outdir) generate_fits_cube((noiseless_object/observed_noise), head, lambs, outFile_snr, common_header_info, outdir) if return_object == 'True': generate_fits_cube(object_cube, head, lambs, outFile_objcube, common_header_info, outdir) generate_fits_cube(noiseless_object, head, lambs, outFile_nlobjcube, common_header_info, outdir) if remove_background == 'True': reduced_cube = n.subtract(observed_cube, background_cube2) reduced_noise = generate_noise_cube(noiseless_object, 2.*noiseless_background, 2.*noiseless_dark, n.sqrt(2.)*nrc2) generate_fits_cube(reduced_cube, head, lambs, outFile_redcube, common_header_info, outdir, varext=n.power(reduced_noise,2)) generate_fits_cube((noiseless_object/reduced_noise), head, lambs, outFile_redsnr, common_header_info, outdir) if return_transmission == 'True': generate_fits_cube(throughput_cube, head, lambs, outFile_trans, common_header_info, outdir) print 'Output cubes created!' print ' -------- ' print 'Inbuilt Telescope Parameters' print ' -------- ' print 'Telescope diameter = %.1f [m]' % D print 'Telescope obscuration ratio = %.2f' % eps print 'Telescope area = %.2f [m^2]' % area print 'Telescope emissivity = %.2f ' % config_data['emissivity'] print 'Telescope temperature = %.1f [K]' % site_temp print 'AO mode = ', AO print ' -------- ' print 'Inbuilt Instrument Parameters' print ' -------- ' print 'Wavelength range = %.4g [A] to %.4g [A]' % (lambs[0]*10000., lambs[-1]*10000.) print 'Spectral resolving power = %.0i' % R if R == 500.: print 'Spectral resolution = variable' print 'Spectral sampling = 2 pixels per FWHM' else: print 'Spectral resolution = %.3f [A]' % (delta_lambda*10000.) print 'Spectral sampling = %.3f [A/pix]' % (pix_disp*10000.) print 'Spatial scale = (%.1f mas, %.1f mas)' % (spax[0], spax[1]) print 'Detector dark current = %.4f [e-/s/pixel] for visible' % config_data['dark_current_vis'] print ' = %.4f [e-/s/pixel] for near-IR' % config_data['dark_current_nir'] print 'Detector read noise = %.3f [e-/pixel] RMS for visible' % config_data['read_noise_vis'] print ' = %.3f [e-/pixel] RMS for near-IR [DIT>120s]' % config_data['read_noise_nir'] print ' = %.3f [e-/pixel] RMS for near-IR [DIT<=120s]' % config_data['read_noise_nir_lowexp'] print ' Cut-off at 0.8 um.' print ' ' print 'Simulation Complete!'
def main(datacube, outdir, DIT, NDIT, grating, ignoreLSF, res_jitter=0, site_temp=280.5, combine_ndits=True, Spec_nyquist=True, Spec_samp=1., noise_force_seed=0, remove_background='False', return_object='False', return_transmission='False', drizzle=0, version='1', nprocs=mp.cpu_count()-1): '''Main body of code: gathers all inputs and calls all functions to generate outputs. Inputs: datacube: Input high resolution datacube (RA, DEC, lambda) outdir: Output file directory DIT: Exposure time [s] NDIT: No. of exposures grating: Spectral grating ignoreLSF: turn off LSF convolution in spectral dimension res_jitter: Residual telescope jitter [mas] site_temp: Telescope temperature [K] combine_ndits: Boolean - Combine NDITS spec_Nyquist: Boolean - Set spectral sampling to Nyquist sample spectral resolution element Spec_samp: Spectral sampling [A/pix] - used if spec_Nyquist = False noise_force_seed: Force random number seed to take a set value (0=No, 1-10=yes and takes that value) remove_background: Boolean - Subtract background spectrum return_object: Boolean - Return object cube return_transmission: Boolean - Return throughput cube drizzle: Boolean - Output sampling of 50 mas version: Version of code. Equal to SVN revision number' nprocs: no. of processes to use for parallel processing Outputs: observed_cube: FITS file of datacube representing HARMONI observation of input cube background_cube: FITS file of datacube representing background sources reduced_cube: FITS file of observed datacube after subtracting background noise_cube: FITS file of noise for each pixel in datacube ''' print 'Filename: ', datacube print 'Output dir: ', outdir print 'DIT = ', DIT print 'NINT = ', NDIT print 'Grating = ', grating print 'Ignore LSF?', ignoreLSF print 'Residual jitter = ', res_jitter print 'Temperature = ', site_temp print 'combine NINTS? ', combine_ndits print 'Noise seed = ', noise_force_seed print 'Spectral Nyquist sampling? ', Spec_nyquist print 'Subtract background? ', remove_background print 'Return Object cube?', return_object print 'Return transmission?', return_transmission print 'Drizzle?', drizzle print 'No. of processes = ', nprocs #Generate random number seed seednum = generate_seed(noise_force_seed) n.random.seed(seednum) #Spaxels if drizzle: spax = (50., 50.) else: spax = config_data['spaxels'] #OPEN INPUT FITS file if os.path.isfile(datacube) == True and os.path.splitext(datacube)[1].lower() == '.fits': cube, head = p.getdata(datacube, 0, header=True, memmap=True) #If not FITS file, try passing datacube directly else: try: cube = head = datacube.header except: raise ValueError('UNKNOWN INPUT FILE FORMAT: Please use FITS file') #Check that datacube has required headers to be processed in simulator #Required headers = ['CDELT1/2/3'], ['CRVAL3'], ['NAXIS1/2/3'], ['FUNITS'], ['CRPIX3'] = 1, #['CTYPE1/2/3'] = 'RA, DEC, WAVELENGTH, ['CUNIT1/2/3'] = MAS, MAS, microns/angstroms/etc, #['SPECRES']. fits_header_check(head) pp.pprint(head) #CREATE WAVELENGTH ARRAY IN MICRONS lambs, head = wavelength_array(head) #RESCALE DATACUBE TO CHOSEN SPECTRAL RESOLUTION. if grating == 'Prism': print 'Prism low resolution mode chosen' cube, head, lambs, delta_lambda, pix_disp, R = low_res_mode(cube, head, lambs) else: cube, head, lambs, delta_lambda, pix_disp, R = spectral_res(cube, head, grating, lambs, config_data['gratings'], spec_nyquist=Spec_nyquist, spec_samp=Spec_samp, ignoreLSF=ignoreLSF) #POINT SOURCE CHECK if (head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1'])/float(spax[0]) < 1. or (head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2'])/float(spax[1]) < 1.: print 'Point source - single spaxel output' config_data['ADR'] = 'OFF' cube, head = point_source(cube, head, spax) #REBIN CUBE TO 10 MAS print 'Input datacube sampling = (%.1f, %.1f) mas' % (head['CDELT1'], head['CDELT2']) print 'Input PSF sampling = (%.1f, %.1f) mas' % (spax[0]/10.,spax[1]/10.) if head['CDELT1'] != spax[0] and head['CDELT2'] != spax[1]: print 'Rebinning input datacube to %.0f mas (same as PSF generation scale)' % (spax[0]/10.) cube *= (head['CDELT1']*head['CDELT2']*1.E-6) cube, head = spaxel_scale(cube, head, (spax[0]/10.,spax[0]/10.)) cube /= (head['CDELT1']*head['CDELT2']*1.E-6) #Empty output cube out_cube = n.zeros((len(lambs),int(head['CDELT2']*head['NAXIS2']/spax[1]), int(head['CDELT1']*head['NAXIS1']/spax[0])), dtype=n.float64) print 'Input spaxel scale (x, y)', (head['CDELT1'], head['CDELT2']), ' mas' print 'Cube shape (lam, y, x) = ', cube.shape print 'Output spaxel scale (x, y) = ', spax, ' mas' print 'Output cube shape (lam, y, x) = ', out_cube.shape #WAVELENGTH CHANNEL LOOP print 'Entering loop over wavelength channels' ncpus = nprocs print 'No. of CPUs: ', ncpus try: import pprocess print 'Using ', str(ncpus), ' CPUs' except: print 'No pprocess module' print 'Using 1 CPU' ncpus = 1 if ncpus >= 3: out_cube, head = pp_wavelength_loop(cube, head, lambs, out_cube, ((head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1'])/float(spax[0]),head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])), spax, usecpus=ncpus) elif ncpus < 3: print 'Using 1 CPU' out_cube, head = wavelength_loop(cube, head, lambs, out_cube, ((head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1'])/float(spax[0]),head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])), spax) else: raise ValueError('Something went wrong at Loop stage!') inspax = n.array([head['CDELT1'],head['CDELT2']])*1.E-3 outspax = n.array([spax[0],spax[1]])*1.E-3 head['CDELT1'] = (spax[0], "mas") head['CDELT2'] = (spax[1], "mas") head['NAXIS1'] = int(head['NAXIS1']*head['CDELT1']/float(spax[0])) head['NAXIS2'] = int(head['NAXIS2']*head['CDELT2']/float(spax[1])) #Remove input cube from memory! cube = n.zeros((1,1,1)) print 'PSF convolution, ADR effect, spaxel rebinning - all done!' #Energy-to-Photons Conversion factor will depend on head['FUNITS'] value if head['FUNITS'] == 'J/s/m2/um/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c)/(lambs*1.E-6) #J elif head['FUNITS'] == 'erg/s/cm2/A/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c * 1.E7)/(lambs*1.E-6 * 1.E4 * 1.E4) #erg/1.E4(cm2->m2)/1.E4(A->um) elif head['FUNITS'] == 'J/s/m2/A/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c)/(lambs*1.E-6 * 1.E4) #J/1.E4(A->um) elif head['FUNITS'] == 'erg/s/cm2/um/arcsec2': print 'Flux units = ', head['FUNITS'] en2ph_conv_fac = (sc.h * sc.c * 1.E7)/(lambs*1.E-6 * 1.E4) #erg/1.E4(cm2->m2) else: raise ValueError('UNKNOWN FLUX UNITS: Please change FUNITS header key to erg/s/cm2/A/arcsec2') en2ph_conv_fac.shape = (len(lambs),1,1) #Total throughput cube throughput_cube = create_thruput_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, delta_lambda, grating, telescope=True, instrument=True) #Create object cube (enter spaxel as arcsec = mas*1.E-3) #[units of passed values: lambs: [um], DIT: [s], outspax: [arcsec], pix_disp: [um/pixel], area: [m2]] out_cube = n.divide(out_cube, en2ph_conv_fac) object_cube, object_shot_noise, noiseless_object = generate_object_cube(out_cube, lambs, throughput_cube, DIT, NDIT, outspax, pix_disp, config_data['area']) #Instrument throughput cube inst_qe_cube = create_thruput_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, delta_lambda, grating, telescope=False, instrument=True) #Create background cube [sky + telescope + instrument photons] background_cube, background_shot_noise, noiseless_background = create_background_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, throughput_cube, inst_qe_cube, DIT, NDIT, outspax, delta_lambda, pix_disp, config_data['area'], site_temp, sky=True, telescope=False, emis=config_data['emissivity']) #Create observed cube [source + background + dark + SQRT(NDIT)*read] read_cube, nrc = generate_read_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, readsig_vis=config_data['read_noise'], readsig_nirs=[config_data['read_noise'],config_data['read_noise']]) dark_cube, noiseless_dark = generate_dark_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, vis_dark=config_data['dark_current'], nir_dark=config_data['dark_current']) observed_cube = object_cube + background_cube + dark_cube + read_cube observed_noise = generate_noise_cube(noiseless_object, noiseless_background, noiseless_dark, nrc) #Create separate background measurement cube background_cube2, background_shot_noise2, noiseless_background2 = create_background_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, throughput_cube, inst_qe_cube, DIT, NDIT, outspax, delta_lambda, pix_disp, config_data['area'], site_temp, sky=True, telescope=False, emis=config_data['emissivity']) dark_cube2, noiseless_dark2 = generate_dark_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, vis_dark=config_data['dark_current'], nir_dark=config_data['dark_current']) read_cube2, nrc2 = generate_read_cube(out_cube.shape, lambs, DIT, NDIT, readsig_vis=config_data['read_noise'], readsig_nirs=[config_data['read_noise'],config_data['read_noise']]) background_cube2 = background_cube2 + dark_cube2 + read_cube2 background_noise2 = generate_noise_cube(n.zeros_like(noiseless_object), noiseless_background2, noiseless_dark2, nrc2) #Return cubes: Observed and background each with noise, or reduced (observed-background) with noise. #Return as FITS files #Common headers to add to all cubes common_header_info = {'DIT': DIT, 'NDIT': NDIT, 'R': R, 'Grating': grating, 'RES_JITT': res_jitter, 'FUNITS': 'electrons', 'VERSION': version} outFile_objcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Object_cube' outFile_nlobjcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Noiseless_Object_cube' outFile_obscube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Observed_cube' outFile_bgrcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Background_cube' outFile_nbgrcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Noiseless_Background_cube' outFile_snr = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Obs_SNR_cube' outFile_redcube = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Reduced_cube' outFile_redsnr = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Red_SNR_cube' outFile_trans = datacube.split('/')[-1].split('.fits')[0] + '_Transmission_cube' #return observed_cube, observed_noise, background_cube2, background_noise2 generate_fits_cube(observed_cube, head, lambs, outFile_obscube, common_header_info, outdir, varext=n.power(observed_noise,2)) generate_fits_cube(background_cube2, head, lambs, outFile_bgrcube, common_header_info, outdir, varext=n.power(background_noise2,2)) generate_fits_cube((noiseless_background2+noiseless_dark2), head, lambs, outFile_nbgrcube, common_header_info, outdir) generate_fits_cube((noiseless_object/observed_noise), head, lambs, outFile_snr, common_header_info, outdir) if return_object == 'True': generate_fits_cube(object_cube, head, lambs, outFile_objcube, common_header_info, outdir) generate_fits_cube(noiseless_object, head, lambs, outFile_nlobjcube, common_header_info, outdir) if remove_background == 'True': reduced_cube = n.subtract(observed_cube, background_cube2) reduced_noise = generate_noise_cube(noiseless_object, 2.*noiseless_background, 2.*noiseless_dark, n.sqrt(2.)*nrc2) generate_fits_cube(reduced_cube, head, lambs, outFile_redcube, common_header_info, outdir, varext=n.power(reduced_noise,2)) generate_fits_cube((noiseless_object/reduced_noise), head, lambs, outFile_redsnr, common_header_info, outdir) if return_transmission == 'True': generate_fits_cube(throughput_cube, head, lambs, outFile_trans, common_header_info, outdir) print 'Output cubes created!' print ' -------- ' print 'Inbuilt Telescope Parameters' print ' -------- ' print 'Telescope area = %.2f [m^2]' % config_data['area'] print 'Telescope emissivity = %.2f ' % config_data['emissivity'] print 'Telescope temperature = %.1f [K]' % site_temp print ' -------- ' print 'Inbuilt Instrument Parameters' print ' -------- ' print 'Wavelength range = %.4g [A] to %.4g [A]' % (lambs[0]*10000., lambs[-1]*10000.) print 'Spectral resolving power = %.0i' % R if R == 100.: print 'Spectral resolution = variable' print 'Spectral sampling = 2 pixels per FWHM' else: print 'Spectral resolution = %.3f [A]' % (delta_lambda*10000.) print 'Spectral sampling = %.3f [A/pix]' % (pix_disp*10000.) print 'Spatial scale = (%.1f mas, %.1f mas)' % (spax[0], spax[1]) print 'Detector dark current = %.4f [e-/s/pixel]' % config_data['dark_current'] print 'Detector read noise = %.4f [e-/pixel] RMS [DIT>120s]' % config_data['read_noise'] print ' = %.4f [e-/pixel] RMS [DIT<=120s]' % config_data['read_noise'] print ' ' print 'Simulation Complete!'