def register_user(schema: mongoengine.Document, account_id: object,
                  chat_id: object) -> object:
        page_to_check = link_gen.generate_page_from_account(account_id)
        if not page_parsing.is_valid_page(page_to_check):
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'{page_to_check} for account {account_id} doesn\'t exist --> invalid account'
        if db_utils.check_account_exist(schema, chat_id):
            raise mongoengine.NotUniqueError(f'{chat_id} already exists')
        schema(chat_id=chat_id, account=account_id).save()
        return f'New user {str(chat_id)} : {account_id} saved'
    except (RuntimeError, mongoengine.NotUniqueError) as e:
        return f'{e}'
    except Exception as e:  # Handling everything else
        return f'{e}'
Example #2
    def test_get_resource_manager_lock(self, mock_rm_lock, mock_worker,
                                       mock_datetime, mock_time):
        Assert that get_resource_manager_lock() attempts to save a lock to the database with the
        correct name, and that it creates a worker entry with that name and the correct timestamp,
        and that a failure to save the lock will cause it to sleep and retry acquisition.
        sender = RESOURCE_MANAGER_WORKER_NAME + '@' + platform.node()
        mock_rm_lock().save.side_effect = [mongoengine.NotUniqueError(), None]

            assert_called_with(set__last_heartbeat=mock_datetime.utcnow(), upsert=True)

        self.assertEquals(2, len(mock_rm_lock().save.mock_calls))
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env python

import mongoengine

from db_lib import *

type_name = 'pin'
for i in range(1, 25):
    containerName = "XtalPuck" + str(i)
    for j in range(0, 16):
        sampleName = "XtalSamp_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j)

            sampID = createSample(sampleName, sample_type=type_name)
        except mongoengine.NotUniqueError:
            raise mongoengine.NotUniqueError('{0}'.format(sampleName))

        insertIntoContainer(containerName, j, sampID)
Example #4
    def save(self, validate=True, clean=True, **kwargs):
        """Save the :class:`Document` to the database.

        If the document already exists, it will be updated, otherwise it will
        be created.

            validate (True): validates the document
            clean (True): call the document's clean method; requires
                ``validate`` to be True

        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if self._meta.get("abstract"):
            raise mongoengine.InvalidDocumentError(
                "Cannot save an abstract document."

        if validate:

        doc_id = self.to_mongo(fields=[self._meta["id_field"]])
        created = "_id" not in doc_id or self._created

        # It might be refreshed by the pre_save_post_validation hook, e.g., for
        # etag generation
        doc = self.to_mongo()

        if self._meta.get("auto_create_index", True):

            # Save a new document or update an existing one
            if created:
                # Save new document

                # insert_one will provoke UniqueError alongside save does not
                # therefore, it need to catch and call replace_one.
                collection = self._get_collection()

                object_id = None

                if "_id" in doc:
                    raw_object = collection.find_one_and_replace(
                        {"_id": doc["_id"]}, doc
                    if raw_object:
                        object_id = doc["_id"]

                if not object_id:
                    object_id = collection.insert_one(doc).inserted_id
                # Update existing document
                object_id = doc["_id"]
                created = False

                updates, removals = self._delta()

                update_doc = {}
                if updates:
                    update_doc["$set"] = updates
                if removals:
                    update_doc["$unset"] = removals

                if update_doc:
                    updated_existing = self._update(
                        object_id, update_doc, **kwargs

                    if updated_existing is False:
                        created = True
                        # !!! This is bad, means we accidentally created a
                        # new, potentially corrupted document. See

        except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as err:
            message = "Tried to save duplicate unique keys (%s)"
            raise mongoengine.NotUniqueError(message % err)
        except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure as err:
            message = "Could not save document (%s)"
            if re.match("^E1100[01] duplicate key", str(err)):
                # E11000 - duplicate key error index
                # E11001 - duplicate key on update
                message = "Tried to save duplicate unique keys (%s)"
                raise mongoengine.NotUniqueError(message % err)
            raise mongoengine.OperationError(message % err)

        # Make sure we store the PK on this document now that it's saved
        id_field = self._meta["id_field"]
        if created or id_field not in self._meta.get("shard_key", []):
            self[id_field] = self._fields[id_field].to_python(object_id)

        self._created = False

        return self