Example #1
def setup_model():
    """Setup a dummy model with a pulsegen and a spikegen detecting the
    leading edges of the pulses. We record the pulse output as Uniform
    data and leading edge time as Event data."""
    simtime = 100.0
    dt = 1e-3
    model = moose.Neutral('/model')
    pulse = moose.PulseGen('/model/pulse')
    pulse.level[0] = 1.0
    pulse.delay[0] = 10
    pulse.width[0] = 20
    t_lead = moose.SpikeGen('/model/t_lead')
    t_lead.threshold = 0.5
    moose.connect(pulse, 'output', t_lead, 'Vm')
    nsdf = moose.NSDFWriter('/model/writer')
    nsdf.filename = 'nsdf_demo.h5'
    nsdf.mode = 2  #overwrite existing file
    nsdf.flushLimit = 100
    moose.connect(nsdf, 'requestOut', pulse, 'getOutputValue')
    print 'event input', nsdf.eventInput, nsdf.eventInput.num
    print nsdf

    nsdf.eventInput.num = 1
    ei = nsdf.eventInput[0]
    print ei.path
    moose.connect(t_lead, 'spikeOut', nsdf.eventInput[0], 'input')
    tab = moose.Table('spiketab')
    tab.threshold = t_lead.threshold
    clock = moose.element('/clock')
    for ii in range(32):
        moose.setClock(ii, dt)
    moose.connect(pulse, 'output', tab, 'spike')
    print datetime.now().isoformat()
    print datetime.now().isoformat()
    np.savetxt('nsdf.txt', tab.vector)
    # Set the environment attributes
    nsdf.stringAttr['title'] = 'NSDF writing demo for moose'
        'description'] = '''An example of writing data to NSDF file from MOOSE simulation. In
this simulation we generate square pules from a PulseGen object and
use a SpikeGen to detect the threshold crossing events of rising
edges. We store the pulsegen output as Uniform data and the threshold
crossing times as Event data. '''
    nsdf.stringAttr['creator'] = getpass.getuser()
    nsdf.stringVecAttr['software'] = ['python2.7', 'moose3']
    nsdf.stringVecAttr['method'] = ['']
    nsdf.stringAttr['rights'] = ''
    nsdf.stringAttr['license'] = 'CC-BY-NC'
    # Specify units. MOOSE is unit agnostic, so we explicitly set the
    # unit attibutes on individual datasets
    nsdf.stringAttr['/data/uniform/PulseGen/outputValue/tunit'] = 's'
    nsdf.stringAttr['/data/uniform/PulseGen/outputValue/unit'] = 'A'
    eventDataPath = '/data/event/SpikeGen/spikeOut/{}_{}_{}/unit'.format(
        t_lead.vec.value, t_lead.getDataIndex(), t_lead.getFieldIndex())
    nsdf.stringAttr[eventDataPath] = 's'
Example #2
def write_nsdf():
    Setup a dummy model with a PulseGen vec and dump the outputValue in
    NSDF file

    simtime = 100.0
    dt = 1e-3
    elements = 5
    model = moose.Neutral('/model')
    pulsegen = moose.PulseGen('/model/pulse', elements)
    spikegen = moose.SpikeGen('/model/t_lead', elements)
    nsdf = moose.NSDFWriter('/model/writer')
    nsdf.filename = 'nsdf_vec_demo.h5'
    nsdf.mode = 2  #overwrite existing file
    # nsdf.eventInput.num = elements
    nsdf.flushLimit = 100
    for ii in range(elements):
        pulse = pulsegen.vec[ii]
        t_lead = spikegen.vec[ii]
        # Just to make the values different for different elements in
        # the vec ...
        pulse.level[0] = 1.0 * (ii + 1)
        pulse.delay[0] = 5 * (ii + 1)
        pulse.width[0] = 20
        t_lead.threshold = 0.5
        moose.connect(pulse, 'output', t_lead, 'Vm')
        moose.connect(nsdf, 'requestOut', pulse, 'getOutputValue')
        # ei = nsdf.eventInput[ii]
        # moose.connect(t_lead, 'spikeOut', ei, 'input')
        # tab = moose.Table('spiketab_{}'.format(ii))
        # tab.threshold = t_lead.threshold
        # moose.connect(pulse, 'output', tab, 'spike')
    clock = moose.element('/clock')
    for ii in range(32):
        moose.setClock(ii, dt)
    print(('Starting simulation at:', datetime.now().isoformat()))
    print(('Finished simulation at:', datetime.now().isoformat()))
    # Set the environment attributes
    nsdf.stringAttr['title'] = 'NSDF writing demo for moose'
        'description'] = '''An example of writing data to NSDF file from MOOSE simulation. In
this simulation we generate square pules from a PulseGen object and
use a SpikeGen to detect the threshold crossing events of rising
edges. We store the pulsegen output as Uniform data and the threshold
crossing times as Event data. '''
    nsdf.stringAttr['creator'] = getpass.getuser()
    nsdf.stringVecAttr['software'] = ['python2.7', 'moose3']
    nsdf.stringVecAttr['method'] = ['']
    nsdf.stringAttr['rights'] = ''
    nsdf.stringAttr['license'] = 'CC-BY-NC'
    ## !! Work in progress: concurrent write via h5py does not work !!
    ## Now write some custom stuff via h5py
    print('Closing nsdf handle')
    nsdf.close()  #explicitly close the file so we do not interfere with h5py
    print('Closed nsdf handle')
    with h5.File(nsdf.filename, 'a') as fd:
        static = fd.create_group('/data/static')
        static_pg = static.create_group(pulsegen.className)
        pulse_info = static_pg.create_dataset('pulse_0', (elements, ),
                                                  ('delay', 'float64'),
                                                  ('level', 'float64'),
                                                  ('width', 'float64')
        map_ = fd.create_group('/map/static')
        map_pg = map_.create_group(pulsegen.className)
        map_pulse = map_pg.create_dataset('pulse_0', (elements, ),
        for ii in range(elements):
            pulse_info['delay', ii] = pulsegen.vec[ii].delay[0]
            pulse_info['width', ii] = pulsegen.vec[ii].width[0]
            pulse_info['level', ii] = pulsegen.vec[ii].level[0]
            map_pulse[ii] = pulsegen.vec[ii].path
        #TODO: connect this as a dimension scale on pulse_info

    return nsdf.filename
Example #3

Ray, Chintaluri, Bhalla and Wojcik. NSDF: Neuroscience Simulation Data
Format, Neuroinformatics, 2015.



import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import getpass

import moose
    nsdf = moose.NSDFWriter('/test')
except AttributeError as e:
    print("[INFO ] This build is not built with NSDFWriter.")
    print('\tPlease see https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core')

def setup_model():
    Setup a dummy model with a PulseGen and a SpikeGen. The SpikeGen
    detects the leading edges of the pulses created by the PulseGen
    and sends out the event times. We record the PulseGen outputValue
    as Uniform data and leading edge time as Event data in the NSDF

Example #4
# Maintainer:
# Created: Sat Dec 19 22:27:27 2015 (-0500)
# Version:
# Last-Updated: Thu Aug 11 11:09:33 2016 (-0400)
#           By: Subhasis Ray
#     Update #: 135
# URL:
# Keywords:
# Compatibility:
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import getpass
import moose
    a = moose.NSDFWriter( '/a' )
except Exception as e:
    print( '[WARN] This build does not have NSDF support.' )
    print( ' -- To build moose with NSDF support please see: \
            https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core/blob/master/INSTALL.md' )

    import h5py as h5
except ImportError as e:
    print( 'No module h5py. Please install it using pip' )

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt