Example #1
def preprocessResult(res, gt, inifile):
    """Preprocesses data for utils.CLEAR_MOT_M.

    Returns a subset of the predictions.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    st = time.time()
    labels = [
        'ped',  # 1
        'person_on_vhcl',  # 2
        'car',  # 3
        'bicycle',  # 4
        'mbike',  # 5
        'non_mot_vhcl',  # 6
        'static_person',  # 7
        'distractor',  # 8
        'occluder',  # 9
        'occluder_on_grnd',  # 10
        'occluder_full',  # 11
        'reflection',  # 12
        'crowd',  # 13
    distractors = [
        'person_on_vhcl', 'static_person', 'distractor', 'reflection'
    is_distractor = {i + 1: x in distractors for i, x in enumerate(labels)}
    for i in distractors:
        is_distractor[i] = 1
    seqIni = ConfigParser()
    seqIni.read(inifile, encoding='utf8')
    F = int(seqIni['Sequence']['seqLength'])
    todrop = []
    for t in range(1, F + 1):
        if t not in res.index or t not in gt.index:
        resInFrame = res.loc[t]

        GTInFrame = gt.loc[t]
        A = GTInFrame[['X', 'Y', 'Width', 'Height']].values
        B = resInFrame[['X', 'Y', 'Width', 'Height']].values
        disM = mmd.iou_matrix(A, B, max_iou=0.5)
        le, ri = linear_sum_assignment(disM)
        flags = [
            1 if is_distractor[it['ClassId']] or it['Visibility'] < 0. else 0
            for i, (k, it) in enumerate(GTInFrame.iterrows())
        hid = [k for k, it in resInFrame.iterrows()]
        for i, j in zip(le, ri):
            if not np.isfinite(disM[i, j]):
            if flags[i]:
                todrop.append((t, hid[j]))
    ret = res.drop(labels=todrop)
    logging.info('Preprocess take %.3f seconds and remove %d boxes.',
                 time.time() - st, len(todrop))
    return ret
Example #2
def preprocessResult(res, gt, inifile):
    st = time.time()
    labels = ['ped',           # 1 
    'person_on_vhcl',    # 2 
    'car',               # 3 
    'bicycle',           # 4 
    'mbike',             # 5 
    'non_mot_vhcl',      # 6 
    'static_person',     # 7 
    'distractor',        # 8 
    'occluder',          # 9 
    'occluder_on_grnd',      #10 
    'occluder_full',         # 11
    'reflection',        # 12
    'crowd'          # 13
    distractors_ = ['person_on_vhcl','static_person','distractor','reflection']
    distractors = {i+1 : x in distractors_ for i,x in enumerate(labels)}
    for i in distractors_:
        distractors[i] = 1
    seqIni = ConfigParser()
    seqIni.read(inifile, encoding='utf8')
    F = int(seqIni['Sequence']['seqLength'])
    todrop = []
    for t in range(1,F+1):
        if t not in res.index or t not in gt.index: continue
        #st = time.time()
        resInFrame = res.loc[t]
        N = len(resInFrame)

        GTInFrame = gt.loc[t]
        Ngt = len(GTInFrame)
        A = GTInFrame[['X','Y','Width','Height']].values
        B = resInFrame[['X','Y','Width','Height']].values
        disM = mmd.iou_matrix(A, B, max_iou = 0.5)
        #en = time.time()
        #print('----', 'disM', en - st)
        le, ri = linear_sum_assignment(disM)
        flags = [1 if distractors[it['ClassId']] or it['Visibility']<0. else 0 for i,(k,it) in enumerate(GTInFrame.iterrows())]
        hid = [k for k,it in resInFrame.iterrows()]
        for i, j in zip(le, ri):
            if not np.isfinite(disM[i, j]):
            if flags[i]:
                todrop.append((t, hid[j]))
        #en = time.time()
        #print('Frame %d: '%t, en - st)
    ret = res.drop(labels=todrop)
    logging.info('Preprocess take %.3f seconds and remove %d boxes.'%(time.time() - st, len(todrop)))
    return ret
 def compute_iou(a, b):
     return iou_matrix(a, b, max_iou=distth)