Example #1
def main():
    args = _parse_args()

    num_scen = args.num_scens
    crops_mult = args.crops_mult
    with_fwph = args.with_fwph
    with_xhatlshaped = args.with_xhatlshaped

    scenario_creator = farmer.scenario_creator
    scenario_denouement = farmer.scenario_denouement
    all_scenario_names = [f"scen{sn}" for sn in range(num_scen)]
    scenario_creator_kwargs = {
        "use_integer": False,
        "crops_multiplier": crops_mult,

    # Things needed for vanilla cylinders
    beans = (args, scenario_creator, scenario_denouement, all_scenario_names)

    # Options for the L-shaped method at the hub
    # Bounds only valid for 3 scenarios, I think? Need to ask Chris
    spo = None if args.max_solver_threads is None else {"threads": args.max_solver_threads}
    options = {
        "master_solver": args.solver_name,
        "sp_solver": args.solver_name,
        "sp_solver_options" : spo,
        #"valid_eta_lb": {i: -432000 for i in all_scenario_names},
        "max_iter": args.max_iterations,
        "verbose": False,
    # L-shaped hub
    hub_dict = {
        "hub_class": LShapedHub,
        "hub_kwargs": {
            "options": {
                "rel_gap": args.rel_gap,
                "abs_gap": args.abs_gap,
        "opt_class": LShapedMethod,
        "opt_kwargs": { # Args passed to LShapedMethod __init__
            "options": options,
            "all_scenario_names": all_scenario_names,
            "scenario_creator": scenario_creator,
            "scenario_creator_kwargs": scenario_creator_kwargs,

    # FWPH spoke
    if with_fwph:
        fw_spoke = vanilla.fwph_spoke(*beans, scenario_creator_kwargs=scenario_creator_kwargs)

    # xhat looper bound spoke -- any scenario will do for
    # lshaped (they're all the same)
    xhat_scenario_dict = {"ROOT": all_scenario_names[0]}
    if with_xhatlshaped:
        xhatlshaped_spoke = vanilla.xhatlshaped_spoke(*beans, scenario_creator_kwargs=scenario_creator_kwargs)

    list_of_spoke_dict = list()
    if with_fwph:
    if with_xhatlshaped:

    spin_the_wheel(hub_dict, list_of_spoke_dict)
Example #2
def main():
    args = _parse_args()

    num_scen = args.num_scens
    with_fwph = args.with_fwph
    with_xhatlshaped = args.with_xhatlshaped

    scenario_creator = uc.scenario_creator
    scenario_denouement = uc.scenario_denouement
    scenario_creator_kwargs = {"path": f"./{num_scen}scenarios_r1/"}
    all_scenario_names = [f"Scenario{i+1}" for i in range(num_scen)]

    # Things needed for vanilla cylinders
    beans = (args, scenario_creator, scenario_denouement, all_scenario_names)

    # Options for the L-shaped method at the hub
    spo = None if args.max_solver_threads is None else {
        "threads": args.max_solver_threads
    spo['mipgap'] = 0.005
    options = {
        "master_solver": args.solver_name,
        "sp_solver": args.solver_name,
        "sp_solver_options": spo,
        "master_solver_options": spo,
        #"valid_eta_lb": {n:0. for n in all_scenario_names},
        "max_iter": args.max_iterations,
        "verbose": False,
        "master_scenarios": [all_scenario_names[len(all_scenario_names) // 2]],

    # L-shaped hub
    hub_dict = {
        "hub_class": LShapedHub,
        "hub_kwargs": {
            "options": {
                "rel_gap": args.rel_gap,
                "abs_gap": args.abs_gap,
        "opt_class": LShapedMethod,
        "opt_kwargs": { # Args passed to LShapedMethod __init__
            "options": options,
            "all_scenario_names": all_scenario_names,
            "scenario_creator": scenario_creator,
            "scenario_creator_kwargs": scenario_creator_kwargs,

    # FWPH spoke
    if with_fwph:
        fw_spoke = vanilla.fwph_spoke(
            *beans, scenario_creator_kwargs=scenario_creator_kwargs)
        fw_spoke["opt_kwargs"]["PH_options"]["abs_gap"] = 0.
        fw_spoke["opt_kwargs"]["PH_options"]["rel_gap"] = 1e-5
        fw_spoke["opt_kwargs"]["rho_setter"] = uc.scenario_rhos

    if with_xhatlshaped:
        xhatlshaped_spoke = vanilla.xhatlshaped_spoke(
            *beans, scenario_creator_kwargs=scenario_creator_kwargs)

    list_of_spoke_dict = list()
    if with_fwph:
    if with_xhatlshaped:

    spin_the_wheel(hub_dict, list_of_spoke_dict)