Example #1
    def visibility_first_derivative(self, posix_time):
        """Calculate the derivative of the visibility function of the satellite and the site at a
        given time.

            posix_time (float): The UNIX time to evaluate the derivative visibility function at.

            The value of the visibility function evaluated at the provided time.

        # Since most helper functions don't play well with mpmath floats we have to perform a lossy
        # conversion.
        posix_time = float(posix_time)
        sat_pos_vel = np.array(
            self.sat_irp.interpolate(posix_time)) * mp.mpf(1.0)
        site_pos = np.array(self.site_ecef) * mp.mpf(1.0)

        pos_diff = np.subtract(sat_pos_vel[0], site_pos)
        vel_diff = sat_pos_vel[1]

        site_normal_pos = site_pos / mp.norm(site_pos)
        site_normal_vel = [0, 0, 0]

        first_term = mp.mpf(
            ((1.0 / mp.norm(pos_diff)) * (mp.fdot(vel_diff, site_normal_pos) +
                                          mp.fdot(pos_diff, site_normal_vel))))

        second_term = mp.mpf(((1.0 / mp.power(
            (mp.norm(pos_diff)), 3)) * mp.fdot(pos_diff, vel_diff) *
                              mp.fdot(pos_diff, site_normal_pos)))

        return first_term - second_term
Example #2
def rotate_mp(pts, x, y):
    out = mpm.zeros(pts.rows, pts.cols)
    v = x/mpm.norm(x) 
    cos = mpm.fdot(x,y) / (mpm.norm(x), mpm.norm(y))
    sin = mpm.sqrt(1.-cos**2)
    u = y - mpm.fdot(v, y) * v 

    mat = mpm.eye(x.cols) - u.T * u - v.T * v \
        + cos * u.T * u - sin * v.T * u + sin * u.T * v + cos * v.T * v
    return mat
Example #3
def poincare_reflect(a, x, c=1.0, precision=None):
    Spherical inversion (or "Poincare reflection") of a point x about a sphere
    with center at point "a", and radius = 1/c.
    if precision is not None:
        mpm.mp.dps = precision
    a2 = mpm.fdot(a, a)
    x2 = mpm.fdot(x, x)
    xa2 = x2 + a2 - 2 * mpm.fdot(x, a)
    r2 = a2 - 1. / c
    scal = mpm.fdiv(r2, xa2)
    return scal * (x - a) + a
Example #4
def rotate_3D_mp(x, y):
    xnorm = mpm.norm(x)
    ynorm = mpm.norm(y)
    cos = mpm.fdot(x,y)/(xnorm*ynorm)
    sin = mpm.sqrt(1.-cos**2)
    K = (y.T*x-x.T*y)/(xnorm*ynorm*sin)
    return mpm.eye(3) + sin*K + (1.-cos)*(K*K)
Example #5
def poincare_reflect0(z, x, c=1.0, precision=None):
    Spherical inversion (or "Poincare reflection") of a point x
    such that point z is mapped to the origin.
    if precision is not None:
        mpm.mp.dps = precision
    # the reflection is poincare_reflect(a, x) where
    # a = c * z / |z|**2
    z2 = mpm.fdot(z, z)
    zscal = c / z2
    x2 = mpm.fdot(x, x)
    a2 = c * zscal
    r2 = a2 - 1. / c
    xa2 = x2 + a2 - 2 * zscal * mpm.fdot(z, x)
    scal = mpm.fdiv(r2, xa2)
    return scal * (x - zscal * z) + zscal * z
Example #6
 def myfunction(M):
     sum of matrix elements
     if isinstance(M, np.ndarray):
         return sum(sum(M))
         assert isinstance(M, (mp.iv.matrix)), "type {}".format(type(M))
         return mp.fdot(M, mp.iv.ones(len(M)))
Example #7
 def __div__(self, B):
     if self.onlyNP == True and (type(B) == int or type(B) == float):
         return Matrix(np.divide(self.NP, B).tolist(), onlyNP=True)
     elif self.onlyNP == True and (type(B) == int
                                   or isinstance(B, np.float64)):
         return Matrix(np.divide(self.NP, B).tolist(), onlyNP=True)
     elif self.onlyNP == True and (type(B) == int or type(B) == float):
         f = mpmath.fraction(1, B)
         return Matrix(mpmath.fdot(self.MP, f).tolist(), onlyMP=True)
Example #8
def poincare_dist(x, y, c=1.0, precision=None):
    The hyperbolic distance between points in the Poincare model with curvature -1/c 
            x, y: size 1xD mpmath matrix representing point in the D-dimensional ball |x| < 1
            precision (int): bits of precision to use
            mpmath float object. Can be converted back to regular float
    if precision is not None:
        mpm.mp.dps = precision
    x2 = mpm.fdot(x, x)
    y2 = mpm.fdot(y, y)
    xy = mpm.fdot(x, y)
    sqrt_c = mpm.sqrt(c)
    denom = 1 - 2 * c * xy + c**2 * x2 * y2
    norm = mpm.norm(
        (-(1 - 2 * c * xy + c * y2) * x + (1. - c * x2) * y) / denom)
    return 2 / sqrt_c * mpm.atanh(sqrt_c * norm)
Example #9
def psi(t, eigenvalues, coefficients, f0=mp.mpf("1.0")):
    '''The nearly periodic function'''
    f = None

    if len(eigenvalues) == len(coefficients):
        f = [mp.expj(E*t) for E in eigenvalues]
        f = mp.fdot(coefficients, f)
        f = mp.fabs(f - f0)

Example #10
    def point_plane_distance(self, point: Point):
        calculates point distance from the plane
        :param point: list or numpy array
        :return: err, distance
        distance = (a*x0 + b*y0 + c*z0 + d)/ sqrt(a**2 + b**2 + c**2)

        numerator = mpmath.fdot(self.abcd, HmPoint.from_point(point).xyzw)
        denominator = mpmath.sqrt(self.nv.dot(self.nv))
        distance = numerator / denominator

        return distance
Example #11
    def visibility(self, posix_time):
        """Calculate the visibility function of the satellite and the site at a given time.

            posix_time (float): The time to evaluate the visibility function at

            The value of the visibility function evaluated at the provided time.

            This function assumes the FOV of the sensors on the satellite are 180 degrees

        # Since most helper functions don't play well with mpmath floats we have to perform a lossy
        # conversion.
        posix_time = float(posix_time)
        site_pos = np.array(self.site_ecef) * mp.mpf(1.0)
        site_normal_pos = site_pos / mp.norm(site_pos)
        sat_pos = self.sat_irp.interpolate(posix_time)[0]
        sat_site = np.subtract(sat_pos, site_pos)

        return mp.mpf(mp.fdot(sat_site, site_normal_pos) / mp.norm(sat_site))
Example #12
    def remezStep(self, control):
        # eval at control points
        fxn = mp.matrix([self.evalFunc(c) for c in control])

        # create linear system with chebyshev polynomials
        size = self.order + 2
        system = mp.zeros(size)
        for n in range(self.order + 1):
            for i in range(self.order + 2):
                system[i, n] = mp.chebyt(n, control[i])

        # last column is oscillating error
        for i in range(size):
            sign = -1 if ((i & 1) == 0) else +1
            scale = 0.0 if i in [0, size - 1] else 1.0
            system[i, size -
                   1] = sign * scale * mp.fabs(self.evalWeight(control[i]))

        # solve the system
        solved = system**-1

        # compute polynomial estimate (as Chebyshev weights)
        weights = vzeros(size - 1)
        for n in range(size - 1):
            weights[n] = mp.fdot(solved[n, :], fxn)
        #print(f'  weights: {weights}')

        # estimate error
        # self.weights = weights
        # est = [self.evalEstimate(x) for x in control]
        # print('  est:', est)
        # print('  fxn:', fxn.T)

        return weights
Example #13
 def __mul__(self, B):
     if type(B) == float or type(B) == int or type(B) == np.float64 or type(
             B) == np.complex128:
         if self.onlyNP == True:
             return Matrix(np.dot(self.NP, B).tolist(), onlyNP=True)
         elif self.Sparse == True:
             return Matrix(self.S * B, Sparse=True)
     elif self.onlyNP == True and B.onlyNP == True:
         if (type(np.dot(self.NP, B.NP).tolist()) == float
                 or type(np.dot(self.NP, B.NP).tolist()) == int):
             return (np.dot(self.NP, B.NP).tolist())
             return Matrix(np.dot(self.NP, B.NP).tolist(), onlyNP=True)
     elif self.onlyMP == True and B.onlyMP == True:
         return Matrix(mpmath.fdot(self.MP, B.MP).tolist(), onlyMP=True)
     elif self.Sparse == True and B.Sparse == True:
         M = self.S * B.S
         if M.shape == (1, 1):
             return float(M.todense())
             return Matrix(self.S * B.S, Sparse=True)
Example #14
    def initRemez(self):

        # constants for domain
        (xMin, xMax) = self.domain
        self.k1 = (xMax + xMin) * 0.5
        self.k2 = (xMax - xMin) * 0.5

        # initial estimates for function roots (where error == 0.0)
        size = self.order + 1
        roots = vzeros(size)
        fxn = vzeros(size)
        # \todo [petri] use linspace
        for i in range(size):
            roots[i] = (2.0 * i - self.order) / size
            fxn[i] = self.evalFunc(roots[i])

        # build matrix of Chebyshev evaluations
        system = mp.zeros(size)
        for order in range(size):
            for i in range(size):
                system[i, order] = mp.chebyt(order, roots[i])

        # solve system
        solved = system**-1

        # compute Chebyshev weights of new approximation
        weights = vzeros(size)
        for n in range(size):
            weights[n] = mp.fdot(solved[n, :], fxn)
        #print(f'  weights: {weights.T}')

        # store roots & weights
        self.roots = roots
        self.weights = weights
        self.maxError = 1000.0
Example #15
 def dot(self, other_vector):
     return mpmath.fdot(self.abc, other_vector.abc)
Example #16
 def magnitude(self):
     p = mpmath.fdot(self.abc, self.abc)
     return mpmath.sqrt(p)
Example #17
 def dot(self, other_vector):
     return mpmath.fdot(self.xyzw, other_vector.xyzw)