Example #1
    def generate_xinit(self):
        # MuJoCo uses center of geom as origin, while we use bottom corner
        if not self.placeable:
            return {}
        position = self.absolute_position
        position_xinit = {}
        # extracts names of three top level slide joints from
        # the body.
        for body in self.xml_dict["worldbody"]["body"]:
            for jnt in body.get("joint", []):
                if jnt["@type"] == "slide":
                    idx = get_axis_index(jnt["@axis"])
                    position_xinit[jnt["@name"]] = position[idx]
        # Some people add transforms which remove joints.
        # Only generate xinit terms for joints that remain
        xinit = {}
        for body in self.xml_dict["worldbody"]["body"]:
            for joint in body.get('joint', []):
                joint_name = joint.get('@name', '')
                if joint_name in position_xinit:
                    xinit[joint_name] = position_xinit[joint_name]

        if hasattr(self, "default_qpos") and self.default_qpos is not None:
            for joint, value in self.default_qpos.items():
                if not joint.startswith(self.name + ':'):
                    joint = self.name + ":" + joint
                xinit[joint] = value
        return xinit
Example #2
    def to_xml_dict(self):
        Generates XML for this object and all of its children.
            see generate_xml() for parameter documentation
        Returns merged xml_dict
        full_xml_dict = OrderedDict()
        # First add all of our own xml
        self.xml_dict = self.generate_xml_dict()

        # Removed joints marked to be static. We set positions in XML instead of using qpos.
        for body in self.xml_dict.get("worldbody", {}).get("body", []):
            remaining_joints = []
            for jnt in body.get("joint", []):
                if jnt["@type"] == "slide":
                    axis_idx = get_axis_index(jnt["@axis"])
                    if self._keep_slide_joint[axis_idx]:
                        body["@pos"][axis_idx] = float(
                            [axis_idx]) + self.absolute_position[axis_idx]
                elif jnt["@type"] == "hinge":
                    axis_idx = get_axis_index(jnt["@axis"])
                    if self._keep_hinge_joint[axis_idx]:
                elif jnt["@type"] == "ball":
            body["joint"] = remaining_joints

        if len(self.markers) > 0:
            bodies = [
                body for body in self.xml_dict["worldbody"]["body"]
                if "annotation" not in body["@name"] and (
                    "@mocap" not in body or not body["@mocap"])
            assert len(bodies) == 1, ("Object %s should have only one body " % self) + \
                                     "to attach markers to. Otherwise mark() is" + \
            body = bodies[0]
            if "site" not in body:
                body["site"] = []
            for marker in self.markers:
                site = OrderedDict()
                site['@name'] = marker['name']
                site['@pos'] = marker['position']
                site['@size'] = marker['size']
                site['@rgba'] = marker['rgba']
                site['@type'] = marker['type']

        # Adding material influences nodes of the parent.
        if self._material is not None:

            def assign_material(node):
                if "geom" in node:
                    for g in node["geom"]:
                        g["@material"] = self._material.name


        update_mujoco_dict(full_xml_dict, self.xml_dict)
        for transform in self.transforms:
        # Then add the xml of all of our children
        for children in self.children.values():
            for child, _ in children:
                child_dict = child.to_xml_dict()
                update_mujoco_dict(full_xml_dict, child_dict)

        return full_xml_dict