Example #1
def upload(workspace: str, graph: str) -> Any:
    """Store a d3 json-encoded graph into the database, with node and edge tables.

    `workspace` - the target workspace
    `graph` - the target graph
    `data` - the json data, passed in the request body. The json data should contain
    nodes: [] and links: []
    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)
    if loaded_workspace.has_graph(graph):
        raise AlreadyExists("graph", graph)

    # Get data from the request and load it as json
    body = decode_data(request.data)
    data = json.load(StringIO(body), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)

    # Check file structure
    errors = validate_d3_json(data)
    if len(errors) > 0:
        raise ValidationFailed(errors)

    node_table_name = f"{graph}_nodes"
    edge_table_name = f"{graph}_links"

    # Change column names from the d3 format to the arango format
    nodes = data["nodes"]
    for node in nodes:
        node["_key"] = str(node["id"])
        del node["id"]

    links = data["links"]
    for link in links:
        link["_from"] = f"{node_table_name}/{link['source']}"
        link["_to"] = f"{node_table_name}/{link['target']}"
        del link["source"]
        del link["target"]

    # Create or retrieve the node and edge tables
    if loaded_workspace.has_table(node_table_name):
        node_table = loaded_workspace.table(node_table_name)
        node_table = loaded_workspace.create_table(node_table_name, edge=False)

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(edge_table_name):
        edge_table = loaded_workspace.table(edge_table_name)
        edge_table = loaded_workspace.create_table(edge_table_name, edge=True)

    # Insert data

    loaded_workspace.create_graph(graph, edge_table_name)

    return {"nodecount": len(nodes), "edgecount": len(links)}
def upload(workspace: str, graph: str) -> Any:
    Store a nested_json tree into the database in coordinated node and edge tables.

    `workspace` - the target workspace.
    `graph` - the target graph.
    `data` - the nested_json data, passed in the request body.
    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)
    if loaded_workspace.has_graph(graph):
        raise AlreadyExists("graph", graph)

    # Set up the parameters.
    data = request.data.decode("utf8")

    edgetable_name = f"{graph}_edges"
    int_nodetable_name = f"{graph}_internal_nodes"
    leaf_nodetable_name = f"{graph}_leaf_nodes"

    # Set up the database targets.
    if loaded_workspace.has_table(edgetable_name):
        edgetable = loaded_workspace.table(edgetable_name)
        edgetable = loaded_workspace.create_table(edgetable_name, edge=True)

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(int_nodetable_name):
        int_nodetable = loaded_workspace.table(int_nodetable_name)
        int_nodetable = loaded_workspace.create_table(int_nodetable_name,

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(leaf_nodetable_name):
        leaf_nodetable = loaded_workspace.table(leaf_nodetable_name)
        leaf_nodetable = loaded_workspace.create_table(leaf_nodetable_name,

    # Analyze the nested_json data into a node and edge table.
    (nodes, edges) = analyze_nested_json(data, int_nodetable_name,

    # Upload the data to the database.

    # Create graph
    loaded_workspace.create_graph(graph, edgetable_name)

    return {
        "edgecount": len(edges),
        "int_nodecount": len(nodes[0]),
        "leaf_nodecount": len(nodes[1]),
Example #3
def upload(workspace: str,
           table: str,
           key: str = "_key",
           overwrite: bool = False) -> Any:
    Store a CSV file into the database as a node or edge table.

    `workspace` - the target workspace
    `table` - the target table
    `data` - the CSV data, passed in the request body. If the CSV data contains
             `_from` and `_to` fields, it will be treated as an edge table.
    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(table):
        raise AlreadyExists("table", table)

    app.logger.info("Bulk Loading")

    # Read the request body into CSV format
    body = decode_data(request.data)

        # Type to a Dict rather than an OrderedDict
        rows: List[Dict[str, str]] = list(csv.DictReader(StringIO(body)))
    except csv.Error:
        raise CSVReadError()

    # Perform validation.
    validate_csv(rows, key, overwrite)

    # Once we reach here, we know that the specified key field must be present,
    # and either:
    #   key == "_key"   # noqa: E800
    #   or key != "_key" and the "_key" field is not present
    #   or key != "_key" and "_key" is present, but overwrite = True
    if key != "_key":
        rows = set_table_key(rows, key)

    # Check if it's an edge table or not
    fieldnames = rows[0].keys()
    edges = "_from" in fieldnames and "_to" in fieldnames

    # Create table and insert the data
    loaded_table = loaded_workspace.create_table(table, edges)
    results = loaded_table.insert(rows)

    return {"count": len(results)}
Example #4
def upload(workspace: str, graph: str) -> Any:
    Store a newick tree into the database in coordinated node and edge tables.

    `workspace` - the target workspace.
    `graph` - the target graph.
    `data` - the newick data, passed in the request body.
    app.logger.info("newick tree")

    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)
    if loaded_workspace.has_graph(graph):
        raise AlreadyExists("graph", graph)

    body = decode_data(request.data)
    tree = newick.loads(body)

    edgetable_name = f"{graph}_edges"
    nodetable_name = f"{graph}_nodes"

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(edgetable_name):
        edgetable = loaded_workspace.table(edgetable_name)
        # Note that edge=True must be set or the _from and _to keys
        # will be ignored below.
        edgetable = loaded_workspace.create_table(edgetable_name, edge=True)

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(nodetable_name):
        nodetable = loaded_workspace.table(nodetable_name)
        nodetable = loaded_workspace.create_table(nodetable_name, edge=False)

    edgecount = 0
    nodecount = 0

    def read_tree(parent: Optional[str], node: newick.Node) -> None:
        nonlocal nodecount
        nonlocal edgecount
        key = node.name or uuid.uuid4().hex
        if not nodetable.row(key):
            nodetable.insert([{"_key": key}])
        nodecount = nodecount + 1
        for desc in node.descendants:
            read_tree(key, desc)
        if parent:
                        "_from": f"{nodetable_name}/{parent}",
                        "_to": f"{nodetable_name}/{key}",
                        "length": node.length,
            edgecount += 1

    read_tree(None, tree[0])

    loaded_workspace.create_graph(graph, edgetable_name)

    return {"edgecount": edgecount, "nodecount": nodecount}
Example #5
def upload(
    workspace: str,
    table: str,
    key: str = "_key",
    overwrite: bool = False,
    metadata: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Any:
    Store a CSV file into the database as a node or edge table.

    `workspace` - the target workspace
    `table` - the target table
    `data` - the CSV data, passed in the request body. If the CSV data contains
             `_from` and `_to` fields, it will be treated as an edge table.
    loaded_workspace = Workspace(workspace)

    if loaded_workspace.has_table(table):
        raise AlreadyExists("table", table)

    app.logger.info("Bulk Loading")

    # Read the request body into CSV format
    body = decode_data(request.data)

        # Type to a Dict rather than an OrderedDict
        csv_rows: List[UnprocessedTableRow] = list(csv.DictReader(StringIO(body)))
    except csv.Error:
        raise CSVReadError()

    # TODO: This temporarily needs to be done here, so that validation of the metadata
    # can be done before the table is actually created. Once the API is updated, this
    # will change.
    # https://github.com/multinet-app/multinet-server/issues/493
    metadata_dict = {}
    if metadata:
            metadata_dict = json.loads(metadata)
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            raise BadQueryArgument("metadata", metadata)

    table_metadata = table_metadata_from_dict(metadata_dict)
    rows, metadata_validation_errors = process_rows(csv_rows, table_metadata.columns)

    # Perform validation.
    csv_validation_errors = validate_csv(rows, key, overwrite)

    validation_errors = [*metadata_validation_errors, *csv_validation_errors]
    if len(validation_errors):
        raise ValidationFailed(errors=validation_errors)

    # Once we reach here, we know that the specified key field must be present,
    # and either:
    #   key == "_key"   # noqa: E800
    #   or key != "_key" and the "_key" field is not present
    #   or key != "_key" and "_key" is present, but overwrite = True
    if key != "_key":
        rows = set_table_key(rows, key)

    # Create table and insert the data
    loaded_table = loaded_workspace.create_table(table, edge=is_edge_table(rows))

    # Set table metadata

    results = loaded_table.insert(rows)
    return {"count": len(results)}