Example #1
    def _stripError(self, value):
        Strip error symbols from a numerical value. Return cleaned source and
        sym. Only one error symbol is expected per string.

        >>> d = metadata.Date()
        >>> d._stripError('1247~')
        ('1247', 'approximate')

        >>> d._stripError('234.43?')
        ('234.43', 'uncertain')

        >>> d._stripError('234.43')
        ('234.43', None)

        if common.isNum(value):  # if a number, let pass
            return value, None
            dateStr = value
        sym = self.approximateSymbols + self.uncertainSymbols
        found = None
        for char in dateStr:
            if char in sym:
                found = char
        if found is None:
            return dateStr, None
        elif found in self.approximateSymbols:
            dateStr = dateStr.replace(found, '')
            return dateStr, 'approximate'
        elif found in self.uncertainSymbols:
            dateStr = dateStr.replace(found, '')
            return dateStr, 'uncertain'
    def _filterNodeId(self, id):
        '''Given a node id, return the edge coordinates.

        Node 1 is the first node, even though the edge coordinates are 'start' and 0.

        >>> edgeList = ['M2', 'M2', 'm2', 'M2', 'M2', 'M2', 'm2']
        >>> net = IntervalNetwork()
        >>> net.setEdges(edgeList)
        >>> net._filterNodeId(1)
        ('start', 0)
        >>> net._filterNodeId([3,4])
        (3, 4)
        >>> net._filterNodeId('last')
        (5, 'end')
        >>> net._filterNodeId('first')
        ('start', 0)
        if common.isNum(id):
            # assume counting nodes from 1
            return self._nodesOrdered[id-1 % len(self._nodesOrdered)]
        if common.isStr(id):
            if id.lower() in ['start', 'first']:
                return self._getFirstNode()
            elif id.lower() in ['end', 'last']:
                return self._getLastNode()

        else: # match coords
            if tuple(id) in self._nodesOrdered:
                return tuple(id)
Example #3
    def getDoc(self, partName):
        element = self.getElement(partName)

        if hasattr(self.srcNameEval, '_DOC_ATTR'):
            docAttr = self.srcNameEval._DOC_ATTR
            docAttr = {}

        match = None
        if partName in docAttr.keys():
            match = docAttr[partName]
        # if its an undocumented public attribute and basic python
        # data structure, we do not want to show that documentation
        elif (element.kind in ['data'] and (
            common.isStr(element.object) or 
            common.isListLike(element.object) or
                match = element.object.__doc__
            except AttributeError:
                match = None

        if match == None:
            return NO_DOC
            return match
Example #4
    def _stripError(self, value):
        '''Strip error symbols from a numerical value. Return cleaned source and sym. Only one error symbol is expected per string.

        >>> d = Date()
        >>> d._stripError('1247~')
        ('1247', 'approximate')
        >>> d._stripError('234.43?')
        ('234.43', 'uncertain')
        >>> d._stripError('234.43')
        ('234.43', None)

        if common.isNum(value): # if a number, let pass
            return value, None
            str = value
        found = None
        for char in str:
            if char in sym:
                found = char
        if found == None:
            return str, None
        elif found in APPROXIMATE:
            str = str.replace(found, '')
            return  str, 'approximate'
        elif found in UNCERTAIN:
            str = str.replace(found, '')
            return  str, 'uncertain'
Example #5
 def velocity(self, value):
     if not common.isNum(value):
         raise VolumeException('value provided for velocity must be a number, not %s' % value)
     if value < 0:
         self._velocityScalar = 0.0
     elif value > 127:
         self._velocityScalar = 1.0
         self._velocityScalar = value / 127.0
Example #6
 def _setVelocity(self, value):
     if not common.isNum(value):
         raise VolumeException('value provided for velocity must be a number, not %s' % value)
     if value < 0:
         self._velocity = 0
     elif value > 127:
         self._velocity = 127
         self._velocity = value
Example #7
 def velocityScalar(self, value):
     if not common.isNum(value):
         raise VolumeException('value provided for velocityScalar must be a number, not %s' % value)
     if value < 0:
         scalar = 0
     elif value > 1:
         scalar = 1
         scalar = value
     self._velocity = int(round(scalar * 127))
Example #8
 def __init__(self, text=None, number=1, syllabic=None):
     if not common.isStr(text):
         # do not want to do this unless we are sure this is not a string
         # possible might alter unicode or other string-like representations
         self.text = str(text)         
         self.text = text
     if not common.isNum(number):
         raise LyricException('Number best be number')
     self.number = number
     self.syllabic = syllabic # can be begin, middle, or end
 def printDebug(self, msg, statusLevel=common.DEBUG_USER):
     '''Format one or more data elements into string, and print it 
     to stderr. The first arg can be a list of string; lists are 
     concatenated with common.formatStr(). 
     if not common.isNum(statusLevel):
         raise EnvironmentException('bad statusLevel argument given: %s' % statusLevel)
     if self.__getitem__('debug') >= statusLevel:
         if common.isStr(msg):
             msg = [msg] # make into a list
         if msg[0] != self.modNameParent and self.modNameParent != None:
             msg = [self.modNameParent + ':'] + msg
         # pass list to common.formatStr
         msg = common.formatStr(*msg)
Example #10
    def _fillData(self):
        >>> from music21 import pitch
        >>> a = PartitionedModule(pitch)
        >>> len(a.names) == len(a._data)
        >>> a.namesOrdered
        ['Pitch', 'Accidental']
        >>> a.names[0]
        >>> a.names[0] == a._data[0].name
        post = []

        for name in self.names:
            objName = '%s.%s' % (self.srcNameStr, name)
            obj = eval(objName)

            # skip for now
            homecls = self.srcNameEval
            if hasattr(obj, '__module__'):
                if self.srcNameStr not in obj.__module__:
                    homecls = obj.__module__

            # get kind
            if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType):
                kind = 'module'
            elif (isinstance(obj, types.StringTypes) or 
                isinstance(obj, types.DictionaryType) or 
                isinstance(obj, types.ListType) or 
                common.isNum(obj) or common.isListLike(obj) or 
                isinstance(obj, type(MOCK_RE))): 
                kind = 'data'

            elif isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType):
                kind = 'function'
            elif isinstance(obj, types.TypeType):
                kind = 'class'
            elif isinstance(obj, environment.Environment):
                kind = 'data' # skip environment object
                environLocal.printDebug(['cannot process module level name: %s' % self.srcNameStr])
                kind = None

            post.append(inspect.Attribute(name, kind, homecls, obj))

        return post
Example #11
 def warn(self, msg, header=None):
     To print a warning to the user, send a list of strings to this method.
     Similar to printDebug but even if debug is off.
     if isinstance(msg, six.string_types):
         msg = [msg]  # make into a list
     elif isinstance(msg, dict):
         msg = [repr(msg)]
     elif common.isNum(msg):
         msg = [str(msg)]
     if header is None:
         if msg[0] != self.modNameParent and self.modNameParent is not None:
             msg = [self.modNameParent + ': WARNING:'] + msg
         msg = [header] + msg
     msg = common.formatStr(*msg)
Example #12
def _quickEnharmonicString(nameStr, direction='up', allowDoubleAccidentals=True):
    Helper function for quickHigherEnharmonicString and quickLowerEnharmonicString
    if direction == 'up':
        addNum = 4
    elif direction == 'down':
        addNum = -4
        raise Base40Exception("Not a valid direction, {}".format(direction))

    enharmonics = []
    if common.isNum(nameStr):
        base40num = nameStr
        nameStr = base40Equivalent.get(base40num, None)
        if nameStr is None:
            base40num = None
        base40num = base40Representation.get(nameStr, None)

    while base40num is not None:
        base40num = (base40num + addNum) % 40
        if base40num == 0:
            base40num = 40

        base40str = base40Equivalent.get(base40num, None)
        if allowDoubleAccidentals is False and base40str is not None and len(base40str) > 2:
            base40str = None

        if base40str is None:
            base40num = None
            if base40str[0] == nameStr[0]:
                base40num = None
                base40str = None
            for e in enharmonics:
                if base40str[0] == e[0]:
                    base40num = None
                    base40str = None
            if base40str is not None:

    return enharmonics
Example #13
 def _fixId(e):
     if (e.id is not None
             and common.isNum(e.id)
             and e.id > defaults.minIdNumberToConsiderMemoryLocation):
         e.id = id(e)
Example #14
    def process(self, minWindow=1, maxWindow=1, windowStepSize=1, 
                windowType='overlap', includeTotalWindow=True):

        ''' Main method for windowed analysis across one or more window size.

        Calls :meth:`~music21.analysis.WindowedAnalysis._analyze` for 
        the number of different window sizes to be analyzed.

        The `minWindow` and `maxWindow` set the range of window sizes in quarter lengths. The `windowStepSize` parameter determines the increment between these window sizes, in quarter lengths. 

        If `minWindow` or `maxWindow` is None, the largest window size available will be set. 

        If `includeTotalWindow` is True, the largest window size will always be added. 

        >>> s = corpus.parse('bach/bwv324')
        >>> p = analysis.discrete.KrumhanslSchmuckler()
        >>> # placing one part into analysis
        >>> wa = analysis.windowed.WindowedAnalysis(s.parts[0], p)
        >>> x, y, z = wa.process(1, 1, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(x) # we only have one series of windows

        >>> y[0][0].startswith('#') # for each window, we get a solution and a color
        >>> x[0][0][0] 
        <music21.pitch.Pitch B>

        >>> x, y, z = wa.process(1, 2, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(x) # we have two series of windows

        >>> x[0][0] # the data returned is processor dependent; here we get
        (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'major', 0.6868258874056411)
        >>> y[0][0].startswith('#') # a color is returned for each matching data position
        if maxWindow == None:
            maxLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            maxLength = maxWindow

        if minWindow == None:
            minLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            minLength = minWindow
        if windowType == None:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['overlap']:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['nooverlap', 'nonoverlapping']:
            windowType = 'noOverlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['adjacentaverage']:
            windowType = 'adjacentAverage'

        # need to create storage for the output of each row, or the processing
        # of all windows of a single size across the entire Stream
        solutionMatrix = [] 
        colorMatrix = [] 
        # store meta data about each row as a dictionary
        metaMatrix = [] 

        if common.isNum(windowStepSize):
            windowSizes = list(range(minLength, maxLength+1, windowStepSize))
            num, junk = common.getNumFromStr(windowStepSize)
            windowSizes = []
            x = minLength
            while True:
                x = x * int(round(float(num)))
                if x > (maxLength * .75):

        if includeTotalWindow:
            totalWindow = len(self._windowedStream)
            if totalWindow not in windowSizes:

        for i in windowSizes:
            #environLocal.printDebug(['processing window:', i])
            # each of these results are lists, where len is based on 
            soln, colorn = self._analyze(i, windowType=windowType) 
            # store lists of results in a list of lists
            meta = {'windowSize': i}
        return solutionMatrix, colorMatrix, metaMatrix
Example #15
def getColor(color):
    Convert any specification of a color to a hexadecimal color used by matplotlib.

    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('red')
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('r')
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('Steel Blue')
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('#f50')
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor(0.8)
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor([0.8])
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor([255, 255, 255])

    Invalid colors raise GraphExceptions:

    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('l')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    music21.graph.utilities.GraphException: invalid color abbreviation: l

    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('chalkywhitebutsortofgreenish')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    music21.graph.utilities.GraphException: invalid color name: chalkywhitebutsortofgreenish

    >>> graph.utilities.getColor(True)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    music21.graph.utilities.GraphException: invalid color specification: True
    # expand a single value to three
    if common.isNum(color):
        color = [color, color, color]
    if isinstance(color, str):
        if color[0] == '#': # assume is hex
            # this will expand three-value codes, and check for badly
            # formed codes
            return webcolors.normalize_hex(color)
        color = color.lower().replace(' ', '')
        # check for one character matplotlib colors
        if len(color) == 1:
            colorMap = {'b': 'blue',
                        'g': 'green',
                        'r': 'red',
                        'c': 'cyan',
                        'm': 'magenta',
                        'y': 'yellow',
                        'k': 'black',
                        'w': 'white'}
                color = colorMap[color]
            except KeyError:
                raise GraphException('invalid color abbreviation: %s' % color)
            return webcolors.css3_names_to_hex[color]
        except KeyError: # no color match
            raise GraphException('invalid color name: %s' % color)

    elif common.isListLike(color):
        percent = False
        for sub in color:
            if sub < 1:
                percent = True
        if percent:
            if len(color) == 1:
                color = [color[0], color[0], color[0]]
            # convert to 0 100% values as strings with % symbol
            colorStrList = [str(x * 100) + "%" for x in color]
            return webcolors.rgb_percent_to_hex(colorStrList)
        else: # assume integers
            return webcolors.rgb_to_hex(tuple(color))
    raise GraphException('invalid color specification: %s' % color)
Example #16
    def process(self, minWindow=1, maxWindow=1, windowStepSize=1,
                windowType='overlap', includeTotalWindow=True):

        Main method for windowed analysis across one or more window sizes.

        Calls :meth:`~music21.analysis.WindowedAnalysis.analyze` for
        the number of different window sizes to be analyzed.

        The `minWindow` and `maxWindow` set the range of window sizes in quarter lengths.
        The `windowStepSize` parameter determines the increment between these window sizes,
        in quarter lengths.

        If `minWindow` or `maxWindow` is None, the largest window size available will be set.

        If `includeTotalWindow` is True, the largest window size will always be added.

        >>> s = corpus.parse('bach/bwv324')
        >>> ksAnalyzer = analysis.discrete.KrumhanslSchmuckler()

        placing one part into analysis

        >>> sopr = s.parts[0]
        >>> wa = analysis.windowed.WindowedAnalysis(sopr, ksAnalyzer)
        >>> solutions, colors, meta = wa.process(1, 1, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(solutions) # we only have one series of windows

        >>> solutions, colors, meta = wa.process(1, 2, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(solutions) # we have two series of windows

        >>> solutions[1]
        [(<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'major', 0.6868...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'minor', 0.8308...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch D>, 'major', 0.6868...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'minor', 0.8308...),...]

        >>> colors[1]
        ['#ffb5ff', '#9b519b', '#ffd752', '#9b519b', ...]

        >>> meta
        [{'windowSize': 1}, {'windowSize': 2}]
        if maxWindow is None:
            maxLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            maxLength = maxWindow

        if minWindow is None:
            minLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            minLength = minWindow

        if windowType is None:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['overlap']:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['nooverlap', 'nonoverlapping']:
            windowType = 'noOverlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['adjacentaverage']:
            windowType = 'adjacentAverage'

        # need to create storage for the output of each row, or the processing
        # of all windows of a single size across the entire Stream
        solutionMatrix = []
        colorMatrix = []
        # store meta data about each row as a dictionary
        metaMatrix = []

        if common.isNum(windowStepSize):
            windowSizes = list(range(minLength, maxLength + 1, windowStepSize))
            num, junk = common.getNumFromStr(windowStepSize)
            windowSizes = []
            x = minLength
            while True:
                x = x * round(int(num))
                if x > (maxLength * 0.75):

        if includeTotalWindow:
            totalWindow = len(self._windowedStream)
            if totalWindow not in windowSizes:

        for i in windowSizes:
            #environLocal.printDebug(['processing window:', i])
            # each of these results are lists, where len is based on
            soln, colorn = self.analyze(i, windowType=windowType)
            # store lists of results in a list of lists
            meta = {'windowSize': i}

        return solutionMatrix, colorMatrix, metaMatrix
Example #17
 def _setVolumeScalar(self, value):
     # we can manually set this to be anything, overriding defaults
     if common.isNum(value) and 0 <= value <= 1:
         self._volumeScalar = value
         raise DynamicException('cannot set as volume scalar to: %s', value)
Example #18
    def parseInputToPrimitive(self, inpVal):
        Determines what format a given input is in and returns a value in that format..
        First checks if it is the name of a variable defined in the parsedDataDict or the
        name of an allowable function. In either of these cases, it will return the actual value
        of the data or the actual function.
        Next, it will check if the string is an int, float, boolean, or none, returning the appropriate value.
        If it is a quoted string then it will remove the quotes on the ends and return it as a string.
        If it has square braces indicating a list, the inner elements will be parsed using this same function recursively.
        (Note that recursive lists like [1, 2, [3, 4]] are not yet supported
        If the input corresponds to none of these types, it is returned as a string.
        >>> agenda = webapps.Agenda()
        >>> agenda.addData("a",2)
        >>> agenda.addData("b",[1,2,3],"list")

        >>> processor = webapps.CommandProcessor(agenda)
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("a")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("b")
        [1, 2, 3]
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("1.0")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("2")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("True")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("False")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("None") == None
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("'hi'")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("'Madam I\'m Adam'")
        "Madam I'm Adam"
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("[1,2,3]")
        [1, 2, 3]
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("[1,'hi',3.0,True, a, justAStr]")
        [1, 'hi', 3.0, True, 2, 'justAStr']
        returnVal = None

        if common.isNum(inpVal):
            return inpVal

        if common.isListLike(inpVal):
            return [self.parseInputToPrimitive(element) for element in inpVal]

        if not common.isStr(inpVal):
            self.recordError("Unknown type for parseInputToPrimitive " +

        strVal = inpVal

        strVal = strVal.strip()  # removes whitespace on ends

        if strVal in self.parsedDataDict:  # Used to specify data via variable name
            returnVal = self.parsedDataDict[strVal]
        elif strVal in availableFunctions:  # Used to specify function via variable name
            returnVal = strVal
                returnVal = int(strVal)
                    returnVal = float(strVal)
                    if strVal == "True":
                        returnVal = True

                    elif strVal == "None":
                        returnVal = None

                    elif strVal == "False":
                        returnVal = False

                    elif strVal[0] == '"' and strVal[
                            -1] == '"':  # Double Quoted String
                        returnVal = strVal[1:-1]  # remove quotes

                    elif strVal[0] == "'" and strVal[
                            -1] == "'":  # Single Quoted String
                        returnVal = strVal[1:-1]  # remove quotes

                    elif strVal[0] == "[" and strVal[-1] == "]":  # List
                        listElements = strVal[1:-1].split(
                            ",")  # remove [] and split by commas
                        returnVal = [
                            for element in listElements
                        returnVal = cgi.escape(str(strVal))
        return returnVal
Example #19
 def _setVolumeScalar(self, value):
     # we can manually set this to be anything, overriding defaults
     if common.isNum(value) and 0 <= value <= 1:
         self._volumeScalar = value
         raise DynamicException('cannot set as volume scalar to: %s', value)
Example #20
    def process(self, minWindow=1, maxWindow=1, windowStepSize=1, 
                windowType='overlap', includeTotalWindow=True):

        ''' Main method for windowed analysis across one or more window size.

        Calls :meth:`~music21.analysis.WindowedAnalysis._analyze` for 
        the number of different window sizes to be analyzed.

        The `minWindow` and `maxWindow` set the range of window sizes in quarter lengths. The `windowStepSize` parameter determines the increment between these window sizes, in quarter lengths. 

        If `minWindow` or `maxWindow` is None, the largest window size available will be set. 

        If `includeTotalWindow` is True, the largest window size will always be added. 

        >>> s = corpus.parse('bach/bwv324')
        >>> p = analysis.discrete.KrumhanslSchmuckler()
        >>> # placing one part into analysis
        >>> wa = analysis.windowed.WindowedAnalysis(s.parts[0], p)
        >>> x, y, z = wa.process(1, 1, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(x) # we only have one series of windows

        >>> y[0][0].startswith('#') # for each window, we get a solution and a color
        >>> x[0][0][0] 
        <music21.pitch.Pitch B>

        >>> x, y, z = wa.process(1, 2, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(x) # we have two series of windows

        >>> x[0][0] # the data returned is processor dependent; here we get
        (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'major', 0.6868258874056411)
        >>> y[0][0].startswith('#') # a color is returned for each matching data position
        if maxWindow == None:
            maxLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            maxLength = maxWindow

        if minWindow == None:
            minLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            minLength = minWindow
        if windowType == None:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['overlap']:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['nooverlap', 'nonoverlapping']:
            windowType = 'noOverlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['adjacentaverage']:
            windowType = 'adjacentAverage'

        # need to create storage for the output of each row, or the processing
        # of all windows of a single size across the entire Stream
        solutionMatrix = [] 
        colorMatrix = [] 
        # store meta data about each row as a dictionary
        metaMatrix = [] 

        if common.isNum(windowStepSize):
            windowSizes = list(range(minLength, maxLength+1, windowStepSize))
            num, junk = common.getNumFromStr(windowStepSize)
            windowSizes = []
            x = minLength
            while True:
                x = x * int(round(float(num)))
                if x > (maxLength * .75):

        if includeTotalWindow:
            totalWindow = len(self._windowedStream)
            if totalWindow not in windowSizes:

        for i in windowSizes:
            #environLocal.printDebug(['processing window:', i])
            # each of these results are lists, where len is based on 
            soln, colorn = self._analyze(i, windowType=windowType) 
            # store lists of results in a list of lists
            meta = {'windowSize': i}
        return solutionMatrix, colorMatrix, metaMatrix
Example #21
 def _fixId(e):
     if (e.id is not None and common.isNum(e.id)
             and e.id > defaults.minIdNumberToConsiderMemoryLocation):
         e.id = id(e)
Example #22
    def parseInputToPrimitive(self, inpVal):
        Determines what format a given input is in and returns a value in that format..
        First checks if it is the name of a variable defined in the parsedDataDict or the
        name of an allowable function. In either of these cases, it will return the actual value
        of the data or the actual function.
        Next, it will check if the string is an int, float, boolean, or none, returning the appropriate value.
        If it is a quoted string then it will remove the quotes on the ends and return it as a string.
        If it has square braces indicating a list, the inner elements will be parsed using this same function recursively.
        (Note that recursive lists like [1, 2, [3, 4]] are not yet supported
        If the input corresponds to none of these types, it is returned as a string.
        >>> agenda = webapps.Agenda()
        >>> agenda.addData("a",2)
        >>> agenda.addData("b",[1,2,3],"list")

        >>> processor = webapps.CommandProcessor(agenda)
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("a")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("b")
        [1, 2, 3]
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("1.0")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("2")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("True")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("False")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("None") == None
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("'hi'")
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("'Madam I\'m Adam'")
        "Madam I'm Adam"
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("[1,2,3]")
        [1, 2, 3]
        >>> processor.parseInputToPrimitive("[1,'hi',3.0,True, a, justAStr]")
        [1, 'hi', 3.0, True, 2, 'justAStr']
        returnVal = None

        if common.isNum(inpVal):
            return inpVal

        if common.isListLike(inpVal):
            return [self.parseInputToPrimitive(element) for element in inpVal]

        if not common.isStr(inpVal):
            self.recordError("Unknown type for parseInputToPrimitive " + str(inpVal))

        strVal = inpVal

        strVal = strVal.strip()  # removes whitespace on ends

        if strVal in self.parsedDataDict:  # Used to specify data via variable name
            returnVal = self.parsedDataDict[strVal]
        elif strVal in availableFunctions:  # Used to specify function via variable name
            returnVal = strVal
                returnVal = int(strVal)
                    returnVal = float(strVal)
                    if strVal == "True":
                        returnVal = True

                    elif strVal == "None":
                        returnVal = None

                    elif strVal == "False":
                        returnVal = False

                    elif strVal[0] == '"' and strVal[-1] == '"':  # Double Quoted String
                        returnVal = strVal[1:-1]  # remove quotes

                    elif strVal[0] == "'" and strVal[-1] == "'":  # Single Quoted String
                        returnVal = strVal[1:-1]  # remove quotes

                    elif strVal[0] == "[" and strVal[-1] == "]":  # List
                        listElements = strVal[1:-1].split(",")  # remove [] and split by commas
                        returnVal = [self.parseInputToPrimitive(element) for element in listElements]
                        returnVal = cgi.escape(str(strVal))
        return returnVal
Example #23
    def process(self,
        Main method for windowed analysis across one or more window sizes.

        Calls :meth:`~music21.analysis.WindowedAnalysis.analyze` for
        the number of different window sizes to be analyzed.

        The `minWindow` and `maxWindow` set the range of window sizes in quarter lengths.
        The `windowStepSize` parameter determines the increment between these window sizes,
        in quarter lengths.

        If `minWindow` or `maxWindow` is None, the largest window size available will be set.

        If `includeTotalWindow` is True, the largest window size will always be added.

        >>> s = corpus.parse('bach/bwv324')
        >>> ksAnalyzer = analysis.discrete.KrumhanslSchmuckler()

        placing one part into analysis

        >>> sopr = s.parts[0]
        >>> wa = analysis.windowed.WindowedAnalysis(sopr, ksAnalyzer)
        >>> solutions, colors, meta = wa.process(1, 1, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(solutions) # we only have one series of windows

        >>> solutions, colors, meta = wa.process(1, 2, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(solutions) # we have two series of windows

        >>> solutions[1]
        [(<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'major', 0.6868...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'minor', 0.8308...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch D>, 'major', 0.6868...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'minor', 0.8308...),...]

        >>> colors[1]
        ['#ffb5ff', '#9b519b', '#ffd752', '#9b519b', ...]

        >>> meta
        [{'windowSize': 1}, {'windowSize': 2}]
        if maxWindow is None:
            maxLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            maxLength = maxWindow

        if minWindow is None:
            minLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            minLength = minWindow

        if windowType is None:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['overlap']:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['nooverlap', 'nonoverlapping']:
            windowType = 'noOverlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['adjacentaverage']:
            windowType = 'adjacentAverage'

        # need to create storage for the output of each row, or the processing
        # of all windows of a single size across the entire Stream
        solutionMatrix = []
        colorMatrix = []
        # store meta data about each row as a dictionary
        metaMatrix = []

        if common.isNum(windowStepSize):
            windowSizes = list(range(minLength, maxLength + 1, windowStepSize))
            num, junk = common.getNumFromStr(windowStepSize)
            windowSizes = []
            x = minLength
            while True:
                x = x * round(int(num))
                if x > (maxLength * 0.75):

        if includeTotalWindow:
            totalWindow = len(self._windowedStream)
            if totalWindow not in windowSizes:

        for i in windowSizes:
            # environLocal.printDebug(['processing window:', i])
            # each of these results are lists, where len is based on
            solution, colorName = self.analyze(i, windowType=windowType)
            # store lists of results in a list of lists
            meta = {'windowSize': i}

        return solutionMatrix, colorMatrix, metaMatrix
Example #24
 def _fixId(innerEl):
     if (innerEl.id is not None and common.isNum(innerEl.id) and
             innerEl.id > defaults.minIdNumberToConsiderMemoryLocation):
         innerEl.id = id(innerEl)
Example #25
def getColor(color):
    Convert any specification of a color to a hexadecimal color used by matplotlib.

    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('red')
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('r')
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('Steel Blue')
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('#f50')
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor(0.8)
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor([0.8])
    >>> graph.utilities.getColor([255, 255, 255])

    Invalid colors raise GraphExceptions:

    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('l')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    music21.graph.utilities.GraphException: invalid color abbreviation: l

    >>> graph.utilities.getColor('chalkywhitebutsortofgreenish')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    music21.graph.utilities.GraphException: invalid color name: chalkywhitebutsortofgreenish

    >>> graph.utilities.getColor(True)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    music21.graph.utilities.GraphException: invalid color specification: True
    # expand a single value to three
    if common.isNum(color):
        color = [color, color, color]
    if isinstance(color, str):
        if color[0] == '#':  # assume is hex
            # this will expand three-value codes, and check for badly
            # formed codes
            return webcolors.normalize_hex(color)
        color = color.lower().replace(' ', '')
        # check for one character matplotlib colors
        if len(color) == 1:
            colorMap = {
                'b': 'blue',
                'g': 'green',
                'r': 'red',
                'c': 'cyan',
                'm': 'magenta',
                'y': 'yellow',
                'k': 'black',
                'w': 'white'
                color = colorMap[color]
            except KeyError:
                raise GraphException('invalid color abbreviation: %s' % color)
            return webcolors.css3_names_to_hex[color]
        except KeyError:  # no color match
            raise GraphException('invalid color name: %s' % color)

    elif common.isListLike(color):
        percent = False
        for sub in color:
            if sub < 1:
                percent = True
        if percent:
            if len(color) == 1:
                color = [color[0], color[0], color[0]]
            # convert to 0 100% values as strings with % symbol
            colorStrList = [str(x * 100) + "%" for x in color]
            return webcolors.rgb_percent_to_hex(colorStrList)
        else:  # assume integers
            return webcolors.rgb_to_hex(tuple(color))
    raise GraphException('invalid color specification: %s' % color)