Example #1
def test_np_meshgrid():
    nx, ny = (4, 5)
    x = np.array(_np.linspace(0, 1, nx), dtype=np.float32)
    y = np.array(_np.linspace(0, 1, ny), dtype=np.float32)
    z = np.ones(())
    xv, yv, zv = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)
    xv_expected, yv_expected, zv_expected = _np.meshgrid(
        x.asnumpy(), y.asnumpy(), z.asnumpy())
    assert same(xv.asnumpy(), xv_expected)
    assert same(yv.asnumpy(), yv_expected)
    assert same(zv.asnumpy(), zv_expected)
def multibox_prior(data, sizes, ratios):
    #data: batch, channels, height, width
    in_height, in_width = data.shape[-2:]

    device, num_sizes, num_ratios = data.ctx, len(sizes), len(ratios)
    boxes_per_pixel = num_sizes + num_ratios - 1
    size_tensor = np.array(sizes, ctx=device)
    ratio_tensor = np.array(ratios, ctx=device)

    # Offsets are required to move the anchor to center of a pixel
    # Since pixel (height=1, width=1), we choose to offset our centers by 0.5
    offset_w, offset_h = 0.5, 0.5
    steps_h = 1.0 / in_height  # Scaled steps in y axis
    steps_w = 1.0 / in_width  # Scaled steps in x axis

    # Generate all center points for the anchor boxes
    center_h = (np.arange(in_height, ctx=device) + offset_h) * steps_h
    center_w = (np.arange(in_width, ctx=device) + offset_w) * steps_w
    shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(center_w, center_h)
    shift_x, shift_y = shift_x.reshape(-1), shift_y.reshape(-1)

    # Generate boxes_per_pixel number of heights and widths which are later
    # used to create anchor box corner coordinates (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    # concat (various sizes, first ratio) and (first size, various ratios)

    w = np.concatenate((size_tensor * np.sqrt(ratio_tensor[0]),
                        size_tensor[0]* np.sqrt(ratio_tensor[1:])))\
                        * in_height / in_width

    h = np.concatenate((size_tensor / np.sqrt(ratio_tensor[0]),
                        sizes[0] / np.sqrt(ratio_tensor[1:])))

    # Divide by 2 to get half height and half width
    anchor_manipulations = np.tile(
        np.stack((-w, -h, w, h)).T, (in_height * in_width, 1)) / 2

    # Each center point will have boxes_per_pixel number of anchor boxes, so
    # generate grid of all anchor box centers with boxes_per_pixel repeats
    out_grid = np.stack([shift_x, shift_y, shift_x, shift_y],
                        axis=1).repeat(boxes_per_pixel, axis=0)

    output = out_grid + anchor_manipulations
    # print(output)
    print(in_height, in_width)
    return np.expand_dims(output, axis=0)