Example #1
# Minimalist mutater
# handles only PUSH (68/6A), CALL (E8), and JUMPS <dword> (FF25)
# no real code analysis, but mutating our original program and using only ADD, MOV, RETN

import pefile, mypacklib

pe, oep, ib, start, size = mypacklib.load()

# mutates the original code
# (needs to parse the hex, transform the underneath assembly, and rewrite it)

mutated_code = """
bits 32
section .text valign=1 vstart=0%(start_va)08xh
""" % {
    "start_va": oep + ib

#we need to keep track of jump targets
labels = []

pointer = oep

# parse the hex and convert in disassembly
for addr, op, arg in mypacklib.disasm(pe, oep):

    # jump targets need to be taken into account
    if addr + ib in labels:
        mutated_code += """
        """ % {
Example #2
# Minimalist mutater
# handles only PUSH (68/6A), CALL (E8), and JUMPS <dword> (FF25)
# no real code analysis, but mutating our original program and using only ADD, MOV, RETN

import pefile, mypacklib

pe, oep, ib, start, size = mypacklib.load()

# mutates the original code
# (needs to parse the hex, transform the underneath assembly, and rewrite it)

mutated_code = """
bits 32
section .text valign=1 vstart=0%(start_va)08xh
""" % {"start_va":oep + ib}

#we need to keep track of jump targets
labels = []

pointer = oep

# parse the hex and convert in disassembly
for addr, op, arg in mypacklib.disasm(pe, oep):

    # jump targets need to be taken into account
    if addr + ib in labels:
        mutated_code += """
        """ % {"jump_va":addr + ib}

    # rewrite opcodes in mutated form