Example #1
    def __init__(self, inputFileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, logLevel=30,
                 rmMetadatas=['NETCDF_VARNAME', '_Unsigned',
                              'ScaleRatio', 'ScaleOffset', 'dods_variable'],
        # Remove 'NC_GLOBAL#' and 'GDAL_' and 'NANSAT_'
        # from keys in gdalDataset
        tmpGdalMetadata = {}
        geoMetadata = {}
        origin_is_nansat = False
        if not gdalMetadata:
            raise WrongMapperError
        for key in gdalMetadata.keys():
            newKey = key.replace('NC_GLOBAL#', '').replace('GDAL_', '')
            if 'NANSAT_' in newKey:
                geoMetadata[newKey.replace('NANSAT_', '')] = gdalMetadata[key]
                origin_is_nansat = True
                tmpGdalMetadata[newKey] = gdalMetadata[key]
        gdalMetadata = tmpGdalMetadata
        fileExt = os.path.splitext(inputFileName)[1]

        # Get file names from dataset or subdataset
        subDatasets = gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets()
        if len(subDatasets) == 0:
            filenames = [inputFileName]
            filenames = [f[0] for f in subDatasets]

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT
        metaDict = []
        xDatasetSource = ''
        yDatasetSource = ''
        firstXSize = 0
        firstYSize = 0
        for _, filename in enumerate(filenames):
            subDataset = gdal.Open(filename)
            # choose the first dataset whith grid
            if (firstXSize == 0 and firstYSize == 0 and
                    subDataset.RasterXSize > 1 and subDataset.RasterYSize > 1):
                firstXSize = subDataset.RasterXSize
                firstYSize = subDataset.RasterYSize
                firstSubDataset = subDataset
                # get projection from the first subDataset
                projection = firstSubDataset.GetProjection()

            # take bands whose sizes are same as the first band.
            if (subDataset.RasterXSize == firstXSize and
                    subDataset.RasterYSize == firstYSize):
                if projection == '':
                    projection = subDataset.GetProjection()
                if ('GEOLOCATION_X_DATASET' in filename or
                        'longitude' in filename):
                    xDatasetSource = filename
                elif ('GEOLOCATION_Y_DATASET' in filename or
                        'latitude' in filename):
                    yDatasetSource = filename
                    for iBand in range(subDataset.RasterCount):
                        subBand = subDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand+1)
                        bandMetadata = subBand.GetMetadata_Dict()
                        if 'PixelFunctionType' in bandMetadata:
                        sourceBands = iBand + 1
                        # sourceBands = i*subDataset.RasterCount + iBand + 1

                        # generate src metadata
                        src = {'SourceFilename': filename,
                               'SourceBand': sourceBands}
                        # set scale ratio and scale offset
                        scaleRatio = bandMetadata.get(
                                bandMetadata.get('scale_factor', '')))
                        if len(scaleRatio) > 0:
                            src['ScaleRatio'] = scaleRatio
                        scaleOffset = bandMetadata.get(
                                    'add_offset', '')))
                        if len(scaleOffset) > 0:
                            src['ScaleOffset'] = scaleOffset
                        # sate DataType
                        src['DataType'] = subBand.DataType

                        # generate dst metadata
                        # get all metadata from input band
                        dst = bandMetadata
                        # set wkv and bandname
                        dst['wkv'] = bandMetadata.get('standard_name', '')
                        # first, try the name metadata
                        if 'name' in bandMetadata:
                            bandName = bandMetadata['name']
                            # if it doesn't exist get name from NETCDF_VARNAME
                            bandName = bandMetadata.get('NETCDF_VARNAME', '')
                            if len(bandName) == 0:
                                bandName = bandMetadata.get(
                                            'dods_variable', ''

                            # remove digits added by gdal in
                            # exporting to netcdf...
                            if (len(bandName) > 0 and origin_is_nansat and
                                    fileExt == '.nc'):
                                if bandName[-1:].isdigit():
                                    bandName = bandName[:-1]
                                if bandName[-1:].isdigit():
                                    bandName = bandName[:-1]

                        # if still no bandname, create one
                        if len(bandName) == 0:
                            bandName = 'band_%03d' % iBand

                        dst['name'] = bandName

                        # remove non-necessary metadata from dst
                        for rmMetadata in rmMetadatas:
                            if rmMetadata in dst:

                        # append band with src and dst dictionaries
                        metaDict.append({'src': src, 'dst': dst})

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        self._init_from_gdal_dataset(firstSubDataset, metadata=gdalMetadata)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT


        if len(projection) == 0:
            # projection was not set automatically
            # get projection from GCPProjection
            projection = geoMetadata.get('GCPProjection', '')
        if len(projection) == 0:
            # no projection was found in dataset or metadata:
            # generate WGS84 by default
            projection = NSR().wkt
        # fix problem with MET.NO files where a, b given in m and XC/YC in km
        if ('UNIT["kilometre"' in projection and
            ',SPHEROID["Spheroid",6378273,7.331926543631893e-12]' in
            projection = projection.replace(
        # set projection

        # check if GCPs were added from input dataset
        gcps = firstSubDataset.GetGCPs()
        gcpProjection = firstSubDataset.GetGCPProjection()

        # if no GCPs in input dataset: try to add GCPs from metadata
        if not gcps:
            gcps = self.add_gcps_from_metadata(geoMetadata)
        # if yet no GCPs: try to add GCPs from variables
        if not gcps:
            gcps = self.add_gcps_from_variables(inputFileName)

        if gcps:
            if len(gcpProjection) == 0:
                # get GCP projection and repare
                gcpProjection = self.repare_projection(geoMetadata. get('GCPProjection', ''))
            # add GCPs to dataset
            self.dataset.SetGCPs(gcps, gcpProjection)

        # Find proper bands and insert GEOLOCATION ARRAY into dataset
        if len(xDatasetSource) > 0 and len(yDatasetSource) > 0:
            self._add_geolocation(Geolocation.from_filenames(xDatasetSource, yDatasetSource))

        elif not gcps:
            # if no GCPs found and not GEOLOCATION ARRAY set:
            #   Set Nansat Geotransform if it is not set automatically
            geoTransform = self.dataset.GetGeoTransform()
            if len(geoTransform) == 0:
                geoTransformStr = geoMetadata.get('GeoTransform',
                geoTransform = eval(geoTransformStr.replace('|', ','))

        subMetadata = firstSubDataset.GetMetadata()

        ### GET START TIME from METADATA
        time_coverage_start = None
        if 'start_time' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['start_time'])
        elif 'start_date' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['start_date'])
        elif 'time_coverage_start' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(

        ### GET END TIME from METADATA
        time_coverage_end = None
        if 'stop_time' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_end = parse_time(gdalMetadata['stop_time'])
        elif 'stop_date' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_end = parse_time(gdalMetadata['stop_date'])
        elif 'time_coverage_stop' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_end = parse_time(
        elif 'end_time' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_end = parse_time(gdalMetadata['end_time'])
        elif 'end_date' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_end = parse_time(gdalMetadata['end_date'])
        elif 'time_coverage_end' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_end = parse_time(

        ### GET start time from time variable
        if (time_coverage_start is None and 'time#standard_name' in subMetadata and
                 subMetadata['time#standard_name'] == 'time' and 'time#units' in subMetadata):
            # get data from netcdf data
            ncFile = Dataset(inputFileName, 'r')
            time_var = ncFile.variables['time']
            t0 = time_var[0]
            if len(time_var) == 1:
                t1 = t0 + 1
                t1 = time_var[-1]

            time_units_start = parse(time_var.units, fuzzy=True, ignoretz=True)
            time_units_to_seconds = {'second' : 1.0,
                                     'hour' : 60 * 60.0,
                                     'day' : 24 * 60 * 60.0}
            for key in time_units_to_seconds:
                if key in time_var.units:
                    factor = time_units_to_seconds[key]

            time_coverage_start = time_units_start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=t0 * factor)
            time_coverage_end = time_units_start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=t1 * factor)

        ## finally set values of time_coverage start and end if available
        if time_coverage_start is not None:
        if time_coverage_end is not None:

        if 'sensor' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('sensor', 'unknown')
        if 'satellite' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('satellite', 'unknown')
        if 'source_type' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('source_type', 'unknown')
        if 'platform' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('platform', 'unknown')
        if 'instrument' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('instrument', 'unknown')

        self.logger.info('Use generic mapper - OK!')
Example #2
    def __init__(self, inputFileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, logLevel=30,
                 rmMetadatas=['NETCDF_VARNAME', '_Unsigned',
                              'ScaleRatio', 'ScaleOffset', 'dods_variable'],
        # Remove 'NC_GLOBAL#' and 'GDAL_' and 'NANSAT_'
        # from keys in gdalDataset
        tmpGdalMetadata = {}
        geoMetadata = {}
        origin_is_nansat = False
        if not gdalMetadata:
            raise WrongMapperError
        for key in gdalMetadata.keys():
            newKey = key.replace('NC_GLOBAL#', '').replace('GDAL_', '')
            if 'NANSAT_' in newKey:
                geoMetadata[newKey.replace('NANSAT_', '')] = gdalMetadata[key]
                origin_is_nansat = True
                tmpGdalMetadata[newKey] = gdalMetadata[key]
        gdalMetadata = tmpGdalMetadata
        fileExt = os.path.splitext(inputFileName)[1]

        # Get file names from dataset or subdataset
        subDatasets = gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets()
        if len(subDatasets) == 0:
            fileNames = [inputFileName]
            fileNames = [f[0] for f in subDatasets]

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT
        metaDict = []
        xDatasetSource = ''
        yDatasetSource = ''
        firstXSize = 0
        firstYSize = 0
        for _, fileName in enumerate(fileNames):
            subDataset = gdal.Open(fileName)
            # choose the first dataset whith grid
            if (firstXSize == 0 and firstYSize == 0 and
                    subDataset.RasterXSize > 1 and subDataset.RasterYSize > 1):
                firstXSize = subDataset.RasterXSize
                firstYSize = subDataset.RasterYSize
                firstSubDataset = subDataset
                # get projection from the first subDataset
                projection = firstSubDataset.GetProjection()

            # take bands whose sizes are same as the first band.
            if (subDataset.RasterXSize == firstXSize and
                    subDataset.RasterYSize == firstYSize):
                if projection == '':
                    projection = subDataset.GetProjection()
                if ('GEOLOCATION_X_DATASET' in fileName or
                        'longitude' in fileName):
                    xDatasetSource = fileName
                elif ('GEOLOCATION_Y_DATASET' in fileName or
                        'latitude' in fileName):
                    yDatasetSource = fileName
                    for iBand in range(subDataset.RasterCount):
                        subBand = subDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand+1)
                        bandMetadata = subBand.GetMetadata_Dict()
                        if 'PixelFunctionType' in bandMetadata:
                        sourceBands = iBand + 1
                        # sourceBands = i*subDataset.RasterCount + iBand + 1

                        # generate src metadata
                        src = {'SourceFilename': fileName,
                               'SourceBand': sourceBands}
                        # set scale ratio and scale offset
                        scaleRatio = bandMetadata.get(
                                bandMetadata.get('scale_factor', '')))
                        if len(scaleRatio) > 0:
                            src['ScaleRatio'] = scaleRatio
                        scaleOffset = bandMetadata.get(
                                    'add_offset', '')))
                        if len(scaleOffset) > 0:
                            src['ScaleOffset'] = scaleOffset
                        # sate DataType
                        src['DataType'] = subBand.DataType

                        # generate dst metadata
                        # get all metadata from input band
                        dst = bandMetadata
                        # set wkv and bandname
                        dst['wkv'] = bandMetadata.get('standard_name', '')
                        # first, try the name metadata
                        if 'name' in bandMetadata:
                            bandName = bandMetadata['name']
                            # if it doesn't exist get name from NETCDF_VARNAME
                            bandName = bandMetadata.get('NETCDF_VARNAME', '')
                            if len(bandName) == 0:
                                bandName = bandMetadata.get(
                                            'dods_variable', ''

                            # remove digits added by gdal in
                            # exporting to netcdf...
                            if (len(bandName) > 0 and origin_is_nansat and
                                    fileExt == '.nc'):
                                if bandName[-1:].isdigit():
                                    bandName = bandName[:-1]
                                if bandName[-1:].isdigit():
                                    bandName = bandName[:-1]

                        # if still no bandname, create one
                        if len(bandName) == 0:
                            bandName = 'band_%03d' % iBand

                        dst['name'] = bandName

                        # remove non-necessary metadata from dst
                        for rmMetadata in rmMetadatas:
                            if rmMetadata in dst:

                        # append band with src and dst dictionaries
                        metaDict.append({'src': src, 'dst': dst})

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, firstSubDataset, srcMetadata=gdalMetadata)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # Create complex data bands from 'xxx_real' and 'xxx_imag' bands
        # using pixelfunctions
        rmBands = []
        for iBandNo in range(self.dataset.RasterCount):
            iBand = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(iBandNo + 1)
            iBandName = iBand.GetMetadataItem('name')
            # find real data band
            if iBandName.find("_real") != -1:
                realBandNo = iBandNo
                realBand = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(realBandNo + 1)
                realDtype = realBand.GetMetadataItem('DataType')
                bandName = iBandName.replace(iBandName.split('_')[-1],
                for jBandNo in range(self.dataset.RasterCount):
                    jBand = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(jBandNo + 1)
                    jBandName = jBand.GetMetadataItem('name')
                    # find an imaginary data band corresponding to the real
                    # data band and create complex data band from the bands
                    if jBandName.find(bandName+'_imag') != -1:
                        imagBandNo = jBandNo
                        imagBand = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(imagBandNo + 1)
                        imagDtype = imagBand.GetMetadataItem('DataType')
                        dst = imagBand.GetMetadata()
                        dst['name'] = bandName
                        dst['PixelFunctionType'] = 'ComplexData'
                        dst['dataType'] = 10
                        src = [{'SourceFilename': fileNames[realBandNo],
                                'SourceBand':  1,
                                'DataType': realDtype},
                               {'SourceFilename': fileNames[imagBandNo],
                                'SourceBand': 1,
                                'DataType': imagDtype}]
                        self._create_band(src, dst)
                        rmBands.append(realBandNo + 1)
                        rmBands.append(imagBandNo + 1)

        # Delete real and imaginary bands
        if len(rmBands) != 0:

        if len(projection) == 0:
            # projection was not set automatically
            # get projection from GCPProjection
            projection = geoMetadata.get('GCPProjection', '')
        if len(projection) == 0:
            # no projection was found in dataset or metadata:
            # generate WGS84 by default
            projection = NSR().wkt
        # fix problem with MET.NO files where a, b given in m and XC/YC in km
        if ('UNIT["kilometre"' in projection and
            ',SPHEROID["Spheroid",6378273,7.331926543631893e-12]' in
            projection = projection.replace(
        # set projection

        # check if GCPs were added from input dataset
        gcps = firstSubDataset.GetGCPs()
        gcpProjection = firstSubDataset.GetGCPProjection()

        # if no GCPs in input dataset: try to add GCPs from metadata
        if not gcps:
            gcps = self.add_gcps_from_metadata(geoMetadata)
        # if yet no GCPs: try to add GCPs from variables
        if not gcps:
            gcps = self.add_gcps_from_variables(inputFileName)

        if gcps:
            if len(gcpProjection) == 0:
                # get GCP projection and repare
                gcpProjection = self.repare_projection(geoMetadata.
                                                get('GCPProjection', ''))
            # add GCPs to dataset
            self.dataset.SetGCPs(gcps, gcpProjection)

        # Find proper bands and insert GEOLOCATION ARRAY into dataset
        if len(xDatasetSource) > 0 and len(yDatasetSource) > 0:

        elif not gcps:
            # if no GCPs found and not GEOLOCATION ARRAY set:
            #   Set Nansat Geotransform if it is not set automatically
            geoTransform = self.dataset.GetGeoTransform()
            if len(geoTransform) == 0:
                geoTransformStr = geoMetadata.get('GeoTransform',
                geoTransform = eval(geoTransformStr.replace('|', ','))

        subMetadata = firstSubDataset.GetMetadata()

        ### GET START TIME from METADATA
        time_coverage_start = None
        if 'start_time' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['start_time'])
        elif 'start_date' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['start_date'])
        elif 'time_coverage_start' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(

        ### GET END TIME from METADATA
        time_coverage_end = None
        if 'stop_time' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['stop_time'])
        elif 'stop_date' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['stop_date'])
        elif 'time_coverage_stop' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(
        elif 'end_time' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['end_time'])
        elif 'end_date' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['end_date'])
        elif 'time_coverage_end' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(

        ### GET start time from time variable
        if (time_coverage_start is None and cfunitsInstalled and
                 'time#standard_name' in subMetadata and
                 subMetadata['time#standard_name'] == 'time' and
                 'time#units' in subMetadata and
                 'time#calendar' in subMetadata):
            # get data from netcdf data
            ncFile = netcdf_file(inputFileName, 'r')
            timeLength = ncFile.variables['time'].shape[0]
            timeValueStart = ncFile.variables['time'][0]
            timeValueEnd = ncFile.variables['time'][-1]
                timeDeltaStart = Units.conform(timeValueStart,
                                  Units('days since 1950-01-01'))
            except ValueError:
                self.logger.error('calendar units are wrong: %s' %
                time_coverage_start = (datetime.datetime(1950,1,1) +

                if timeLength > 1:
                    timeDeltaEnd = Units.conform(timeValueStart,
                                          Units('days since 1950-01-01'))
                    timeDeltaEnd = timeDeltaStart + 1
                time_coverage_end = (datetime.datetime(1950,1,1) +

        ## finally set values of time_coverage start and end if available
        if time_coverage_start is not None:
        if time_coverage_end is not None:

        if 'sensor' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('sensor', 'unknown')
        if 'satellite' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('satellite', 'unknown')
        if 'source_type' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('source_type', 'unknown')
        if 'platform' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('platform', 'unknown')
        if 'instrument' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('instrument', 'unknown')

        self.logger.info('Use generic mapper - OK!')
Example #3
    def __init__(self,
                     'NETCDF_VARNAME', '_Unsigned', 'ScaleRatio',
                     'ScaleOffset', 'dods_variable'
        # Remove 'NC_GLOBAL#' and 'GDAL_' and 'NANSAT_'
        # from keys in gdalDataset
        tmpGdalMetadata = {}
        geoMetadata = {}
        origin_is_nansat = False
        if not gdalMetadata:
            raise WrongMapperError
        for key in gdalMetadata.keys():
            newKey = key.replace('NC_GLOBAL#', '').replace('GDAL_', '')
            if 'NANSAT_' in newKey:
                geoMetadata[newKey.replace('NANSAT_', '')] = gdalMetadata[key]
                origin_is_nansat = True
                tmpGdalMetadata[newKey] = gdalMetadata[key]
        gdalMetadata = tmpGdalMetadata
        fileExt = os.path.splitext(inputFileName)[1]

        # Get file names from dataset or subdataset
        subDatasets = gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets()
        if len(subDatasets) == 0:
            fileNames = [inputFileName]
            fileNames = [f[0] for f in subDatasets]

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT
        metaDict = []
        xDatasetSource = ''
        yDatasetSource = ''
        firstXSize = 0
        firstYSize = 0
        for _, fileName in enumerate(fileNames):
            subDataset = gdal.Open(fileName)
            # choose the first dataset whith grid
            if (firstXSize == 0 and firstYSize == 0
                    and subDataset.RasterXSize > 1
                    and subDataset.RasterYSize > 1):
                firstXSize = subDataset.RasterXSize
                firstYSize = subDataset.RasterYSize
                firstSubDataset = subDataset
                # get projection from the first subDataset
                projection = firstSubDataset.GetProjection()

            # take bands whose sizes are same as the first band.
            if (subDataset.RasterXSize == firstXSize
                    and subDataset.RasterYSize == firstYSize):
                if projection == '':
                    projection = subDataset.GetProjection()
                if ('GEOLOCATION_X_DATASET' in fileName
                        or 'longitude' in fileName):
                    xDatasetSource = fileName
                elif ('GEOLOCATION_Y_DATASET' in fileName
                      or 'latitude' in fileName):
                    yDatasetSource = fileName
                    for iBand in range(subDataset.RasterCount):
                        subBand = subDataset.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1)
                        bandMetadata = subBand.GetMetadata_Dict()
                        if 'PixelFunctionType' in bandMetadata:
                        sourceBands = iBand + 1
                        # sourceBands = i*subDataset.RasterCount + iBand + 1

                        # generate src metadata
                        src = {
                            'SourceFilename': fileName,
                            'SourceBand': sourceBands
                        # set scale ratio and scale offset
                        scaleRatio = bandMetadata.get(
                                'scale', bandMetadata.get('scale_factor', '')))
                        if len(scaleRatio) > 0:
                            src['ScaleRatio'] = scaleRatio
                        scaleOffset = bandMetadata.get(
                                'offset', bandMetadata.get('add_offset', '')))
                        if len(scaleOffset) > 0:
                            src['ScaleOffset'] = scaleOffset
                        # sate DataType
                        src['DataType'] = subBand.DataType

                        # generate dst metadata
                        # get all metadata from input band
                        dst = bandMetadata
                        # set wkv and bandname
                        dst['wkv'] = bandMetadata.get('standard_name', '')
                        # first, try the name metadata
                        if 'name' in bandMetadata:
                            bandName = bandMetadata['name']
                            # if it doesn't exist get name from NETCDF_VARNAME
                            bandName = bandMetadata.get('NETCDF_VARNAME', '')
                            if len(bandName) == 0:
                                bandName = bandMetadata.get(
                                    'dods_variable', '')

                            # remove digits added by gdal in
                            # exporting to netcdf...
                            if (len(bandName) > 0 and origin_is_nansat
                                    and fileExt == '.nc'):
                                if bandName[-1:].isdigit():
                                    bandName = bandName[:-1]
                                if bandName[-1:].isdigit():
                                    bandName = bandName[:-1]

                        # if still no bandname, create one
                        if len(bandName) == 0:
                            bandName = 'band_%03d' % iBand

                        dst['name'] = bandName

                        # remove non-necessary metadata from dst
                        for rmMetadata in rmMetadatas:
                            if rmMetadata in dst:

                        # append band with src and dst dictionaries
                        metaDict.append({'src': src, 'dst': dst})

        # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only
        VRT.__init__(self, firstSubDataset, srcMetadata=gdalMetadata)

        # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT

        # Create complex data bands from 'xxx_real' and 'xxx_imag' bands
        # using pixelfunctions
        rmBands = []
        for iBandNo in range(self.dataset.RasterCount):
            iBand = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(iBandNo + 1)
            iBandName = iBand.GetMetadataItem('name')
            # find real data band
            if iBandName.find("_real") != -1:
                realBandNo = iBandNo
                realBand = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(realBandNo + 1)
                realDtype = realBand.GetMetadataItem('DataType')
                bandName = iBandName.replace(iBandName.split('_')[-1],
                for jBandNo in range(self.dataset.RasterCount):
                    jBand = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(jBandNo + 1)
                    jBandName = jBand.GetMetadataItem('name')
                    # find an imaginary data band corresponding to the real
                    # data band and create complex data band from the bands
                    if jBandName.find(bandName + '_imag') != -1:
                        imagBandNo = jBandNo
                        imagBand = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(imagBandNo + 1)
                        imagDtype = imagBand.GetMetadataItem('DataType')
                        dst = imagBand.GetMetadata()
                        dst['name'] = bandName
                        dst['PixelFunctionType'] = 'ComplexData'
                        dst['dataType'] = 10
                        src = [{
                            'SourceFilename': fileNames[realBandNo],
                            'SourceBand': 1,
                            'DataType': realDtype
                        }, {
                            'SourceFilename': fileNames[imagBandNo],
                            'SourceBand': 1,
                            'DataType': imagDtype
                        self._create_band(src, dst)
                        rmBands.append(realBandNo + 1)
                        rmBands.append(imagBandNo + 1)

        # Delete real and imaginary bands
        if len(rmBands) != 0:

        if len(projection) == 0:
            # projection was not set automatically
            # get projection from GCPProjection
            projection = geoMetadata.get('GCPProjection', '')
        if len(projection) == 0:
            # no projection was found in dataset or metadata:
            # generate WGS84 by default
            projection = NSR().wkt
        # fix problem with MET.NO files where a, b given in m and XC/YC in km
        if ('UNIT["kilometre"' in projection
                and ',SPHEROID["Spheroid",6378273,7.331926543631893e-12]'
                in projection):
            projection = projection.replace(
                ',SPHEROID["Spheroid",6378273,7.331926543631893e-12]', '')
        # set projection

        # check if GCPs were added from input dataset
        gcps = firstSubDataset.GetGCPs()
        gcpProjection = firstSubDataset.GetGCPProjection()

        # if no GCPs in input dataset: try to add GCPs from metadata
        if not gcps:
            gcps = self.add_gcps_from_metadata(geoMetadata)
        # if yet no GCPs: try to add GCPs from variables
        if not gcps:
            gcps = self.add_gcps_from_variables(inputFileName)

        if gcps:
            if len(gcpProjection) == 0:
                # get GCP projection and repare
                gcpProjection = self.repare_projection(
                    geoMetadata.get('GCPProjection', ''))
            # add GCPs to dataset
            self.dataset.SetGCPs(gcps, gcpProjection)

        # Find proper bands and insert GEOLOCATION ARRAY into dataset
        if len(xDatasetSource) > 0 and len(yDatasetSource) > 0:
                GeolocationArray(xDatasetSource, yDatasetSource))

        elif not gcps:
            # if no GCPs found and not GEOLOCATION ARRAY set:
            #   Set Nansat Geotransform if it is not set automatically
            geoTransform = self.dataset.GetGeoTransform()
            if len(geoTransform) == 0:
                geoTransformStr = geoMetadata.get('GeoTransform',
                geoTransform = eval(geoTransformStr.replace('|', ','))

        subMetadata = firstSubDataset.GetMetadata()

        ### GET START TIME from METADATA
        time_coverage_start = None
        if 'start_time' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['start_time'])
        elif 'start_date' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['start_date'])
        elif 'time_coverage_start' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(

        ### GET END TIME from METADATA
        time_coverage_end = None
        if 'stop_time' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['stop_time'])
        elif 'stop_date' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['stop_date'])
        elif 'time_coverage_stop' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(
        elif 'end_time' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['end_time'])
        elif 'end_date' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['end_date'])
        elif 'time_coverage_end' in gdalMetadata:
            time_coverage_start = parse_time(gdalMetadata['time_coverage_end'])

        ### GET start time from time variable
        if (time_coverage_start is None and cfunitsInstalled
                and 'time#standard_name' in subMetadata
                and subMetadata['time#standard_name'] == 'time'
                and 'time#units' in subMetadata
                and 'time#calendar' in subMetadata):
            # get data from netcdf data
            ncFile = netcdf_file(inputFileName, 'r')
            timeLength = ncFile.variables['time'].shape[0]
            timeValueStart = ncFile.variables['time'][0]
            timeValueEnd = ncFile.variables['time'][-1]
                timeDeltaStart = Units.conform(
                    Units('days since 1950-01-01'))
            except ValueError:
                self.logger.error('calendar units are wrong: %s' %
                time_coverage_start = (
                    datetime.datetime(1950, 1, 1) +

                if timeLength > 1:
                    timeDeltaEnd = Units.conform(
                        Units('days since 1950-01-01'))
                    timeDeltaEnd = timeDeltaStart + 1
                time_coverage_end = (datetime.datetime(1950, 1, 1) +

        ## finally set values of time_coverage start and end if available
        if time_coverage_start is not None:
        if time_coverage_end is not None:

        if 'sensor' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('sensor', 'unknown')
        if 'satellite' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('satellite', 'unknown')
        if 'source_type' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('source_type', 'unknown')
        if 'platform' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('platform', 'unknown')
        if 'instrument' not in gdalMetadata:
            self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('instrument', 'unknown')

        self.logger.info('Use generic mapper - OK!')