Example #1
    def eval(self, offer: Optional[Outcome]) -> Optional[UtilityValue]:
        # noinspection PyBroadException
        if offer is None:
            return self.reserved_value
            if isinstance(offer, dict) and isinstance(self.mapping, dict):
                m = gmap(self.mapping, outcome_as_tuple(offer))
                m = gmap(self.mapping, offer)
        except Exception:
            return self.default

        return m
Example #2
    def eval(self, offer: Optional["Outcome"]) -> Optional[UtilityValue]:
        if offer is None:
            return self.reserved_value
        u = ExactUtilityValue(0.0)
        for weight, outcome_range, mapping in zip(
                self.weights, self.outcome_ranges,
                self.mappings):  # type: ignore
            # fail on any outcome_range that constrains issues not in the presented outcome
            if outcome_range is not None and set(ikeys(outcome_range)) - set(
                    ikeys(offer)) != set([]):
                if self.ignore_issues_not_in_input:

                return None

            elif outcome_range is None or outcome_in_range(
                    offer, outcome_range):
                if isinstance(mapping, float):
                    u += weight * mapping
                    # fail if any outcome_range utility_function cannot be calculated from the input
                        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                        u += weight * gmap(mapping, offer)
                    except KeyError:
                        if self.ignore_failing_range_utilities:

                        return None

        return u
Example #3
    def eval(self, offer: Optional["Outcome"]) -> Optional[UtilityValue]:
        if offer is None:
            return self.reserved_value
        if not isinstance(self.hypervolumes, Iterable):
            raise ValueError(
                "Hypervolumes are not set. Call set_params() or pass them through the constructor."

        u = []
        for hypervolume, mapping in zip(self.hypervolumes, self.mappings):
            if outcome_in_range(offer, hypervolume):
                u.append(gmap(mapping, offer))
        return self.f(u)
Example #4
    def eval(self, offer: Optional["Outcome"]) -> Optional[UtilityValue]:
        if offer is None:
            return self.reserved_value
        if self.issue_utilities is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "No issue utilities were set. Call set_params() or use the constructor"

        u = {}
        for k in ikeys(self.issue_utilities):
            v = iget(offer, k)
            u[k] = gmap(iget(self.issue_utilities, k), v)
        return self.f(u)
Example #5
    def eval(self, offer: Optional["Outcome"]) -> Optional[UtilityValue]:
        if offer is None:
            return self.reserved_value
        u = ExactUtilityValue(0.0)
        for k in ikeys(self.issue_utilities):
            if isinstance(offer, tuple):
                v = iget(offer, self.issue_indices[k])
                v = iget(offer, k)
            current_utility = gmap(iget(self.issue_utilities, k), v)
            if current_utility is None:
                return None

            w = iget(self.weights, k)  # type: ignore
            if w is None:
                return None
                u += w * current_utility
            except FloatingPointError:
        return u
Example #6
    def xml(self, issues: List[Issue]) -> str:
        """Generates an XML string representing the utility function



            >>> from negmas.utilities.nonlinear import MappingUtilityFunction
            >>> issues = [Issue(values=10, name='i1'), Issue(values=['delivered', 'not delivered'], name='i2')
            ...     , Issue(values=4, name='i3')]
            >>> f = LinearUtilityAggregationFunction([lambda x: 2.0*x
            ...                          , {'delivered': 10, 'not delivered': -10}
            ...                          , MappingUtilityFunction(lambda x: x-3)]
            ...         , weights=[1.0, 2.0, 4.0])
            >>> print(f.xml(issues))
            <issue index="1" etype="discrete" type="discrete" vtype="discrete" name="i1">
                <item index="1" value="0" evaluation="0.0" />
                <item index="2" value="1" evaluation="2.0" />
                <item index="3" value="2" evaluation="4.0" />
                <item index="4" value="3" evaluation="6.0" />
                <item index="5" value="4" evaluation="8.0" />
                <item index="6" value="5" evaluation="10.0" />
                <item index="7" value="6" evaluation="12.0" />
                <item index="8" value="7" evaluation="14.0" />
                <item index="9" value="8" evaluation="16.0" />
                <item index="10" value="9" evaluation="18.0" />
            <issue index="2" etype="discrete" type="discrete" vtype="discrete" name="i2">
                <item index="1" value="delivered" evaluation="10" />
                <item index="2" value="not delivered" evaluation="-10" />
            <issue index="3" etype="discrete" type="discrete" vtype="discrete" name="i3">
                <item index="1" value="0" evaluation="-3" />
                <item index="2" value="1" evaluation="-2" />
                <item index="3" value="2" evaluation="-1" />
                <item index="4" value="3" evaluation="0" />
            <weight index="1" value="1.0">
            <weight index="2" value="2.0">
            <weight index="3" value="4.0">
            >>> print(f.xml({i:_ for i, _ in enumerate(issues)}))
            <issue index="1" etype="discrete" type="discrete" vtype="discrete" name="i1">
                <item index="1" value="0" evaluation="0.0" />
                <item index="2" value="1" evaluation="2.0" />
                <item index="3" value="2" evaluation="4.0" />
                <item index="4" value="3" evaluation="6.0" />
                <item index="5" value="4" evaluation="8.0" />
                <item index="6" value="5" evaluation="10.0" />
                <item index="7" value="6" evaluation="12.0" />
                <item index="8" value="7" evaluation="14.0" />
                <item index="9" value="8" evaluation="16.0" />
                <item index="10" value="9" evaluation="18.0" />
            <issue index="2" etype="discrete" type="discrete" vtype="discrete" name="i2">
                <item index="1" value="delivered" evaluation="10" />
                <item index="2" value="not delivered" evaluation="-10" />
            <issue index="3" etype="discrete" type="discrete" vtype="discrete" name="i3">
                <item index="1" value="0" evaluation="-3" />
                <item index="2" value="1" evaluation="-2" />
                <item index="3" value="2" evaluation="-1" />
                <item index="4" value="3" evaluation="0" />
            <weight index="1" value="1.0">
            <weight index="2" value="2.0">
            <weight index="3" value="4.0">

        output = ""
        keys = list(ikeys(issues))
        for i, k in enumerate(keys):
            issue = iget(issues, k)
            issue_name = issue.name
            if issue.is_float():
                output += f'<issue index="{i + 1}" etype="real" type="real" vtype="real" name="{issue_name}">\n'
                output += f'<range lowerbound = {issue.min_value} upperbound = {issue.max_value} ></range>'
            # elif issue.is_integer():
            #     output += f'<issue index="{i + 1}" etype="integer" type="integer" vtype="integer" name="{issue_name}">\n'
            #     output += f'<range lowerbound = {issue.min_value} upperbound = {issue.max_value} ></range>'
                output += f'<issue index="{i+1}" etype="discrete" type="discrete" vtype="discrete" name="{issue_name}">\n'
                vals = iget(issues, k).all
                for indx, v in enumerate(vals):
                        u = gmap(iget(self.issue_utilities, issue_name), v)
                        u = gmap(iget(self.issue_utilities, k), v)
                    v_ = (v
                          if not (isinstance(v, tuple) or isinstance(v, list))
                          else "-".join([str(_) for _ in v]))
                    output += (
                        f'    <item index="{indx+1}" value="{v_}" evaluation="{u}" />\n'
            output += "</issue>\n"
        if isinstance(issues, dict):
            if isinstance(self.weights, dict):
                weights = self.weights
                weights = {k: v for k, v in zip(ikeys(issues), self.weights)}
            if isinstance(self.weights, list):
                weights = self.weights
                weights = list(self.weights.get(i.name, 1.0) for i in issues)

        for i, k in enumerate(keys):
            output += f'<weight index="{i+1}" value="{iget(weights, k)}">\n</weight>\n'
        return output