def test_graph_serialization_7_arbitrary_graph_with_loops(self):
            Tests whether serialization works in the case when we serialize a graph after a different graph
            was nested in it, with additionally bound input and output binding works (manual port names).
        # Instantiate the necessary neural modules.
        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=1, name="dl")
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="loss")

        # Build a graph with a loop.
        with NeuralGraph(name="graph") as graph:
            # Add modules to graph.
            x, t = dl()
            # First call to TN.
            p1 = tn(x=x)
            # Second call to TN.
            p2 = tn(x=p1)
            # Take output of second, pass it to loss.
            lss = loss(predictions=p2, target=t)

        # Make sure all connections are there!
        assert len(graph.tensor_list) == 5
        # 4 would mean that we have overwritten the "p1" (tn->y_pred) tensor!

        # Serialize the graph.
        serialized_graph = graph.serialize()

        # Create the second graph - deserialize with "module reusing".
        graph2 = NeuralGraph.deserialize(serialized_graph,
        serialized_graph2 = graph2.serialize()

        # Must be the same.
        assert serialized_graph == serialized_graph2
Example #2
    def test_SimpleLogger(self, clean_up):
        data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=1)
        trainable_module = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        loss = MSELoss()

        # Create the graph by connnecting the modules.
        x, y = data_source()
        y_pred = trainable_module(x=x)
        loss_tensor = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y)

        # Mock up both std and stderr streams.
        with logging.patch_stdout_handler(StringIO()) as std_out:
                    "max_steps": 4,
                    "lr": 0.01

        output_lines = std_out.getvalue().splitlines()
        assert len(output_lines) == 4
        for line in output_lines:
            assert "loss" in line
    def test_graph_serialization_3_simple_model_input_output_binding(self):
            Tests whether serialization of a simple graph with input and output binding works.
        # Instantiate the necessary neural modules.
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgs3_tn")

        # Create "model".
        with NeuralGraph(operation_mode=OperationMode.both,
                         name="model") as model:
            # Manually bind input port: "input" -> "x"
            model.inputs["input"] = tn.input_ports["x"]
            # Add module to graph and bind it input port 'x'.
            y = tn(x=model.inputs["input"])
            # Manual output bind.
            model.outputs["output"] = y

        # Serialize the "model".
        serialized_model1 = model.serialize()

        # Create the second graph - deserialize with reusing.
        model2 = NeuralGraph.deserialize(serialized_model1,
        serialized_model2 = model2.serialize()

        # Must be the same.
        assert serialized_model1 == serialized_model2
    def test_graph_serialization_2_simple_graph_output_binding(self):
            Tests whether serialization of a simple graph with output binding works.
        # Instantiate the necessary neural modules.
        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=1, name="tgs2_dl")
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgs2_tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="tgs2_loss")

        # Create the graph.
        with NeuralGraph(operation_mode=OperationMode.evaluation) as g1:
            x, t = dl()
            prediction1 = tn(x=x)
            _ = loss(predictions=prediction1, target=t)
        # Manually bind the selected outputs.
        g1.outputs["ix"] = x
        g1.outputs["te"] = t
        g1.outputs["prediction"] = prediction1

        # Serialize graph
        serialized_g1 = g1.serialize()

        # Create the second graph - deserialize with reusing.
        g2 = NeuralGraph.deserialize(serialized_g1,
        serialized_g2 = g2.serialize()

        # Must be the same.
        assert serialized_g1 == serialized_g2
    def test_graph_simple_import_export(self, tmpdir):
            Tests whether the Neural Module can instantiate a simple module by loading a configuration file.

                tmpdir: Fixture which will provide a temporary directory.
        # Instantiate the necessary neural modules.
        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=1, name="tgio1_dl")
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgio1_tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="tgio1_loss")

        # Create the graph.
        with NeuralGraph( as g1:
            x, t = dl()
            p = tn(x=x)
            _ = loss(predictions=p, target=t)

        # Serialize graph
        serialized_g1 = g1.serialize()

        # Generate filename in the temporary directory.
        tmp_file_name = str(tmpdir.mkdir("export").join("simple_graph.yml"))

        # Export graph to file.

        # Create the second graph - import!
        g2 = NeuralGraph.import_from_config(tmp_file_name,
        serialized_g2 = g2.serialize()

        # Must be the same.
        assert serialized_g1 == serialized_g2
Example #6
 def wrong():
     data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10000, batch_size=128)
     trainable_module = TaylorNet(dim=4)
     loss = MSELoss()
     x, y = data_source()
     loss_tensor = loss(predictions=x, target=x)
     _ = trainable_module(x=loss_tensor)
Example #7
    def test_explicit_graph_with_activation(self):
            Tests initialization of an `explicit` graph and decoupling of graph creation from its activation. 
            Also tests modules access.
        # Create modules.
        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10, batch_size=1, name="dl")
        fx = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="fx")
        loss = MSELoss(name="loss")

        # Create the g0 graph.
        g0 = NeuralGraph()

        # Activate the "g0 graph context" - all operations will be recorded to g0.
        with g0:
            x, t = dl()
            p = fx(x=x)
            lss = loss(predictions=p, target=t)

        # Assert that there are 3 modules in the graph.
        assert len(g0) == 3

        # Test access modules.
        assert g0["dl"] is dl
        assert g0["fx"] is fx
        assert g0["loss"] is loss

        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Example #8
    def test_nm_tensors_producer_args(self):
            Tests whether nmTensors are correct - producers and their args.
        # Create modules.
        data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=1)
        trainable_module = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        loss = MSELoss()

        # Create the graph by connnecting the modules.
        x, y = data_source()
        y_pred = trainable_module(x=x)
        loss_tensor = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y)

        # check producers' bookkeeping
        assert loss_tensor.producer_name ==
        assert loss_tensor.producer_args == {
            "predictions": y_pred,
            "target": y
        assert y_pred.producer_name ==
        assert y_pred.producer_args == {"x": x}
        assert y.producer_name ==
        assert y.producer_args == {}
        assert x.producer_name ==
        assert x.producer_args == {}
Example #9
    def test_graph_save_load(self, tmpdir):
            Tests graph saving and loading.
                tmpdir: Fixture which will provide a temporary directory.

        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10, batch_size=1)
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        # Get the "original" weights.
        weights1 = get_state_dict(tn)

        # Create a simple graph.
        with NeuralGraph() as g1:
            x, t = dl()
            p = tn(x=x)

        # Generate filename in the temporary directory.
        tmp_file_name = str(tmpdir.join("tgsl_g1.chkpt"))
        # Save graph.

        # Load graph.

        # Get the "restored" weights.
        weights2 = get_state_dict(tn)

        # Compare state dicts.
        for key in weights1:
            assert array_equal(weights1[key].cpu().numpy(), weights2[key].cpu().numpy())
Example #10
    def test_epoch_decorators(self, clean_up):
        data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=24, batch_size=12)
        trainable_module = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        loss = MSELoss()

        # Create the graph by connnecting the modules.
        x, y = data_source()
        y_pred = trainable_module(x=x)
        loss_tensor = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y)

        epoch_start_counter = [0]
        epoch_end_counter = [0]

        def count_epoch_starts(state, counter=epoch_start_counter):
            counter[0] += 1

        def count_epoch_ends(state, counter=epoch_end_counter):
            counter[0] -= 1

        callbacks = [count_epoch_starts, count_epoch_ends]
                "max_steps": 4,
                "lr": 0.01

        assert epoch_start_counter[0] == 2
        assert epoch_end_counter[0] == -2
Example #11
    def test_graph_nesting6_topology_copy_one_module_manual_inputs(self):
            Test whether when nesting of one graph into another will result in copy of the graph topology (tensors).
            Case: binding of inputs, manual port names.
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgn6_tn")

        # Create the "inner graph".
        with NeuralGraph(,
                         name="tgn6_g1") as g1:
            # Copy input type.
            g1.inputs["inner_x"] = tn.input_ports["x"]
            # Bind the input port.
            y_pred1 = tn(x=g1.inputs["inner_x"])

        # Create the "outer graph".
        with NeuralGraph(,
                         name="tgn6_g2") as g2:
            # Copy input type.
            g2.inputs["outer_x"] = g1.input_ports["inner_x"]
            # Bind the input port.
            y_pred2 = g1(inner_x=g2.inputs["outer_x"])

        # We expect that both graphs will have the same steps.
        assert len(g1.steps) == len(g2.steps)
        assert g1.steps[0] == g2.steps[0]

        # Make sure that the modules are the same.
        assert len(g1) == len(g2)
        assert g1["tgn6_tn"] is g2["tgn6_tn"]

        # Make sure that inputs are ok.
        assert len(g1.inputs) == len(g2.inputs)
        assert g1.input_ports["inner_x"].compare(
            tn.input_ports["x"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert g2.input_ports["outer_x"].compare(
            tn.input_ports["x"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        # At the same time - those point to the same module-port.
        assert g1.inputs.has_binding(0, "x")
        assert g2.inputs.has_binding(0, "x")
        assert g1.inputs["inner_x"].consumers[0].step_number == 0
        assert g1.inputs["inner_x"].consumers[0].module_name ==
        assert g1.inputs["inner_x"].consumers[0].port_name == "x"
        assert g2.inputs["outer_x"].consumers[0].step_number == 0
        assert g2.inputs["outer_x"].consumers[0].module_name ==
        assert g2.inputs["outer_x"].consumers[0].port_name == "x"

        # Make sure that outputs are ok.
        assert len(g1.outputs) == len(g2.outputs)
        assert g1.output_ports["y_pred"].compare(
            tn.output_ports["y_pred"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert g1.output_ports["y_pred"].compare(
            tn.output_ports["y_pred"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        # At the same time - those have to be two different port objects!
        assert g1.outputs["y_pred"] is not g2.outputs["y_pred"]
        # And different tensors (as those are "internally produced tensors"!)
        assert g1.output_tensors["y_pred"] is y_pred1
        assert g2.output_tensors["y_pred"] is y_pred2
        assert y_pred1 is not y_pred2
    def test_graph_serialization_6_graph_after_nesting_with_manual_binding(
            Tests whether serialization works in the case when we serialize a graph after a different graph
            was nested in it, with additionally bound input and output binding works (manual port names).
        # Instantiate the necessary neural modules.
        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=1, name="tgs6_dl")
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgs6_tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="tgs6_loss")

        # Create "model".
        with NeuralGraph(operation_mode=OperationMode.both,
                         name="tgs6_model") as model:
            # Manually bind input port: "input" -> "x"
            model.inputs["input"] = tn.input_ports["x"]
            # Add module to graph and bind it input port 'x'.
            y = tn(x=model.inputs["input"])
            # Manual output bind.
            model.outputs["output"] = y

        # Serialize "model".
        serialized_model = model.serialize()

        # Delete model-related stuff.
        del model
        del tn

        # Deserialize the "model copy".
        model_copy = NeuralGraph.deserialize(serialized_model,

        # Build the "training graph" - using the model copy.
        with NeuralGraph(,
                         name="tgs6_training") as training:
            # Add modules to graph.
            x, t = dl()
            # Incorporate modules from the existing "model" graph.
            p = model_copy(
            )  # Note: this output should actually be named "output", not "y_pred"!
            lss = loss(predictions=p, target=t)

        # Serialize the "training graph".
        serialized_training = training.serialize()

        # Delete everything.
        del dl
        del loss
        del model_copy
        del training

        # Create the second graph - deserialize without "module reusing".
        training2 = NeuralGraph.deserialize(serialized_training)
        serialized_training2 = training2.serialize()

        # Must be the same.
        assert serialized_training == serialized_training2
Example #13
    def test_graph_outputs_binding1(self):
        # Create modules.
        data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=1)
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        loss = MSELoss()

        with NeuralGraph() as g:
            # Create the graph by connnecting the modules.
            x, y = data_source()
            y_pred = tn(x=x)
            lss = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y)

        # Test default binding.
        bound_outputs = GraphOutputs(g.tensors)

        bound_outputs.bind([x, y])

        # Delete not allowed.
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            del bound_outputs["loss"]

        assert len(bound_outputs) == 4
        assert len(bound_outputs.tensors) == 4
        assert len(bound_outputs.tensor_list) == 4

        defs = bound_outputs.definitions
        assert defs["x"].compare(
            data_source.output_ports["x"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert defs["y"].compare(
            data_source.output_ports["y"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert defs["y_pred"].compare(
            tn.output_ports["y_pred"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert defs["loss"].compare(
            loss.output_ports["loss"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME

        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            _ = defs["lss"]

        # Bound manually.
        bound_outputs["my_prediction"] = y_pred
        bound_outputs["my_loss"] = lss

        # Delete not allowed.
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            del bound_outputs["my_prediction"]

        assert len(bound_outputs) == 2
        defs = bound_outputs.definitions
        assert defs["my_prediction"].compare(
            tn.output_ports["y_pred"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert defs["my_loss"].compare(
            loss.output_ports["loss"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME

        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            _ = defs["x"]
Example #14
    def test_step_batch_decorators(self, clean_up):
        """Showcase the difference between step and batch"""
        data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=24, batch_size=12)
        trainable_module = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        loss = MSELoss()

        # Create the graph by connnecting the modules.
        x, y = data_source()
        y_pred = trainable_module(x=x)
        loss_tensor = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y)

        epoch_step_counter = [0]
        epoch_batch_counter = [0]

        def count_steps(state, counter=epoch_step_counter):
            counter[0] += 1

        def count_batches(state, counter=epoch_batch_counter):
            counter[0] += 1

        callbacks = [count_steps, count_batches]
                "max_steps": 4,
                "lr": 0.01

        # when grad accumlation steps (aka iter_per_step or batches_per_step) = 1, num_steps == num_batches
        assert epoch_step_counter[0] == 4
        assert epoch_batch_counter[0] == 4

        epoch_step_counter[0] = 0
        epoch_batch_counter[0] = 0
                "max_steps": 4,
                "lr": 0.01

        # when grad accumlation steps != 1, num_steps != num_batches
        assert epoch_step_counter[0] == 4
        assert epoch_batch_counter[0] == 8
Example #15
    def test_graph_nesting8_topology_copy_two_modules(self):
            Test whether when nesting of one graph into another will result in copy of the graph topology (tensors).
            Case: manual binding of inputs and outputs in the inner graph.
        ds = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10, batch_size=1, name="tgn8_ds")
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgn8_tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="tgn8_loss")

        # Create the "inner graph".
        with NeuralGraph(,
                         name="tgn8_g1") as g1:
            # Create input port definitions.
            g1.inputs["inner_x"] = tn.input_ports["x"]
            g1.inputs["inner_target"] = loss.input_ports["target"]

            # Connect modules and bound inputs.
            y_pred1 = tn(x=g1.inputs["inner_x"])
            lss1 = loss(predictions=y_pred1, target=g1.inputs["inner_target"])

            # Manually bind the output ports.
            g1.outputs["inner_y_pred"] = y_pred1
            g1.outputs["inner_loss"] = lss1

        # Create the "outer graph".
        with NeuralGraph(,
                         name="tgn8_g2") as g2:
            x, y = ds()
            # Nest the inner graph.
            y_pred2, lss2 = g1(inner_x=x, inner_target=y)
            # Manually bind the output ports.
            g2.outputs["outer_y_pred"] = y_pred2
            g2.outputs["outer_loss"] = lss2

        # Check modules and steps.
        assert len(g2.steps) == 3
        assert len(g2) == 3

        # Check the output tensors.
        assert len(g2.output_tensors) == 2
        assert g2.output_tensors["outer_y_pred"] == y_pred2
        assert g2.output_tensors["outer_loss"] == lss2

        # Check the "internal tensors".
        assert y_pred2 is not y_pred1
        assert lss2 is not lss1
        assert g2.tensors[0]["x"] == x
        assert g2.tensors[0]["y"] == y
        # Internally the name "y_pred" is used, not the "bound output name": "inner_y_pred"!
        assert g2.tensors[1]["y_pred"] == y_pred2
        # Analogically with "loss".
        assert g2.tensors[2]["loss"] == lss2
Example #16
    def test_call_TaylorNet(self):
        x_tg = NmTensor(
            ntype=NeuralType(elements_type=ChannelType(), axes=('B', 'D')),

        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        # note that real port's name: x was used
        y_pred = tn(x=x_tg)
        self.assertEqual(y_pred.producer, tn)
        self.assertEqual(y_pred.producer_args.get("x"), x_tg)
Example #17
    def test_graph_nesting9_topology_copy_whole_graph(self):
            Test whether when nesting of one graph into another will result in copy of the graph topology (tensors).
            Case: manual binding of inputs and outputs in the inner graph. Manual binding of outer graph outputs.
        ds = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10, batch_size=1, name="tgn9_ds")
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgn9_tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="tgn9_loss")

        # Create the "inner graph".
        with NeuralGraph(,
                         name="tgn9_g1") as g1:
            # Connect modules.
            x, y = ds()
            y_pred1 = tn(x=x)
            lss1 = loss(predictions=y_pred1, target=y)

            # Manually bind the output ports.
            g1.outputs["inner_y_pred"] = y_pred1
            g1.outputs["inner_loss"] = lss1

        # Create the "outer graph".
        with NeuralGraph(,
                         name="tgn9_g2") as g2:
            y_pred2, lss2 = g1()
            # Manually bind the output ports.
            g2.outputs["outer_y_pred"] = y_pred2
            g2.outputs["outer_loss"] = lss2

        # Check modules and steps.
        assert len(g2.steps) == 3
        assert len(g2) == 3

        # Check the output tensors.
        assert len(g2.output_tensors) == 2
        assert g2.output_tensors["outer_y_pred"] == y_pred2
        assert g2.output_tensors["outer_loss"] == lss2

        # Check the "internal tensors".
        assert y_pred2 is not y_pred1
        assert lss2 is not lss1
        assert g2.tensors[0]["x"]
            ds.output_ports["x"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert g2.tensors[0]["y"]
            ds.output_ports["y"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        # Internally the name "y_pred" is used, not the "bound output name": "inner_y_pred"!
        assert g2.tensors[1]["y_pred"]
            tn.output_ports["y_pred"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        # Analogically with "loss".
        assert g2.tensors[2]["loss"]
            loss.output_ports["loss"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
    def test_graph_serialization_1_simple_graph_no_binding(self):
            Tests whether serialization of a simple graph works.
        # Instantiate the necessary neural modules.
        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=1, name="tgs1_dl")
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgs1_tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="tgs1_loss")

        # Create the graph.
        with NeuralGraph(,
                         name="g1") as g1:
            x, t = dl()
            prediction1 = tn(x=x)
            _ = loss(predictions=prediction1, target=t)

        # Serialize the graph.
        serialized_g1 = g1.serialize()

        # Create a second graph - deserialize with reusing.
        g2 = NeuralGraph.deserialize(serialized_g1,
        serialized_g2 = g2.serialize()

        # Must be the same.
        assert serialized_g1 == serialized_g2

        # Delete modules.
        del dl
        del tn
        del loss
        # Delete graphs as they contain "hard" references to those modules.
        del g1
        del g2

        # Create a third graph - deserialize without reusing, should create new modules.
        g3 = NeuralGraph.deserialize(serialized_g1,
        serialized_g3 = g3.serialize()

        # Must be the same.
        assert serialized_g1 == serialized_g3

        # Deserialize graph - without reusing modules not allowed.
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            _ = NeuralGraph.deserialize(serialized_g1,
Example #19
    def test_graph_inputs_binding1_default(self):
        # Create modules.
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgi1_tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="tgi1_loss")

        # Test default binding.
        with NeuralGraph() as g1:
            y_pred = tn(x=g1)
            lss = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=g1)

        assert len(g1.inputs) == 2
        assert g1.input_ports["x"].compare(
            tn.input_ports["x"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert g1.input_ports["target"].compare(
            loss.input_ports["target"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
Example #20
    def test_graph_outputs_binding2(self):
        # Create modules.
        data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100,
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgo2_tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="tgo2_loss")

        # Test default binding.
        with NeuralGraph( as g1:
            # Create the graph by connnecting the modules.
            x, y = data_source()
            y_pred = tn(x=x)
            lss = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y)

        assert len(g1.outputs) == 4
        # Test ports.
        for (module, port, tensor) in [
            (data_source, "x", x),
            (data_source, "y", y),
            (tn, "y_pred", y_pred),
            (loss, "loss", lss),
            # Compare definitions - from outputs.
            assert g1.outputs[port]
                module.output_ports[port]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
            # Compare definitions - from output_ports.
            assert g1.output_ports[port].compare(
                module.output_ports[port]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
            # Compare definitions - from output_tensors.
            assert g1.output_tensors[port].compare(
                module.output_ports[port]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
            # Make sure that tensor was bound, i.e. input refers to the same object instance!
            assert g1.output_tensors[port] is tensor

        # Test manual binding.
        g1.outputs["my_prediction"] = y_pred
        g1.outputs["my_loss"] = lss

        assert len(g1.outputs) == 2
        assert g1.output_tensors["my_prediction"].compare(
            tn.output_ports["y_pred"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert g1.output_tensors["my_loss"].compare(
            loss.output_ports["loss"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME

        # Finally, make sure that the user cannot "bind" "output_ports"!
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            g1.output_ports["my_prediction"] = y_pred
Example #21
    def test_nm_tensors_producer_consumers(self):
            Tests whether nmTensors are correct - checking producers and consumers.
        # Create modules.
        data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10, batch_size=1, name="source")
        trainable_module = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tm")
        loss = MSELoss(name="loss")
        loss2 = MSELoss(name="loss2")

        # Create the graph by connnecting the modules.
        x, y = data_source()
        y_pred = trainable_module(x=x)
        lss = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y)
        lss2 = loss2(predictions=y_pred, target=y)

        # Check tensor x producer and consumers.
        p = x.producer_step_module_port
        cs = x.consumers
        assert p.module_name == "source"
        assert p.port_name == "x"
        assert len(cs) == 1
        assert cs[0].module_name == "tm"
        assert cs[0].port_name == "x"

        # Check tensor y producer and consumers.
        p = y.producer_step_module_port
        cs = y.consumers
        assert p.module_name == "source"
        assert p.port_name == "y"
        assert len(cs) == 2
        assert cs[0].module_name == "loss"
        assert cs[0].port_name == "target"
        assert cs[1].module_name == "loss2"
        assert cs[1].port_name == "target"

        # Check tensor y_pred producer and consumers.
        p = y_pred.producer_step_module_port
        cs = y_pred.consumers
        assert p.module_name == "tm"
        assert p.port_name == "y_pred"
        assert len(cs) == 2
        assert cs[0].module_name == "loss"
        assert cs[0].port_name == "predictions"
        assert cs[1].module_name == "loss2"
        assert cs[1].port_name == "predictions"
Example #22
    def test_dag(self):
        data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10000, batch_size=128)
        trainable_module = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        loss = MSELoss()
        x, y = data_source()
        y_pred = trainable_module(x=x)
        _ = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y)

        def wrong():
            data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10000, batch_size=128)
            trainable_module = TaylorNet(dim=4)
            loss = MSELoss()
            x, y = data_source()
            loss_tensor = loss(predictions=x, target=x)
            _ = trainable_module(x=loss_tensor)

        self.assertRaises(NeuralPortNmTensorMismatchError, wrong)
Example #23
    def test_default_output_ports(self):
        """ Tests automatic binding of default output ports. """
        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10, batch_size=1)
        m2 = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        loss = MSELoss()

        with NeuralGraph() as g1:
            x, t = dl()
            p = m2(x=x)

        # Tests output ports.
        assert len(g1.output_ports) == 3
        assert g1.output_ports["x"].compare(
            x) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert g1.output_ports["y"].compare(
            t) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert g1.output_ports["y_pred"].compare(
            p) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
Example #24
    def test_state_dict(self):
            Tests whether the get/set_state_dict proxy functions work properly.
        # Module.
        fx = TaylorNet(dim=4)

        # Get state dict.
        state_dict1 = get_state_dict(fx)

        # Set state dict.
        set_state_dict(fx, state_dict1)

        # Compare state dicts.
        state_dict2 = get_state_dict(fx)
        for key in state_dict1.keys():
            assert array_equal(state_dict1[key].cpu().numpy(),
    def test_explicit_graph(self):
            Tests the integration of an `explicit` graph with actions API.
            In particular, checks whether user can pass NG instance to train().
        # Create modules.
        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=4)
        fx = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        loss = MSELoss()

        # Create the g0 graph.
        g0 = NeuralGraph()

        # Activate the "g0 graph context" - all operations will be recorded to g0.
        with g0:
            x, t = dl()
            p = fx(x=x)
            lss = loss(predictions=p, target=t)
            # Bind the loss output.
            g0.outputs["loss"] = lss

        # Instantiate an optimizer to perform the `train` action.
        optimizer = PtActions()

        # Make sure user CANNOT pass training graph and tensors_to_optimize.
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                    "max_steps": 1,
                    "lr": 0.0003

        # But user can invoke "train" action using graph only.
                            "max_steps": 1,
                            "lr": 0.0003
    def test_graph_serialization_4_graph_after_nesting_with_default_binding_reuse_modules(
            Tests whether serialization works in the case when we serialize a graph after a different graph
            was nested in it, with additionally bound input and output binding works (default port names).
        # Instantiate the necessary neural modules.
        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=1, name="tgs4_dl")
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgs4_tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="tgs4_loss")

        # Create "model".
        with NeuralGraph(operation_mode=OperationMode.both,
                         name="model") as model:
            # Add module to graph and bind it input port 'x'.
            y = tn(x=model)
            # NOTE: For some reason after this call both the "tgs4_tn" and "model" objects
            # remains on the module/graph registries.
            # (So somewhere down there remains a strong reference to module or graph).
            # This happens ONLY when passing graph as argument!
            # (Check out the next test which actually removes module and graph!).
            # Still, that is not an issue, as we do not expect the users
            # to delete and recreate modules in their "normal" applications.

        # Build the "training graph" - using the model copy.
        with NeuralGraph(,
                         name="tgs4_training") as training:
            # Add modules to graph.
            x, t = dl()
            # Incorporate modules from the existing "model" graph.
            p = model(x=x)
            lss = loss(predictions=p, target=t)

        # Serialize the "training graph".
        serialized_training = training.serialize()

        # Create the second graph - deserialize withoput "module reusing".
        training2 = NeuralGraph.deserialize(serialized_training,
        serialized_training2 = training2.serialize()

        # Must be the same.
        assert serialized_training == serialized_training2
Example #27
    def test_explicit_graph_manual_activation(self):
        """  Tests initialization of an `explicit` graph using `manual` activation. """
        # Create modules.
        dl = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10, batch_size=1)
        fx = TaylorNet(dim=4)

        # Create the g0 graph.
        g0 = NeuralGraph()

        # Activate the "g0 graph context" "manually" - all steps will be recorded to g0.

        # Define g0 - connections between the modules.
        x, t = dl()
        p = fx(x=x)

        # Deactivate the "g0 graph context".
        # Note that this is really optional, as long as there are no other steps to be recorded.

        # Assert that there are 2 modules in the graph.
        assert len(g0) == 2
Example #28
    def test_nm_tensors_types(self):
            Tests whether nmTensors are correct - checking type property.
        # Create modules.
        data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=10, batch_size=1)
        trainable_module = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        loss = MSELoss()

        # Create the graph by connnecting the modules.
        x, y = data_source()
        y_pred = trainable_module(x=x)
        lss = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y)

        # Check types.
            data_source.output_ports["x"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
            data_source.output_ports["y"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
                                    ) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
            loss.output_ports["loss"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
Example #29
    def test_graph_inputs_binding2_manual(self):
        # Create modules.
        tn = TaylorNet(dim=4, name="tgi2_tn")
        loss = MSELoss(name="tgi2_loss")

        # Test "manual" binding.
        with NeuralGraph() as g1:
            # Bind the "x" input to tn.
            g1.inputs["i"] = tn.input_ports["x"]
            y_pred = tn(x=g1.inputs["i"])
            # Bing the "target" input to loss.
            g1.inputs["t"] = loss.input_ports["target"]
            lss = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=g1.inputs["t"])

        assert len(g1.inputs) == 2
        assert g1.input_ports["i"].compare(
            tn.input_ports["x"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME
        assert g1.input_ports["t"].compare(
            loss.input_ports["target"]) == NeuralTypeComparisonResult.SAME

        # Finally, make sure that the user cannot "bind" "input_ports"!
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            g1.input_ports["my_prediction"] = y_pred
Example #30
    def test_TensorboardLogger(self, clean_up, tmpdir):
        data_source = RealFunctionDataLayer(n=100, batch_size=1)
        trainable_module = TaylorNet(dim=4)
        loss = MSELoss()

        # Create the graph by connnecting the modules.
        x, y = data_source()
        y_pred = trainable_module(x=x)
        loss_tensor = loss(predictions=y_pred, target=y)

        logging_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("temp")

        writer = SummaryWriter(logging_dir)

        tb_logger = TensorboardLogger(writer, step_freq=1)
        callbacks = [tb_logger]
                "max_steps": 4,
                "lr": 0.01

        # efi.inspect("temp", tag="loss")
        inspection_units = efi.get_inspection_units(str(logging_dir), "",

        # Make sure there is only 1 tensorboard file
        assert len(inspection_units) == 1

        # Assert that there the loss scalars has been logged 4 times
        assert len(inspection_units[0].field_to_obs['scalars']) == 4