Example #1
 def test_GetLayer(self):
     """Check if GetLayer returns correct information."""
     nr = 4
     nc = 5
     ldict = {'elements': 'iaf_neuron', 'rows': nr, 'columns': nc}
     nlayers = 3
     l = topo.CreateLayer((ldict, ) * nlayers)
     # obtain list containing list of results from GetLayer for all
     # nodes in layers
     leavelayers = [topo.GetLayer(node) for node in nest.GetLeaves(l)]
     # the list comprehension builds a list of lists of layer gids,
     # each list containing nr*nc copies of the layer gid
     self.assertEqual([list(t) for t in zip(*([l] * (nr * nc)))],
Example #2
    def test_GetLayer(self):
        """Check if GetLayer returns correct information."""
        nr = 4
        nc = 5
        ldict = {'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha', 'rows': nr, 'columns': nc}
        nlayers = 3
        l = topo.CreateLayer((ldict, ) * nlayers)

        # obtain list containing list of results from GetLayer for all
        # nodes in layers
        layers_exp = (topo.GetLayer(node) for node in nest.GetLeaves(l))

        # the list comprehension builds a list of lists of layer gids,
        # each list containing nr*nc copies of the layer gid
        layers_ref = zip(*((l, ) * (nr * nc)))

        for le, lr in zip(layers_exp, layers_ref):
            self.assertEqual(le, lr)