Example #1
def read(filein,latmin=None,latmax=None,lonmin=None,lonmax=None,level=None,varname=None,time=0,netcdf=None,**kwargs):
   """Return navlon,navlat,data.
   if netcdf=='3':
      from scipy.io import netcdf 
      ncopen = netcdf.netcdf_file
   elif netcdf=='4':
      from netCDF4 import Dataset as ncopen
   for key in kwargs:
       exec(key + " = kwargs['" + key + "']")
   ncfile = ncopen(filein,'r')
   # get indices
   _navlon = ncfile.variables['nav_lon'][:,:]
   _navlat = ncfile.variables['nav_lat'][:,:]
   if latmin is None: latmin = _navlat.min()
   if latmax is None: latmax = _navlat.max() 
   if lonmin is None: lonmin = _navlon.min()
   if lonmax is None: lonmax = _navlon.max()
   domain = (lonmin<_navlon) * (_navlon<lonmax) * (latmin<_navlat) * (_navlat<latmax)
   where = npy.where(domain)
   vlats = _navlat[where]
   vlons = _navlon[where]
   jmin = where[0][vlats.argmin()]
   jmax = where[0][vlats.argmax()]
   imin = where[1][vlons.argmin()]
   imax = where[1][vlons.argmax()]
   #load arrays
   navlon = _navlon[jmin:jmax+1,imin:imax+1]
   navlat = _navlat[jmin:jmax+1,imin:imax+1]
   if level is None:
      data = ncfile.variables[varname][time,jmin:jmax+1,imin:imax+1]
      data = ncfile.variables[varname][time,level,jmin:jmax+1,imin:imax+1]
   return navlon,navlat,data
def read_datagrid(gridfile,
    """Return navlon,navlat."""
    ncfile = ncopen(gridfile, 'r')
    # load navlon and navlat
    _navlon = ncfile.variables['nav_lon'][:, :]
    _navlat = ncfile.variables['nav_lat'][:, :]
    #-Define domain
    domain = (lonmin < _navlon) * (_navlon < lonmax) * (latmin < _navlat) * (
        _navlat < latmax)
    where = np.where(domain)
    vlats = _navlat[where]
    vlons = _navlon[where]
    #get indice
    jmin = where[0][vlats.argmin()]
    jmax = where[0][vlats.argmax()]
    imin = where[1][vlons.argmin()]
    imax = where[1][vlons.argmax()]
    #load arrays
    navlon = _navlon[jmin:jmax + 1, imin:imax + 1]
    navlat = _navlat[jmin:jmax + 1, imin:imax + 1]
    return navlon, navlat, jmin, jmax, imin, imax
Example #3
def nc_get_dim(ncfil,vblname):
    *ncfil is string (filename)
    *vname is string (variable name)
    *vbl    is a mod_reading.var_object instance

    nc = ncopen(ncfil)

    if vblname in nc.variables:
        vbl0 = nc.variables[vblname]

        # get the netcdf attributes
        attlist = vbl0.ncattrs()
        attvals = []
        for att in attlist:
            attval = getattr(vbl0,att)
        Xatts = [attlist,attvals]

        vals = vbl0[:]

        return MR.var_object(vals, extra_atts=Xatts)
        raise ValueError(vbl_name+' not given as an array')
Example #4
def read(filein,latmin=None,latmax=None,lonmin=None,lonmax=None,level=None,varname=None,time=0,netcdf=None,**kwargs):
   """Return navlon,navlat,data.
   if netcdf=='3':
      from scipy.io import netcdf 
      ncopen = netcdf.netcdf_file
   elif netcdf=='4':
      from netCDF4 import Dataset as ncopen
   for key in kwargs:
       exec(key + " = kwargs['" + key + "']")
   ncfile = ncopen(filein,'r')
   # get indices
   _navlon = ncfile.variables['nav_lon'][:,:]
   _navlat = ncfile.variables['nav_lat'][:,:]
   if latmin is None: latmin = _navlat.min()
   if latmax is None: latmax = _navlat.max() 
   if lonmin is None: lonmin = _navlon.min()
   if lonmax is None: lonmax = _navlon.max()
   domain = (lonmin<_navlon) * (_navlon<lonmax) * (latmin<_navlat) * (_navlat<latmax)
   where = npy.where(domain)
   vlats = _navlat[where]
   vlons = _navlon[where]
   jmin = where[0][vlats.argmin()]
   jmax = where[0][vlats.argmax()]
   imin = where[1][vlons.argmin()]
   imax = where[1][vlons.argmax()]
   #load arrays
   navlon = _navlon[jmin:jmax+1,imin:imax+1]
   navlat = _navlat[jmin:jmax+1,imin:imax+1]
   if level is None:
      data = ncfile.variables[varname][time,jmin:jmax+1,imin:imax+1]
      data = ncfile.variables[varname][time,level,jmin:jmax+1,imin:imax+1]
   return navlon,navlat,data
Example #5
def lonlat_names(ncfil):
    nc = ncopen(ncfil)
    for vbl in nc.variables:
        if 'lon' in vbl[:3].lower():
            lonname = vbl
        if 'lat' in vbl[:3].lower():
            latname = vbl
    return lonname, latname
Example #6
def nc_get_time(ncfil, time_name='time'):
    vbl=nc_get_time(ncfil, time_name)
    *ncfil is string (filename)
    *vname is string (variable name)
    *time_index is record number to get
    *vbl is a mod_reading.var_object instance
    with ncopen(ncfil) as nc:
        time = nc.variables[time_name][:]
    return time
Example #7
def nc_get_var(ncfil, vblname, time_index=None):
    #get basic info from 2d variable

    class def_vbl:

        def __init__(self, vbl0, time_index=None):

            # get the netcdf attributes
            ncatts = vbl0.ncattrs()
            for att in ncatts:
                attval = getattr(vbl0, att)
                setattr(self, att, attval)

            if hasattr(vbl0, 'dimensions'):
                dims = vbl0.dimensions
                self.dimensions = dims

            # some attributes that depend on rank
            if vbl0.ndim == 1:
                vals = vbl0[:]
            elif vbl0.ndim == 2:
                vals = vbl0[:, :]
            elif vbl0.ndim == 3:
                if time_index is None:
                    vals = vbl0[:, :, :]
                    vals = vbl0[time_index, :, :]
                    if hasattr(vbl0, 'dimensions'):
                        self.dimensions = dims[1:]  # drop time dimension

            self.values = vals
            self.shape = vals.shape
            self.ndim = vals.ndim
            self.__getitem__ = self.values.__getitem__



    nc = ncopen(ncfil)
    vbl0 = nc.variables[vblname]
    vbl = def_vbl(vbl0, time_index)

    return vbl
Example #8
def nc_get_var_atts(ncfil,vblname):
    vbl=nc_get_var_atts(ncfil, vblname, time_index=None)
    *ncfil is string (filename)
    *vname is string (variable name)

    *vbl is a mod_reading.var_object instance
    nc   = ncopen(ncfil)
    vbl0 = nc.variables[vblname]

    # get the netcdf attributes
    attlist = vbl0.ncattrs()
    atts    = {}
    for att in attlist:
        attval = getattr(vbl0,att)

    return atts
Example #9
    def get_lonlat(self, vec2mat=True, **kwargs):
        * vec2mat (bool): if lon, lat are vectors (eg if they are dimensions),
            convert to matrices
        * ij_range: list of integers to reduce the size of arrays
            - can be: None or [i0, i1, j0, j1]
            - let lon_all, lat_all = self.get_lonlat(vec2mat=True)
            - let lon, lat = self.get_lonlat(vec2mat=True, ij_range=[i0, i1, j0, j1])
            - lon = lon_all[i0:i1, j0:j1], lat = lat_all[i0:i1, j0:j1]

        * lon, lat (np.array)

        if self.timedep_lonlat:
            # return lon,lat using get_var
            lon = self.get_var(self.lonname, **kwargs)
            lat = self.get_var(self.latname, **kwargs)
            return (lon.values.filled(np.nan),

        ij_range = kwargs.get('ij_range', None)

        with ncopen(self.lonlat_file) as nc:
            lono = nc.variables[self.lonname]
            lato = nc.variables[self.latname]

            if ij_range is None:
                if lono.ndim==2:
                    lon = lono[:, :]
                    lat = lato[:, :]
                    lon = lono[:]
                    lat = lato[:]
                    if vec2mat:
                        if self.lon_first:
                            # lon in cols, lat in rows
                            lon, lat  = np.meshgrid(lon, lat, indexing='ij')
                            # lon in rows, lat in cols
                            lon, lat  = np.meshgrid(lon, lat, indexing='xy')
                print('ij_range: ', ij_range)
                i0, i1, j0, j1 = ij_range
                if lono.ndim==2:
                    lon = lono[i0:i1, j0:j1]
                    lat = lato[i0:i1, j0:j1]
                    if self.lon_first:
                        # lon in cols, lat in rows
                        lon = lono[j0:j1]
                        lat = lato[i0:i1]
                        # lon in rows, lat in cols
                        lon = lono[i0:i1]
                        lat = lato[j0:j1]
                    if vec2mat:
                        if self.lon_first:
                            # lon in cols, lat in rows
                            lon, lat  = np.meshgrid(lon, lat, indexing='ij')
                            # lon in rows, lat in cols
                            lon, lat  = np.meshgrid(lon, lat, indexing='xy')

        return lon, lat
Example #10
    def __init__(self,
        # NB time_index not needed here, but adding it as a dummy index
        # means this object can be used along with other similar objects
        # in some functions in mod_reading.py

        self.filename  = ncfil
        if ncfil[0]=='/':
            bn           = os.path.basename(ncfil)
            self.basedir = ncfil.strip(bn)
            bn           = ncfil
            self.basedir = os.getcwd()+'/'

        self.basename    = os.path.splitext(bn)[0]
        self.filetype    = 'netcdf'
        self.object_type = 'netcdf'

        # things to work with plotting stuff in mod_reading.py
        self.HYCOM_region     = None
        self.get_fixed_lonlat = self.get_lonlat

        # for drifters
        self.timedep_lonlat = timedep_lonlat

        # added here manually
        # - TODO could possibly be determined
        #    from netcdf metadata though
        # - could also be an input
        self.reftime_sig = 'start of forecast'

        # open the file
        nc     = ncopen(ncfil)
        dkeys = list(nc.dimensions.keys())
        vkeys = list(nc.variables.keys())

        # remove dimensions from variables
        self.dimensions = dkeys
        for key in dkeys:
            if key in vkeys:
        Nkeys = len(vkeys)

        # time info:

        # get global netcdf attributes
        class ncatts:
            def __init__(self,nc):
                for att in nc.ncattrs():
                    attval    = getattr(nc,att)
            def atts2list(self):
                return vars(self).keys()
        self.ncattrs = ncatts(nc)

        # grid info:
        if lonlat_file is None:
            lonlat_file = ncfil
        self.lonlat_file = lonlat_file

        # are lon,lat dimensions?
        self.lonname, self.latname = lonlat_names(self.lonlat_file)
        self.lonlat_dim            = (self.lonname in self.dimensions)

        # basic lon-lat info
        with ncopen(self.lonlat_file) as nc2:
            lon = nc2.variables[self.lonname]
            lat = nc2.variables[self.latname]
            if self.lonlat_dim:
                self.lon0 = lon[0]
                self.lat0 = lat[0]
                self.lonlat_corners = np.array([
                        (lon[0], lat[0]),
                        (lon[-1], lat[0]),
                        (lon[-1], lat[-1]),
                        (lon[0], lat[-1]),
                        (lon[0], lat[0]),

                # get example variable:
                # - for eg plotting, need to make the lon/lat matrices
                # (converted from vectors)
                # have the same shape as the variables
                for vkey in vkeys:
                    if self.lonname in nc.variables[vkey].dimensions:
                        ncvar = nc.variables[vkey]
                for dkey in ncvar.dimensions:
                    if dkey==self.lonname:
                        self.lon_first = True
                        self.shape     = (len(lon), len(lat))
                    elif dkey==self.latname:
                        self.lon_first = False
                        self.shape     = (len(lat), len(lon))
            elif self.timedep_lonlat:
                self.lon0  = None
                self.lat0  = None
                self.lonlat_corners = None
                self.shape = lon[0,:,:].shape
                self.lon0  = lon[0, 0]
                self.lat0  = lat[0, 0]
                self.lonlat_corners = np.array([
                        (lon[0, 0], lat[0, 0]),
                        (lon[-1, 0], lat[-1, 0]),
                        (lon[-1, -1], lat[-1, -1]),
                        (lon[0, -1], lat[0, -1]),
                        (lon[0, 0], lat[0, 0]),
                self.lon1  = lon[-1, -1]
                self.lat1  = lat[-1, -1]
                self.shape = lon.shape

        ny, nx      = self.shape
        self.Npts_x = nx    # No of points in x dirn
        self.Npts_y = ny    # No of points in y dirn
        self.Npts   = nx*ny # Total no of points

        # projection info:
        proj_list = [

        # could also have mercator or regular lon-lat
        HAVE_PROJ    = 0    # if 0 assume HYCOM native grid
        keys_to_remove = []
        for proj_name in proj_list:
            if proj_name in vkeys:
                proj      = nc.variables[proj_name]
                att_list  = proj.ncattrs()
                HAVE_PROJ = 1
                keys_to_remove.append(proj_name) # don't want to keep projection variable with the other variables

        if HAVE_PROJ:
            # object with the netcdf attributes of projection variable
            # + some extra proj-dependent info
            att_list_full = [att_list[i] for i in range(len(att_list))]
            att_vals_full = []
            for att in att_list:
                att_val = proj.getncattr(att)

            self.proj_info = MR.proj_obj(att_list_full, att_vals_full)
            self.proj_info = None

        # variable list
        # - remove some other variables from vkeys
        # - eg projection,lon,lat
        # - time_bnds
        # - TODO model_depth?
        # keys_to_remove.append('model_depth')
        if not self.timedep_lonlat:
            keys_to_remove.extend([self.lonname, self.latname])

        # other variables to remove
        for key in keys_to_remove:
            if key in vkeys:

        self.variables     = vkeys
        self.variables3d   = None  #TODO enable treatment of 3d fields
        self.all_variables = vkeys

Example #11
def nc_get_var(ncfil, vblname, time_index=None,
        depth_index=0, ij_range=None, **kwargs):
    vbl=nc_get_var(ncfil, vblname, time_index=None)
    *ncfil is string (filename)
    *vname is string (variable name)
    *time_index is record number to get
    *depth_index is horizon number to get
    *vbl is a mod_reading.var_object instance
    # NB kwargs is not used, but is there as a dummy to avoid having to sort kwargs
    # before calling this function

    with ncopen(ncfil) as nc:
        vbl0 = nc.variables[vblname]

        # get the netcdf attributes
        attlist = vbl0.ncattrs()
        attvals = []
        for att in attlist:
            attval = getattr(vbl0, att)

        dims  = vbl0.dimensions
        shape = vbl0.shape

        # do we want to limit the range
        if ij_range is not None:
            i0, i1, j0, j1 = ij_range

        # some attributes that depend on rank
        if vbl0.ndim==1:
            vals = vbl0[:]

        elif vbl0.ndim==2:
            if ij_range is not None:
                vals = vbl0[i0:i1, j0:j1]
                vals = vbl0[:, :]

        elif vbl0.ndim==3:
            if time_index is None:
                if shape[0]==1:
                    time_index = 0
            if time_index is None:
                if ij_range is not None:
                    vals = vbl0[:, i0:i1, j0:j1]
                    vals = vbl0[:, :, :]
                if ij_range is not None:
                    vals = vbl0[time_index, i0:i1, j0:j1]
                    vals = vbl0[time_index, :, :]
                dims = dims[1:]

        elif vbl0.ndim==4:
            if time_index is None:
                if shape[0]==1:
                    time_index = 0

            if time_index is None:
                if ij_range is not None:
                    vals = vbl0[:, depth_index, i0:i1, j0:j1]
                    vals = vbl0[:, depth_index, :, :]
                dims = (dims[0], dims[2], dims[3])
                if ij_range is not None:
                    vals = vbl0[time_index, depth_index, i0:i1, j0:j1]
                    vals = vbl0[time_index, depth_index, :, :]
                dims = dims[2:]

    return MR.var_object(vals, extra_atts=[attlist, attvals])
Example #12
def nc_getinfo(ncfil, time_index=None):

    class nc_info:

        def __init__(self):
            self.ncattrs = 0  # global netcdf attributes
            self.proj_info = 0  # info about projection
            self.variable_list = 0  # list of variable names

            self.lon0 = 0  # 1st longitude value
            self.lat0 = 0  # 1st latitude value
            self.shape = 0  # shape of grid
            self.Npts_x = 0  # No of points in x dirn
            self.Npts_y = 0  # No of points in y dirn
            self.Npts = 0  # Total no of points

            self.reftime = 0
            # added here manually
            # - could possibly be determined
            #   from netcdf metadata though
            self.reftime_sig = 'start of forecast'

            self.timevalues = []
            self.timeunits = 'hour'
            self.datatime = 0

            self.number_of_time_records = 1


    ncinfo = nc_info()
    nc = ncopen(ncfil)

    # get global netcdf attributes
    ncinfo.ncattrs = nc.ncattrs()

    dkeys = nc.dimensions.keys()
    vkeys = nc.variables.keys()
    Nkeys = len(vkeys)

    # time info:
    time = nc.variables['time']
    Nt = len(time[:])
    reftime_u = time[0]  # hours since refpoint
    time_info = time.units.split()
    time_info[0] = time_info[0].strip('s')  # 1st word gives units
    if time_info[0] == 'econd':
        time_info[0] = 'second'
    tu = time.units
    lst = tu.split()
    date2 = lst[2]
    # i0    = tu.index('-')
    # date0 = tu[i0-4:i0+6]
    # i1    = tu.index(':')
    # date1 = tu[i1-2:i1+6]
    # #
    # date2    = date0+date1+'Z'
    # time_fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT0%H:%M:%SZ' # eg 1950-1-1T12:00:00Z
    time_fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'  # eg 1950-1-1T12:00:00Z
    refpoint = datetime.strptime(date2, time_fmt)
    if time_info[0] == 'second':
        ncinfo.reftime = refpoint + timedelta(seconds=reftime_u)
    elif time_info[0] == 'hour':
        ncinfo.reftime = refpoint + timedelta(hours=reftime_u)

    if time_info[0] == 'hour':
        ncinfo.timeunits = time_info[0]
        ncinfo.timevalues = [time[i] - time[0] for i in range(Nt)]
    elif time_info[0] == 'second':
        # convert time units to hours for readability of the messages:
        ncinfo.timeunits = 'hour'
        ncinfo.timevalues = [
            int((time[i] - time[0]) / 3600.) for i in range(Nt)

    if time_index is not None:
        ncinfo.datatime = ncinfo.timevalues[time_index]

    ncinfo.number_of_time_records = Nt


    # grid info:
    ncinfo.lon0 = nc.variables['longitude'][0, 0]
    ncinfo.lat0 = nc.variables['latitude'][0, 0]
    ncinfo.shape = nc.variables['latitude'][:, :].shape
    ny, nx = ncinfo.shape
    ncinfo.Npts_x = nx  # No of points in x dirn
    ncinfo.Npts_y = ny  # No of points in y dirn
    ncinfo.Npts = nx * ny  # Total no of points

    ncinfo.shape = nc.variables['latitude'][:, :].shape

    # projection info:
    proj_list = ['stereographic',
                 'projection_3']  # could also have mercator or regular lon-lat
    for proj_name in proj_list:
        if proj_name in vkeys:
            proj = nc.variables[proj_name]
            att_list = proj.ncattrs()

    # object with the netcdf attributes of projection variable
    # + some extra proj-dependent info
    att_list_full = [att_list[i] for i in range(len(att_list))]
    if proj_name == 'stereographic':
        att_list_full.extend(['x_resolution', 'y_resolution'])

    ncinfo.proj_info = proj_obj(att_list_full)
    for att in att_list:
        attval = proj.getncattr(att)
        setattr(ncinfo.proj_info, att, attval)

    if proj_name == 'stereographic':
        # add x,y resolution to ncinfo.proj_info
        xx = nc.variables['x'][0:2]
        yy = nc.variables['y'][0:2]
        dx = xx[1] - xx[0]  # units of 100km
        dy = yy[1] - yy[0]  # units of 100km
        fac = 1e5  # convert from 100km to m
        ncinfo.proj_info.x_resolution = dx * fac
        ncinfo.proj_info.y_resolution = dy * fac

    # variable list
    vlist = []
    bkeys = [proj_name, 'longitude', 'latitude', 'model_depth']
    for key in vkeys:
        if key not in bkeys:

    ncinfo.variable_list = vlist

    return ncinfo
Example #13
from netCDF4 import Dataset as ncopen
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
fake data to be written
Ntot = 100
uice = 1. + np.zeros(Ntot)
vice = np.zeros(Ntot)
cno = np.zeros(Ntot, dtype='int')
cno[50:] = 1
nc = ncopen('sample.nc', 'w', format='NETCDF4')  #'w' stands for write
The above line creates a netCDF file called "sample.nc" in the current folder. nc is a netCDF Dataset object that provides methods for storing data to the
file. nc also doubles as the root group. A netCDF group is basically a directory or folder within the netCDF dataset. This allows you to organize data as you would in a unix file system. Let's create a group for the heck of it:

if 0:
    tempgrp = nc.createGroup('Temp_data')
    tempgrp = nc
Specifying dimensions

The next step is to specify the dimensions of the data. If you plan to save a multidimensional array of data, each dimension of that array needs to be given a name and a length:

tempgrp.createDimension('point_index', Ntot)
tempgrp.createDimension('time', 1)
Building variables
    for D in Vcont:
        N = D['length']
        C = D['contour_value']
        lonc = D['lon']
        latc = D['lat']
        cno_vec[position:position + N] = contour_number
        c_vec[position:position + N] = C
        lon_vec[position:position + N] = lonc
        lat_vec[position:position + N] = latc

        #increment position
        position += N
        contour_number += 1

print('Writing output netcdf file...')
nc = ncopen(ncfil2, 'w', format='NETCDF4')  #'w' stands for write
The above line creates a netCDF file called "sample.nc" in the current folder. nc is a netCDF Dataset object that provides methods for storing data to the

if 0:
   nc also doubles as the root group. A netCDF group is basically a directory or folder within the netCDF dataset.
   This allows you to organize data as you would in a unix file system. Let's create a group for the heck of it:
    tempgrp = nc.createGroup('Temp_data')
    # write directly to the root group
    tempgrp = nc