def rule_manager(): filtable = Table('filter') firewalliot.block_rules() db.create_all() db.session.query(AuthConns).delete() db.session.commit() open('/var/log/firewall', 'w').close() while True: for row in db.session.query(AuthConns): if int(row.sessiontime) <= int(time.time()): try: rule0 = Rule( jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[Match('udp', '--dst ' + str(row.ip_addr))]) filtable.delete_rule('FORWARD', rule0) except IptablesError as e: pass db.session.delete( AuthConns.query.filter( == elif not row.fw_status: rule0 = Rule( jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[Match('udp', '--dst ' + str(row.ip_addr))]) filtable.prepend_rule('FORWARD', rule0) cwfwrule = AuthConns.query.filter_by( cwferule.fw_status = True elif not row.ip_port: log_lookup() manage_logging() else: pass db.session.commit() time.sleep(15)
def unfilter_ports(device): """Removes from iptables the ports related with gluster on the given device.""" input_filter = 'gluster-input' output_filter = 'gluster-output' print "Removing Gluster port filtering..." table = Table('filter') chains = table.list_chains() if input_filter in chains: in_rule = Rule(in_interface=device, jump=input_filter) try: table.delete_rule('INPUT', in_rule) except IptablesError: pass table.flush_chain(input_filter) table.delete_chain(input_filter) else: print "Gluster input ports are not filtered. Ignoring request..." if output_filter in chains: out_rule = Rule(out_interface=device, jump=output_filter) table.delete_rule('OUTPUT', out_rule) table.flush_chain(output_filter) table.delete_chain(output_filter) else: print "Gluster output ports are not filtered. Ignoring request..."
def unblock_outgoing_packets(proto, ipsrc=None, portsrc=None, ipdst=None, portdst=None): """ Unblocks outgoing packets coming from the kernel using iptables command. """ matches = [] if portsrc: matches.append(Match('tcp', '--sport ' + str(portsrc))) if portdst: matches.append(Match('tcp', '--dport ' + str(portdst))) rule = Rule( #in_interface=interface, protocol=proto, source=ipsrc, destination=ipdst, matches=matches, jump='DROP') table = Table('filter') try: table.delete_rule('OUTPUT', rule) except IptablesError: print("Unknown rule !", proto, ipsrc, portsrc, ipdst, portdst)
def disable_subscription(self, ipaddress, macaddress): rule_masquerade = Rule(source=ipaddress, jump="MASQUERADE") rule_restrict = Rule(source=ipaddress, matches=[Match("mac", "--mac-source " + macaddress)], jump="ACCEPT") table = Table("nat") try: table.delete_rule("POSTROUTING", rule_masquerade) table.delete_rule("PREROUTING", rule_restrict) except IptablesError, e: sys.stdout.write("Ignoring non-existant rule")
def unmarkhost(self, oid, ipaddress): target_out = Target('CONNMARK', '--set-mark '+str(oid)) rule_out = Rule( source = ipaddress + "/32", jump = target_out) target_in = Target('CONNMARK', '--set-mark '+str(oid)) rule_in = Rule( destination = ipaddress + "/32", jump = target_out) table = Table('mangle') try: table.delete_rule('out_traffic', rule_out) table.delete_rule('in_traffic', rule_in) except IptablesError, e: sys.stdout.write('Rule not found: %s' % e)
def force_remove(ip_addr): filtable = Table('filter') try: rule0 = Rule(jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[Match('udp', '--dst ' + str(ip_addr))]) filtable.delete_rule('FORWARD', rule0) except IptablesError as e: pass try: rule1 = Rule(jump='LOG', protocol='udp', matches=[ Match('udp', '--dst ' + ip_addr), Match('limit', '--limit 1/hour --limit-burst 1') ]) filtable.delete_rule('FORWARD', rule1) except IptablesError as e: pass
def manage_logging(): filtable = Table('filter') for row in db.session.query(AuthConns): if row.ip_port and not row.port_status: rule0 = Rule(jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[ Match( 'udp', '--dst ' + str(row.ip_addr) + ' --dport ' + str(row.ip_port)) ]) filtable.prepend_rule('FORWARD', rule0) try: rule1 = Rule(jump='LOG', protocol='udp', matches=[ Match('udp', '--dst ' + str(row.ip_addr)), Match('limit', '--limit 1/hour --limit-burst 1') ]) filtable.delete_rule('FORWARD', rule1) except IptablesError as e: pass try: rule2 = Rule( jump='ACCEPT', protocol='udp', matches=[Match('udp', '--dst ' + str(row.ip_addr))]) filtable.delete_rule('FORWARD', rule2) except IptablesError as e: pass row.port_status = True else: pass
def unblock_outgoing_packets(proto, ipsrc=None, portsrc=None, ipdst=None, portdst=None): """ Unblocks outgoing packets coming from the kernel using iptables command. """ matches = [] if portsrc: matches.append(Match("tcp", "--sport " + str(portsrc))) if portdst: matches.append(Match("tcp", "--dport " + str(portdst))) rule = Rule( # in_interface=interface, protocol=proto, source=ipsrc, destination=ipdst, matches=matches, jump="DROP", ) table = Table("filter") try: table.delete_rule("OUTPUT", rule) except IptablesError: print("Unknown rule !", proto, ipsrc, portsrc, ipdst, portdst)
class PortKnocker(): ''' Class for analysis iptables log messages and open port upon attempt connect to port. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Files for processing. self.pidfile = kwargs["pidfile"] self.portknocker_logfile = "/var/log/portknocker_daemon.log" self.iptables_logfile = "/dev/shm/iptables.log" self.dumpfile = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + os.sep + "portknocker.dmp" # Logger parameters for daemon. self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.fh = logging.FileHandler(self.portknocker_logfile) self.fh.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.formatstr = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' self.formatter = logging.Formatter(self.formatstr) self.fh.setFormatter(self.formatter) self.logger.addHandler(self.fh) # Netfilter table for setting rules. self.table = Table("filter") # Reserved ports {"in_int:port":"src_ip"}. self.ports = dict() # Clean for start, stop and restart daemon. self.clean() def tail(self, monfile): ''' Get last line in file, similarly to tail -f filename. ''' try: while True: for line in tailer.follow(monfile, 1): time.sleep(0.1) yield line except: self.logger.error("Error while log-file parsing.") def set_rule(self, in_int, port, src_ip): ''' Make netfilter rule. -I INPUT -i $int_in -p tcp --dport $port -j ACCEPT ''' rule = Rule(in_interface=f"{in_int}", source=f"{src_ip}", protocol="tcp", matches=[Match("tcp", f"--dport {port}")], jump="ACCEPT") return rule def check_netfilter_rule(self, in_int, port, src_ip): ''' Check rule availability in netfilter. ''' return True if self.set_rule(in_int, port, src_ip) in [ _rule for _rule in self.table.list_rules("INPUT") ] else False def set_netfilter_rule(self, in_int, port, src_ip): ''' Set netfilter rule. ''' try: if not self.check_netfilter_rule(in_int, port, src_ip): self.table.prepend_rule("INPUT", self.set_rule(in_int, port, src_ip)) f"Add netfilter rule for in_int:{in_int} port:{port} src_ip:{src_ip}" ) except: self.logger.error( f"Rule setting error, in_int:{in_int} port:{port} src_ip:{src_ip}" ) def delete_netfilter_rule(self, in_int, port, src_ip): ''' Delete netfilter rule. -D INPUT -t in_int -s src_ip --dport $port ''' try: if self.check_netfilter_rule(in_int, port, src_ip): self.table.delete_rule('INPUT', self.set_rule(in_int, port, src_ip)) f"Delete netfilter rule for in_int:{in_int} port:{port} src_ip:{src_ip}" ) except: self.logger.error( f"Error removing netfilter rule, in_int:{in_int} port:{port} src_ip:{src_ip}" ) def checking_established_connections(self, in_int, port, src_ip): ''' Check established port connection. If not established connection, then delete for opening port netfilter rule. ''' while True: # Timeoute for establish connection. time.sleep(30) # Enumeration of available connections by port number and connection status. if [port, "ESTABLISHED"] in [[str(conn.laddr.port), conn.status] for conn in psutil.net_connections()]: f"Connection ESTABLISHED port:{port} src_ip:{src_ip}") # Timeout before next check connection status. time.sleep(30) else: try: # Delete iptables rule for port opening.. self.delete_netfilter_rule(in_int, port, src_ip) f"Disconnect in_int: port:{port} src_ip:{src_ip}") # Delete port from list reservated. self.deleting_reserved_port(f"{in_int}:{port}") return True except: self.logger.error( f"Error while closing the connection, port:{port} src_ip:{src_ip}" ) return False def save_reservated_ports_set_to_disk(self): ''' Save list reserved ports to file. ''' try: with open(self.dumpfile, "w") as dumpfile: if len(self.ports): for in_int_port, src_ip in self.ports.items(): dumpfile.write(f"{in_int_port}:{src_ip}\n") os.chmod(self.dumpfile, 0o600) except: self.logger.error("Error writing dump file.") def get_reservated_ports_from_dumpfile(self): ''' Get list reserved ports from file. ''' try: if os.path.exists( self.dumpfile) and (os.path.getsize(self.dumpfile) > 1): with open(self.dumpfile, "r") as dumpfile: self.ports = { f"{in_int}:{port}": src_ip for in_int, port, src_ip in [ port.rstrip().split(':') for port in dumpfile.readlines() ] } except: self.logger.error("Error while get reserved ports from file.") def set_reservated_port(self, in_int, port, src_ip): ''' Save port number to list reserved ports and save this list to file. ''' try: self.ports[f"{in_int}:{port}"] = src_ip self.save_reservated_ports_set_to_disk() except: self.logger.error("Error saving the reserved port.") def deleting_all_created_rules(self): ''' Delete all set rule. If in memory not reserved ports, then checking records in dumpfile. ''' try: # Actions "start" and "stop" create new class copy, # him need loading list reserved ports.в if not len(self.ports): self.get_reservated_ports_from_dumpfile() for in_int_port, src_ip in self.ports.items(): in_int, port = in_int_port.split(':') self.delete_netfilter_rule(in_int, port, src_ip) except: self.logger.warning( "Error while remove all rule with reserved ports.") return False return True def clean_reservated_port_file(self): ''' Delete dumpfile. ''' try: os.remove(self.dumpfile) except: self.logger.warning( "Error while remove dumpfile. Dumpfile may be missing.") def deleting_reserved_port(self, in_int_port): ''' Delete port from list reserved ports and save actual list to disk. ''' try: if len(self.ports): self.ports.pop(in_int_port, 0) self.save_reservated_ports_set_to_disk() except: self.logger.error("Error deleting reserved port.") def port_connection_reservate(self): ''' Reserve port and set netfilter rule for port opening. ''' # Counter attempting connection to port. port_knock_counter = {} # Dictionary of active timer threads. timer_threads = {} # Dictionary of threads active observed connections. connection_threads = {} def reservate(in_int, port, src_ip): # Port connection attempt counting. port_knock_counter[port] = port_knock_counter.setdefault(port, 0) port_knock_counter[port] += 1 # If attempt not one, then running timer. if port_knock_counter[port] == 2: timer_thread = Thread(name=port, target=time.sleep, args=(10, ), daemon=True) timer_threads[port] = timer_thread timer_thread.start() # Reservate port after five attempting and reset attempt counter. if port_knock_counter[port] == 5: self.set_reservated_port(in_int, port, src_ip) port_knock_counter[port] = 0 # Because checking thread activity can call exception, do this. connection_threads[port] = Thread(name=port) if not timer_threads[port].is_alive( ) and not connection_threads[port].is_alive(): # Reset attempt counter after stopping timer. port_knock_counter[port] = 0 # Create netfilter rule for reserved port and starting observed. if [ key for key in self.ports.keys() if [in_int, port] in [key.split(':')] ]: # Sets netfilter rules. self.set_netfilter_rule(in_int, port, src_ip) try: # The flow, in which carried out observant to connection and deleting netfilter rule after disconnect to port. connection_thread = Thread( name=port, target=self.checking_established_connections, args=( in_int, port, src_ip, ), daemon=True) connection_threads[port] = connection_thread connection_thread.start() except: self.logger.error( 'Error creating connection control thread!') return reservate def clean(self): ''' Netfilter rules and dumpfile clean when daemon restarted or stopping. ''' try: self.deleting_all_created_rules() self.clean_reservated_port_file()'PortKnocker stopped ...') except: self.logger.error('Error clearing rules.') def run(self): ''' Master cycle running netfilter log file analyser for search in him new connection records. You need set netfilter rule, equivalent to this template: start_port=10000:10049,10051 && \ end_port=50000 && \ iptables -I INPUT -i enp0s3 -p tcp -m multiport --dports $start_port:$end_port -j DROP && \ iptables -I INPUT -i enp0s3 -p tcp -m multiport --dports $start_port:$end_port -j LOG --log-prefix "Iptables: port_knocker " ''' self.setting_up_rsyslog()"PortKnocker running ...") reserved_port = self.port_connection_reservate() with open(self.iptables_logfile, "w+") as f: for line in self.tail(f): # Long enough record in netfilter log file containing: string "Iptables: port_knocker", # input interface, destination port and note about SYN type package. if ("Iptables: port_knocker" in line) and (line.find(" DPT=") and line.find(" SYN ")): reserved_port( str(*re.findall(r"IN=\w+", line))[3:], str(*re.findall(r"DPT=\d+", line))[4:], str(*re.findall(r"SRC=[\d+\.]+", line))[4:]) self.clean_log() def setting_up_rsyslog(self): ''' Configuring rsislog settings for iptables logging. ''' rsyslog_confd_file = "/etc/rsyslog.d/10-iptables.conf" rsyslog_cfg_string = f':msg, contains, "Iptables: port_knocker " -{self.iptables_logfile}\n& ~' try: with open(rsyslog_confd_file, "r") as rsys_confd: for line in rsys_confd.readlines(): if "Iptables: port_knocker" in line: return raise FileNotFoundError except FileNotFoundError: with open(rsyslog_confd_file, "w+") as rsys_confd: rsys_confd.write(rsyslog_cfg_string)"Added settings to {rsyslog_confd_file}") try: os.system("systemctl restart rsyslog") except: self.logger.error( "Check for the rsyslog service. Portknocker demon stopped.") self.clean() sys.exit() def clean_log(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Cleaning log-files. ''' try: logfile = kwargs["logfile"] critical_size = kwargs["critical_size"] except: logfile = self.iptables_logfile critical_size = 1048576 try: if os.path.getsize(logfile) >= critical_size: open(logfile, "w").close() except: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to clean up {logfile} file") def _demonize(self): ''' Demonization of the portknocker process. ''' self._terminate_daemon_process() if os.path.exists(self.pidfile): try: os.remove(self.pidfile) except: self.logger.error( f"Pleas check {self.pidfile} permissons and delete him.") sys.exit() self._start() def _start(self): ''' Set the daemon context and run the application. ''' pidlock = PIDLockFile(self.pidfile) with DaemonContext( pidfile=pidlock, working_directory=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + os.sep,, return def _terminate_daemon_process(self): ''' Exit the daemon process specified in the current PID file. ''' self.clean() try: with open(self.pidfile, "r") as pidfile: pid = int(pidfile.readline().strip()) except: self.logger.error(f"Failed to read pidfile {self.pidfile}") return try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)"Portknocker demon stopped.") except: self.logger.error(f"Failed to terminate {pid}.") return def _restart(self): ''' Restart daemon. ''' self._terminate_daemon_process() self._start()
def desbloqueaIP(ip): regla = Rule(source = ip, jump = 'DROP') tabla = Table('filter') tabla.delete_rule('INPUT', regla)