Example #1
def check_cloned_neuron(nrn1, nrn2):
    # check if two neurons are identical

    # soma
    nt.ok_(isinstance(nrn2.soma, type(nrn1.soma)))
    nt.eq_(nrn1.soma.radius, nrn2.soma.radius)

    for v1, v2 in zip(nrn1.soma.iter(), nrn2.soma.iter()):
        nt.ok_(np.allclose(v1, v2))

    # neurites
    for v1, v2 in zip(iter_segments(nrn1), iter_segments(nrn2)):
        (v1_start, v1_end), (v2_start, v2_end) = v1, v2
        nt.ok_(np.allclose(v1_start, v2_start))
        nt.ok_(np.allclose(v1_end, v2_end))

    # check if the ids are different
    # somata
    nt.ok_(nrn1.soma is not nrn2.soma)

    # neurites
    for neu1, neu2 in zip(nrn1.neurites, nrn2.neurites):
        nt.ok_(neu1 is not neu2)

    # check if changes are propagated between neurons
    nrn2.soma.radius = 10.
    nt.ok_(nrn1.soma.radius != nrn2.soma.radius)

    nrn2._data.data_block[0, :] = np.zeros_like(nrn2._data.data_block[0, :])
    nt.ok_(not np.allclose(nrn1._data.data_block[0, :], nrn2._data.data_block[
        0, :]))
Example #2
def check_cloned_neuron(nrn1, nrn2):
    # check if two neurons are identical

    # soma
    nt.ok_(isinstance(nrn2.soma, type(nrn1.soma)))
    nt.eq_(nrn1.soma.radius, nrn2.soma.radius)

    for v1, v2 in zip(nrn1.soma.iter(), nrn2.soma.iter()):
        nt.ok_(np.allclose(v1, v2))

    # neurites
    for v1, v2 in zip(iter_segments(nrn1), iter_segments(nrn2)):
        (v1_start, v1_end), (v2_start, v2_end) = v1, v2
        nt.ok_(np.allclose(v1_start, v2_start))
        nt.ok_(np.allclose(v1_end, v2_end))

    # check if the ids are different
    # somata
    nt.ok_(nrn1.soma is not nrn2.soma)

    # neurites
    for neu1, neu2 in zip(nrn1.neurites, nrn2.neurites):
        nt.ok_(neu1 is not neu2)

    # check if changes are propagated between neurons
    nrn2.soma.radius = 10.
    nt.ok_(nrn1.soma.radius != nrn2.soma.radius)

    nrn2._data.data_block[0, :] = np.zeros_like(nrn2._data.data_block[0, :])
    nt.ok_(not np.allclose(nrn1._data.data_block[0, :],
                           nrn2._data.data_block[0, :]))
Example #3
def test_iter_segments_nrn():

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(NRN1))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 840)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(NRN1, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.AXON))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 210)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(NRN1, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.BASAL_DENDRITE))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 420)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(NRN1, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.APICAL_DENDRITE))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 210)
Example #4
def test_iter_segments_pop():

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(POP))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 3387)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(POP, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.AXON))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 919)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(POP, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.BASAL_DENDRITE))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 1549)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(POP, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.APICAL_DENDRITE))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 919)
Example #5
def test_iter_segments_nrn():

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(NRN1))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 840)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(NRN1, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.AXON))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 210)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(NRN1, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.BASAL_DENDRITE))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 420)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(NRN1, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.APICAL_DENDRITE))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 210)
Example #6
def test_iter_segments_pop():

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(POP))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 3387)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(POP, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.AXON))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 919)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(POP, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.BASAL_DENDRITE))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 1549)

    ref = list(core.iter_segments(POP, neurite_filter=lambda n: n.type == nm.APICAL_DENDRITE))
    nt.eq_(len(ref), 919)
Example #7
def plot_tree3d(ax, tree,
                diameter_scale=_DIAMETER_SCALE, linewidth=_LINEWIDTH,
                color=None, alpha=_ALPHA):
    '''Generates a figure of the tree in 3d.

    If the tree contains one single point the plot will be empty \
    since no segments can be constructed.

        ax(matplotlib axes): on what to plot
        tree(neurom.core.Tree or neurom.core.Neurite): plotted tree
        diameter_scale(float): Scale factor multiplied with segment diameters before plotting
        linewidth(float): all segments are plotted with this width, but only if diameter_scale=None
        color(str or None): Color of plotted values, None corresponds to default choice
        alpha(float): Transparency of plotted values
    segs = [(s[0][COLS.XYZ], s[1][COLS.XYZ]) for s in iter_segments(tree)]

    linewidth = _get_linewidth(tree, diameter_scale=diameter_scale, linewidth=linewidth)
    color = _get_color(color, tree.type)

    collection = Line3DCollection(segs, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha)

    _update_3d_datalim(ax, tree)
Example #8
def plot_tree(ax, tree, plane='xy',
              diameter_scale=_DIAMETER_SCALE, linewidth=_LINEWIDTH,
              color=None, alpha=_ALPHA):
    '''Plots a 2d figure of the tree's segments

        ax(matplotlib axes): on what to plot
        tree(neurom.core.Tree or neurom.core.Neurite): plotted tree
        plane(str): Any pair of 'xyz'
        diameter_scale(float): Scale factor multiplied with segment diameters before plotting
        linewidth(float): all segments are plotted with this width, but only if diameter_scale=None
        color(str or None): Color of plotted values, None corresponds to default choice
        alpha(float): Transparency of plotted values

        If the tree contains one single point the plot will be empty
        since no segments can be constructed.
    plane0, plane1 = _plane2col(plane)
    segs = [((s[0][plane0], s[0][plane1]),
             (s[1][plane0], s[1][plane1]))
            for s in iter_segments(tree)]

    linewidth = _get_linewidth(tree, diameter_scale=diameter_scale, linewidth=linewidth)
    color = _get_color(color, tree.type)

    collection = LineCollection(segs, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha)
Example #9
def plot_tree3d(ax,
    '''Generates a figure of the tree in 3d.

    If the tree contains one single point the plot will be empty \
    since no segments can be constructed.

        ax(matplotlib axes): on what to plot
        tree(neurom.core.Tree or neurom.core.Neurite): plotted tree
        diameter_scale(float): Scale factor multiplied with segment diameters before plotting
        linewidth(float): all segments are plotted with this width, but only if diameter_scale=None
        color(str or None): Color of plotted values, None corresponds to default choice
        alpha(float): Transparency of plotted values
    segs = [(s[0][COLS.XYZ], s[1][COLS.XYZ]) for s in iter_segments(tree)]

    linewidth = _get_linewidth(tree,
    color = _get_color(color, tree.type),

    collection = Line3DCollection(segs,

    _update_3d_datalim(ax, tree)
Example #10
def has_no_jumps(neuron, max_distance=30.0, axis='z'):
    '''Check if there are jumps (large movements in the `axis`)

        neuron(Neuron): The neuron object to test
        max_distance(float): value above which consecutive z-values are
        considered a jump
        axis(str): one of x/y/z, which axis to check for jumps

        CheckResult with result list of ids of bad sections
    bad_ids = []
    axis = {
        'x': COLS.X,
        'y': COLS.Y,
        'z': COLS.Z,
    for neurite in iter_neurites(neuron):
        section_segment = ((sec, seg) for sec in iter_sections(neurite)
                           for seg in iter_segments(sec))
        for sec, (p0, p1) in islice(section_segment, 1,
                                    None):  # Skip neurite root segment
            if max_distance < abs(p0[axis] - p1[axis]):
                bad_ids.append((sec.id, [p0, p1]))
    return CheckResult(len(bad_ids) == 0, bad_ids)
Example #11
def plot_tree(ax, tree, plane='xy',
              diameter_scale=_DIAMETER_SCALE, linewidth=_LINEWIDTH,
              color=None, alpha=_ALPHA):
    '''Plots a 2d figure of the tree's segments

        ax(matplotlib axes): on what to plot
        tree(neurom.core.Tree or neurom.core.Neurite): plotted tree
        plane(str): Any pair of 'xyz'
        diameter_scale(float): Scale factor multiplied with segment diameters before plotting
        linewidth(float): all segments are plotted with this width, but only if diameter_scale=None
        color(str or None): Color of plotted values, None corresponds to default choice
        alpha(float): Transparency of plotted values

        If the tree contains one single point the plot will be empty
        since no segments can be constructed.
    plane0, plane1 = _plane2col(plane)
    segs = [((s[0][plane0], s[0][plane1]),
             (s[1][plane0], s[1][plane1]))
            for s in iter_segments(tree)]

    linewidth = _get_linewidth(tree, diameter_scale=diameter_scale, linewidth=linewidth)
    color = _get_color(color, tree.type)

    collection = LineCollection(segs, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha)
Example #12
def plot_tree(ax, tree, plane='xy',
              diameter_scale=_DIAMETER_SCALE, linewidth=_LINEWIDTH,
              color=None, alpha=_ALPHA, realistic_diameters=False):
    """Plots a 2d figure of the tree's segments.

        ax(matplotlib axes): on what to plot
        tree(neurom.core.Tree or neurom.core.Neurite): plotted tree
        plane(str): Any pair of 'xyz'
        diameter_scale(float): Scale factor multiplied with segment diameters before plotting
        linewidth(float): all segments are plotted with this width, but only if diameter_scale=None
        color(str or None): Color of plotted values, None corresponds to default choice
        alpha(float): Transparency of plotted values
        realistic_diameters(bool): scale linewidths with axis data coordinates

        If the tree contains one single point the plot will be empty
        since no segments can be constructed.
    plane0, plane1 = _plane2col(plane)

    section_segment_list = [(section, segment)
                            for section in iter_sections(tree)
                            for segment in iter_segments(section)]
    colors = [_get_color(color, section.type) for section, _ in section_segment_list]

    if realistic_diameters:
        def _get_rectangle(x, y, linewidth):
            """Draw  a rectangle to represent a secgment."""
            x, y = np.array(x), np.array(y)
            diff = y - x
            angle = np.arctan2(diff[1], diff[0]) % (2 * np.pi)
            return Rectangle(x - linewidth / 2. * np.array([-np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]),

        segs = [_get_rectangle((seg[0][plane0], seg[0][plane1]),
                               (seg[1][plane0], seg[1][plane1]),
                               2 * segment_radius(seg) * diameter_scale)
                for _, seg in section_segment_list]

        collection = PatchCollection(segs, alpha=alpha, facecolors=colors)

        segs = [((seg[0][plane0], seg[0][plane1]),
                 (seg[1][plane0], seg[1][plane1]))
                for _, seg in section_segment_list]

        linewidth = _get_linewidth(
        collection = LineCollection(segs, colors=colors, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha)

Example #13
def test_iter_segments_section():
    sec = core.Section([[1, 2, 3, 4],
                        [5, 6, 7, 8],
                        [8, 7, 6, 5],
                        [4, 3, 2, 1],
    ref = list(core.iter_segments(sec))
    nt.eq_(ref, [([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]),
                 ([5, 6, 7, 8], [8, 7, 6, 5]),
                 ([8, 7, 6, 5], [4, 3, 2, 1])])
Example #14
def test_iter_segments_section():
    sec = core.Section([
        [1, 2, 3, 4],
        [5, 6, 7, 8],
        [8, 7, 6, 5],
        [4, 3, 2, 1],
    ref = list(core.iter_segments(sec))
    nt.eq_(ref, [([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]), ([5, 6, 7, 8], [8, 7, 6, 5]),
                 ([8, 7, 6, 5], [4, 3, 2, 1])])
Example #15
def _get_linewidth(tree, linewidth, diameter_scale):
    '''calculate the desired linewidth based on tree contents

    If diameter_scale exists, it is used to scale the diameter of each of the segments
    in the tree
    If diameter_scale is None, the linewidth is used.
    if diameter_scale is not None and tree:
        linewidth = [2 * segment_radius(s) * diameter_scale
                     for s in iter_segments(tree)]
    return linewidth
Example #16
def _get_linewidth(tree, linewidth, diameter_scale):
    '''calculate the desired linewidth based on tree contents

    If diameter_scale exists, it is used to scale the diameter of each of the segments
    in the tree
    If diameter_scale is None, the linewidth is used.
    if diameter_scale is not None and tree:
        linewidth = [2 * segment_radius(s) * diameter_scale
                     for s in iter_segments(tree)]
    return linewidth
Example #17
def test_iter_segments_section():
    sec = load_neuron(StringIO(u'''
	                       (0 0 0 2))

                          (1 2 3 8)
                          (5 6 7 16)
                          (8 7 6 10)
                          (4 3 2 2))
                       '''), reader='asc').sections[1]
    ref = [[p1[COLS.XYZR].tolist(), p2[COLS.XYZR].tolist()]
           for p1, p2 in core.iter_segments(sec)]

    assert_array_equal(ref, [[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]],
                             [[5, 6, 7, 8], [8, 7, 6, 5]],
                             [[8, 7, 6, 5], [4, 3, 2, 1]]])
Example #18
def has_no_jumps(neuron, max_distance=30.0, axis='z'):
    '''Check if there are jumps (large movements in the `axis`)

        neuron(Neuron): The neuron object to test
        max_z_distance(float): value above which consecutive z-values are
        considered a jump
        axis(str): one of x/y/z, which axis to check for jumps

        CheckResult with result list of ids bad sections
    bad_ids = []
    axis = {'x': COLS.X, 'y': COLS.Y, 'z': COLS.Z, }[axis.lower()]
    for sec in _nf.iter_sections(neuron):
        for i, (p0, p1) in enumerate(iter_segments(sec)):
            info = (sec.id, i)
            if max_distance < abs(p0[axis] - p1[axis]):
    return CheckResult(len(bad_ids) == 0, bad_ids)
Example #19
def has_no_jumps(neuron, max_distance=30.0, axis='z'):
    '''Check if there are jumps (large movements in the `axis`)

        neuron(Neuron): The neuron object to test
        max_distance(float): value above which consecutive z-values are
        considered a jump
        axis(str): one of x/y/z, which axis to check for jumps

        CheckResult with result list of ids of bad sections
    bad_ids = []
    axis = {'x': COLS.X, 'y': COLS.Y, 'z': COLS.Z, }[axis.lower()]
    for neurite in iter_neurites(neuron):
        section_segment = ((sec, seg) for sec in iter_sections(neurite)
                           for seg in iter_segments(sec))
        for sec, (p0, p1) in islice(section_segment, 1, None):  # Skip neurite root segment
            if max_distance < abs(p0[axis] - p1[axis]):
                bad_ids.append((sec.id, [p0, p1]))
    return CheckResult(len(bad_ids) == 0, bad_ids)
Example #20
def has_no_jumps(neuron, max_distance=30.0, axis='z'):
    '''Check if there are jumps (large movements in the `axis`)

        neuron(Neuron): The neuron object to test
        max_z_distance(float): value above which consecutive z-values are
        considered a jump
        axis(str): one of x/y/z, which axis to check for jumps

        CheckResult with result list of ids bad sections
    bad_ids = []
    axis = {
        'x': COLS.X,
        'y': COLS.Y,
        'z': COLS.Z,
    for sec in _nf.iter_sections(neuron):
        for i, (p0, p1) in enumerate(iter_segments(sec)):
            info = (sec.id, i)
            if max_distance < abs(p0[axis] - p1[axis]):
    return CheckResult(len(bad_ids) == 0, bad_ids)
Example #21
def segment_areas(neurites, neurite_type=NeuriteType.all):
    """Areas of the segments in a collection of neurites."""
    return [
        for seg in iter_segments(neurites, is_type(neurite_type))