Example #1
def test_is_image():
    # tests for tests for image
    img = load_image(anatfile)
    yield assert_true(is_image(img))
    class C(object): pass
    yield assert_false(is_image(C()))
    class C(object):
        def __array__(self): pass
    yield assert_false(is_image(C()))
    class C(object):
        coordmap = None
        def __array__(self): pass
    yield assert_true(is_image(img))
Example #2
def as_image(image_input):
    ''' Load image from filename or pass through image instance

    image_input : str or Image instance
       image or string filename of image.  If a string, load image and
       return.  If an image, pass through without modification

    img : Image or Image-like instance
       Input object if `image_input` seemed to be an image, loaded Image
       object if `image_input` was a string.

    TypeError : if neither string nor image-like passed

    >>> from nipy.testing import anatfile
    >>> from nipy.io.api import load_image
    >>> img = as_image(anatfile)
    >>> img2 = as_image(img)
    >>> img2 is img
    if is_image(image_input):
        return image_input
    if isinstance(image_input, basestring):
        return load(image_input)
    raise TypeError('Expecting an image-like object or filename string')
Example #3
def group_analysis_signs(design, contrast, mask, signs=None):
    """ Refit the EM model with a vector of signs.

    Used in the permutation tests.

    Returns the maximum of the T-statistic within mask

    design: one of 'block', 'event'
    contrast: str
        name of contrast to estimate
    mask : ``Image`` instance or array-like
        image containing mask, or array-like
    signs: ndarray, optional
         Defaults to np.ones. Should have shape (*,nsubj)
         where nsubj is the number of effects combined in the group analysis.

    minT: np.ndarray, minima of T statistic within mask, one for each
         vector of signs
    maxT: np.ndarray, maxima of T statistic within mask, one for each
         vector of signs
    if api.is_image(mask):
        maska = mask.get_data()
        maska = np.asarray(mask)
    maska = maska.astype(np.bool)

    # Which subjects have this (contrast, design) pair?
    subj_con_dirs = futil.subj_des_con_dirs(design, contrast)

    # Assemble effects and sds into 4D arrays
    sds = []
    Ys = []
    for s in subj_con_dirs:
        sd_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "sd.nii"))
        effect_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "effect.nii"))
    sd = np.array(sds)
    Y = np.array(Ys)

    if signs is None:
        signs = np.ones((1, Y.shape[0]))

    maxT = np.empty(signs.shape[0])
    minT = np.empty(signs.shape[0])

    for i, sign in enumerate(signs):
        signY = sign[:,np.newaxis] * Y
        varest = onesample.estimate_varatio(signY, sd)
        random_var = varest['random']

        adjusted_var = sd**2 + random_var
        adjusted_sd = np.sqrt(adjusted_var)

        results = onesample.estimate_mean(Y, adjusted_sd) 
        T = results['t']
        minT[i], maxT[i] = np.nanmin(T), np.nanmax(T)
    return minT, maxT
Example #4
def group_analysis_signs(design, contrast, mask, signs=None):
    """ Refit the EM model with a vector of signs.

    Used in the permutation tests.

    Returns the maximum of the T-statistic within mask

    design: one of 'block', 'event'
    contrast: str
        name of contrast to estimate
    mask : ``Image`` instance or array-like
        image containing mask, or array-like
    signs: ndarray, optional
         Defaults to np.ones. Should have shape (*,nsubj)
         where nsubj is the number of effects combined in the group analysis.

    minT: np.ndarray, minima of T statistic within mask, one for each
         vector of signs
    maxT: np.ndarray, maxima of T statistic within mask, one for each
         vector of signs
    if api.is_image(mask):
        maska = mask.get_data()
        maska = np.asarray(mask)
    maska = maska.astype(np.bool)

    # Which subjects have this (contrast, design) pair?
    subj_con_dirs = futil.subj_des_con_dirs(design, contrast)

    # Assemble effects and sds into 4D arrays
    sds = []
    Ys = []
    for s in subj_con_dirs:
        sd_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "sd.nii"))
        effect_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "effect.nii"))
    sd = np.array(sds)
    Y = np.array(Ys)

    if signs is None:
        signs = np.ones((1, Y.shape[0]))

    maxT = np.empty(signs.shape[0])
    minT = np.empty(signs.shape[0])

    for i, sign in enumerate(signs):
        signY = sign[:, np.newaxis] * Y
        varest = onesample.estimate_varatio(signY, sd)
        random_var = varest['random']

        adjusted_var = sd**2 + random_var
        adjusted_sd = np.sqrt(adjusted_var)

        results = onesample.estimate_mean(Y, adjusted_sd)
        T = results['t']
        minT[i], maxT[i] = np.nanmin(T), np.nanmax(T)
    return minT, maxT