Example #1
    def assumptions(self):
        - Domain = union([e.free()|e.constants() for e in all_expressions])
        - if "d1 = d2" cannot be proven from the premises, then add "d1 != d2"
        assumptions = self._command.assumptions()

        domain = list(get_domain(self._command.goal(), assumptions))

        # build a dictionary of obvious equalities
        eq_sets = SetHolder()
        for a in assumptions:
            if isinstance(a, EqualityExpression):
                av = a.first.variable
                bv = a.second.variable
                # put 'a' and 'b' in the same set

        new_assumptions = []
        for i, a in enumerate(domain):
            for b in domain[i + 1:]:
                # if a and b are not already in the same equality set
                if b not in eq_sets[a]:
                    newEqEx = EqualityExpression(VariableExpression(a),
                    if Prover9().prove(newEqEx, assumptions):
                        # we can prove that the names are the same entity.
                        # remember that they are equal so we don't re-check.
                        # we can't prove it, so assume unique names

        return assumptions + new_assumptions
Example #2
    def assumptions(self):
        assumptions = self._command.assumptions()

        predicates = self._make_predicate_dict(assumptions)

        new_assumptions = []
        for p in predicates:
            predHolder = predicates[p]
            new_sig = self._make_unique_signature(predHolder)
            new_sig_exs = [VariableExpression(v) for v in new_sig]

            disjuncts = []

            # Turn the signatures into disjuncts
            for sig in predHolder.signatures:
                equality_exs = []
                for v1, v2 in zip(new_sig_exs, sig):
                    equality_exs.append(EqualityExpression(v1, v2))
                disjuncts.append(reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, equality_exs))

            # Turn the properties into disjuncts
            for prop in predHolder.properties:
                # replace variables from the signature with new sig variables
                bindings = {}
                for v1, v2 in zip(new_sig_exs, prop[0]):
                    bindings[v2] = v1

            # make the assumption
            if disjuncts:
                # disjuncts exist, so make an implication
                antecedent = self._make_antecedent(p, new_sig)
                consequent = reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, disjuncts)
                accum = ImpExpression(antecedent, consequent)
                # nothing has property 'p'
                accum = NegatedExpression(self._make_antecedent(p, new_sig))

            # quantify the implication
            for new_sig_var in new_sig[::-1]:
                accum = AllExpression(new_sig_var, accum)

        return assumptions + new_assumptions
Example #3
 def fol(self):
     return EqualityExpression(self.first.fol(), self.second.fol())