Example #1
def create_intermediate_varaction2(feature, varact2parser, mapping, default, pos):
    Create a varaction2 based on a parsed expression and a value mapping

    @param feature: Feature of the varaction2
    @type feature: C{int}

    @param varact2parser: Parser containing a parsed expression
    @type varact2parser: L{Varaction2Parser}

    @param mapping: Mapping of various values to sprite groups / return values, with a possible extra function to apply to the return value
    @type mapping: C{dict} that maps C{int} to C{tuple} of (L{SpriteGroupRef}, C{function}, or C{None})

    @param default: Default sprite group if no value matches
    @type default: L{SpriteGroupRef}

    @param pos: Positional context.
    @type  pos: L{Position}

    @return: A tuple containing the action list and a reference to the created action2
    @rtype: C{tuple} of (C{list} of L{BaseAction}, L{SpriteGroupRef})
    global action2_id

    action_list = varact2parser.extra_actions
    act6 = action6.Action6()
    for mod in varact2parser.mods:
        act6.modify_bytes(mod.param, mod.size, mod.offset + 4)

    name = expression.Identifier("@action3_{:d}".format(action2_id))
    action2_id += 1
    varaction2 = action2var.Action2Var(feature, name.value, pos, 0x89)
    varaction2.var_list = varact2parser.var_list
    offset = 5 + varact2parser.var_list_size
    for proc in varact2parser.proc_call_list:
        action2.add_ref(proc, varaction2, True)

    for switch_value in sorted(mapping):
        return_value, ret_value_function = mapping[switch_value]
        if ret_value_function is None:
            result, comment = action2var.parse_result(return_value, action_list, act6, offset, varaction2, None, 0x89)
            if isinstance(return_value, expression.SpriteGroupRef):
                # We need to execute the callback via a procedure call
                # then return CB_FAILED if the CB failed,
                # or the CB result (with ret_value_function applied) if successful
                if return_value.name.value == 'CB_FAILED':
                    result, comment = action2var.parse_result(return_value, action_list, act6, offset, varaction2, None, 0x89)
                    extra_actions, result, comment = create_proc_call_varaction2(feature, return_value, ret_value_function, pos)
                return_value = ret_value_function(return_value).reduce()
                result, comment = action2var.parse_result(return_value, action_list, act6, offset, varaction2, None, 0x89)

        varaction2.ranges.append(action2var.VarAction2Range(expression.ConstantNumeric(switch_value), expression.ConstantNumeric(switch_value), result, comment))
        offset += 10
    result, comment = action2var.parse_result(default, action_list, act6, offset, varaction2, None, 0x89)
    varaction2.default_result = result
    varaction2.default_comment = comment

    return_ref = expression.SpriteGroupRef(name, [], None, varaction2)
    if len(act6.modifications) > 0: action_list.append(act6)
    return (action_list, return_ref)
Example #2
def parse_randomswitch(random_switch):
    Parse a randomswitch block into actions

    @param random_switch: RandomSwitch block to parse
    @type random_switch: L{RandomSwitch}

    @return: List of actions
    @rtype: C{list} of L{BaseAction}
    action_list = action2real.create_spriteset_actions(random_switch)
    feature = next(iter(random_switch.feature_set))
    type_byte, count, count_expr, start_bit, bits_available = parse_randomswitch_type(random_switch)

    total_prob = sum([choice.probability.value for choice in random_switch.choices])
    assert total_prob > 0
    nrand = 1
    while nrand < total_prob: nrand <<= 1

    # Verify that enough random data is available
    if min(1 << bits_available, 0x80) < nrand:
        msg = "The maximum sum of all random_switch probabilities is {:d}, encountered {:d}."
        msg = msg.format(min(1 << bits_available, 0x80), total_prob)
        raise generic.ScriptError(msg, random_switch.pos)

    randbit, nrand = parse_randomswitch_dependencies(random_switch, start_bit, bits_available, nrand)

    random_action2 = Action2Random(feature, random_switch.name.value, random_switch.pos, type_byte, count, random_switch.triggers.value, randbit, nrand)
    random_switch.random_act2 = random_action2

    act6 = action6.Action6()
    offset = 8 if count is not None else 7

    #divide the 'extra' probabilities in an even manner
    i = 0
    resulting_prob = dict((c, c.probability.value) for c in random_switch.choices)
    while i < (nrand - total_prob):
        best_choice = None
        best_ratio = 0
        for choice in random_switch.choices:
            #float division, so 9 / 10 = 0.9
            ratio = choice.probability.value / float(resulting_prob[choice] + 1)
            if ratio > best_ratio:
                best_ratio = ratio
                best_choice = choice
        assert best_choice is not None
        resulting_prob[best_choice] += 1
        i += 1

    for choice in random_switch.choices:
        res_prob = resulting_prob[choice]
        result, comment = action2var.parse_result(choice.result.value, action_list, act6, offset, random_action2, None, 0x89, res_prob)
        offset += res_prob * 2
        comment = "({:d}/{:d}) -> ({:d}/{:d}): ".format(choice.probability.value, total_prob, res_prob, nrand) + comment
        random_action2.choices.append(RandomAction2Choice(result, res_prob, comment))

    if len(act6.modifications) > 0: action_list.append(act6)

    if count_expr is None:
        random_switch.set_action2(random_action2, feature)
        # Create intermediate varaction2
        varaction2 = action2var.Action2Var(feature, '{}@registers'.format(random_switch.name.value), random_switch.pos, 0x89)
        varact2parser = action2var.Varaction2Parser(feature)
        varaction2.var_list = varact2parser.var_list
        extra_act6 = action6.Action6()
        for mod in varact2parser.mods:
            extra_act6.modify_bytes(mod.param, mod.size, mod.offset + 4)
        if len(extra_act6.modifications) > 0: action_list.append(extra_act6)
        ref = expression.SpriteGroupRef(random_switch.name, [], None, random_action2)
        varaction2.ranges.append(action2var.VarAction2Range(expression.ConstantNumeric(0), expression.ConstantNumeric(0), ref, ''))
        varaction2.default_result = ref
        varaction2.default_comment = ''

        # Add two references (default + range)
        action2.add_ref(ref, varaction2)
        action2.add_ref(ref, varaction2)
        random_switch.set_action2(varaction2, feature)

    return action_list
Example #3
def parse_graphics_block_single_id(graphics_block, feature, id, is_livery_override, house_tile = None, house_north_tile_id = None):
    prepend_action_list = []
    action_list = []
    act6 = action6.Action6()
    act3 = create_action3(feature, id, action_list, act6, is_livery_override)

    cargo_gfx = {}
    seen_callbacks = set()
    callbacks = []
    livery_override = None # Used for rotor graphics

    for graphics in graphics_block.graphics_list:
        cargo_id = graphics.cargo_id
        if isinstance(cargo_id, expression.Identifier):
            cb_name = cargo_id.value
            cb_table = action3_callbacks.callbacks[feature]
            if cb_name in cb_table:
                if cb_name in seen_callbacks:
                    raise generic.ScriptError("Callback '{}' is defined multiple times.".format(cb_name), cargo_id.pos)

                info_list = cb_table[cb_name]
                if not isinstance(info_list, list):
                    info_list = [info_list]

                for info in info_list:
                    if 'deprecate_message' in info:
                        generic.print_warning(info['deprecate_message'], cargo_id.pos)
                    if house_tile is not None and 'tiles' in info and house_tile not in info['tiles']:

                    if info['type'] == 'cargo':
                        # Not a callback, but an alias for a certain cargo type
                        if info['num'] in cargo_gfx:
                            raise generic.ScriptError("Graphics for '{}' are defined multiple times.".format(cb_name), cargo_id.pos)
                        cargo_gfx[info['num']] = graphics.result.value
                    elif info['type'] == 'cb':
                        callbacks.append( (info, graphics.result.value) )
                    elif info['type'] == 'override':
                        assert livery_override is None
                        livery_override = graphics.result.value
                        assert False

        # Not a callback, so it must be a 'normal' cargo (vehicles/stations only)
        cargo_id = cargo_id.reduce_constant(global_constants.const_list)
        # Raise the error only now, to let the 'unknown identifier' take precedence
        if feature >= 5: raise generic.ScriptError("Associating graphics with a specific cargo is possible only for vehicles and stations.", cargo_id.pos)
        if cargo_id.value in cargo_gfx:
            raise generic.ScriptError("Graphics for cargo {:d} are defined multiple times.".format(cargo_id.value), cargo_id.pos)
        cargo_gfx[cargo_id.value] = graphics.result.value

    if graphics_block.default_graphics is not None:
        if 'default' not in action3_callbacks.callbacks[feature]:
            raise generic.ScriptError("Default graphics may not be defined for this feature (0x{:02X}).".format(feature), graphics_block.default_graphics.pos)
        if None in cargo_gfx:
            raise generic.ScriptError("Default graphics are defined twice.", graphics_block.default_graphics.pos)
        cargo_gfx[None] = graphics_block.default_graphics.value

    # An in-between varaction2 is always needed for houses
    if len(callbacks) != 0 or feature == 0x07:
        cb_flags = 0
        # Determine the default value
        if None not in cargo_gfx:
            cargo_gfx[None] = expression.SpriteGroupRef(expression.Identifier('CB_FAILED', None), [], None)
        default_val = cargo_gfx[None]

        cb_mapping = {}
        cb_buy_mapping = {}
        # Special case for vehicle cb 36, maps var10 values to spritegroups
        cb36_mapping = {}
        cb36_buy_mapping = {}
        # Sspecial case for industry production CB, maps var18 values to spritegroups
        prod_cb_mapping = {}

        for cb_info, gfx in callbacks:
            if 'flag_bit' in cb_info:
                # Set a bit in the CB flags property
                cb_flags |= 1 << cb_info['flag_bit']

            value_function = cb_info.get('value_function', None)
            mapping_val = (gfx, value_function)

            # See action3_callbacks for info on possible values
            purchase = cb_info.get('purchase', 0)
            if isinstance(purchase, str):
                # Not in purchase list, if separate purchase CB is set
                purchase = 0 if purchase in seen_callbacks else 1
            # Explicit purchase CBs will need a purchase cargo, even if not needed for graphics
            if purchase == 2 and 0xFF not in cargo_gfx:
                cargo_gfx[0xFF] = default_val

            num = cb_info['num']
            if num == 0x36:
                if purchase != 2: cb36_mapping[cb_info['var10']] = mapping_val
                if purchase != 0: cb36_buy_mapping[cb_info['var10']] = mapping_val
            elif feature == 0x0A and num == 0x00:
                # Industry production CB
                assert purchase == 0
                prod_cb_mapping[cb_info['var18']] = mapping_val
                if purchase != 2: cb_mapping[num] = mapping_val
                if purchase != 0: cb_buy_mapping[num] = mapping_val

        if cb_flags != 0:
            prepend_action_list.extend(action0.get_callback_flags_actions(feature, id, cb_flags))

        # Handle CB 36
        if len(cb36_mapping) != 0:
            expr = expression.Variable(expression.ConstantNumeric(0x10), mask = expression.ConstantNumeric(0xFF))
            actions, cb36_ref = create_cb_choice_varaction2(feature, expr, cb36_mapping, default_val, graphics_block.pos)
            cb_mapping[0x36] = (cb36_ref, None)
        if len(cb36_buy_mapping) != 0:
            expr = expression.Variable(expression.ConstantNumeric(0x10), mask = expression.ConstantNumeric(0xFF))
            actions, cb36_ref = create_cb_choice_varaction2(feature, expr, cb36_buy_mapping, default_val, graphics_block.pos)
            cb_buy_mapping[0x36] = (cb36_ref, None)
        if len(prod_cb_mapping) != 0:
            expr = expression.Variable(expression.ConstantNumeric(0x18), mask = expression.ConstantNumeric(0xFF))
            actions, cb_ref = create_cb_choice_varaction2(feature, expr, prod_cb_mapping, default_val, graphics_block.pos)
            cb_mapping[0x00] = (cb_ref, None)

        for cargo in sorted(cargo_gfx, key=lambda x: -1 if x is None else x):
            mapping = cb_buy_mapping if cargo == 0xFF else cb_mapping
            if len(mapping) == 0 and feature != 0x07:
                # No callbacks here, so move along
                # Except for houses, where we need to store some stuff in a register
            if cargo_gfx[cargo] != default_val:
                # There are cargo-specific graphics, be sure to handle those
                # Unhandled callbacks should chain to the default, though
                mapping = mapping.copy()
                mapping[0x00] = (cargo_gfx[cargo], None)

            expr = expression.Variable(expression.ConstantNumeric(0x0C), mask = expression.ConstantNumeric(0xFFFF))
            if feature == 0x07:
                # Store relative x/y, item id (of the north tile) and house tile (HOUSE_TILE_XX constant) in register FF
                # Format: 0xIIHHYYXX: II: item ID, HH: house tile, YY: relative y, XX: relative x
                lowbytes_dict = {
                    'n' : 0x000000,
                    'e' : 0x010100,
                    'w' : 0x020001,
                    's' : 0x030101,
                lowbytes = expression.ConstantNumeric(lowbytes_dict[house_tile])
                highbyte = expression.BinOp(nmlop.SHIFT_LEFT, house_north_tile_id, expression.ConstantNumeric(24))
                register_FF = expression.BinOp(nmlop.OR, lowbytes, highbyte, lowbytes.pos).reduce()
                register_FF = expression.BinOp(nmlop.STO_TMP, register_FF, expression.ConstantNumeric(0xFF))
                expr = expression.BinOp(nmlop.VAL2, register_FF, expr, register_FF.pos)

                if len(mapping) == 0:
                    # mapping must not be empty
                    mapping[0x00] = (default_val, None)

            actions, cb_ref = create_cb_choice_varaction2(feature, expr, mapping, default_val, graphics_block.pos)
            cargo_gfx[cargo] = cb_ref

    # Make sure to sort to make the order well-defined
    offset = 7 if feature <= 3 else 5
    for cargo_id in sorted(cg for cg in cargo_gfx if cg is not None):
        result, comment = action2var.parse_result(cargo_gfx[cargo_id], action_list, act6, offset + 1, act3, None, 0x89)
        act3.cid_mappings.append( (cargo_id, result, comment) )
        offset += 3

    if None in cargo_gfx:
        result, comment = action2var.parse_result(cargo_gfx[None], action_list, act6, offset, act3, None, 0x89)
        act3.def_cid = result
        act3.default_comment = comment
        act3.def_cid = None
        act3.default_comment = ''

    if livery_override is not None:
        act6livery = action6.Action6()
        # Add any extra actions before the main action3 (TTDP requirement)
        act3livery = create_action3(feature, id, action_list, act6livery, True)
        offset = 7 if feature <= 3 else 5
        result, comment = action2var.parse_result(livery_override, action_list, act6livery, offset, act3livery, None, 0x89)
        act3livery.def_cid = result
        act3livery.default_comment = comment

    if len(act6.modifications) > 0: action_list.append(act6)
    if livery_override is not None:
        if len(act6livery.modifications) > 0: action_list.append(act6livery)

    return prepend_action_list + action_list