Example #1
def pull_headers(host, from_block_id, to_block_id):
    Pulls headers for a range of blocks starting with from_block_id until to_block_id
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :param from_block_id: Initial block ID
    :param to_block_id: Final block ID
    :return: Array of raw block header contents (byte arrays) for each queried block.
    conn = get_channel(host)
    ret = []

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        from_id = bytes(bytearray.fromhex(from_block_id.strip()))
        to_id = bytes(bytearray.fromhex(to_block_id.strip()))
        _pr1 = {"from": [from_id], "to": to_id}
        req = node_pb2.PullHeadersRequest(**_pr1)
        response = stub.PullHeaders(req)

        for header in response:


    return ret
Example #2
def upload_block(host, block_str):
    Push a raw block to the remote host in response to a solicit request during a BlockSubscription session.
    From the original jormungander documentation:
        // Uploads blocks to the service in response to a `solicit` item
        // received from the BlockSubscription response stream.
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :param block_str: Raw hex encoded string of block bytes.
    :return: Empty UploadBlocksResponse
    conn = get_channel(host)
    jsx = None

    def block_iter():
            Simple block iterator.
            This is just a closure over a single header in args.header.
        for h in [bytes(bytearray.fromhex(block_str.strip())), ]:
            yield node_pb2.Block(content=h)

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        block_iterator = block_iter()
        response = stub.UploadBlocks(block_iterator)
        jsx = json_format.MessageToJson(response)

    json_o = None

    if jsx:
        json_o = json.loads(jsx)

    return json_o
Example #3
def get_peers_from_host(host):
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :return: Json { "peers" : [v4 : { ip: , port: }] } on success.
             None on failure.
    conn = get_channel(host)
    jsx = None

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        response = stub.Peers(node_pb2.PeersRequest())
        jsx = json_format.MessageToJson(response)

    json_o = None

    if jsx:
        json_o = json.loads(jsx)
        if "peers" in json_o:
            for i in range(len(json_o["peers"])):
                ipnum = int(json_o["peers"][i]["v4"]["ip"])
                ipx = ipaddress.ip_address(ipnum)
                json_o["peers"][i]["v4"]["ip"] = str(ipx)

    return json_o
def search(args: List[str]) -> None:
    id_busca: int = 0  # TODO change id_busca to something meaningful
    node_origin: int = int(args[0])
    key: str = args[1]
    node_origin_port: int = NODE_STARTING_PORT + node_origin

    with grpc.insecure_channel(f'localhost:{node_origin_port}') as channel:
        node_stub: node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(channel)
        _ = node_stub.Lookup(
def insert(args: List[str]) -> None:
    node_origin: int = int(args[0])
    chave: str = args[1]
    valor: str = args[2]
    node_origin_port: int = NODE_STARTING_PORT + node_origin
    print(f'Insert:\n no: {node_origin}\n chave: {chave}\n valor: {valor}')
    print(f' porta: {node_origin_port}')

    with grpc.insecure_channel(f'localhost:{node_origin_port}') as channel:
        node_stub: node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(channel)
        _ = node_stub.Insert(
Example #6
def fragment_subscription(host, fragment_iterator):
    Subscribe to receive fragment messages from host.
    Caller must close the connection after the iterator reaches EOF
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :param fragment_iterator: Input fragment iterator
    :return: Returns an array of [connection, output Fragment iterator].

    conn = get_channel(host)

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        md = get_metadata()
        return [conn, stub.FragmentSubscription(fragment_iterator, metadata=md)]

    return None
Example #7
def block_subscription(host, block_iter):
    Subscribe to receive block messages from host.
    Caller must close the connection after the iterator reaches EOF
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :param block_iter: Input block iterator.
    :return: Returns an array of [connection, output Block iterator].

    conn = get_channel(host)

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        md = get_metadata()
        return [conn, stub.BlockSubscription(block_iter, metadata=md)]

    return None
Example #8
def pull_blocks_to_tip_iterator(host, from_id):
    Pull blocks from from_id until tip of chain.
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :param from_id: Pull blocks starting from from_id
    :return: An array containing the connection and a Block iterator.
    conn = get_channel(host)
    ret = []

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        from_bid = bytes(bytearray.fromhex(from_id.strip()))
        _pr1 = {"from": [from_bid]}

        req = node_pb2.PullBlocksToTipRequest(**_pr1)

        return [conn, stub.PullBlocksToTip(req)]
Example #9
def gossip_subscription(host, gossip_iterator):
    Subscribe to receive peer gossip from host.
    Caller must close the connection after the iterator reaches EOF
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :param gossip_iterator: Input Gossip iterator.
    :return: Returns an array of [connection, output Gossip iterator].

    conn = get_channel(host)

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        md = get_metadata()
        ret = stub.GossipSubscription(gossip_iterator, metadata=md)

        return [conn, ret]

    return None
Example #10
def tip(host):
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :return: json format reply from Tip message
    conn = get_channel(host)
    jsx = None

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        response = stub.Tip(node_pb2.TipRequest())
        jsx = json_format.MessageToJson(response)

    json_o = None

    if jsx:
        json_o = json.loads(jsx)

    return json_o
Example #11
def get_fragments(host, fragment_ids):
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :param fragment_ids: comma separated fragment ID's
    :return: Array of raw fragment contents (byte arrays) for each queried ID.
    conn = get_channel(host)
    ret = []

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        bids = [bytes(bytearray.fromhex(b.strip())) for b in fragment_ids.split(",")]

        req = node_pb2.FragmentIds(ids=bids)

        response = stub.GetFragments(req)
        for fragment in response:


    return ret
Example #12
def get_headers(host, block_ids):
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :param block_ids: comma separated block ID's
    :return: Array of raw block header contents (byte arrays) for each queried block.
    conn = get_channel(host)
    ret = []

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        bids = [bytes(bytearray.fromhex(b.strip())) for b in block_ids.split(",")]

        req = node_pb2.BlockIds(ids=bids)

        response = stub.GetHeaders(req)
        for block in response:


    return ret
Example #13
def push_headers(host, header_str):
    Pushes raw headers to the remote host when a remote header is reported missing in a BlockSubscription
    From the original jormungander documentation:
        // Sends headers of blocks to the service in response to a `missing`
        // item received from the BlockSubscription response stream.
        // The headers are streamed the in chronological order of the chain.
    :param host: IP:PORT string
    :param header_str: Raw hex encoded string of header bytes.
    :return: A (likely empty) PushHeaderResponse
    conn = get_channel(host)
    jsx = None

    def header_iter():
            Simple header iterator.
            This is just a closure over a single header in args.header.
            Create your own implementation for more advanced usage.
        for h in [bytes(bytearray.fromhex(header_str.strip())) ]:
            yield node_pb2.Header(content=h)

    if conn:
        stub = node_pb2_grpc.NodeStub(conn)
        header_iterator = header_iter()
        response = stub.PushHeaders(header_iterator)
        jsx = json_format.MessageToJson(response)

    json_o = None

    if jsx:
        json_o = json.loads(jsx)

    return json_o
Example #14
#! /usr/bin/python
import grpc
import node_pb2_grpc as npg
import node_pb2 as np

channel = grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:4225")
stub = npg.NodeStub(channel)

addr = np.Address(ip="", port=4224)
pair = np.Peer(address=addr)


a = stub.GetInfo(np.GetInfoRequest())
#tx = stub.GetTxByHash(np.GetTxByHashRequest())
genesis = a.best_block_hash
