Example #1
def backward_Euler(f, dt=None, epsilon=1e-12):
    """Backward Euler method. Also named as ``implicit_Euler``.

    f : callable
        The function at the right hand of the differential equation.
    dt : None, float
        Precision of numerical integration.

    func : callable
        The one-step numerical integration function.
    f = autojit(f)
    if dt is None:
        dt = profile.get_dt()

    def int_f(y0, t, *args):
        y1 = y0 + dt * f(y0, t, *args)
        y2 = y0 + dt * f(y1, t, *args)
        while not np.all(np.abs(y1 - y2) < epsilon):
            y1 = y2
            y2 = y0 + dt * f(y1, t, *args)
        return y2

    return autojit(int_f)
Example #2
def trapezoidal_rule(f, dt=None, epsilon=1e-12):
    """Trapezoidal rule.

    The trapezoidal rule is an implicit second-order method, which can
    be considered as both a Runge–Kutta method and a linear multistep method.

    f : callable
        The function at the right hand of the differential equation.
    dt : None, float
        Precision of numerical integration.

    func : callable
        The one-step numerical integration function.
    f = autojit(f)
    if dt is None:
        dt = profile.get_dt()

    def int_f(y0, t, *args):
        dy0 = f(y0, t, *args)
        y1 = y0 + dt * dy0
        y2 = y0 + dt / 2 * (dy0 + f(y1, t + dt, *args))
        while not np.all(np.abs(y1 - y2) < epsilon):
            y1 = y2
            y2 = y0 + dt / 2 * (dy0 + f(y1, t + dt, *args))
        return y2

    return autojit(int_f)
Example #3
def rk3(f, dt=None):
    """Kutta's third-order method (commonly known as RK3).
    Also named as ``RK3``.

    f : callable
        The function at the right hand of the differential equation.
    dt : None, float
        Precision of numerical integration.

    func : callable
        The one-step numerical integration function.
    f = autojit(f)
    if dt is None:
        dt = profile.get_dt()

    def int_f(y0, t, *args):
        k1 = f(y0, t, *args)
        k2 = f(y0 + dt / 2 * k1, t + dt / 2, *args)
        k3 = f(y0 - dt * k1 + 2 * dt * k2, t + dt, *args)
        return y0 + dt / 6 * (k1 + 4 * k2 + k3)

    return autojit(int_f)
Example #4
def rk4_alternative(f, dt=None):
    """An alternative of fourth-order Runge-Kutta method.
    Also named as ``RK4_alternative``.

    f : callable
        The function at the right hand of the differential equation.
    dt : None, float
        Precision of numerical integration.

    func : callable
        The one-step numerical integration function.
    f = autojit(f)
    if dt is None:
        dt = profile.get_dt()

    def int_f(y0, t, *args):
        k1 = f(y0, t, *args)
        k2 = f(y0 + dt / 3 * k1, t + dt / 3, *args)
        k3 = f(y0 - dt / 3 * k1 + dt * k2, t + 2 * dt / 3, *args)
        k4 = f(y0 + dt * k1 - dt * k2 + dt * k3, t + dt, *args)
        return y0 + dt / 8 * (k1 + 3 * k2 + 3 * k3 + k4)

    return autojit(int_f)
Example #5
def rk2(f, dt=None, beta=2 / 3):
    """Parametric second-order Runge-Kutta (RK2).
    Also named as ``RK2``.

    Popular choices for 'beta':
        1/2 :
            explicit midpoint method
        2/3 :
            Ralston's method
        1 :
            Heun's method, also known as the explicit trapezoid rule

    f : callable
        The function at the right hand of the differential equation.
    dt : None, float
        Precision of numerical integration.

    func : callable
        The one-step numerical integration function.
    f = autojit(f)
    if dt is None:
        dt = profile.get_dt()

    def int_f(y0, t, *args):
        k1 = f(y0, t, *args)
        k2 = f(y0 + beta * dt * k1, t + beta * dt, *args)
        return y0 + dt * ((1 - 1 / (2 * beta)) * k1 + 1 / (2 * beta) * k2)

    return autojit(int_f)
Example #6
def forward_Euler(f, dt=None):
    """Forward Euler method. Also named as ``explicit_Euler``.

    The most unstable integrator known. Requires a very small timestep.
    Accuracy is O(dt).

    f : callable
        The function at the right hand of the differential equation.
    dt : None, float
        Precision of numerical integration.

    func : callable
        The one-step numerical integration function.
    f = autojit(f)
    if dt is None:
        dt = profile.get_dt()

    def int_f(y0, t, *args):
        return y0 + dt * f(y0, t, *args)

    return autojit(int_f)
Example #7
def Heun_method(f, g, dt=None):
    """Stratonovich stochastic integral.

    Use the Stratonovich Heun algorithm
    to integrate Stratonovich equation,
    according to paper [2]_, [3]_.

    f : callable
        The drift coefficient, the deterministic part of the SDE.
    g : callable, float
        The diffusion coefficient, the stochastic part.
    dt : None, float
        Precision of numerical integration.

    func : callable
        The one-step numerical integration function.


    .. [2] H. Gilsing and T. Shardlow, SDELab: A package for solving stochastic differential
         equations in MATLAB, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 205 (2007),
         no. 2, 1002{1018.
    .. [3] P.E. Kloeden, E. Platen, and H. Schurz, Numerical solution of SDE through computer
         experiments, Springer, 1994.
    dt = profile.get_dt() if dt is None else dt
    dt_sqrt = np.sqrt(dt)
    f = autojit(f)

    if callable(g):
        g = autojit(g)

        def int_fg(y0, t, *args):
            dW = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, y0.shape)
            df = f(y0, t - dt, *args) * dt
            gn = g(y0, t - dt, *args)
            y_bar = y0 + gn * dW * dt_sqrt
            gn_bar = g(y_bar, t, *args)
            dg = 0.5 * (gn + gn_bar) * dW * dt_sqrt
            y1 = y0 + df + dg
            return y1
        assert isinstance(g, (int, float, np.ndarray))

        def int_fg(y0, t, *args):
            dW = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, y0.shape)
            df = f(y0, t - dt, *args) * dt
            dg = g * dW * dt_sqrt
            y1 = y0 + df + dg
            return y1

    return autojit(int_fg)
Example #8
    def run_time(self):
        """Get the time points of the network.

        times : numpy.ndarray
            The running time-steps of the network.
        return np.arange(0, self.current_time, profile.get_dt())
Example #9
def firing_rate(mon, width, window='gaussian'):
    """Calculate the mean firing rate over in a neuron group.

    This method is adopted from Brian2.

    The firing rate in trial :math:`k` is the spike count :math:`n_{k}^{sp}`
    in an interval of duration :math:`T` divided by :math:`T`:

    .. math::

        v_k = {n_k^{sp} \\over T}

    mon : StateMonitor
        The monitor which record spiking activities.
    width : int, float
        The width of the ``window`` in millisecond.
    window : str
        The window to use for smoothing. It can be a string to chose a
        predefined window:

        - `flat`: a rectangular,
        - `gaussian`: a Gaussian-shaped window.

        For the `Gaussian` window, the `width` parameter specifies the
        standard deviation of the Gaussian, the width of the actual window
        is `4 * width + dt`.
        For the `flat` window, the width of the actual window
        is `2 * width/2 + dt`.

    rate : numpy.ndarray
        The population rate in Hz, smoothed with the given window.
    # rate
    assert hasattr(
        mon, 'spike'
    ), 'Must record the "spike" of the neuron group to get firing rate.'
    rate = np.sum(mon.spike, axis=1)

    # window
    dt = profile.get_dt()
    if window == 'gaussian':
        width1 = 2 * width / dt
        width2 = int(np.round(width1))
        window = np.exp(-np.arange(-width2, width2 + 1)**2 / (width1**2 / 2))
    elif window == 'flat':
        width1 = int(width / 2 / dt) * 2 + 1
        window = np.ones(width1)
        raise ValueError('Unknown window type "{}".'.format(window))
    window = np.float_(window)

    return np.convolve(rate, window / sum(window), mode='same')
Example #10
def Milstein_dfree_Stra(f, g, dt=None):
    """Stratonovich stochastic integral. The derivative-free Milstein
    method is an order 1.0 strong Taylor schema.

    f : callable
        The drift coefficient, the deterministic part of the SDE.
    g : callable, float
        The diffusion coefficient, the stochastic part.
    dt : None, float
        Precision of numerical integration.

    func : callable
        The one-step numerical integration function.
    dt = profile.get_dt() if dt is None else dt
    dt_sqrt = np.sqrt(dt)
    f = autojit(f)

    if callable(g):
        g = autojit(g)

        def int_fg(y0, t, *args):
            dW = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, y0.shape)
            df = f(y0, t - dt, *args) * dt
            g_n = g(y0, t - dt, *args)
            dg = g_n * dW * dt_sqrt
            y_n_bar = y0 + df + g_n * dt_sqrt
            g_n_bar = g(y_n_bar, t, *args)
            extra_term = 0.5 * (g_n_bar - g_n) * (dW * dW * dt_sqrt)
            y1 = y0 + df + dg + extra_term
            return y1
        assert isinstance(g, (int, float, np.ndarray))

        def int_fg(y0, t, *args):
            dW = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, y0.shape)
            df = f(y0, t - dt, *args) * dt
            dg = g * dW * dt_sqrt
            y1 = y0 + df + dg
            return y1

    return autojit(int_fg)
Example #11
def Euler_method(f, g, dt=None):
    """Itô stochastic integral. The simplest stochastic numerical approximation
        is the Euler-Maruyama method. Its is an order 0.5 strong Taylor schema.
        Also named as ``EM``, ``EM_method``, ``Euler``, ``Euler_Maruyama_method``.

        f : callable
            The drift coefficient, the deterministic part of the SDE.
        g : callable, float
            The diffusion coefficient, the stochastic part.
        dt : None, float
            Precision of numerical integration.

        func : callable
            The one-step numerical integration function.
    dt = profile.get_dt() if dt is None else dt
    dt_sqrt = np.sqrt(dt)
    f = autojit(f)

    if callable(g):
        g = autojit(g)

        def int_fg(y0, t, *args):
            dW = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, y0.shape)
            df = f(y0, t, *args) * dt
            dg = dt_sqrt * g(y0, t, *args) * dW
            return y0 + df + dg
        assert isinstance(g, (int, float, np.ndarray))

        def int_fg(y0, t, *args):
            dW = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, y0.shape)
            df = f(y0, t, *args) * dt
            dg = dt_sqrt * g * dW
            return y0 + df + dg

    return autojit(int_fg)
Example #12
def format_delay(delay, dt=None):
    """Format the given delay and get the delay length.

    delay : None, int, float, np.ndarray
        The delay.
    dt : float, None
        The precision of the numerical integration.

    delay_len : int
        Delay length.
    if delay is None:
        delay_len = 1
    elif isinstance(delay, (int, float)):
        dt = profile.get_dt() if dt is None else dt
        delay_len = int(np.ceil(delay / dt)) + 1
        raise ValueError()
    return delay_len
Example #13
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if 'kwargs' in kwargs:
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, k, v)


        # check functions
        assert 'update_state' in kwargs, 'Must provide "update_state" function.'

        if 'output_synapse' not in kwargs:
            def f1(syn_state, var_index, neu_state):
                output_idx = var_index[-2]
                neu_state[-1] += syn_state[output_idx[0]][output_idx[1]]

            self.output_synapse = f1

        if 'collect_spike' not in kwargs:
            def f2(syn_state, pre_neu_state, post_neu_state):
                syn_state[0][-1] = pre_neu_state[-3]

            self.collect_spike = f2

        self.update_state = helper.autojit(self.update_state)
        self.output_synapse = helper.autojit(self.output_synapse)
        self.collect_spike = helper.autojit(self.collect_spike)

        # check `name`
        if 'name' not in kwargs:
            global synapse_no
            self.name = "Synapses-{}".format(synapse_no)
            synapse_no += 1

        # check `num`, `num_pre` and `num_post`
        assert 'num' in kwargs, 'Must provide "num" attribute.'
        if 'num_pre' not in kwargs:
            self.num_pre = self.pre.num
        if 'num_post' not in kwargs:
            self.num_post = self.post.num

        # check `delay_len`
        if 'delay_len' not in kwargs:
            if 'delay' not in kwargs:
                raise ValueError('Must define "delay".')
                dt = kwargs.get('dt', profile.get_dt())
                self.delay_len = format_delay(self.delay, dt)

        # check `var2index`
        if 'var2index' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError('Must define "var2index".')
        assert isinstance(self.var2index, dict), '"var2index" must be a dict.'
        # "g" is the "delay_idx"
        # 'g_post' is the "output_idx"
        default_variables = [('pre_spike', (0, -1)),
                             ('g', (1, self.delay_len - 1)),
                             ('g_post', (1, 0)), ]
        self.default_variables = default_variables
        for k, _ in default_variables:
            if k in self.var2index:
                raise ValueError('"{}" is a pre-defined variable, '
                                 'cannot be defined in "var2index".'.format(k))
        user_defined_variables = sorted(list(self.var2index.items()), key=lambda a: a[1])
        syn_variables = user_defined_variables + default_variables
        var2index_array = np.zeros((len(syn_variables) + 1, 2), dtype=np.int32)
        var2index_array[-1, 0] = self.delay_len
        vars = dict(delay_len=-1)
        for i, (var, index) in enumerate(syn_variables):
            var2index_array[i] = list(index)
            vars[var] = i
        self.var2index = vars
        self.var2index_array = var2index_array
Example #14
    def run(self, duration, report=False, inputs=(), repeat=False):
        """Run the simulation for the given duration.

        This function provides the most convenient way to run the network.
        For example:

        >>> # first of all, define the network we want.
        >>> import npbrain as nn
        >>> lif1 = nn.LIF(10, noise=0.2)
        >>> lif2 = nn.LIF(10, noise=0.5)
        >>> syn = nn.VoltageJumpSynapse(lif1, lif2, 1.0, nn.conn.all2all(lif1.num, lif2.num))
        >>> net = Network(syn, lif1, lif2)
        >>> # next, run the network.
        >>> net.run(100.) # run 100. ms
        >>> # if you want to provide input to `lif1`
        >>> # for example, a constant input `11` (more complex inputs please use `input_factory.py`)
        >>> net.run(100., inputs=(lif1, 11.))
        >>> # if you want to provide input to `lif1` in the period of 30-50 ms.
        >>> net.run(100., inputs=(lif1, 11., (30., 50.)))
        >>> # moreover, if you want to provide input to `lif1` in the period of 30-50 ms,
        >>> # and provide input to `lif2` in the period of 10-100 ms.
        >>> net.run(100., inputs=[(lif1, 11., (30., 50.)), (lif2, -1., (10., 100.))])
        >>> # if you want to known the running status in real-time.
        >>> net.run(100., report=True)

        duration : int, float
            The amount of simulation time to run for.
        report : bool
            Report the progress of the simulation.
        repeat : bool
            Whether repeat run this model. If `repeat=True`, every time
            call this method will initialize the object state.
        inputs : list, tuple
            The receivers, external inputs and durations.
        # 1. checking
        # ------------

        # 2. initialization
        # ------------------

        # time
        dt = profile.get_dt()
        ts = np.arange(self.current_time, self.current_time + duration, dt)
        run_length = len(ts)

        # monitors
        for mon in self.monitors:

        # neurons
        if repeat:
            if self._neuron_states is None:
                self._neuron_states = [
                    neu.state.copy() for neu in self.neurons
                for neu, state in zip(self.neurons, self._neuron_states):
                    neu.state = state.copy()

        # synapses
        if repeat:
            if self._synapse_states is None:
                self._synapse_states = []
                for syn in self.synapses:
                    state = tuple(st.copy() for st in syn.state)
                        [state, syn.var2index_array.copy()])
                for syn, (state, var_index) in zip(self.synapses,
                    syn.state = tuple(st.copy() for st in state)
                    syn.var2index_array = var_index.copy()

        # 3. format external inputs
        # --------------------------
        iterable_inputs, fixed_inputs, no_inputs = self._format_inputs_and_receiver(
            inputs, duration)

        # 4. run
        # ---------

        # initialize
        if report:
            t0 = time.time()
        self._input(0, iterable_inputs, fixed_inputs, no_inputs)
        self._step(ts[0], 0)

        # record time
        if report:
            print('Compilation used {:.4f} ms.'.format(time.time() - t0))
            print("Start running ...")
            report_gap = int(run_length / 10)
            t0 = time.time()

        # run
        for run_idx in range(1, run_length):
            t = ts[run_idx]
            self._input(run_idx, iterable_inputs, fixed_inputs, no_inputs)
            self._step(t, run_idx)
            if report and ((run_idx + 1) % report_gap == 0):
                percent = (run_idx + 1) / run_length * 100
                print('Run {:.1f}% using {:.3f} s.'.format(
                    time.time() - t0))
        if report:
            print('Simulation is done. ')

        # 5. Finally
        # -----------
        self.current_time = duration
Example #15
    def _format_inputs_and_receiver(self, inputs, duration):
        dt = profile.get_dt()
        # format inputs and receivers
        if len(inputs) > 1 and not isinstance(inputs[0], (list, tuple)):
            if isinstance(inputs[0], Neurons):
                inputs = [inputs]
                raise ValueError('Unknown input structure.')
        # ---------------------
        # classify input types
        # ---------------------
        # 1. iterable inputs
        # 2. fixed inputs
        iterable_inputs = []
        fixed_inputs = []
        neuron_with_inputs = []
        for input_ in inputs:
            # get "receiver", "input", "duration"
            if len(input_) == 2:
                obj, Iext = input_
                dur = (0, duration)
            elif len(input_) == 3:
                obj, Iext, dur = input_
                raise ValueError
            err = 'You can assign inputs only for added object. "{}" is not in the network.'
            if isinstance(obj, str):
                    obj = self._objsets[obj]
                    raise ValueError(err.format(obj))
            assert isinstance(
                obj, Neurons), "You can assign inputs only for Neurons."
            assert obj in self.objects, err.format(obj)
            assert len(
            ) == 2, "Must provide the start and the end simulation time."
            assert 0 <= dur[0] < dur[1] <= duration
            dur = (int(dur[0] / dt), int(dur[1] / dt))

            # judge the type of the inputs.
            if isinstance(Iext, (int, float)):
                Iext = np.ones(obj.num) * Iext
                fixed_inputs.append([obj, Iext, dur])
            size = np.shape(Iext)[0]
            run_length = dur[1] - dur[0]
            if size != run_length:
                if size == 1:
                    Iext = np.ones(obj.num) * Iext
                elif size == obj.num:
                    Iext = Iext
                    raise ValueError('Wrong size of inputs for', obj)
                fixed_inputs.append([obj, Iext, dur])
                input_size = np.size(Iext[0])
                err = 'The input size "{}" do not match with neuron ' \
                      'group size "{}".'.format(input_size, obj.num)
                assert input_size == 1 or input_size == obj.num, err
                iterable_inputs.append([obj, Iext, dur])
        # 3. no inputs
        no_inputs = []
        for neu in self.neurons:
            if neu not in neuron_with_inputs:
        return iterable_inputs, fixed_inputs, no_inputs