Example #1
def libdevice_implement_multiple_returns(func, retty, prototype_args):
    sig = libdevicefuncs.create_signature(retty, prototype_args)
    nb_retty = sig.return_type

    def core(context, builder, sig, args):
        lmod = builder.module

        fargtys = []
        for arg in prototype_args:
            ty = context.get_value_type(arg.ty)
            if arg.is_ptr:
                ty = ty.as_pointer()

        fretty = context.get_value_type(retty)

        fnty = Type.function(fretty, fargtys)
        fn = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=func)

        # For returned values that are returned through a pointer, we need to
        # allocate variables on the stack and pass a pointer to them.
        actual_args = []
        virtual_args = []
        arg_idx = 0
        for arg in prototype_args:
            if arg.is_ptr:
                # Allocate space for return value and add to args
                tmp_arg = cgutils.alloca_once(builder,
                arg_idx += 1

        ret = builder.call(fn, actual_args)

        # Following the call, we need to assemble the returned values into a
        # tuple for returning back to the caller.
        tuple_args = []
        if retty != types.void:
        for arg in virtual_args:

        if isinstance(nb_retty, types.UniTuple):
            return cgutils.pack_array(builder, tuple_args)
            return cgutils.pack_struct(builder, tuple_args)

    key = getattr(libdevice, func[5:])
    lower(key, *sig.args)(core)
Example #2
 class Libdevice_function(ConcreteTemplate):
     cases = [libdevicefuncs.create_signature(retty, args)]
    def _test_call_functions(self):
        # Strip off '__nv_' from libdevice name to get Python name
        apiname = libname[5:]
        apifunc = getattr(libdevice, apiname)
        retty, args = functions[libname]
        sig = create_signature(retty, args)

        # Construct arguments to the libdevice function. These are all
        # non-pointer arguments to the underlying bitcode function.
        funcargs = ", ".join(['a%d' % i for i, arg in enumerate(args) if not

        # Arguments to the Python function (`pyfunc` in the template above) are
        # the arguments to the libdevice function, plus as many extra arguments
        # as there are in the return type of the libdevice function - one for
        # scalar-valued returns, or the length of the tuple for tuple-valued
        # returns.
        if isinstance(sig.return_type, (types.Tuple, types.UniTuple)):
            # Start with the parameters for the return values
            pyargs = ", ".join(['r%d' % i for i in
            # Add the parameters for the argument values
            pyargs += ", " + funcargs
            # Generate the unpacking of the return value from the libdevice
            # function into the Python function return values (`r0`, `r1`,
            # etc.).
            retvars = ", ".join(['r%d[0]' % i for i in
            # Scalar return is a more straightforward case
            pyargs = "r0, " + funcargs
            retvars = "r0[0]"

        # Create the string containing the function to compile
        d = { 'func': apiname,
              'pyargs': pyargs,
              'funcargs': funcargs,
              'retvars': retvars }
        code = function_template % d

        # Convert the string to a Python function
        locals = {}
        exec(code, globals(), locals)
        pyfunc = locals['pyfunc']

        # Compute the signature for compilation. This mirrors the creation of
        # arguments to the Python function above.
        pyargs = [ arg.ty for arg in args if not arg.is_ptr ]
        if isinstance(sig.return_type, (types.Tuple, types.UniTuple)):
            pyreturns = [ret[::1] for ret in sig.return_type]
            pyargs = pyreturns + pyargs
            pyargs.insert(0, sig.return_type[::1])

        ptx, resty = compile_ptx(pyfunc, pyargs)

        # If the function body was discarded by optimization (therefore making
        # the test a bit weak), there won't be any loading of parameters -
        # ensure that a load from parameters occurs somewhere in the PTX
        self.assertIn('ld.param', ptx)

        # Returning the result (through a passed-in array) should also require
        # a store to global memory, so check for at least one of those too.
        self.assertIn('st.global', ptx)