Example #1
    def test_density(self):
        # Check that the integral of the density equals 1.
        n = 100
        v = np.random.rand(n)
        a, b = histogram(v, density=True)
        area = np.sum(a * np.diff(b))
        assert_almost_equal(area, 1)

        # Check with non-constant bin widths
        v = np.arange(10)
        bins = [0, 1, 3, 6, 10]
        a, b = histogram(v, bins, density=True)
        assert_array_equal(a, .1)
        assert_equal(np.sum(a * np.diff(b)), 1)

        # Test that passing False works too
        a, b = histogram(v, bins, density=False)
        assert_array_equal(a, [1, 2, 3, 4])

        # Variale bin widths are especially useful to deal with
        # infinities.
        v = np.arange(10)
        bins = [0, 1, 3, 6, np.inf]
        a, b = histogram(v, bins, density=True)
        assert_array_equal(a, [.1, .1, .1, 0.])

        # Taken from a bug report from N. Becker on the numpy-discussion
        # mailing list Aug. 6, 2010.
        counts, dmy = np.histogram([1, 2, 3, 4], [0.5, 1.5, np.inf],
        assert_equal(counts, [.25, 0])
Example #2
def _unique1d(ar,
    Find the unique elements of an array, ignoring shape.
    ar = np.asanyarray(ar).flatten()

    optional_indices = return_index or return_inverse

    if optional_indices:
        perm = ar.argsort(kind='mergesort' if return_index else 'quicksort')
        aux = ar[perm]
        aux = ar
    mask = np.empty(aux.shape, dtype=np.bool_)
    mask[:1] = True
    mask[1:] = aux[1:] != aux[:-1]

    ret = (aux[mask], )
    if return_index:
        ret += (perm[mask], )
    if return_inverse:
        imask = np.cumsum(mask) - 1
        inv_idx = np.empty(mask.shape, dtype=np.intp)
        inv_idx[perm] = imask
        ret += (inv_idx, )
    if return_counts:
        idx = np.concatenate(np.nonzero(mask) + ([mask.size], ))
        ret += (np.diff(idx), )
    return ret
Example #3
    def test_normed(self):
        sup = suppress_warnings()
        with sup:
            rec = sup.record(np.VisibleDeprecationWarning, '.*normed.*')
            # Check that the integral of the density equals 1.
            n = 100
            v = np.random.rand(n)
            a, b = histogram(v, normed=True)
            area = np.sum(a * np.diff(b))
            assert_almost_equal(area, 1)
            assert_equal(len(rec), 1)

        sup = suppress_warnings()
        with sup:
            rec = sup.record(np.VisibleDeprecationWarning, '.*normed.*')
            # Check with non-constant bin widths (buggy but backwards
            # compatible)
            v = np.arange(10)
            bins = [0, 1, 5, 9, 10]
            a, b = histogram(v, bins, normed=True)
            area = np.sum(a * np.diff(b))
            assert_almost_equal(area, 1)
            assert_equal(len(rec), 1)
Example #4
    def test_outliers(self):
        # Check that outliers are not tallied
        a = np.arange(10) + .5

        # Lower outliers
        h, b = histogram(a, range=[0, 9])
        assert_equal(h.sum(), 9)

        # Upper outliers
        h, b = histogram(a, range=[1, 10])
        assert_equal(h.sum(), 9)

        # Normalization
        h, b = histogram(a, range=[1, 9], density=True)
        assert_almost_equal((h * np.diff(b)).sum(), 1, decimal=15)

        # Weights
        w = np.arange(10) + .5
        h, b = histogram(a, range=[1, 9], weights=w, density=True)
        assert_equal((h * np.diff(b)).sum(), 1)

        h, b = histogram(a, bins=8, range=[1, 9], weights=w)
        assert_equal(h, w[1:-1])
Example #5
def histogramdd(sample,
    Compute the multidimensional histogram of some data.

    sample : (N, D) array, or (D, N) array_like
        The data to be histogrammed.

        Note the unusual interpretation of sample when an array_like:

        * When an array, each row is a coordinate in a D-dimensional space -
          such as ``histogramgramdd(np.array([p1, p2, p3]))``.
        * When an array_like, each element is the list of values for single
          coordinate - such as ``histogramgramdd((X, Y, Z))``.

        The first form should be preferred.

    bins : sequence or int, optional
        The bin specification:

        * A sequence of arrays describing the bin edges along each dimension.
        * The number of bins for each dimension (nx, ny, ... =bins)
        * The number of bins for all dimensions (nx=ny=...=bins).

    range : sequence, optional
        A sequence of length D, each an optional (lower, upper) tuple giving
        the outer bin edges to be used if the edges are not given explicitly in
        An entry of None in the sequence results in the minimum and maximum
        values being used for the corresponding dimension.
        The default, None, is equivalent to passing a tuple of D None values.
    density : bool, optional
        If False, the default, returns the number of samples in each bin.
        If True, returns the probability *density* function at the bin,
        ``bin_count / sample_count / bin_volume``.
    normed : bool, optional
        An alias for the density argument that behaves identically. To avoid
        confusion with the broken normed argument to `histogram`, `density`
        should be preferred.
    weights : (N,) array_like, optional
        An array of values `w_i` weighing each sample `(x_i, y_i, z_i, ...)`.
        Weights are normalized to 1 if normed is True. If normed is False,
        the values of the returned histogram are equal to the sum of the
        weights belonging to the samples falling into each bin.

    H : ndarray
        The multidimensional histogram of sample x. See normed and weights
        for the different possible semantics.
    edges : list
        A list of D arrays describing the bin edges for each dimension.

    See Also
    histogram: 1-D histogram
    histogram2d: 2-D histogram

    >>> r = np.random.randn(100,3)
    >>> H, edges = np.histogramdd(r, bins = (5, 8, 4))
    >>> H.shape, edges[0].size, edges[1].size, edges[2].size
    ((5, 8, 4), 6, 9, 5)


        # Sample is an ND-array.
        N, D = sample.shape
    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
        # Sample is a sequence of 1D arrays.
        sample = np.atleast_2d(sample).T
        N, D = sample.shape

    nbin = np.empty(D, int)
    edges = D * [None]
    dedges = D * [None]
    if weights is not None:
        weights = np.asarray(weights)

        M = len(bins)
        if M != D:
            raise ValueError(
                'The dimension of bins must be equal to the dimension of the '
                ' sample x.')
    except TypeError:
        # bins is an integer
        bins = D * [bins]

    # normalize the range argument
    if range is None:
        range = (None, ) * D
    elif len(range) != D:
        raise ValueError('range argument must have one entry per dimension')

    # Create edge arrays
    for i in _range(D):
        if np.ndim(bins[i]) == 0:
            if bins[i] < 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    '`bins[{}]` must be positive, when an integer'.format(i))
            smin, smax = _get_outer_edges(sample[:, i], range[i])
            edges[i] = np.linspace(smin, smax, bins[i] + 1)
        elif np.ndim(bins[i]) == 1:
            edges[i] = np.asarray(bins[i])
            if np.any(edges[i][:-1] > edges[i][1:]):
                raise ValueError(
                    '`bins[{}]` must be monotonically increasing, when an array'
            raise ValueError(
                '`bins[{}]` must be a scalar or 1d array'.format(i))

        nbin[i] = len(edges[i]) + 1  # includes an outlier on each end
        dedges[i] = np.diff(edges[i])

    # Compute the bin number each sample falls into.
    Ncount = tuple(
        # avoid np.digitize to work around gh-11022
        np.searchsorted(edges[i], sample[:, i], side='right')
        for i in _range(D))

    # Using digitize, values that fall on an edge are put in the right bin.
    # For the rightmost bin, we want values equal to the right edge to be
    # counted in the last bin, and not as an outlier.
    for i in _range(D):
        # Find which points are on the rightmost edge.
        on_edge = (sample[:, i] == edges[i][-1])
        # Shift these points one bin to the left.
        Ncount[i][on_edge] -= 1

    # Compute the sample indices in the flattened histogram matrix.
    # This raises an error if the array is too large.
    xy = np.ravel_multi_index(Ncount, nbin)

    # Compute the number of repetitions in xy and assign it to the
    # flattened histmat.
    hist = np.bincount(xy, weights, minlength=nbin.prod())

    # Shape into a proper matrix
    hist = hist.reshape(nbin)

    # This preserves the (bad) behavior observed in gh-7845, for now.
    hist = hist.astype(float, casting='safe')

    # Remove outliers (indices 0 and -1 for each dimension).
    core = D * (slice(1, -1), )
    hist = hist[core]

    # handle the aliasing normed argument
    if normed is None:
        if density is None:
            density = False
    elif density is None:
        # an explicit normed argument was passed, alias it to the new name
        density = normed
        raise TypeError("Cannot specify both 'normed' and 'density'")

    if density:
        # calculate the probability density function
        s = hist.sum()
        for i in _range(D):
            shape = np.ones(D, int)
            shape[i] = nbin[i] - 2
            hist = hist / dedges[i].reshape(shape)
        hist /= s

    if (hist.shape != nbin - 2).any():
        raise RuntimeError("Internal Shape Error")
    return hist, edges
Example #6
def histogram(a, bins=10, range=None, normed=None, weights=None, density=None):
    Compute the histogram of a set of data.

    a : array_like
        Input data. The histogram is computed over the flattened array.
    bins : int or sequence of scalars or str, optional
        If `bins` is an int, it defines the number of equal-width
        bins in the given range (10, by default). If `bins` is a
        sequence, it defines the bin edges, including the rightmost
        edge, allowing for non-uniform bin widths.

        .. versionadded:: 1.11.0

        If `bins` is a string, it defines the method used to calculate the
        optimal bin width, as defined by `histogram_bin_edges`.

    range : (float, float), optional
        The lower and upper range of the bins.  If not provided, range
        is simply ``(a.min(), a.max())``.  Values outside the range are
        ignored. The first element of the range must be less than or
        equal to the second. `range` affects the automatic bin
        computation as well. While bin width is computed to be optimal
        based on the actual data within `range`, the bin count will fill
        the entire range including portions containing no data.
    normed : bool, optional

        .. deprecated:: 1.6.0

        This is equivalent to the `density` argument, but produces incorrect
        results for unequal bin widths. It should not be used.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.15.0
            DeprecationWarnings are actually emitted.

    weights : array_like, optional
        An array of weights, of the same shape as `a`.  Each value in
        `a` only contributes its associated weight towards the bin count
        (instead of 1). If `density` is True, the weights are
        normalized, so that the integral of the density over the range
        remains 1.
    density : bool, optional
        If ``False``, the result will contain the number of samples in
        each bin. If ``True``, the result is the value of the
        probability *density* function at the bin, normalized such that
        the *integral* over the range is 1. Note that the sum of the
        histogram values will not be equal to 1 unless bins of unity
        width are chosen; it is not a probability *mass* function.

        Overrides the ``normed`` keyword if given.

    hist : array
        The values of the histogram. See `density` and `weights` for a
        description of the possible semantics.
    bin_edges : array of dtype float
        Return the bin edges ``(length(hist)+1)``.

    See Also
    histogramdd, bincount, searchsorted, digitize, histogram_bin_edges

    All but the last (righthand-most) bin is half-open.  In other words,
    if `bins` is::

      [1, 2, 3, 4]

    then the first bin is ``[1, 2)`` (including 1, but excluding 2) and
    the second ``[2, 3)``.  The last bin, however, is ``[3, 4]``, which
    *includes* 4.

    >>> np.histogram([1, 2, 1], bins=[0, 1, 2, 3])
    (array([0, 2, 1]), array([0, 1, 2, 3]))
    >>> np.histogram(np.arange(4), bins=np.arange(5), density=True)
    (array([ 0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25]), array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]))
    >>> np.histogram([[1, 2, 1], [1, 0, 1]], bins=[0,1,2,3])
    (array([1, 4, 1]), array([0, 1, 2, 3]))

    >>> a = np.arange(5)
    >>> hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(a, density=True)
    >>> hist
    array([ 0.5,  0. ,  0.5,  0. ,  0. ,  0.5,  0. ,  0.5,  0. ,  0.5])
    >>> hist.sum()
    >>> np.sum(hist * np.diff(bin_edges))

    .. versionadded:: 1.11.0

    Automated Bin Selection Methods example, using 2 peak random data
    with 2000 points:

    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(10)  # deterministic random data
    >>> a = np.hstack((rng.normal(size=1000),
    ...                rng.normal(loc=5, scale=2, size=1000)))
    >>> plt.hist(a, bins='auto')  # arguments are passed to np.histogram
    >>> plt.title("Histogram with 'auto' bins")
    >>> plt.show()

    a, weights = _ravel_and_check_weights(a, weights)

    bin_edges, uniform_bins = _get_bin_edges(a, bins, range, weights)

    # Histogram is an integer or a float array depending on the weights.
    if weights is None:
        ntype = np.dtype(np.intp)
        ntype = weights.dtype

    # We set a block size, as this allows us to iterate over chunks when
    # computing histograms, to minimize memory usage.
    BLOCK = 65536

    # The fast path uses bincount, but that only works for certain types
    # of weight
    simple_weights = (weights is None or np.can_cast(weights.dtype, np.double)
                      or np.can_cast(weights.dtype, complex))

    if uniform_bins is not None and simple_weights:
        # Fast algorithm for equal bins
        # We now convert values of a to bin indices, under the assumption of
        # equal bin widths (which is valid here).
        first_edge, last_edge, n_equal_bins = uniform_bins

        # Initialize empty histogram
        n = np.zeros(n_equal_bins, ntype)

        # Pre-compute histogram scaling factor
        norm = n_equal_bins / _unsigned_subtract(last_edge, first_edge)

        # We iterate over blocks here for two reasons: the first is that for
        # large arrays, it is actually faster (for example for a 10^8 array it
        # is 2x as fast) and it results in a memory footprint 3x lower in the
        # limit of large arrays.
        for i in _range(0, len(a), BLOCK):
            tmp_a = a[i:i + BLOCK]
            if weights is None:
                tmp_w = None
                tmp_w = weights[i:i + BLOCK]

            # Only include values in the right range
            keep = (tmp_a >= first_edge)
            keep &= (tmp_a <= last_edge)
            if not np.logical_and.reduce(keep):
                tmp_a = tmp_a[keep]
                if tmp_w is not None:
                    tmp_w = tmp_w[keep]

            # This cast ensures no type promotions occur below, which gh-10322
            # make unpredictable. Getting it wrong leads to precision errors
            # like gh-8123.
            tmp_a = tmp_a.astype(bin_edges.dtype, copy=False)

            # Compute the bin indices, and for values that lie exactly on
            # last_edge we need to subtract one
            f_indices = _unsigned_subtract(tmp_a, first_edge) * norm
            indices = f_indices.astype(np.intp)
            indices[indices == n_equal_bins] -= 1

            # The index computation is not guaranteed to give exactly
            # consistent results within ~1 ULP of the bin edges.
            decrement = tmp_a < bin_edges[indices]
            indices[decrement] -= 1
            # The last bin includes the right edge. The other bins do not.
            increment = ((tmp_a >= bin_edges[indices + 1])
                         & (indices != n_equal_bins - 1))
            indices[increment] += 1

            # We now compute the histogram using bincount
            if ntype.kind == 'c':
                n.real += np.bincount(indices,
                n.imag += np.bincount(indices,
                n += np.bincount(indices,
        # Compute via cumulative histogram
        cum_n = np.zeros(bin_edges.shape, ntype)
        if weights is None:
            for i in _range(0, len(a), BLOCK):
                sa = np.sort(a[i:i + BLOCK])
                cum_n += _search_sorted_inclusive(sa, bin_edges)
            zero = np.zeros(1, dtype=ntype)
            for i in _range(0, len(a), BLOCK):
                tmp_a = a[i:i + BLOCK]
                tmp_w = weights[i:i + BLOCK]
                sorting_index = np.argsort(tmp_a)
                sa = tmp_a[sorting_index]
                sw = tmp_w[sorting_index]
                cw = np.concatenate((zero, sw.cumsum()))
                bin_index = _search_sorted_inclusive(sa, bin_edges)
                cum_n += cw[bin_index]

        n = np.diff(cum_n)

    # density overrides the normed keyword
    if density is not None:
        if normed is not None:
            # 2018-06-13, numpy 1.15.0 (this was not noisily deprecated in 1.6)
                "The normed argument is ignored when density is provided. "
                "In future passing both will result in an error.",
        normed = None

    if density:
        db = np.array(np.diff(bin_edges), float)
        return n / db / n.sum(), bin_edges
    elif normed:
        # 2018-06-13, numpy 1.15.0 (this was not noisily deprecated in 1.6)
            "Passing `normed=True` on non-uniform bins has always been "
            "broken, and computes neither the probability density "
            "function nor the probability mass function. "
            "The result is only correct if the bins are uniform, when "
            "density=True will produce the same result anyway. "
            "The argument will be removed in a future version of "

        # this normalization is incorrect, but
        db = np.array(np.diff(bin_edges), float)
        return n / (n * db).sum(), bin_edges
        if normed is not None:
            # 2018-06-13, numpy 1.15.0 (this was not noisily deprecated in 1.6)
                "Passing normed=False is deprecated, and has no effect. "
                "Consider passing the density argument instead.",
        return n, bin_edges