Example #1
 def __init__(self, service_account_email, service_account_key,
              google_api_url, server_api_key, http):
     self.service_account_email = service_account_email
     self.service_account_key = service_account_key
     self.google_api_url = google_api_url + 'identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/'
     self.server_api_key = server_api_key
     if http is None:
         self.http = httplib2.Http(client.MemoryCache())
         self.http = http
Example #2
    def __init__(self, service_account_email, service_account_key,
                 google_api_url, http):
        self.credentials = None
        if service_account_email and service_account_key:
            self.service_account_email = service_account_email
            self.service_account_key = service_account_key
            self.service_account_email = ''
            self.service_account_key = ''
                self.credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default() \
            except Exception as e:
                    'WARNING: unable to retrieve service account credentials.')
        self.google_api_url = google_api_url + 'identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/'

        if http is None:
            self.http = httplib2.Http(client.MemoryCache())
            self.http = http
Example #3
class GitkitService(object):

    # Wire ops cause nonintuitive numbers of RPCs that can make operation slow
    # (for example, the first call often gets public certs). Cache these results
    # and share them across all instances within a process.
    _CACHE = client.MemoryCache()

    def __init__(self,
            client_id, server_api_key, service_account_email,
            service_account_key, widget_url, http=None):
        self._instance = gitkitclient.GitkitClient(
            client_id, service_account_email, service_account_key,
            http=http if http is not None else httplib2.Http(self._CACHE),
            server_api_key=server_api_key, widget_url=widget_url)

    def get_provider_id(self, token):
        """Returns the provider id string if token is valid, else None.

            token: string. Raw GITKit response token.

            GitkitClientError: if invalid input from caller.
            GitkitServerError: if error from GITKit server.
            RuntimeError: if GITKit is misconfigured.

            String. An identifier for the user's provider (for example,
        gitkit_user = self._get_gitkit_user(token)
        return gitkit_user.provider_id if gitkit_user else None

    def get_user(self, token):
        """Returns a users.User if token is valid, else None.

        This method also verifies the GITKit token. If the token is invalid we
        return None. Note that token age is one of the things that can make a
        token invalid. This means persisting this object is risky, because there
        is no guarantee that an old object's token is still valid.

        If having a valid user is important to you, always call this method
        rather than re-using a previously-returned value. Note that it may
        cause an RPC in order to get public certs, but unless you pass your own
        http object to __init__, responses are cached across _Gitkit intances.

            token: string. Raw GITKit response token.

            GitkitClientError: if invalid input from caller.
            GitkitServerError: if error from GITKit server.
            RuntimeError: if GITKit is misconfigured.

            users.User if token is valid else None.
        gitkit_user = self._get_gitkit_user(token)
        return self._get_users_user(gitkit_user) if gitkit_user else None

    def _get_gitkit_user(self, token):
            return self._instance.VerifyGitkitToken(token)
        except NotImplementedError, e:
            # When GITKit is misconfigured, the error it returns complains about
            # bad crypto. Detecting misconfiguration this way is risky: we could
            # be getting a false positive from real bad crypto. There is no good
            # way to disambiguate, and the value of giving a useful error
            # message here outweighs the rare chance of a false positive where
            # someone has turned off pycrypto in prod (which would require them
            # changing the libraries in app.yaml, and is really a you-broke-it-
            # you-bought-it situation).
            if _BAD_CRYPTO_NEEDLE in e.message:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Unable to communicate with users service. Please check '
                    'your configuration values and try again.')
Example #4
import threading
import json

import webapp2
import httplib2
from oauth2client import crypt, client

_cached_http = httplib2.Http(client.MemoryCache())

def verify_id_token(id_token, audience, http=None,
    """Verifies a signed JWT id_token.

    This function requires PyOpenSSL and because of that it does not work on
    App Engine.

      id_token: string, A Signed JWT.
      audience: string, The audience 'aud' that the token should be for.
      http: httplib2.Http, instance to use to make the HTTP request. Callers
        should supply an instance that has caching enabled.
      cert_uri: string, URI of the certificates in JSON format to
        verify the JWT against.

      The deserialized JSON in the JWT.

      oauth2client.crypt.AppIdentityError if the JWT fails to verify.