Example #1
    def test_read_nlloc_hyp(self):
        Test reading nonlinloc hypocenter phase file.
        filename = get_example_file("nlloc_custom.hyp")
        cat = read_nlloc_hyp(filename,
        # reset pick channel codes, these got automatically mapped upon reading
        for pick in cat[0].picks:
            pick.waveform_id.channel_code = None
        with open(get_example_file("nlloc_custom.qml"), 'rb') as tf:
            quakeml_expected = tf.read().decode()
        with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
            cat.write(tf, format="QUAKEML")
            quakeml_got = tf.read().decode()

        # test creation times manually as they get omitted in the overall test
        creation_time = UTCDateTime("2014-10-17T16:30:08.000000Z")
        self.assertEqual(cat[0].creation_info.creation_time, creation_time)

        quakeml_expected = remove_unique_ids(quakeml_expected,
        quakeml_got = remove_unique_ids(quakeml_got, remove_creation_time=True)
        # In python 3 float.__str__ outputs 5 decimals of precision more.
        # We use it in writing QuakeML, so files look different on Py2/3.
        # We use regex to cut off floats in the xml such that we only compare
        # 7 digits.
        pattern = r'(<.*?>[0-9]*?\.[0-9]{7})[0-9]*?(</.*?>)'
        quakeml_expected = re.sub(pattern, r'\1\2', quakeml_expected)
        quakeml_got = re.sub(pattern, r'\1\2', quakeml_got)

        # remove (changing) obspy version number from output
        re_pattern = '<version>ObsPy .*?</version>'
        quakeml_expected = re.sub(re_pattern, '', quakeml_expected, 1)
        quakeml_got = re.sub(re_pattern, '', quakeml_got, 1)

        compare_xml_strings(quakeml_expected, quakeml_got)
Example #2
    def test_read_nlloc_hyp(self):
        Test reading nonlinloc hypocenter phase file.
        filename = get_example_file("nlloc_custom.hyp")
        cat = read_nlloc_hyp(filename,
        with open(get_example_file("nlloc_custom.qml"), 'rb') as tf:
            quakeml_expected = tf.read().decode()
        with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
            cat.write(tf, format="QUAKEML")
            quakeml_got = tf.read().decode()

        # test creation times manually as they get omitted in the overall test
        creation_time = UTCDateTime("2014-10-17T16:30:08.000000Z")
        self.assertEqual(cat[0].creation_info.creation_time, creation_time)

        quakeml_expected = remove_unique_ids(quakeml_expected,
        quakeml_got = remove_unique_ids(quakeml_got, remove_creation_time=True)
        # In python 3 float.__str__ outputs 5 decimals of precision more.
        # We use it in writing QuakeML, so files look different on Py2/3.
        # We use regex to cut off floats in the xml such that we only compare
        # 7 digits.
        pattern = r'(<.*?>[0-9]*?\.[0-9]{7})[0-9]*?(</.*?>)'
        quakeml_expected = re.sub(pattern, r'\1\2', quakeml_expected)
        quakeml_got = re.sub(pattern, r'\1\2', quakeml_got)

        # remove (changing) obspy version number from output
        re_pattern = '<version>ObsPy .*?</version>'
        quakeml_expected = re.sub(re_pattern, '', quakeml_expected, 1)
        quakeml_got = re.sub(re_pattern, '', quakeml_got, 1)

        compare_xml_strings(quakeml_expected, quakeml_got)