Example #1
    def __init__(self, axis, comp, value_ctrl, pos_2_ctrl=None, ctrl_2_pos=None, events=None):
        axis (string): the name of the axis to connect with
        comp (Actuator): the component that contains the axis
        value_ctrl (wx.Window): a wx widget to connect to
        pos_2_ctrl (None or callable ((value) -> None)): a function to be called
            when the position is updated, to update the widget. If None, try to use
            the default SetValue().
        ctrl_2_pos (None or callable ((None) -> value)): a function to be called
            when the widget is updated, to update the VA. If None, try to use
            the default GetValue().
            Can raise ValueError, TypeError or IndexError if data is incorrect
        events (None or wx.EVT_* or tuple of wx.EVT_*): events to bind to update
            the value of the VA
        self.axis = axis
        self.comp = comp
        self.value_ctrl = value_ctrl
        pos_2_ctrl = pos_2_ctrl or value_ctrl.SetValue
        self.pos_2_ctrl = call_in_wx_main_wrapper(dead_object_wrapper(pos_2_ctrl))
        self.ctrl_2_pos = ctrl_2_pos or value_ctrl.GetValue
        if events is None:
            self.change_events = ()
        elif not isinstance(events, collections.Iterable):
            self.change_events = (events,)
            self.change_events = events

        if self.value_ctrl:
            self.value_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, self._on_ctrl_destroy,

        # Subscribe to the position and initialize
Example #2
    def __init__(self, va, value_ctrl, va_2_ctrl=None, ctrl_2_va=None, events=None):
        va (VigilantAttribute): the VA to connect with
        ctrl (wx.Window): a wx widget to connect to
        va_2_ctrl (None or callable ((value) -> None)): a function to be called
            when the VA is updated, to update the widget. If None, try to use
            the default SetValue(). It is always called in the main WX thread.
            It is called once at initialisation.
        ctrl_2_va (None or callable ((None) -> value)): a function to be called
            when the widget is updated, to update the VA. If None, try to use
            the default GetValue().
            Can raise ValueError, TypeError or IndexError if data is incorrect
        events (None or wx.EVT_* or tuple of wx.EVT_*): events to bind to update
            the value of the VA
        self.vigilattr = va
        self.value_ctrl = value_ctrl

        self.paused = False

        va_2_ctrl = va_2_ctrl or value_ctrl.SetValue
        # Dead_object_wrapper might need/benefit from recognizing bound methods.
        # Or it can be tough to recognize wxPyDeadObjects being passed as 'self'
        self.va_2_ctrl = call_in_wx_main_wrapper(dead_object_wrapper(va_2_ctrl))
        self.ctrl_2_va = ctrl_2_va or value_ctrl.GetValue
        if events is None:
            self.change_events = ()
        elif not isinstance(events, collections.Iterable):
            self.change_events = (events,)
            self.change_events = events

        # Subscribe to the vigilant attribute and initialize
Example #3
    def __init__(self,
        va (VigilantAttribute): the VA to connect with
        ctrl (wx.Window): a wx widget to connect to
        va_2_ctrl (None or callable ((value) -> None)): a function to be called
            when the VA is updated, to update the widget. If None, try to use
            the default SetValue(). It is always called in the main WX thread.
            It is called once at initialisation.
        ctrl_2_va (None or callable ((None) -> value)): a function to be called
            when the widget is updated, to update the VA. If None, try to use
            the default GetValue().
            Can raise ValueError, TypeError or IndexError if data is incorrect
        events (None or wx.EVT_* or tuple of wx.EVT_*): events to bind to update
            the value of the VA
        self.vigilattr = va
        self.value_ctrl = value_ctrl

        self.paused = False

        va_2_ctrl = va_2_ctrl or value_ctrl.SetValue
        # Dead_object_wrapper might need/benefit from recognizing bound methods.
        # Or it can be tough to recognize wxPyDeadObjects being passed as 'self'
        self.va_2_ctrl = call_in_wx_main_wrapper(
        self.ctrl_2_va = ctrl_2_va or value_ctrl.GetValue
        if events is None:
            self.change_events = ()
        elif not isinstance(events, collections.Iterable):
            self.change_events = (events, )
            self.change_events = events

        if self.value_ctrl:

        # Subscribe to the vigilant attribute and initialize
Example #4
    def __init__(self,
        axis (string): the name of the axis to connect with
        comp (Actuator): the component that contains the axis
        value_ctrl (wx.Window): a wx widget to connect to
        pos_2_ctrl (None or callable ((value) -> None)): a function to be called
            when the position is updated, to update the widget. If None, try to use
            the default SetValue().
        ctrl_2_pos (None or callable ((None) -> value)): a function to be called
            when the widget is updated, to update the VA. If None, try to use
            the default GetValue().
            Can raise ValueError, TypeError or IndexError if data is incorrect
        events (None or wx.EVT_* or tuple of wx.EVT_*): events to bind to update
            the value of the VA
        self.axis = axis
        self.comp = comp
        self.value_ctrl = value_ctrl
        self._prev_focus = None  # the focused control before starting to move
        self._future = None  # Future representing the current move
        pos_2_ctrl = pos_2_ctrl or value_ctrl.SetValue
        self.pos_2_ctrl = call_in_wx_main_wrapper(
        self.ctrl_2_pos = ctrl_2_pos or value_ctrl.GetValue
        if events is None:
            self.change_events = ()
        elif not isinstance(events, collections.Iterable):
            self.change_events = (events, )
            self.change_events = events

        if self.value_ctrl:

        # Subscribe to the position and initialize