Example #1
 def rmatvec(v):
     return as_flat_array(op.adjoint(v))
Example #2
 def func_gradient_call(arr):
     return as_flat_array(func.gradient(as_shaped_array(arr)))
Example #3
def matrix_representation(op):
    """Return a matrix representation of a linear operator.

    op : `Operator`
        The linear operator of which one wants a matrix representation.

    matrix : `numpy.ndarray`
        The matrix representation of the operator.

    The algorithm works by letting the operator act on all unit vectors, and
    stacking the output as a matrix.

    if not op.is_linear:
        raise ValueError('the operator is not linear')

    if not (isinstance(op.domain, FnBase) or
            (isinstance(op.domain, ProductSpace) and
             all(isinstance(spc, FnBase) for spc in op.domain))):
        raise TypeError('operator domain {!r} is not FnBase, nor ProductSpace '
                        'with only FnBase components'.format(op.domain))

    if not (isinstance(op.range, FnBase) or
            (isinstance(op.range, ProductSpace) and
             all(isinstance(spc, FnBase) for spc in op.range))):
        raise TypeError('operator range {!r} is not FnBase, nor ProductSpace '
                        'with only FnBase components'.format(op.range))

    # Get the size of the range, and handle ProductSpace
    # Store for reuse in loop
    op_ran_is_prod_space = isinstance(op.range, ProductSpace)
    if op_ran_is_prod_space:
        num_ran = op.range.size
        n = [ran.size for ran in op.range]
        num_ran = 1
        n = [op.range.size]

    # Get the size of the domain, and handle ProductSpace
    # Store for reuse in loop
    op_dom_is_prod_space = isinstance(op.domain, ProductSpace)
    if op_dom_is_prod_space:
        num_dom = op.domain.size
        m = [dom.size for dom in op.domain]
        num_dom = 1
        m = [op.domain.size]

    # Generate the matrix
    dtype = np.promote_types(op.domain.dtype, op.range.dtype)
    matrix = np.zeros([np.sum(n), np.sum(m)], dtype=dtype)
    tmp_ran = op.range.element()  # Store for reuse in loop
    tmp_dom = op.domain.zero()  # Store for reuse in loop
    index = 0
    last_i = last_j = 0

    for i in range(num_dom):
        for j in range(m[i]):
            if op_dom_is_prod_space:
                tmp_dom[last_i][last_j] = 0.0
                tmp_dom[i][j] = 1.0
                tmp_dom[last_j] = 0.0
                tmp_dom[j] = 1.0
            op(tmp_dom, out=tmp_ran)
            if op_ran_is_prod_space:
                tmp_idx = 0
                for k in range(num_ran):
                    matrix[tmp_idx: tmp_idx + op.range[k].size, index] = (
                    tmp_idx += op.range[k].size
                matrix[:, index] = as_flat_array(tmp_ran)
            index += 1
            last_j = j
            last_i = i

    return matrix
Example #4
 def matvec(v):
     return as_flat_array(op(v))
Example #5
def salt_pepper_noise(vector,
    """Add salt and pepper noise to vector.

    Salt and pepper noise replaces random elements in ``vector`` with
    ``low_val`` or ``high_val``.

    vector : `FnBase` or `ProductSpace`
        The vector that noise should be added to.
    fraction : float, optional
        The propotion of the elements in ``vector`` that should be converted
        to noise.
    salt_vs_pepper : float, optional
        Relative aboundance of salt (high) vs pepper (low) noise. A high value
        means more salt than pepper noise.
    low_val : float, optional
        The "pepper" color in the noise.
        Default: minimum value of ``vector``. For product spaces the minimum
        value per subspace is taken.
        each sub-space.
    high_val : float, optional
        The "salt" value in the noise.
        Default: maximuim value of ``vector``. For product spaces the maximum
        value per subspace is taken.
    seed : int, optional
        Random seed to use for generating the noise.
        For ``None``, use the current seed.

    salt_pepper_noise : ``vector.space`` element
        ``vector`` with salt and pepper noise.

    See Also
    from odl.space import ProductSpace

    # Validate input parameters
    fraction, fraction_in = float(fraction), fraction
    if not (0 <= fraction <= 1):
        raise ValueError('`fraction` ({}) should be a float in the interval '
                         '[0, 1]'.format(fraction_in))

    salt_vs_pepper, salt_vs_pepper_in = float(salt_vs_pepper), salt_vs_pepper
    if not (0 <= salt_vs_pepper <= 1):
        raise ValueError('`salt_vs_pepper` ({}) should be a float in the '
                         'interval [0, 1]'.format(salt_vs_pepper_in))

    with NumpyRandomSeed(seed):
        if isinstance(vector.space, ProductSpace):
            values = [
                salt_pepper_noise(subintensity, fraction, salt_vs_pepper,
                                  low_val, high_val) for subintensity in vector
            # Extract vector of values
            values = as_flat_array(vector).copy()

            # Determine fill-in values if not given
            if low_val is None:
                low_val = np.min(values)
            if high_val is None:
                high_val = np.max(values)

            # Create randomly selected points as a subset of image.
            a = np.arange(vector.size)
            salt_indices = a[:int(fraction * vector.size * salt_vs_pepper)]
            pepper_indices = a[int(fraction * vector.size *
                                   salt_vs_pepper):int(fraction * vector.size)]

            values[salt_indices] = high_val
            values[pepper_indices] = -low_val

    return vector.space.element(values)
Example #6
def salt_pepper_noise(vector, fraction=0.05, salt_vs_pepper=0.5,
                      low_val=None, high_val=None):
    """Add salt and pepper noise to vector.

    Salt and pepper noise replaces random elements in ``vector`` with
    ``low_val`` or ``high_val``.

    vector : `FnBase` or `ProductSpace`
        The vector that noise should be added to.
    fraction : float, optional
        The propotion of the elements in ``vector`` that should be converted
        to noise.
    salt_vs_pepper : float, optional
        Relative aboundance of salt (high) vs pepper (low) noise. A high value
        means more salt than pepper noise.
    low_val : float, optional
        The "pepper" color in the noise.
        Default: minimum value of ``vector``. For product spaces the minimum
        value per subspace is taken.
        each sub-space.
    high_val : float, optional
        The "salt" value in the noise.
        Default: maximuim value of ``vector``. For product spaces the maximum
        value per subspace is taken.

    salt_pepper_noise : ``vector.space`` element
        ``vector`` with salt and pepper noise.

    See Also
    from odl.space import ProductSpace

    # Validate input parameters
    fraction, fraction_in = float(fraction), fraction
    if not (0 <= fraction <= 1):
        raise ValueError('`fraction` ({}) should be a float in the interval '
                         '[0, 1]'.format(fraction_in))

    salt_vs_pepper, salt_vs_pepper_in = float(salt_vs_pepper), salt_vs_pepper
    if not (0 <= salt_vs_pepper <= 1):
        raise ValueError('`salt_vs_pepper` ({}) should be a float in the '
                         'interval [0, 1]'.format(salt_vs_pepper_in))

    if isinstance(vector.space, ProductSpace):
        values = [salt_pepper_noise(subintensity, fraction, salt_vs_pepper,
                                    low_val, high_val)
                  for subintensity in vector]
        # Extract vector of values
        values = as_flat_array(vector).copy()

        # Determine fill-in values if not given
        if low_val is None:
            low_val = np.min(values)
        if high_val is None:
            high_val = np.max(values)

        # Create randomly selected points as a subset of image.
        a = np.arange(vector.size)
        salt_indices = a[:int(fraction * vector.size * salt_vs_pepper)]
        pepper_indices = a[int(fraction * vector.size * salt_vs_pepper):
                           int(fraction * vector.size)]

        values[salt_indices] = high_val
        values[pepper_indices] = -low_val

    return vector.space.element(values)
Example #7
def matrix_representation(op):
    """Return a matrix representation of a linear operator.

    op : `Operator`
        The linear operator of which one wants a matrix representation.

    matrix : `numpy.ndarray`
        The matrix representation of the operator.

    The algorithm works by letting the operator act on all unit vectors, and
    stacking the output as a matrix.

    if not op.is_linear:
        raise ValueError('the operator is not linear')

    if not (isinstance(op.domain, FnBase) or
            (isinstance(op.domain, ProductSpace) and
             all(isinstance(spc, FnBase) for spc in op.domain))):
        raise TypeError('operator domain {!r} is not FnBase, nor ProductSpace '
                        'with only FnBase components'.format(op.domain))

    if not (isinstance(op.range, FnBase) or
            (isinstance(op.range, ProductSpace) and
             all(isinstance(spc, FnBase) for spc in op.range))):
        raise TypeError('operator range {!r} is not FnBase, nor ProductSpace '
                        'with only FnBase components'.format(op.range))

    # Get the size of the range, and handle ProductSpace
    # Store for reuse in loop
    op_ran_is_prod_space = isinstance(op.range, ProductSpace)
    if op_ran_is_prod_space:
        num_ran = op.range.size
        n = [ran.size for ran in op.range]
        num_ran = 1
        n = [op.range.size]

    # Get the size of the domain, and handle ProductSpace
    # Store for reuse in loop
    op_dom_is_prod_space = isinstance(op.domain, ProductSpace)
    if op_dom_is_prod_space:
        num_dom = op.domain.size
        m = [dom.size for dom in op.domain]
        num_dom = 1
        m = [op.domain.size]

    # Generate the matrix
    dtype = np.promote_types(op.domain.dtype, op.range.dtype)
    matrix = np.zeros([np.sum(n), np.sum(m)], dtype=dtype)
    tmp_ran = op.range.element()  # Store for reuse in loop
    tmp_dom = op.domain.zero()  # Store for reuse in loop
    index = 0
    last_i = last_j = 0

    for i in range(num_dom):
        for j in range(m[i]):
            if op_dom_is_prod_space:
                tmp_dom[last_i][last_j] = 0.0
                tmp_dom[i][j] = 1.0
                tmp_dom[last_j] = 0.0
                tmp_dom[j] = 1.0
            op(tmp_dom, out=tmp_ran)
            if op_ran_is_prod_space:
                tmp_idx = 0
                for k in range(num_ran):
                    matrix[tmp_idx: tmp_idx + op.range[k].size, index] = (
                    tmp_idx += op.range[k].size
                matrix[:, index] = as_flat_array(tmp_ran)
            index += 1
            last_j = j
            last_i = i

    return matrix
Example #8
 def rmatvec(v):
     return as_flat_array(op.adjoint(v))
Example #9
 def matvec(v):
     return as_flat_array(op(v))