Example #1
    def test_converts_profile_simple(self):
        profile = self.example_profile()

        sp = Speedscope(init_stack_trace=profile['init_stack_trace'])
        sp.add('profile', profile['result'])
        sp.add_output(['profile'], complete=False)
        res = sp.make()

        frames = res['shared']['frames']
        self.assertEqual(len(frames), 4)

        profile_combined = res['profiles'][0]
        events = [(e['type'], e['frame']) for e in profile_combined['events']]
                ('O', 0),  # /main
                ('O', 1),  # /main/do_stuff1
                ('O', 2),  # /main/do_stuff1/execute
                ('C', 2),  # /main/do_stuff1
                ('O', 3),  # /main/do_stuff1/check
                ('C', 3),  # /main/do_stuff1
                ('C', 1),  # /main
                ('C', 0),  # /
        self.assertEqual(profile_combined['events'][0]['at'], 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(profile_combined['events'][-1]['at'], 8.35)
Example #2
    def test_end_priority(self):
        If a sample as a time (usually a query) we expect to keep the complete frame
        even if another concurent frame tics before the end of the current one:
        frame duration should always be more reliable.

        async_profile = self.example_profile()['result']
        sql_profile = self.example_profile()['result']
        # make sql_profile a single frame from 2.5 to 5.5
        sql_profile = [sql_profile[1]]
        sql_profile[0]['start'] = 2.5
        sql_profile[0]['time'] = 3
        sql_profile[0]['query'] = 'SELECT 1'
        sql_profile[0]['full_query'] = 'SELECT 1'
        # some check to ensure the take makes sence
        self.assertEqual(async_profile[1]['start'], 3)
        self.assertEqual(async_profile[2]['start'], 4)

        self.assertNotIn('query', async_profile[1]['stack'])
        self.assertNotIn('time', async_profile[1]['stack'])
        self.assertEqual(async_profile[1]['stack'], async_profile[2]['stack'])
        # this last assertion is not really useful but ensures that the samples
        # are consistent with the sql one, just missing tue query

        sp = Speedscope(init_stack_trace=[])
        sp.add('sql', async_profile)
        sp.add('traces', sql_profile)
        sp.add_output(['sql', 'traces'], complete=False)
        res = sp.make()
        profile_combined = res['profiles'][0]
        events = [(e['at'] + 2, e['type'],
                  for e in profile_combined['events']]
                # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
                (2.0, 'O', 'main'),
                (2.0, 'O', 'do_stuff1'),
                (2.5, 'O', 'execute'),
                (2.5, 'O', "sql('SELECT 1')"),
                    5.5, 'C', "sql('SELECT 1')"
                ),  # select ends at 5.5 as expected despite another concurent frame at 3 and 4
                (5.5, 'C', 'execute'),
                (6.0, 'O', 'check'),
                (10.0, 'C', 'check'),
                (10.35, 'C', 'do_stuff1'),
                (10.35, 'C', 'main'),
Example #3
 def test_converts_context(self):
     stack = [
         ['file.py', 10, 'level1', 'level1'],
         ['file.py', 11, 'level2', 'level2'],
     profile = {
         'init_stack_trace': [['file.py', 1, 'level0', 'level0)']],
         'result': [{  # init frame
             'start': 2.0,
             'exec_context': ((2, {'a': '1'}), (3, {'b': '1'})),
             'stack': list(stack),
         }, {
             'start': 3.0,
             'exec_context': ((2, {'a': '1'}), (3, {'b': '2'})),
             'stack': list(stack),
         }, {  # final frame
             'start': 10.35,
             'exec_context': (),
             'stack': None,
     sp = Speedscope(init_stack_trace=profile['init_stack_trace'])
     sp.add('profile', profile['result'])
     sp.add_output(['profile'], complete=True)
     res = sp.make()
     events = [(e['type'], res['shared']['frames'][e['frame']]['name'])
               for e in res['profiles'][0]['events']]
             # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
             ('O', 'level0'),
             ('O', 'a=1'),
             ('O', 'level1'),
             ('O', 'b=1'),
             ('O', 'level2'),
             ('C', 'level2'),
             ('C', 'b=1'),
             ('O', 'b=2'),
             ('O', 'level2'),
             ('C', 'level2'),
             ('C', 'b=2'),
             ('C', 'level1'),
             ('C', 'a=1'),
             ('C', 'level0'),
Example #4
    def _compute_speedscope(self):
        for execution in self:
            sp = Speedscope(init_stack_trace=json.loads(execution.init_stack_trace))
            if execution.sql:
                sp.add('sql', json.loads(execution.sql))
            if execution.traces_async:
                sp.add('frames', json.loads(execution.traces_async))
            if execution.traces_sync:
                sp.add('settrace', json.loads(execution.traces_sync))

            result = json.dumps(sp.add_default().make())
            execution.speedscope = base64.b64encode(result.encode('utf-8'))