Example #1
    def climb(self, tas, alt, roc):
        """Calculate thrust during the climb.

            tas (float or ndarray): True airspeed (kt).
            alt (float or ndarray): Altitude(ft)
            roc (float or ndarray): Vertical rate (ft/min).

            float or ndarray: Total thrust (unit: N).

        roc = np.abs(roc)

        h = alt * aero.ft
        tas = np.where(tas < 10, 10, tas)

        mach = aero.tas2mach(tas * aero.kts, h)
        vcas = aero.tas2cas(tas * aero.kts, h)

        P = aero.pressure(h)
        P10 = aero.pressure(10000 * aero.ft)
        Pcr = aero.pressure(self.cruise_alt * aero.ft)

        # approximate thrust at top of climb (REF 2)
        Fcr = self.eng_cruise_thrust * self.eng_number
        vcas_ref = aero.mach2cas(self.cruise_mach, self.cruise_alt * aero.ft)

        # segment 3: alt > 30000:
        d = self._dfunc(mach / self.cruise_mach)
        b = (mach / self.cruise_mach)**(-0.11)
        ratio_seg3 = d * np.log(P / Pcr) + b

        # segment 2: 10000 < alt <= 30000:
        a = (vcas / vcas_ref)**(-0.1)
        n = self._nfunc(roc)
        ratio_seg2 = a * (P / Pcr)**(-0.355 * (vcas / vcas_ref) + n)

        # segment 1: alt <= 10000:
        F10 = Fcr * a * (P10 / Pcr)**(-0.355 * (vcas / vcas_ref) + n)
        m = self._mfunc(vcas / vcas_ref, roc)
        ratio_seg1 = m * (P / Pcr) + (F10 / Fcr - m * (P10 / Pcr))

        ratio = np.where(alt > 30000, ratio_seg3,
                         np.where(alt > 10000, ratio_seg2, ratio_seg1))

        F = ratio * Fcr
        return F
Example #2
    def takeoff(self, tas, alt=None):
        """Calculate thrust during the takeoff.

            tas (float or ndarray): True airspeed (kt).
            alt (float or ndarray): Altitude of the runway (ft). Defaults to 0.

            float or ndarray: Total thrust (unit: N).

        mach = aero.tas2mach(tas*aero.kts, 0)

        eng_bpr = self.eng_bpr
        G0 = 0.0606 * self.eng_bpr + 0.6337

        if alt is None:
            # at sea level
            ratio = 1 - 0.377 * (1+eng_bpr) / np.sqrt((1+0.82*eng_bpr)*G0) * mach \
                       + (0.23 + 0.19 * np.sqrt(eng_bpr)) * mach**2

            # at certain altitude
            P = aero.pressure(alt * aero.ft)
            dP = P / aero.p0

            A = -0.4327 * dP**2 + 1.3855 * dP + 0.0472
            Z = 0.9106 * dP**3 - 1.7736 * dP**2 + 1.8697 * dP
            X = 0.1377 * dP**3 - 0.4374 * dP**2 + 1.3003 * dP

            ratio = A - 0.377 * (1+eng_bpr) / np.sqrt((1+0.82*eng_bpr)*G0) * Z * mach \
                  + (0.23 + 0.19 * np.sqrt(eng_bpr)) * X * mach**2

        F = ratio * self.eng_max_thrust * self.eng_number
        return F