def exec_num(x, y):
        Compares whether `x` is strictly lower than `y`.
            - If any operand is None, the return value is None.
            - If any operand is not a number or temporal string (date, time or date-time), the process returns False.
            - Temporal strings can not be compared based on their string representation due to the time zone /
            time-offset representations.

        x : float or int or datetime.datetime
            First operand.
        y : float or int or datetime.datetime
            Second operand.

        bool :
            Returns True if `x` is strictly lower than `y`, None if any operand is None, otherwise False.

        if x is None or y is None:
            return None
        elif isinstance(x, str) and isinstance(y, str):
            return str2time(x) < str2time(y)
        elif isinstance(x, (int, float, datetime.datetime)) and isinstance(
                y, (int, float, datetime.datetime)):
            return x < y
            return False
    def exec_num(x, y, delta=None, case_sensitive=True):
        Compares whether `x` is strictly equal to `y`.
            - An integer 1 is equal to a floating point number 1.0 as integer is a sub-type of number.
            - If any operand is None, the return value is None.
              Therefore, exec_num(None, None) returns None instead of True.
            - Strings are expected to be encoded in UTF-8 by default.
            - Temporal strings are differently than other strings and are not be compared based on their string
              representation due to different possible representations. For example, the UTC time zone
              representation Z has the same meaning as +00:00.

        x : float or int or str or datetime.datetime
            First operand.
        y : float or int or str or datetime.datetime
            Second operand.
        delta : float, optional
            Only applicable for comparing two numbers. If this optional parameter is set to a positive non-zero number
            the equality of two numbers is checked against a delta value. This is especially useful to circumvent
            problems with floating point inaccuracy in machine-based computation.
        case_sensitive : bool, optional
            Only applicable for comparing two strings. Case sensitive comparison can be disabled by setting this
            parameter to False.

        bool :
            Returns True if `x` is equal to `y`, None if any operand is None, otherwise False.

        if x is None or y is None:
            return None

        if (type(x) in [float, int]) and (type(y) in [
                float, int
        ]):  # comparison of numbers
            if type(delta) in [float, int]:
                return np.isclose(x, y, atol=delta)
                return x == y
        elif (type(x) == str) and (type(y)
                                   == str):  # comparison of strings or dates
            # try to convert the string into a date
            x_time = str2time(x)
            y_time = str2time(y)
            if x_time is None or y_time is None:  # comparison of strings
                if case_sensitive:
                    return x == y
                    return x.lower() == y.lower()
                return x_time == y_time  # comparison of dates
            return False
    def exec_num(x, min, max, exclude_max=False):
        By default this process checks whether `x` is greater than or equal to `min` and lower than or equal to `max`.
        All definitions from and_, gte and lte apply here as well. If `exclude_max` is set to True the upper bound is
        excluded so that the process checks whether `x` is greater than or equal to `min` and lower than `max`.
        Lower and upper bounds are not allowed to be swapped. `min` must be lower than or equal to `max` or otherwise
        the process always returns False.

        x : float or int or datetime.datetime
            The value to check.
        min : float or int or datetime.datetime
            Lower boundary (inclusive) to check against.
        max : float or int or datetime.datetime
            Upper boundary (inclusive) to check against.
        exclude_max : bool, optional
            Exclude the upper boundary `max` if set to True. Defaults to False.

        bool :
            True if `x` is between the specified bounds, otherwise False.

        if x is None or min is None or max is None:
            return None

        if isinstance(x, str):
            x = str2time(x)

        if isinstance(min, str):
            min = str2time(min)

        if isinstance(max, str):
            max = str2time(max)

        if Lt().exec_num(max, min):
            return False

        if exclude_max:
            return Gte.exec_num(x, min) & Lt.exec_num(x, max)
            return Gte.exec_num(x, min) & Lte.exec_num(x, max)