Example #1
 def cut_with_polyline(self, pl, startpoint=0):
     for i, (p1, p2) in enumerate(zip(pl[:-1], pl[1:])):
         l = norm(p2 - p1)
         for ik1, k2 in self.cut(p1, p2, startpoint,
             ik2 = i + (norm(self[ik1] - p1) / l)
             yield ik1, ik2
Example #2
    def calc_forces(self, start_lines):
        for line_lower in start_lines:
            upper_node = line_lower.upper_node
            vec = line_lower.diff_vector
            if line_lower.upper_node.type != 2:  # not a gallery line
                # recursive force-calculation
                # setting the force from top to down
                lines_upper = self.get_upper_connected_lines(upper_node)

                force = np.zeros(3)
                for line in lines_upper:
                    if line.force is None:
                        print("error line force not set: {}".format(line))
                        force += line.force * line.diff_vector
                # vec = line_lower.upper_node.vec - line_lower.lower_node.vec
                line_lower.force = norm(np.dot(force, normalize(vec)))

                force = line_lower.upper_node.force
                force_projected = proj_force(force, normalize(vec))
                if force_projected is None:
                    print("shit", line_lower.upper_node.name)
                    line_lower.force = 10
                    line_lower.force = norm(force_projected)
Example #3
 def area(self):
     area = 0.
     if len(self.ribs) == 0:
         return 0
     front = self.get_spanwise(0)
     back = self.get_spanwise(1)
     front[0][1] = 0  # Get only half a midrib, if there is...
     back[0][1] = 0
     for i in range(len(front) - 1):
         area += norm(np.cross(front[i] - front[i + 1], back[i + 1] - front[i + 1]))
         area += norm(np.cross(back[i] - back[i + 1], back[i] - front[i]))
         # By this we get twice the area of half the glider :)
         # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle#Using_vectors
     return area
Example #4
    def get_segment_lengthes(self):
        lengths = []
        segments = self.get_segments()
        for s in segments:

        return lengths
Example #5
    def check(self):
        # remove zero-length segments
        index = 0
        while index < len(self) - 1:
            if norm(self[index + 1] - self[index]) < 0.0000001:
                self.data = np.concatenate([self[:index], self[index + 1:]])
                index += 1

        return self
Example #6
 def noseindex(self):
     p0 = self.data[0]
     max_dist = 0
     noseindex = 0
     for i, p1 in enumerate(self.data):
         diff = norm(p1 - p0)
         if diff > max_dist:
             noseindex = i
             max_dist = diff
     return noseindex
Example #7
    def draw(self, graphics):
        cell, pointnums = super(Arrow, self).draw(graphics)
        assert len(pointnums) == 2

        arrow = vtk.vtkArrowSource()
        p1, p2 = graphics.get_points(*pointnums)
        transform = vtk.vtkTransform()
        length = norm(p2-p1)
        transform.Scale(length, length, length)
Example #8
    def _insert_text(self, text):
        inner, outer = self._get_inner_outer(self.config.rib_text_pos)
        diff = outer - inner

        p1 = inner + diff / 2
        p2 = p1 + rotation_2d(np.pi / 2).dot(diff)

        _text = Text(text, p1, p2, size=norm(outer - inner) * 0.5, valign=0)
        #_text = Text(text, p1, p2, size=0.05)
        self.plotpart.layers["text"] += _text.get_vectors()
Example #9
    def add_stuff(self, amount):
        Shift the whole line for a given amount (->Sewing allowance)
        # cos(vectorangle(a,b)) = (a1 b1+a2 b2)/Sqrt[(a1^2+a2^2) (b1^2+b2^2)]
        newlist = []
        second = self.data[0]
        third = self.data[1]
        newlist.append(second + self.norm_segment_vectors[0] * amount)
        for i in range(1, len(self.data) - 1):
            first = second
            second = third
            third = self.data[i + 1]
            d1 = second - first
            d2 = third - second
            cosphi = d1.dot(d2) / np.sqrt(d1.dot(d1) * d2.dot(d2))
            coresize = 1e-8
            if cosphi > 0.9999 or norm(d1) < coresize or norm(d2) < coresize:
                newlist.append(second + self.normvectors[i] * amount / cosphi)
            elif cosphi < -0.9999:  # this is true if the direction changes 180 degree
                n1 = self.norm_segment_vectors[i - 1]
                n2 = self.norm_segment_vectors[i]
                newlist.append(second +
                               self.norm_segment_vectors[i - 1] * amount)
                newlist.append(second + self.norm_segment_vectors[i] * amount)
                n1 = self.norm_segment_vectors[i - 1]
                n2 = self.norm_segment_vectors[i]
                sign = -1. + 2. * (d2.dot(n1) > 0)
                phi = np.arccos(n1.dot(n2))
                d1 = normalize(d1)
                ext_vec = n1 - sign * d1 * np.tan(phi / 2)
                newlist.append(second + ext_vec * amount)

                # newlist.append(cut(a, b, c, d)[0])
        newlist.append(third + self.norm_segment_vectors[-1] * amount)
        self.data = newlist

        return self
Example #10
    def trailing_edge_length(self):
        d = 0
        for i, cell in enumerate(self.cells):
            ballooning = (cell.ballooning[1] + cell.ballooning[-1])/2
            vektor = cell.prof1.point(-1) - cell.prof2.point(-1)

            diff = norm(vektor) * (1 + ballooning)

            if i == 0 and self.has_center_cell:
                d += diff
                d += 2 * diff

        return d
Example #11
 def get_length(self, first=0, second=None):
     Get the (normative) Length of a Part of the Vectorlist.
     if second is None:
         second = len(self) - 1
     direction = sign(float(second - first))
     length = 0
     next_value = int(first - first % 1 + (direction > 0))
     # Just to fasten up
     if next_value > len(self) and direction < 0:
         next_value = len(self)
     elif next_value < 0 < direction:
         next_value = 0
     while next_value * direction < second * direction:
         length += norm(self[next_value] - self[first])
         first = next_value
         next_value += direction
         # Fasten up aswell
         if (next_value > len(self)
                 and direction > 0) or (next_value < 0 and direction < 0):
     return length + norm(self[second] - self[first])
Example #12
 def extend(self, start, length):
     Move from a starting point for a given length in direction of the line
     if length == 0:
         return start
     direction = sign(length)
     length = abs(length)
     next_value = start - start % 1 + (direction > 0)
     difference = norm(self[start] - self[next_value])
     length -= difference
     while length > 0:
         if (next_value > len(self)
                 and direction > 0) or (next_value < 0 and direction < 0):
         start = next_value
         next_value += direction
         difference = norm(self[next_value] - self[start])
         length -= difference
         # Length is smaller than zero
     length = length
     return next_value + direction * length * abs(next_value -
                                                  start) / difference
Example #13
def export_apame(glider, path="", midribs=0, numpoints=None, *other):
    other = glider.copy_complete()
    if numpoints:
        other.profile_numpoints = numpoints
    ribs = other.return_ribs(midribs)
    v_inf = glider.lineset.v_inf
    speed = norm(v_inf)
    glide = np.arctan(v_inf[2] / v_inf[0])
    # write config
    outfile = open(path, "w")
    outfile.write("APAME input file\nVERSION 3.0\n")
    outfile.write("AIRSPEED {}\n".format(speed))
    outfile.write("DENSITY 1.225\nPRESSURE 1.013e+005\nMACH 0\nCASE_NUM 1\n"
                  )  # TODO: Multiple cases
    outfile.write(str(math.tan(1 / glide)) + "\n0\n")
    outfile.write("WINGSPAN " + str(other.span) + "\n")
    outfile.write("MAC 2")  # TODO: Mean Choord
    outfile.write("SURFACE " + str(other.area) + "\n")
    outfile.write("ORIGIN\n0 0 0\n")
    outfile.write("METHOD 0\nERROR 1e-007\nCOLLDIST 1e-007\n")
    outfile.write("FARFIELD " + str(5) + "\n")  # TODO: farfield argument
        "COLLCALC 0\nVELORDER 2\nRESULTS 1\n1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1\n\n"
    outfile.write("NODES " + str(len(ribs) * len(ribs[0])) + "\n")

    for rib in ribs:
        for point in rib:
            for coord in point:
                outfile.write(str(coord) + "\t")

    outfile.write("\nPANELS " + str((len(ribs) - 1) * (len(ribs[0]) - 1)) +
                  "\n")  # TODO: ADD WAKE + Neighbours!
    for i in range(len(ribs) - 1):
        for j in range(other.profile_numpoints):
            # COUNTER-CLOCKWISE!
            outfile.write("1 {0!s}\t{1!s}\t{2!s}\t{3!s}\n".format(
                i * len(ribs[0]) + j + 1, (i + 1) * len(ribs[0]) + j + 1,
                (i + 1) * len(ribs[0]) + j + 2,
                i * len(ribs[0]) + j + 2))

    return outfile.close()
Example #14
def flatten_list(list1, list2):
    index_left = index_right = 0
    flat_left = [np.array([0, 0])]
    flat_right = [np.array([norm(list1[0] - list2[0]), 0])]

    # def which(i, j):
    #     diff = list1[i] - list2[j]
    #     return diff.dot(list1[i+1]-list1[i]+list2[j+1]-list2[j+1])
    while True:
        #while which(index_left, index_right) <= 0 and index_left < len(list1) - 2:  # increase left_index
        if index_left < len(list1) - 1:
                point2d(list1[index_left], flat_left[index_left],
                        list2[index_right], flat_right[index_right],
                        list1[index_left + 1]))
            index_left += 1

        #while which(index_left, index_right) >= 0 and index_right < len(list2) - 2:  # increase right_index
        if index_right < len(list2) - 1:
                point2d(list1[index_left], flat_left[index_left],
                        list2[index_right], flat_right[index_right],
                        list2[index_right + 1]))
            index_right += 1

        if index_left == len(list1) - 1 and index_right == len(list2) - 1:

    # while index_left < len(list1) - 1:
    #     flat_left.append(point2d(list1[index_left], flat_left[index_left],
    #                              list2[index_right], flat_right[index_right],
    #                              list1[index_left + 1]))
    #     index_left += 1
    # while index_right < len(list2) - 1:
    #     flat_right.append(point2d(list1[index_left], flat_left[index_left],
    #                               list2[index_right], flat_right[index_right],
    #                               list2[index_right + 1]))
    #     index_right += 1

    return PolyLine2D(flat_left), PolyLine2D(flat_right)
Example #15
    def shape_simple(self, cut_center=True):
        Simple (rectangular) shape representation for spline inputs
        last_pos = np.array([0, 0])  # y,z
        front = []
        back = []
        x = 0
        for rib in self.ribs:
            width = norm(rib.pos[1:] - last_pos)
            last_pos = rib.pos[1:]

            x += width * (rib.pos[1] > 0)  # x-value
            if x == 0:
                last_pos = np.array([0., 0.])
            y_front = -rib.pos[0] + rib.chord * rib.startpos
            y_back = -rib.pos[0] + rib.chord * (rib.startpos - 1)
            front.append([x, y_front])
            back.append([x, y_back])

        return Shape(front, back)
Example #16
 def get_normalized_drag(self):
     """get the line drag normalized by the velocity ** 2 / 2"""
     return self.get_drag()[1] / norm(self.v_inf)**2 * 2
Example #17
 def length_projected(self):
     return norm(self.lower_node.vec_proj - self.upper_node.vec_proj)
Example #18
 def length_no_sag(self):
     return norm(self.upper_node.vec - self.lower_node.vec)
Example #19
 def tangents(self):
     tangents = []
     for p1, p2 in self.segments:
         tangents.append((p2 - p1) / norm(p2 - p1))
     return np.array(tangents)
Example #20
 def ortho_pressure(self):
     drag per meter (projected)
     :return: 1/2 * cw * d * v^2
     return 1 / 2 * self.type.cw * self.type.thickness * norm(self.v_inf) ** 2