Example #1
    def _setup_driver(self, problem):
        Prepare the driver for execution.

        This is the final thing to run during setup.

        problem : <Problem>
            Pointer to the containing problem.
        self._problem = weakref.ref(problem)
        model = problem.model

        self._total_jac = None

        self._has_scaling = (np.any(
            [r['total_scaler'] is not None for r in self._responses.values()])
                             or np.any([
                                 dv['total_scaler'] is not None
                                 for dv in self._designvars.values()

        # Determine if any design variables are discrete.
        self._designvars_discrete = [
            name for name, meta in self._designvars.items()
            if meta['ivc_source'] in model._discrete_outputs
        if not self.supports['integer_design_vars'] and len(
                self._designvars_discrete) > 0:
            msg = "Discrete design variables are not supported by this driver: "
            msg += '.'.join(self._designvars_discrete)
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        con_set = set()
        obj_set = set()
        dv_set = set()

        self._remote_dvs = remote_dv_dict = {}
        self._remote_cons = remote_con_dict = {}
        self._dist_driver_vars = dist_dict = {}
        self._remote_objs = remote_obj_dict = {}

        src_design_vars = prom2ivc_src_dict(self._designvars)
        src_cons = prom2ivc_src_dict(self._cons)
        src_objs = prom2ivc_src_dict(self._objs)
        responses = prom2ivc_src_dict(self._responses)

        # Now determine if later we'll need to allgather cons, objs, or desvars.
        if model.comm.size > 1 and model._subsystems_allprocs:
            local_out_vars = set(model._outputs._abs_iter())
            remote_dvs = set(src_design_vars) - local_out_vars
            remote_cons = set(src_cons) - local_out_vars
            remote_objs = set(src_objs) - local_out_vars

            all_remote_vois = model.comm.allgather(
                (remote_dvs, remote_cons, remote_objs))
            for rem_dvs, rem_cons, rem_objs in all_remote_vois:

            # If we have remote VOIs, pick an owning rank for each and use that
            # to bcast to others later
            owning_ranks = model._owning_rank
            sizes = model._var_sizes['nonlinear']['output']
            abs2meta = model._var_allprocs_abs2meta
            rank = model.comm.rank
            nprocs = model.comm.size
            for i, vname in enumerate(model._var_allprocs_abs_names['output']):
                if vname in responses:
                    indices = responses[vname].get('indices')
                elif vname in src_design_vars:
                    indices = src_design_vars[vname].get('indices')

                if abs2meta[vname]['distributed']:

                    idx = model._var_allprocs_abs2idx['nonlinear'][vname]
                    dist_sizes = model._var_sizes['nonlinear']['output'][:,
                    total_dist_size = np.sum(dist_sizes)

                    # Determine which indices are on our proc.
                    offsets = sizes2offsets(dist_sizes)

                    if indices is not None:
                        indices = convert_neg(indices, total_dist_size)
                        true_sizes = np.zeros(nprocs, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
                        for irank in range(nprocs):
                            dist_inds = indices[np.logical_and(
                                indices >= offsets[irank], indices <
                                (offsets[irank] + dist_sizes[irank]))]
                            if irank == rank:
                                local_indices = dist_inds - offsets[rank]
                                distrib_indices = dist_inds

                            true_sizes[irank] = dist_inds.size
                        dist_dict[vname] = (local_indices, true_sizes,
                        dist_dict[vname] = (_full_slice, dist_sizes,
                                                offsets[rank], offsets[rank] +

                    owner = owning_ranks[vname]
                    sz = sizes[owner, i]

                    if vname in dv_set:
                        remote_dv_dict[vname] = (owner, sz)
                    if vname in con_set:
                        remote_con_dict[vname] = (owner, sz)
                    if vname in obj_set:
                        remote_obj_dict[vname] = (owner, sz)

        self._remote_responses = self._remote_cons.copy()

        # set up simultaneous deriv coloring
        if coloring_mod._use_total_sparsity:
            # reset the coloring
            if self._coloring_info['dynamic'] or self._coloring_info[
                    'static'] is not None:
                self._coloring_info['coloring'] = None

            coloring = self._get_static_coloring()
            if coloring is not None and self.supports[
                if model._owns_approx_jac:
Example #2
    def _setup_solvers(self, system, depth):
        Assign system instance, set depth, and optionally perform setup.

        system : <System>
            Pointer to the owning system.
        depth : int
            Depth of the current system (already incremented).
        super(BroydenSolver, self)._setup_solvers(system, depth)
        self._recompute_jacobian = True
        self._computed_jacobians = 0
        iproc = system.comm.rank


        if self.linear_solver is not None:
            self.linear_solver._setup_solvers(system, self._depth + 1)
            self.linear_solver = system.linear_solver

        if self.linesearch is not None:
            self.linesearch._setup_solvers(system, self._depth + 1)
            self.linesearch._do_subsolve = True

            # In OpenMDAO 3.x, we will be making BoundsEnforceLS the default line search.
            # This deprecation warning is to prepare users for the change.
            pathname = system.pathname
            if pathname:
                pathname += ': '
            msg = 'Deprecation warning: In V 3.0, the default Broyden solver setup will change ' + \
                  'to use the BoundsEnforceLS line search.'
            warn_deprecation(pathname + msg)

        states = self.options['state_vars']
        prom2abs = system._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output']

        # Check names of states.
        bad_names = [name for name in states if name not in prom2abs]
        if len(bad_names) > 0:
            msg = "{}: The following variable names were not found: {}"
            raise ValueError(msg.format(self.msginfo, ', '.join(bad_names)))

        use_owned = system._use_owned_sizes()

        # Size linear system
        if len(states) > 0:
            # User has specified states, so we must size them.
            n = 0
            sizes = system._var_allprocs_abs2meta

            self._distributed_idx = {}
            for i, name in enumerate(states):
                size = sizes[prom2abs[name][0]]['global_size']
                self._idx[name] = (n, n + size)
                n += size

                if use_owned:
                    # To handle true distributed variables, each rank where they reside must
                    # know the index range that it owns.
                    vsizes = system._var_sizes['nonlinear']['output']
                    gstart = np.sum(vsizes[:iproc, i])
                    gend = gstart + vsizes[iproc, i]
                    self._distributed_idx[name] = (gstart, gend)

            if use_owned:
                abs2idx = system._var_allprocs_abs2idx['nonlinear']
                local_idx = [abs2idx[prom2abs[name][0]] for name in states]
                local_idx = np.array(local_idx)
                owned_size_totals = np.sum(system._owned_sizes[:, local_idx],
                disps = sizes2offsets(owned_size_totals, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
                self._sendcounts = (owned_size_totals, disps)

            # Full system size.
            self._full_inverse = True
            n = np.sum(system._owned_sizes)

            if use_owned:
                owned_size_totals = np.sum(system._owned_sizes, axis=1)
                disps = sizes2offsets(owned_size_totals, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
                self._sendcounts = (owned_size_totals, disps)

        self.size = n
        self.Gm = np.empty((n, n))
        self.xm = np.empty((n, ))
        self.fxm = np.empty((n, ))
        self.delta_xm = None
        self.delta_fxm = None

        if self._full_inverse:

            # Can only use DirectSolver here.
            from openmdao.solvers.linear.direct import DirectSolver
            if not isinstance(self.linear_solver, DirectSolver):
                msg = "{}: Linear solver must be DirectSolver when solving the full model."
                raise ValueError(msg.format(self.msginfo,
                                            ', '.join(bad_names)))


        # Always look for states that aren't being solved so we can warn the user.
        def sys_recurse(system, all_states):
            subs = system._subsystems_myproc
            if len(subs) == 0:

                # Skip implicit components that appear to solve themselves.
                from openmdao.core.implicitcomponent import ImplicitComponent
                if overrides_method('solve_nonlinear', system,


                for subsys in subs:
                    sub_nl = subsys.nonlinear_solver
                    if sub_nl and sub_nl.supports['implicit_components']:
                    sys_recurse(subsys, all_states)

        all_states = []
        sys_recurse(system, all_states)
        all_states = [
            system._var_abs2prom['output'][name] for name in all_states

        missing = set(all_states).difference(states)
        if len(missing) > 0:
            msg = "The following states are not covered by a solver, and may have been " + \
                  "omitted from the BroydenSolver 'state_vars': "
            msg += ', '.join(sorted(missing))
Example #3
    def solve(self, vec_names, mode, rel_systems=None):
        Run the solver.

        vec_names : [str, ...]
            list of names of the right-hand-side vectors.
        mode : str
            'fwd' or 'rev'.
        rel_systems : set of str
            Names of systems relevant to the current solve.
        if len(vec_names) > 1 or vec_names[0] != 'linear':
            raise RuntimeError(
                "DirectSolvers with multiple right-hand-sides are not supported."

        self._vec_names = vec_names

        system = self._system
        iproc = system.comm.rank
        nproc = system.comm.size

        d_residuals = system._vectors['residual']['linear']
        d_outputs = system._vectors['output']['linear']

        # assign x and b vectors based on mode
        if mode == 'fwd':
            x_vec = d_outputs._data
            b_vec = d_residuals._data
            trans_lu = 0
            trans_splu = 'N'
        else:  # rev
            x_vec = d_residuals._data
            b_vec = d_outputs._data
            trans_lu = 1
            trans_splu = 'T'

        # AssembledJacobians are unscaled.
        if self._assembled_jac is not None:
            if nproc > 1:
                _, nodup2local_inds, local2owned_inds, noncontig_dist_inds = \
                # gather the 'owned' parts of b_vec from each process
                tmp = np.empty(self._nodup_size, dtype=b_vec.dtype)
                mpi_typ = MPI.C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX if np.iscomplex(
                    b_vec[0]) else MPI.DOUBLE
                disps = sizes2offsets(self._owned_size_totals, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
                    (b_vec[local2owned_inds], local2owned_inds.size, mpi_typ),
                    (tmp, (self._owned_size_totals, disps), mpi_typ),
                full_b = tmp = b_vec

            with system._unscaled_context(outputs=[d_outputs],
                if iproc == 0:
                    # convert full_b to the same ordering that the matrix expects, where
                    # dist vars are contiguous and other vars appear in 'execution' order.
                    if nproc > 1:
                        full_b = tmp[noncontig_dist_inds]

                    if isinstance(self._assembled_jac._int_mtx, DenseMatrix):
                        arr = scipy.linalg.lu_solve(self._lup,
                        arr = self._lu.solve(full_b, trans_splu)

                if nproc > 1:
                    if iproc > 0:
                        arr = np.zeros(tmp.size, dtype=tmp.dtype)

                    # this may send more data than necessary, but the alternative is to use a lot
                    # of memory on rank 0 to store the chunk that each proc needs and then do a
                    # Scatterv.
                    system.comm.Bcast((arr, mpi_typ), root=0)
                    x_vec[:] = arr[nodup2local_inds]
                    x_vec[:] = arr

        # matrix-vector-product generated jacobians are scaled.
            x_vec[:] = scipy.linalg.lu_solve(self._lup, b_vec, trans=trans_lu)
Example #4
    def _setup_driver(self, problem):
        Prepare the driver for execution.

        This is the final thing to run during setup.

        problem : <Problem>
            Pointer to the containing problem.
        self._problem = weakref.ref(problem)
        model = problem.model

        self._total_jac = None

        self._has_scaling = (
            np.any([r['total_scaler'] is not None for r in self._responses.values()]) or
            np.any([dv['total_scaler'] is not None for dv in self._designvars.values()])

        # Determine if any design variables are discrete.
        self._designvars_discrete = [name for name, meta in self._designvars.items()
                                     if meta['ivc_source'] in model._discrete_outputs]
        if not self.supports['integer_design_vars'] and len(self._designvars_discrete) > 0:
            msg = "Discrete design variables are not supported by this driver: "
            msg += '.'.join(self._designvars_discrete)
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        self._remote_dvs = remote_dv_dict = {}
        self._remote_cons = remote_con_dict = {}
        self._dist_driver_vars = dist_dict = {}
        self._remote_objs = remote_obj_dict = {}

        # Only allow distributed design variables on drivers that support it.
        if self.supports['distributed_design_vars'] is False:
            dist_vars = []
            abs2meta_in = model._var_allprocs_abs2meta['input']
            discrete_in = model._var_allprocs_discrete['input']
            for dv, meta in self._designvars.items():

                # For Auto-ivcs, we need to check the distributed metadata on the target instead.
                if meta['ivc_source'].startswith('_auto_ivc.'):
                    for abs_name in model._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['input'][dv]:
                        if abs_name in discrete_in:
                            # Discrete vars aren't distributed.

                        if abs2meta_in[abs_name]['distributed']:
                elif meta['distributed']:

            if dist_vars:
                dstr = ', '.join(dist_vars)
                msg = "Distributed design variables are not supported by this driver, but the "
                msg += f"following variables are distributed: [{dstr}]"
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # Now determine if later we'll need to allgather cons, objs, or desvars.
        if model.comm.size > 1 and model._subsystems_allprocs:
            con_set = set()
            obj_set = set()
            dv_set = set()

            src_design_vars = _prom2ivc_src_dict(self._designvars)
            responses = _prom2ivc_src_dict(self._responses)

            local_out_vars = set(model._outputs._abs_iter())
            remote_dvs = set(src_design_vars) - local_out_vars
            remote_cons = set(_prom2ivc_src_name_iter(self._cons)) - local_out_vars
            remote_objs = set(_prom2ivc_src_name_iter(self._objs)) - local_out_vars

            all_remote_vois = model.comm.allgather(
                (remote_dvs, remote_cons, remote_objs))
            for rem_dvs, rem_cons, rem_objs in all_remote_vois:

            # If we have remote VOIs, pick an owning rank for each and use that
            # to bcast to others later
            owning_ranks = model._owning_rank
            sizes = model._var_sizes['output']
            rank = model.comm.rank
            nprocs = model.comm.size
            for i, (vname, meta) in enumerate(model._var_allprocs_abs2meta['output'].items()):
                if vname in responses:
                    indices = responses[vname].get('indices')
                elif vname in src_design_vars:
                    indices = src_design_vars[vname].get('indices')

                if meta['distributed']:

                    dist_sizes = sizes[:, i]
                    tot_size = np.sum(dist_sizes)

                    # Determine which indices are on our proc.
                    offsets = sizes2offsets(dist_sizes)

                    if indices is not None:
                        indices = indices.shaped_array()
                        true_sizes = np.zeros(nprocs, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
                        for irank in range(nprocs):
                            dist_inds = indices[np.logical_and(indices >= offsets[irank],
                                                               indices < (offsets[irank] +
                            true_sizes[irank] = dist_inds.size
                            if irank == rank:
                                local_indices = dist_inds - offsets[rank]
                                distrib_indices = dist_inds

                        ind = indexer(local_indices, src_shape=(tot_size,), flat_src=True)
                        dist_dict[vname] = (ind, true_sizes, distrib_indices)
                        dist_dict[vname] = (_full_slice, dist_sizes,
                                            slice(offsets[rank], offsets[rank] + dist_sizes[rank]))

                    owner = owning_ranks[vname]
                    sz = sizes[owner, i]

                    if vname in dv_set:
                        remote_dv_dict[vname] = (owner, sz)
                    if vname in con_set:
                        remote_con_dict[vname] = (owner, sz)
                    if vname in obj_set:
                        remote_obj_dict[vname] = (owner, sz)

        self._remote_responses = self._remote_cons.copy()

        # set up simultaneous deriv coloring
        if coloring_mod._use_total_sparsity:
            # reset the coloring
            if self._coloring_info['dynamic'] or self._coloring_info['static'] is not None:
                self._coloring_info['coloring'] = None

            coloring = self._get_static_coloring()
            if coloring is not None and self.supports['simultaneous_derivatives']:
                if model._owns_approx_jac: