Example #1
def test_module_load():
    module_names = ['tempdeck', 'magdeck']
    module_defs = json.loads(load_shared_data('module/definitions/1.json'))
    for name in module_names:
        mod = labware.load_module(name, Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'test'))
        mod_def = module_defs[name]
        offset = Point(mod_def['labwareOffset']['x'],
        high_z = mod_def['dimensions']['bareOverallHeight']
        assert mod.highest_z == high_z
        assert mod.location.point == offset
        mod = labware.load_module(name, Location(Point(1, 2, 3), 'test'))
        assert mod.highest_z == high_z + 3
        assert mod.location.point == (offset + Point(1, 2, 3))
        mod2 = labware.load_module_from_definition(
            mod_def, Location(Point(3, 2, 1), 'test2'))
        assert mod2.highest_z == high_z + 1
        assert mod2.location.point == (offset + Point(3, 2, 1))
Example #2
def test_highest_z():
    deck = Deck()
    assert deck.highest_z == 0
    lw = labware.load(labware_name, deck.position_for(1))
    deck[1] = lw
    assert deck.highest_z == pytest.approx(lw.wells()[0].top().point.z)
    del deck[1]
    assert deck.highest_z == 0
    mod = labware.load_module('tempdeck', deck.position_for(8))
    deck[8] = mod
    assert deck.highest_z == mod.highest_z
    lw = labware.load(labware_name, mod.location)
    assert deck.highest_z == mod.highest_z
Example #3
def test_module_load_labware():
    module_names = ['tempdeck', 'magdeck']
    labware_name = 'corning_96_wellplate_360ul_flat'
    labware_def = labware.get_labware_definition(labware_name)
    for name in module_names:
        mod = labware.load_module(name, Location(Point(0, 0, 0), 'test'))
        old_z = mod.highest_z
        lw = labware.load_from_definition(labware_def, mod.location)
        assert mod.labware == lw
        assert mod.highest_z ==\
             + labware_def['dimensions']['zDimension']
             + mod._over_labware)
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        assert mod.labware is None
        assert mod.highest_z == old_z
Example #4
def test_slot_collisions():
    d = Deck()
    mod_slot = '7'
    mod = labware.load_module('thermocycler', d.position_for(mod_slot))
    d[mod_slot] = mod
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d['7'] = 'not this time boyo'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d['8'] = 'nor this time boyo'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d['10'] = 'or even this time boyo'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d['11'] = 'def not this time though'

    lw_slot = '4'
    lw = labware.load(labware_name, d.position_for(lw_slot))
    d[lw_slot] = lw

    assert lw_slot in d
Example #5
def test_slot_names():
    slots_by_int = list(range(1, 13))
    slots_by_str = [str(idx) for idx in slots_by_int]
    for method in (slots_by_int, slots_by_str):
        d = Deck()
        for idx, slot in enumerate(method):
            lw = labware.load(labware_name, d.position_for(slot))
            assert slot in d
            d[slot] = lw
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                d[slot] = 'not this time boyo'
            del d[slot]
            assert slot in d
            assert d[slot] is None
            mod = labware.load_module('tempdeck', d.position_for(slot))
            d[slot] = mod
            assert mod == d[slot]

    assert 'hasasdaia' not in d
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d['ahgoasia'] = 'nope'