Example #1
def test_main(arg_parse_fixt, get_boxes_fixt):
        "order_size", help=ANY, type=int
Example #2
 def test_order(self):
     ans = order.main([
     self.assertListEqual(ans, [1, 0, 2])
Example #3
def initial_check(args, accession_digits, oe_list, reference_number):
    Tells the user which packages will be accessioned and what their accession
    numbers will be.
    to_accession = {}
    wont_accession = []
    # accession = 'af' + str(accession_digits)
    ref = reference_number
    reference_digits = int(ref[2:])
    # so just reverse this - loop through the csv first.
    # this will break the non CSV usage of batchaccession for now.
    for thingies in oe_list:
        for root, _, _ in sorted(os.walk(args.input)):
            if os.path.basename(root)[:2] == 'oe' and len(
                    os.path.basename(root)[2:]) >= 4:
                if copyit.check_for_sip(root) is None:
                    # this is just batchaccessioning if no csv is supplied
                    # this is pretty pointless at the moment seeing as this is loopline through oe_list :(
                    if not oe_list:
                        to_accession[root] = 'aaa' + str(
                        accession_digits += 1
                        # gets parent info
                        if os.path.basename(root) == thingies:
                                os.path.dirname(root), order.main(root))] = [
                                    'aaa' + str(accession_digits).zfill(4),
                                    ref[:2] + str(reference_digits).zfill(4)
                            if root in to_accession:
                                # If a single file is found, this prevents the file being
                                # processed twice, with a skip in the number run
                                reference_digits += 1
                                accession_digits += 1
                            accession_digits += 1
                            # gets reproduction info
                            to_accession[root] = [
                                'aaa' + str(accession_digits).zfill(4),
                                ref[:2] + str(reference_digits), 'reproduction'
                            reference_digits += 1
                            accession_digits += 1
    for fails in wont_accession:
            '%s looks like it is not a fully formed SIP. Perhaps loopline_repackage.py should proccess it?'
            % fails)
    for success in sorted(to_accession.keys()):
        print('%s will be accessioned as %s' %
              (success, to_accession[success]))
    return to_accession
Example #4
def initial_check(args, accession_digits, oe_list, reference_number):
    Tells the user which packages will be accessioned and what their accession
    numbers will be.
    to_accession = {}
    wont_accession = []
    # accession = 'af' + str(accession_digits)
    ref = reference_number
    reference_digits = int(ref[2:])
    for root, _, _ in sorted(os.walk(args.input)):
        if os.path.basename(root)[:2] == 'oe' and len(
                os.path.basename(root)[2:]) == 4:
            if copyit.check_for_sip(root) is None:
                # this is just batchaccessioning if no csv is supplied
                if not oe_list:
                    to_accession[root] = 'aaa' + str(accession_digits).zfill(4)
                    accession_digits += 1
                    if os.path.basename(root) in oe_list:
                            os.path.dirname(root), order.main(root))] = [
                                'aaa' + str(accession_digits).zfill(4),
                                ref[:2] + str(reference_digits).zfill(4)
                        if root in to_accession:
                            # If a single file is found, this prevents the file being
                            # processed twice, with a skip in the number run
                            reference_digits += 1
                            accession_digits += 1
                        accession_digits += 1
                        to_accession[root] = [
                            'aaa' + str(accession_digits).zfill(4),
                            ref[:2] + str(reference_digits)
                        reference_digits += 1
                        accession_digits += 1
    for fails in wont_accession:
        print '%s looks like it is not a fully formed SIP. Perhaps loopline_repackage.py should proccess it?' % fails
    for success in sorted(to_accession.keys()):
        print '%s will be accessioned as %s' % (success, to_accession[success])
    return to_accession
Example #5
 def test_order(self):
     ans = order.main(["世界恐慌", "第一次世界大戦", "第二次世界大戦"])
     self.assertListEqual(ans, [1, 0, 2])
Example #6
def main(args_):
    Batch process packages by running accession.py and makepbcore.py
    args = parse_args(args_)
    oe_list = []
    if args.oe_csv:
        if not args.filmographic:
            print(' - batchaccession.py - ERROR\n - No -filmographic argument supplied. This is mandatory when using the -oe_csv option. \n - Exiting..')
        oe_csv_extraction = ififuncs.extract_metadata(args.oe_csv)
        initial_oe_list = oe_csv_extraction[0]
        oe_dicts = process_oe_csv(oe_csv_extraction, args.input)
        # temp hack while we're performing both workflows
        helper_csv = args.oe_csv
    elif args.filmographic:
        initial_oe_list = ififuncs.extract_metadata(args.filmographic)[0]
        # temp hack while we're performing both workflows
        helper_csv = args.filmographic
    if args.oe_csv or args.filmographic:
        for line_item in ififuncs.extract_metadata(helper_csv)[0]:
                oe_number = line_item['Object Entry'].lower()
            except KeyError:
                oe_number = line_item['OE No.'].lower()
            # this transforms OE-#### to oe####
            transformed_oe = oe_number[:2] + oe_number[3:]
    if not args.oe_csv:
        # No need to ask for the reference number if the OE csv option is supplied.
        # The assumption here is that the OE csv contains the reference numbers though.
        if args.reference:
            reference_number = get_filmographic_number(args.reference)
            reference_number = ififuncs.get_reference_number()
    donor = ififuncs.ask_question('Who is the source of acquisition, as appears on the donor agreement? This will not affect Reproductions.')
    depositor_reference = ififuncs.ask_question('What is the donor/depositor number? This will not affect Reproductions.')
    acquisition_type = ififuncs.get_acquisition_type('')
    user = ififuncs.get_user()
    accession_number = get_number(args)
    accession_digits = int(accession_number[3:])
    if not args.oe_csv:
        to_accession = initial_check(args, accession_digits, oe_list, reference_number)
        to_accession = {}
        for oe_record in oe_dicts:
            if os.path.isdir(oe_record['source_path']):
                to_accession[oe_record['source_path']] = ['aaa' + str(accession_digits).zfill(4), oe_record['reference number'], oe_record['parent'], oe_record['donation_date']]
                accession_digits += 1
    for success in sorted(to_accession.keys()):
        print('%s will be accessioned as %s' %  (success, to_accession[success]))
    register = accession.make_register()
    if args.filmographic:
        desktop_logs_dir = ififuncs.make_desktop_logs_dir()
        if args.dryrun:
            new_csv_filename = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H_%M_%S_DRYRUN_SHEET_PLEASE_DO_NOT_INGEST_JUST_IGNORE_COMPLETELY") + os.path.basename(args.filmographic)
            new_csv_filename = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H_%M_%S_") + os.path.basename(args.filmographic)
        new_csv = os.path.join(desktop_logs_dir, new_csv_filename)
        if not args.oe_csv:
            filmographic_dict, headers = ififuncs.extract_metadata(args.filmographic)
            for oe_package in to_accession:
                for filmographic_record in filmographic_dict:
                    if os.path.basename(oe_package).upper()[:2] + '-' + os.path.basename(oe_package)[2:] == filmographic_record['Object Entry']:
                        filmographic_record['Reference Number'] = to_accession[oe_package][1]
            get_filmographic_titles(to_accession, filmographic_dict)
            with open(new_csv, 'w') as csvfile:
                fieldnames = headers
                # Removes Object Entry from headings as it's not needed in database.
                del fieldnames[1]
                writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
                for i in filmographic_dict:
                    i.pop('Object Entry', None)
                    # Only include records that have reference numbers
                    if not i['Reference Number'] == '':
    if args.dryrun:
    proceed = ififuncs.ask_yes_no(
        'Do you want to proceed?'
    if args.oe_csv:
        new_csv = args.filmographic
    if proceed == 'Y':
        for package in sorted(to_accession.keys(), key=natural_keys):
            accession_cmd = [
                package, '-user', user,
                '-number', to_accession[package][0],
                '-reference', to_accession[package][1],
                '-register', register,
                '-csv', new_csv
            for oe_record in oe_dicts:
                if oe_record['source_path'] == package:
                    if not oe_record['format'].lower() == 'dcdm':
            if len(to_accession[package]) == 4:
                if not to_accession[package][2] == 'n/a':
                    accession_cmd.extend(['-acquisition_type', '13'])
                    if args.oe_csv:
                        accession_cmd.extend(['-parent', to_accession[package][2]])
                        accession_cmd.extend(['-parent', order.main(package)])
                    accession_cmd.extend(['-donor', donor])
                    accession_cmd.extend(['-depositor_reference', depositor_reference])
                    accession_cmd.extend(['-acquisition_type', acquisition_type[2]])
                    print to_accession[package][3]
                    accession_cmd.extend(['-donation_date', to_accession[package][3]])
            print accession_cmd
    collated_pbcore = gather_metadata(args.input)
    sorted_filepath = ififuncs.sort_csv(register, 'accession number')
    print '\nA helper accessions register has been generated in order to help with registration - located here: %s' % sorted_filepath
    print '\nA modified filmographic CSV has been generated with added reference numbers - located here: %s' % new_csv
    print '\nA collated CSV consisting of each PBCore report has been generated for batch database import - located here: %s' % collated_pbcore
Example #7
def main(args_):
    Batch process packages by running accession.py and makepbcore.py
    args = parse_args(args_)
    oe_list = []
    if args.csv:
        for line_item in ififuncs.extract_metadata(args.csv)[0]:
            oe_number = line_item['Object Entry'].lower()
            # this transforms OE-#### to oe####
            transformed_oe = oe_number[:2] + oe_number[3:]
    if args.reference:
        reference_number = get_filmographic_number(args.reference)
        reference_number = ififuncs.get_reference_number()
    donor = ififuncs.ask_question(
        'Who is the source of acquisition, as appears on the donor agreement? This will not affect Reproductions.'
    depositor_reference = ififuncs.ask_question(
        'What is the donor/depositor number? This will not affect Reproductions.'
    acquisition_type = ififuncs.get_acquisition_type('')
    user = ififuncs.get_user()
    accession_number = get_number(args)
    accession_digits = int(accession_number[3:])
    to_accession = initial_check(args, accession_digits, oe_list,
    register = accession.make_register()
    if args.csv:
        desktop_logs_dir = ififuncs.make_desktop_logs_dir()
        if args.dryrun:
            new_csv_filename = time.strftime(
            ) + os.path.basename(args.csv)
            new_csv_filename = time.strftime(
                "%Y-%m-%dT%H_%M_%S_") + os.path.basename(args.csv)
        new_csv = os.path.join(desktop_logs_dir, new_csv_filename)
        filmographic_dict, headers = ififuncs.extract_metadata(args.csv)
        for oe_package in to_accession:
            for filmographic_record in filmographic_dict:
                if os.path.basename(oe_package).upper(
                )[:2] + '-' + os.path.basename(
                        oe_package)[2:] == filmographic_record['Object Entry']:
                    filmographic_record['Reference Number'] = to_accession[
        with open(new_csv, 'w') as csvfile:
            fieldnames = headers
            # Removes Object Entry from headings as it's not needed in database.
            del fieldnames[1]
            writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
            for i in filmographic_dict:
                i.pop('Object Entry', None)
                # Only include records that have reference numbers
                if not i['Reference Number'] == '':
    if args.dryrun:
    proceed = ififuncs.ask_yes_no('Do you want to proceed?')
    if proceed == 'Y':
        for package in sorted(to_accession.keys(), key=natural_keys):
            accession_cmd = [
                package, '-user', user, '-pbcore', '-f', '-number',
                to_accession[package][0], '-reference',
                to_accession[package][1], '-register', register, '-csv',
            if len(to_accession[package]) == 3:
                accession_cmd.extend(['-acquisition_type', '13'])
                accession_cmd.extend(['-parent', order.main(package)])
                accession_cmd.extend(['-donor', donor])
                    ['-depositor_reference', depositor_reference])
                    ['-acquisition_type', acquisition_type[2]])
            print accession_cmd
    collated_pbcore = gather_metadata(args.input)
    sorted_filepath = ififuncs.sort_csv(register, 'accession number')
    print '\nA helper accessions register has been generated in order to help with registration - located here: %s' % sorted_filepath
    print '\nA modified filmographic CSV has been generated with added reference numbers - located here: %s' % new_csv
    print '\nA collated CSV consisting of each PBCore report has been generated for batch database import - located here: %s' % collated_pbcore