Example #1
 def update_gem_icon(self, soup):
     """Scrapes web soup for gem_icon, saves in img/ and returns filename"""
     if self.name == '':
         return None
     gem_icon = soup.find(class_="infobox-page-container").find('img')
     self.gem_icon = gem_icon['alt'].replace(' ', '')
     local_file_path = 'img/' + self.gem_icon
     save_url(gem_icon['src'], local_file_path)
     return self.gem_icon
Example #2
 def update_skill_icon(self, soup):
     Scrapes skill_icon from soup
     Saves in img/
     self.skill_icon = filename
     Returns filename
     soup = soup.find(class_="itembox-gem Active Skill Gems")
         icon = soup.find_all("img")[1]
     except AttributeError:
         return False
     local_file_name = icon['alt'].replace(' ', '')
     local_file_path = 'img/' + local_file_name
     save_url(icon['src'], local_file_path)
     self.skill_icon = local_file_name
     return self.skill_icon
Example #3
    def save_html(self, name=''):
        """Uses 'name' or 'self.name' to fetch wiki page and save in data/

        Returns location of file"""
        if name == '' and self.name == '':
            return False
        if name != '':
            self.name = name
        name = self.name.replace(' ', '_')
        url = Gem.HOST + name
        location = 'data/%s.html' % (name)
            result = save_url(url, location)
            return result
        except HTTPError:
            return False