Example #1
    def solr_to_pelias_param(cls, solr_params):
        convert SOLR dict params dict of params for Pelias

        :see: https://trimet.org/solr/select?q=3&rows=6
        :see: https://trimet.org/solr/select?q=3&rows=6&wt=json&fq=type:stop
        :see: https://ws-st.trimet.org/pelias/v1/autocomplete?text=13135&size=1&layers=address&sources=osm
        ret_val = {}

        text = html_utils.get_first_param(solr_params, 'q')
        if text: ret_val['text'] = text

        size = html_utils.get_first_param(solr_params, 'rows')
        if size: ret_val['size'] = size

        format = html_utils.get_first_param(solr_params, 'wt')
        if format and format == "xml":
            ret_val['format'] = 'xml'

        layers = html_utils.get_first_param(solr_params, 'fq')
        if layers:
            layers = layers.replace('%3A', ':')
            if layers == 'type:stop':
                ret_val['layers'] = 'stops'
            elif layers == 'type:pr':
                ret_val['layers'] = 'pr'

        return ret_val
Example #2
def stop_schedule(request):
    html_tabs = stop_sched = alerts = None
    stop_id = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'stop_id')
    route   = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'route')
        url = 'stop_schedule.html?stop_id={0}&route={1}'.format(stop_id, route)
        html_tabs = schedule_tabs.get_tabs(request, url)
        stop_sched = request.model.get_stop_schedule(request.query_string, **request.params)
        alerts = transit_utils.get_stoptime_alerts(stop_sched)
    except Exception, e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))
def do_from_to_geocode_check(request):
    ''' checks whether we have proper coordinates for the from & to params
        if we're missing a coordinate, we'll geocode and see if there's a direct hit
        if no direct hit, we return the geocode_paaram that tells the ambiguous redirect page what to do...

        @return: a modified query string, and any extra params needed for the geocoder 
    geocode_param = None
    query_string = request.query_string

    # step 1: check for from & to coord information in the url
    has_from_coord = has_coord(request, 'from')
    has_to_coord   = has_coord(request, 'to')

    # step 2: check we need to geocode the 'from' param ...
    if has_from_coord is False:
        geocode_param = 'geo_type=from'

        # step 3a: does the 'from' param need geocoding help?  do we have a param to geocode?
        frm = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'from')
        if frm and len(frm) > 0:

            # step 3b: we have something to geocode, so call the geocoder hoping to hit on a single result
            g = call_geocoder(request, frm, 'from')
            if g and g['count'] == 1:
                # step 3c: got our single result, so now add that to our query string...
                has_from_coord = True
                query_string = "fromCoord={0},{1}&{2}".format(g['geocoder_results'][0]['lat'], g['geocoder_results'][0]['lon'], query_string)
                query_string = query_string.replace("&fromCoord=&", "&").replace("&fromCoord=None&", "&") # strip bogus stuff off...
                geocode_param = None

    # step 4: check that we need to geocode the 'to' param 
    if has_to_coord is False and has_from_coord is True:
        geocode_param = 'geo_type=to'

        # step 5a: does the 'to' param need geocoding help?  do we have a param to geocode?
        to = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'to')
        if to and len(to) > 0:

            # step 5b: we have something to geocode, so call the geocoder hoping to hit on a single result
            g = call_geocoder(request, to, 'to')
            if g and g['count'] == 1:
                # step 5c: got our single result, so now add that to our query string...
                has_to_coord = True
                query_string = "toCoord={0},{1}&{2}".format(g['geocoder_results'][0]['lat'], g['geocoder_results'][0]['lon'], query_string)
                query_string = query_string.replace("&toCoord=&", "&").replace("&toCoord=None&", "&") # strip bogus stuff off...
                geocode_param = None

    return query_string, geocode_param
def do_stops_near(request):
    ''' will either return the nearest list of stops, or geocode redirects
    Needs work....
    has_geocode = html_utils.get_first_param_as_boolean(request, 'has_geocode')
    has_coord   = html_utils.get_first_param_is_a_coord(request, 'placeCoord')
    if has_geocode or has_coord:
        place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'place')
        geo = call_geocoder(request, place)

        if geo['count'] == 1:
            single_geo = geo['geocoder_results'][0]
            if single_geo['type'] == 'stop':
                query_string = "{0}&stop_id={1}".format(request.query_string, single_geo['stop_id'])
                ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/stop.html', query_string)
            ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/stop_select_geocode.html')

    return ret_val
Example #5
def planner(request):
    ''' will either call the trip planner, or if we're missing params, redirect to the ambiguous geocode page
        basically, call the geocode checker, and then either call the ambiguous geocoder page, or plan the trip planner
        ret_val = {}
        gc = geocode_utils.do_from_to_geocode_check(request)
        if gc['geocode_param']:
            ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/planner_geocode.html', gc['query_string'], gc['geocode_param'])
            mapit = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'mapit')
            if mapit:
                params = TripParamParser(request)

                # when Arr(ive) flag is set to latest, we do an arrive by at 1:30am the next day
                if params.is_latest():
                map_params = params.map_url_params()
                ret_val = forward_request(request, 'http://ride.trimet.org?submit&' + map_params)
                #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                ret_val = request.model.get_plan(gc['query_string'], **request.params)
                ret_val['cache'] = gc['cache']
                if ret_val and 'error' in ret_val:
                    msg = object_utils.get_error_message(ret_val)
                    ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html', 'error_message={0}'.format(msg))
    except Exception, e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html')
Example #6
def planner_geocode(request):
    """ for the ambiguous geocode page
        geo_place = None
        geo_type = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'geo_type', 'place')
        if 'from' in geo_type:
            geo_place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'from')
        elif 'to' in geo_type:
            geo_place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'to')

        ret_val = geocode_utils.call_geocoder(request, geo_place, geo_type)
    except Exception as e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html')
    return ret_val
Example #7
def qrcode(request):
    ''' streams a qrcode image for the param 'content' (defaults to http://trimet.org)
    response = Response(content_type='image/png')
    content = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'content', 'http://trimet.org')
    img_io = qr_to_stream(content)
    response.app_iter = img_io
    return response
Example #8
def planner_geocode(request):
    ''' for the ambiguous geocode page
        geo_place = None
        geo_type = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'geo_type', 'place')
        if 'from' in geo_type:
            geo_place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'from')
        elif 'to' in geo_type:
            geo_place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'to')

        ret_val = geocode_utils.call_geocoder(request, geo_place, geo_type)
        adverts = request.model.get_adverts(request,  **request.params)
        ret_val['adverts'] = adverts
    except Exception, e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html')
Example #9
def qrcode(request):
    """ streams a qrcode image for the param 'content' (defaults to http://opentransittools.org)
    response = Response(content_type='image/png')
    content = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'content',
    img_io = qr_to_stream(content)
    response.app_iter = img_io
    return response
Example #10
def has_coord(request, type='place'):
    ''' determine if the url has either a typeCoord url parameter, or a type::45.5,-122.5 param
    ret_val = False
    coord = html_utils.get_first_param_is_a_coord(request, type + 'Coord')
    if coord:
        ret_val = True
        place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, type)
        if geo_utils.has_coord(place):
            ret_val = True
    return ret_val
Example #11
def stop_select_list(request):
        route_stops = request.model.get_route_stops(request.query_string, **request.params)
        if route_stops['route'] and route_stops['has_errors'] is not True:
            ret_val = {}
            route = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'route')
            ret_val['route_stops'] = route_stops
            ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/stop_select_form.html')
    except Exception, e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html', 'app_name=Stop Select List')
Example #12
 def call_near_ws(geo=None, place=None):
     if place is None:
         place = Place.make_from_request(request)
     params = place.to_url_params()
     ret_val['place']   = place.__dict__
     ret_val['params']  = params
     num = 5
     if html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'show_more', None):
         num = 30
     params = "num={0}&".format(num) + params
     ret_val['nearest'] = request.model.get_stops_near(params, **request.params)
     ret_val['cache'] = []
Example #13
def stop_schedule(request):
    html_tabs = stop_sched = alerts = None
    stop_id = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'stop_id')
    route = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'route')
        url = 'stop_schedule.html?stop_id={0}&route={1}'.format(stop_id, route)
        html_tabs = schedule_tabs.get_tabs(request, url)
        stop_sched = request.model.get_stop_schedule(request.query_string,
        alerts = transit_utils.get_stoptime_alerts(stop_sched)
    except Exception as e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))

    if html_tabs and stop_sched and stop_sched['has_errors'] is not True:
        ret_val = {}
        ret_val['html_tabs'] = html_tabs
        ret_val['stop_sched'] = stop_sched
        ret_val['alerts'] = alerts
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html',
                                  'app_name=Stop Schedule page')
    return ret_val
Example #14
def planner(request):
    """ will either call the trip planner, or if we're missing params, redirect to the ambiguous geocode page
        basically, call the geocode checker, and then either call the ambiguous geocoder page, or plan the trip planner

        Map Redirect URLs:

    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        ret_val = {}
        gc = geocode_utils.do_from_to_geocode_check(request)
        if gc['geocode_param']:
            ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/planner_geocode.html',
                                      gc['query_string'], gc['geocode_param'])
            mapit = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'mapit')
            if mapit:
                params = TripParamParser(request)

                # when Arr(ive) flag is set to latest, we do an arrive by at 1:30am the next day
                if params.is_latest():

                # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                if "ride.trimet.org" in request.model.map_url:
                    ride_params = params.map_url_params()
                    map_url = "{}?submit&{}".format(request.model.map_url,
                    map_params = params.mod_url_params()
                    map_url = "{}?{}".format(request.model.map_url, map_params)
                ret_val = forward_request(request, map_url)
                ret_val = request.model.get_plan(gc['query_string'],
                ret_val['cache'] = gc['cache']
                if ret_val and 'error' in ret_val:
                    msg = object_utils.get_error_message(ret_val)
                    ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html',
    except Exception as e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html')

    return ret_val
Example #15
 def call_near_ws(geo=None, place=None):
     if place is None:
         place = Place.make_from_request(request)
     params = place.to_url_params()
     ret_val['place'] = place.__dict__
     ret_val['params'] = params
     num = 5
     if html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'show_more', None):
         num = 30
     params = "num={0}&".format(num) + params
     ret_val['nearest'] = request.model.get_stops_near(
         params, **request.params)
     ret_val['cache'] = []
Example #16
def stop_select_list(request):
        route_stops = request.model.get_route_stops(request.query_string,
        if route_stops['route'] and route_stops['has_errors'] is not True:
            ret_val = {}
            route = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'route')
            ret_val['route_stops'] = route_stops
            ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/stop_select_form.html')
    except Exception as e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html',
                                  'app_name=Stop Select List')
    return ret_val
Example #17
def get_tabs(request, url):
    date  = html_utils.get_first_param_as_date(request)
    month = html_utils.get_first_param_as_int(request, 'month')
    day   = html_utils.get_first_param_as_int(request, 'day')
    date  = date_utils.set_date(date, month, day)
    more  = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'more')

    ret_val = {}
    ret_val['more_form']   = date_utils.get_day_info(date)
    ret_val['pretty_date'] = date_utils.pretty_date(date)
    ret_val['tabs'] = get_svc_date_tabs(date, url, more is not None, get_translator(request)) 

    return ret_val
Example #18
def stop_select_form(request):
    routes = None
        routes = request.model.get_routes(request.query_string,
    except Exception as e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))

    if routes and routes['has_errors'] is not True:
        ret_val = {}
        ret_val['place'] = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'place')
        ret_val['routes'] = routes
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html',
                                  'app_name=Stop Select page')
    return ret_val
Example #19
def stop(request):
    stop = None
    has_coord = html_utils.get_first_param_is_a_coord(request, 'placeCoord')

        stop = request.model.get_stop(request.query_string, **request.params)
    except Exception as e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))

    if stop and stop['has_errors'] is not True:
        ret_val = {}
        ret_val['stop'] = stop
    elif has_coord:
        coord = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'placeCoord')
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/stops_near.html',
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html',
                                  'app_name=Stop Details page')
    return ret_val
Example #20
def get_tabs(request, url):
    ''' make the set of tabs on the schedule page
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    is_prev_day = use_previous_day(request)
    if is_prev_day:
        date = date_utils.get_day_before()
        date  = html_utils.get_first_param_as_date(request)
        month = html_utils.get_first_param_as_int(request, 'month')
        day   = html_utils.get_first_param_as_int(request, 'day')
        date  = date_utils.set_date(date, month, day)

    more   = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'more')
    tab_id = html_utils.get_first_param_as_int(request, 'tab_id', 0)

    ret_val = {}
    ret_val['more_form']   = date_utils.get_day_info(date)
    ret_val['pretty_date'] = date_utils.pretty_date(date)
    ret_val['tabs'] = make_date_tabs(date, url, is_prev_day, tab_id, more is not None, get_translator(request))

    return ret_val
Example #21
def get_tabs(request, url):
    """ make the set of tabs on the schedule page
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    is_prev_day = use_previous_day(request)
    if is_prev_day:
        date = date_utils.get_day_before()
        date = html_utils.get_first_param_as_date(request)
        month = html_utils.get_first_param_as_int(request, 'month')
        day = html_utils.get_first_param_as_int(request, 'day')
        year = date_utils.normalize_year(month)
        date = date_utils.set_date(date, month, day, year)

    more = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'more')
    tab_id = html_utils.get_first_param_as_int(request, 'tab_id', 0)

    ret_val = {}
    ret_val['more_form'] = date_utils.get_day_info(date)
    ret_val['pretty_date'] = date_utils.pretty_date(date)
    ret_val['tabs'] = make_date_tabs(date, url, is_prev_day, tab_id, more
                                     is not None, get_translator(request))

    return ret_val
Example #22
    def make_from_request(cls, request, param_name='place'):
        ret_val = Place()
            name = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'name')
            if name is None:
                _  = get_translator(request)
                name = _(u'Uncertain location')

            lat  = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'lat')
            lon  = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'lon')
            city = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'city')
            ret_val.set_values(name, lat, lon, city)

            place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, param_name)

            place_coord = html_utils.get_first_param(request, param_name + 'Coord')
        except: pass
        return ret_val
Example #23
    def make_from_request(cls, request, param_name='place'):
        ret_val = Place()
            name = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'name')
            if name is None:
                _ = get_translator(request)
                name = _(u'Uncertain location')

            lat  = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'lat')
            lon  = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'lon')
            city = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'city')
            ret_val.set_values(name, lat, lon, city)

            place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, param_name)

            place_coord = html_utils.get_first_param(request, param_name + 'Coord')
        except Exception as e:
        return ret_val
Example #24
def do_from_to_geocode_check(request):
    """ checks whether we have proper coordinates for the from & to params
        if we're missing a coordinate, we'll geocode and see if there's a direct hit
        if no direct hit, we return the geocode_paaram that tells the ambiguous redirect page what to do...

        @return: a modified query string, and any extra params needed for the geocoder 
    ret_val = {'query_string': None, 'geocode_param': None, 'from': None, 'to': None, 'cache': []}

    # step 1: check for from & to coord information in the url
    has_from_coord = geo_utils.is_param_a_coord(request, 'from')
    has_to_coord   = geo_utils.is_param_a_coord(request, 'to')
    qs = request.query_string

    # step 2: check we need to geocode the 'from' param ...
    if has_from_coord is False:
        ret_val['geocode_param'] = 'geo_type=from'

        # step 3a: does the 'from' param need geocoding help?  do we have a param to geocode?
        frm = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'from')
        if frm and len(frm) > 0:

            # step 3b: we have something to geocode, so call the geocoder hoping to hit on a single result
            g = call_geocoder(request, frm, 'from')
            if g and g['count'] == 1:
                # step 3c: got our single result, so now add that to our query string...
                has_from_coord = True
                doc = g['geocoder_results'][0]
                fp = geo_utils.solr_to_named_param(doc, frm)
                qs = "from={0}&{1}".format(fp, qs)
                qs = qs.replace("&fromCoord=&", "&").replace("&fromCoord=None&", "&") # strip bogus stuff off...

                # step 3d: clear flag and set newly geocoded 'from' parameter
                ret_val['geocode_param'] = None
                ret_val['from'] = fp
                ret_val['cache'].append(make_autocomplete_cache(frm, doc))

    # step 4: check that we need to geocode the 'to' param 
    if has_to_coord is False and has_from_coord is True:
        ret_val['geocode_param'] = 'geo_type=to'

        # step 4a: does the 'to' param need geocoding help?  do we have a param to geocode?
        to = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'to')
        if to and len(to) > 0:

            # step 4b: we have something to geocode, so call the geocoder hoping to hit on a single result
            g = call_geocoder(request, to, 'to')
            if g and g['count'] == 1:
                # step 4c: got our single result, so now add that to our query string...
                has_to_coord = True
                doc = g['geocoder_results'][0]
                tp = geo_utils.solr_to_named_param(doc, to)
                qs = "to={0}&{1}".format(tp, qs)
                qs = qs.replace("&toCoord=&", "&").replace("&toCoord=None&", "&") # strip bogus stuff off...

                # step 4d: clear flag and set newly geocoded 'to' parameter
                ret_val['geocode_param'] = None
                ret_val['to'] = tp
                ret_val['cache'].append(make_autocomplete_cache(to, doc))

    # step 5: assign query string to return
    ret_val['query_string'] = qs
    return ret_val
Example #25
def stop_select_geocode(request):
    place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'place')
    ret_val = geocode_utils.call_geocoder(request, place)
    return ret_val
Example #26
@view_config(route_name='stop_desktop',      renderer='desktop/stop.html')
@view_config(route_name='stop_ws',           renderer='ws/stop.html')
def stop(request):
    stop = None
    has_coord = html_utils.get_first_param_is_a_coord(request, 'placeCoord')

        stop = request.model.get_stop(request.query_string, **request.params)
    except Exception, e:
        log.warning('{0} exception:{1}'.format(request.path, e))

    if stop and stop['has_errors'] is not True:
        ret_val = {}
        ret_val['stop'] = stop
    elif has_coord:
        coord = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'placeCoord')
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/stops_near.html', 'placeCoord={0}'.format(coord))
        ret_val = make_subrequest(request, '/exception.html', 'app_name=Stop Details page')
    return ret_val

@view_config(route_name='stop_schedule_mobile',  renderer='mobile/stop_schedule.html')
@view_config(route_name='stop_schedule_desktop', renderer='desktop/stop_schedule.html')
@view_config(route_name='stop_schedule_ws',      renderer='ws/stop_schedule.html')
def stop_schedule(request):
    html_tabs = stop_sched = alerts = None
    stop_id = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'stop_id')
    route   = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'route')
        url = 'stop_schedule.html?stop_id={0}&route={1}'.format(stop_id, route)
Example #27
def do_from_to_geocode_check(request):
    ''' checks whether we have proper coordinates for the from & to params
        if we're missing a coordinate, we'll geocode and see if there's a direct hit
        if no direct hit, we return the geocode_paaram that tells the ambiguous redirect page what to do...

        @return: a modified query string, and any extra params needed for the geocoder 
    ret_val = {'query_string':None, 'geocode_param':None, 'from':None, 'to':None, 'cache':[]}

    # step 1: check for from & to coord information in the url
    has_from_coord = geo_utils.is_param_a_coord(request, 'from')
    has_to_coord   = geo_utils.is_param_a_coord(request, 'to')
    qs = request.query_string

    # step 2: check we need to geocode the 'from' param ...
    if has_from_coord is False:
        ret_val['geocode_param'] = 'geo_type=from'

        # step 3a: does the 'from' param need geocoding help?  do we have a param to geocode?
        frm = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'from')
        if frm and len(frm) > 0:

            # step 3b: we have something to geocode, so call the geocoder hoping to hit on a single result
            g = call_geocoder(request, frm, 'from')
            if g and g['count'] == 1:
                # step 3c: got our single result, so now add that to our query string...
                has_from_coord = True
                doc = g['geocoder_results'][0]
                fp = geo_utils.solr_to_named_param(doc, frm)
                qs = "from={0}&{1}".format(fp, qs)
                qs = qs.replace("&fromCoord=&", "&").replace("&fromCoord=None&", "&") # strip bogus stuff off...

                # step 3d: clear flag and set newly geocoded 'from' parameter
                ret_val['geocode_param'] = None
                ret_val['from'] = fp
                ret_val['cache'].append(make_autocomplete_cache(frm, doc))

    # step 4: check that we need to geocode the 'to' param 
    if has_to_coord is False and has_from_coord is True:
        ret_val['geocode_param'] = 'geo_type=to'

        # step 4a: does the 'to' param need geocoding help?  do we have a param to geocode?
        to = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'to')
        if to and len(to) > 0:

            # step 4b: we have something to geocode, so call the geocoder hoping to hit on a single result
            g = call_geocoder(request, to, 'to')
            if g and g['count'] == 1:
                # step 4c: got our single result, so now add that to our query string...
                has_to_coord = True
                doc = g['geocoder_results'][0]
                tp = geo_utils.solr_to_named_param(doc, to)
                qs = "to={0}&{1}".format(tp, qs)
                qs = qs.replace("&toCoord=&", "&").replace("&toCoord=None&", "&") # strip bogus stuff off...

                # step 4d: clear flag and set newly geocoded 'to' parameter
                ret_val['geocode_param'] = None
                ret_val['to'] = tp
                ret_val['cache'].append(make_autocomplete_cache(to, doc))

    # step 5: assign query string to return
    ret_val['query_string'] = qs
    return ret_val
Example #28
def make_place_from_stop_request(request, stop):
    place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'place')
    name = name_from_named_place(place, place)
    ret_val = geo_utils.make_place(name, lat, lon)
Example #29
 def query_by_request(self, request, mode="rail", lang="en"):
     m = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'mode',     mode)
     l = html_utils.get_first_param(request, '_LOCALE_', lang)
     log.debug("mode={0}, lang={1}".format(m, l))
     return self.query(m, l)
Example #30
def stop_select_geocode(request):
    place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'place')
    ret_val = geocode_utils.call_geocoder(request, place)
    return ret_val
Example #31
def make_place_from_stop_request(request, stop):
    place = html_utils.get_first_param(request, 'place')
    name = name_from_named_place(place, place)
    ret_val = geo_utils.make_place(name, lat, lon)