Example #1
 def test_string(self):
     """ string is converted to unicode """
     self.assertEqual(lenient_ascii_text("test"), u"test")
Example #2
class GroupState(object):
    Object that represents the state

    :ivar tenant_id: the tenant ID of the scaling group whose state this
        object represents
    :type: :obj:`six.text_type`
    :ivar group_id: the ID of the scaling group whose state this
        object represents
    :type: :obj:`six.text_type`
    :ivar group_name: the name of the scaling group whose state this
        object represents
    :type: :obj:`six.text_type`
    :ivar dict active: the mapping of active server ids and their info
    :ivar dict pending: the list of pending job ids and their info
    :ivar group_touched: timezone-aware ISO860 formatted timestamp
        that represents when the last time any policy was executed
        on the group. Could be None.
    :type: :obj:`six.text_type`
    :ivar dict policy_touched: dictionary mapping policy ids to the last time
        they were executed, if ever. The time is stored as ISO860 format str
    :ivar bool paused: whether the scaling group is paused in
        scaling activities
    :ivar bool suspended: Is the scaling group suspended due to account
    :ivar status: Status of the group. One of :obj:`ScalingGroupStatus` members
    :type: :obj:`NamedConstant`
    :ivar list error_reasons: List of string-based reasons why this group is in
        ERROR. Not needed when group is ACTIVE
    :ivar int desired: the desired capacity of the scaling group
    :ivar callable now: callable that returns a :class:`bytes` timestamp
        used for testing purposes. Defaults to :func:`timestamp.now`
    tenant_id = attr.ib(validator=aiof(six.text_type),
    group_id = attr.ib(validator=aiof(six.text_type),
    group_name = attr.ib(validator=aiof(six.text_type),
    active = attr.ib(validator=aiof(dict))
    pending = attr.ib(validator=aiof(dict))
    group_touched = attr.ib(
        convert=lambda t: lenient_ascii_text(t or timestamp.MIN))
    policy_touched = attr.ib(validator=aiof(dict))
    paused = attr.ib(validator=aiof(bool))
    status = attr.ib(validator=aiof(NamedConstant))
    suspended = attr.ib(validator=aiof(bool), default=False)
    error_reasons = attr.ib(convert=tuple, default=[])
    desired = attr.ib(validator=aiof(int), default=0)
    now = attr.ib(default=timestamp.now)

    def remove_job(self, job_id):
        Removes a pending job from the pending list.  If the job is not in
        pending, raises an AssertionError.

        :param bytes job_id:  the id of the job to complete
        :returns: :data:`None`
        :raises AssertionError: if the job doesn't exist
        assert job_id in self.pending, "Job doesn't exist: {0}".format(job_id)
        del self.pending[job_id]

    def add_job(self, job_id):
        Adds a pending job to the pending collection.  If the job is already in
        pending, raises an AssertError.

        :param bytes job_id:  the id of the job to complete
        :returns: :data:`None`
        :raises AssertionError: if the job already exists
        assert job_id not in self.pending, "Job exists: {0}".format(job_id)
        self.pending[job_id] = {'created': self.now()}

    def add_active(self, server_id, server_info):
        Adds a server to the collection of active servers.  Adds a creation time
        if there isn't one.

        :param bytes job_id:  the id of the job to complete
        :param dict server_info: a dictionary containing relevant server info.
            TBD: What's in server_info ultimately - currently: name, url
        :returns: :data:`None`
        :raises AssertionError: if the server id already exists
        assert server_id not in self.active, "Server already exists: {}".format(
        server_info.setdefault('created', self.now())
        self.active[server_id] = server_info

    def remove_active(self, server_id):
        Removes a server to the collection of active servers.

        :param bytes server_id:  the id of the server to delete
        :raises AssertionError: if the server id does not exist
        assert server_id in self.active, "Server does not exist: {}".format(
        del self.active[server_id]

    def mark_executed(self, policy_id):
        Record the execution time (now) of a particular policy.  This also
        updates the group touched time.

        :param bytes policy_id:  the id of the policy that was executed
        :returns: :data:`None`
        self.policy_touched[policy_id] = self.group_touched = self.now()

    def get_capacity(self):
        Get the capacities for a group.

        :return: A dictionary with the desired_capcity, current_capacity, and
        return {
            'current_capacity': len(self.active),
            'pending_capacity': len(self.pending),
            'desired_capacity': len(self.active) + len(self.pending)
Example #3
 def test_unicode(self):
     """ unicode is returned as such """
     self.assertEqual(lenient_ascii_text(u"test"), u"test")