Example #1
    def _get_query_params(self,
        """INTERNAL: retrieves query and kwargs from attribute options"""
        query = opts[query_arg] if opts.has_key(query_arg) else None
        kw = {}
        empty = True
        if opts.has_key(kwargs_arg):
            if opts[kwargs_arg]:
                for item in opts[kwargs_arg].split(';'):
                    if item.find("=") != -1:
                        k, v = item.split('=')
                        kw[k.replace('-', '.')] = v
                        empty = False
                    elif empty:
                        self.error(Messages.Error.INVALID_KWARGS_FORMAT % item)
        mopts = {}
        for k, v in opts.iteritems():
            if k != query_arg and k != kwargs_arg and not OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(
                mopts[k if not k.startswith('--') else k[2:]] = v

        return query, kw
Example #2
 def validate_options(self, opts, options):
     for opt in opts.keys():
         if opt.startswith('--'):
             opt_item = opt[2:]
         else: opt_item = opt
         if opt_item not in options and not OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(opt):
             self.error(Messages.Error.NO_SUCH_OPTION % opt)
Example #3
    def _resolve_base(self, args):
        Resolves a base object from a set of '--parent-type-identifier'
        or '--parent-type-name' options.
        parent_candidates = [item for item in args
                if OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(item)]
        parent_candidates_permutations = list(itertools.permutations(parent_candidates))

        if parent_candidates_permutations[0]:
            for combination in parent_candidates_permutations:
                candidates = [OptionHelper.get_parent_id_type(item)
                        for item in combination
                        if OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(item)]
                candidate = (''.join(candidates) + args[0]).lower()
                dt = TypeHelper.getDecoratorType(candidate)
                if dt: return dt

        return None
Example #4
    def _resolve_base(self, args):
        Resolves a base object from a set of '--parent-type-identifier'
        or '--parent-type-name' options.
        parent_candidates = [
            item for item in args if OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(item)
        parent_candidates_permutations = list(

        if parent_candidates_permutations[0]:
            for combination in parent_candidates_permutations:
                candidates = [
                    for item in combination
                    if OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(item)
                candidate = (''.join(candidates) + args[0]).lower()
                dt = TypeHelper.getDecoratorType(candidate)
                if dt: return dt

        return None
Example #5
    def update_object_data(self, obj, options, scope=None):
        """Updates object properties with values from `options'."""

        for key in options.keys():
            if OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(key): continue
            prop = key.replace('--', '')
            val = options[key]
            if type(val) == types.ListType:
                for item in val:
                    self.__do_set_data(obj=obj, prop=prop, fq_prop=key, val=item)
                self.__do_set_data(obj=obj, prop=prop, fq_prop=key, val=val)

        return obj
Example #6
    def resolve_base(self, options):
        Resolves a base object from a set of parent identifier options.

        collection_candidate = self.check_connection()
        parnet_candidate_locator = 0
        base = None

        parnet_candidates = [
                key for key in options.keys()
                if OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(key)
        parnet_candidates_permutations = list(itertools.permutations(parnet_candidates))

        if parnet_candidates_permutations[0]:
            for combination in parnet_candidates_permutations:
                for item in combination:
                    key = item
                    val = options[key]
                    parnet_candidate_locator += 1
                    typename = OptionHelper.get_parent_id_type(key)

                    coll = TypeHelper.to_plural(typename)
                    if not (TypeHelper.isKnownType(typename) or  TypeHelper.isKnownType(coll)):
                        self.error(Messages.Error.NO_SUCH_TYPE % typename)

                    if hasattr(collection_candidate, coll):
                        coll_ins = getattr(collection_candidate, coll)
                        if hasattr(coll_ins, 'get'):
                            if not val:
                                self.error(Messages.Error.INVALID_OPTION % key)
                            if key.endswith('-identifier'):
                                base = coll_ins.get(id=val)
                            elif key.endswith('-name'):
                                base = coll_ins.get(name=val)

                            if not base:
                                if len(combination) > parnet_candidate_locator:
                                    self.error(Messages.Error.NO_SUCH_OBJECT % (typename, val))

                    if len(parnet_candidates) == parnet_candidate_locator:
                        return base
                        collection_candidate = base

            self.error(Messages.Error.CANNOT_CONSTRUCT_COLLECTION_MEMBER_VIEW % str(parnet_candidates_permutations))
Example #7
    def _get_query_params(self, opts, query_arg='--query', kwargs_arg='--kwargs'):
        """INTERNAL: retrieves query and kwargs from attribute options"""
        query = opts[query_arg] if opts.has_key(query_arg) else None
        kw = {}
        empty = True
        if opts.has_key(kwargs_arg):
            if opts[kwargs_arg]:
                for item in opts[kwargs_arg].split(';'):
                    if item.find("=") != -1:
                        k, v = item.split('=')
                        kw[k.replace('-', '.')] = v
                        empty = False
                    elif empty:
                        self.error(Messages.Error.INVALID_KWARGS_FORMAT % item)
        mopts = {}
        for k, v in opts.iteritems():
            if k != query_arg and k != kwargs_arg and not OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(k):
                mopts[k if not k.startswith('--') else k[2:]] = v

        return query, kw
Example #8
    def resolve_base(self, options):
        Resolves a base object from a set of parent identifier options.

        # Initially the base is the connection:
        connection = self.check_connection()
        base = connection

        # Find all the options that are parent identifiers, and sort them
        # so that the process will be always the same regardless of the
        # order of the options dictionary:
        identifiers = [
            key for key in options.keys()
            if OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(key)

        # Calculate the set of permutations of all the parent identifiers, as
        # we are going to try each permutation till we find one that results
        # in a valid base:
        permutations = list(itertools.permutations(identifiers))

        for permutation in permutations:

            # Restart the search from the connection for each permutation:
            base = connection

            for item in permutation:
                # Get the name and value of the current parent identifier:
                key = item
                value = options[key]

                # Calculate the type and collection names:
                type_name = OptionHelper.get_parent_id_type(key)
                collection_name = TypeHelper.to_plural(type_name)
                if not (TypeHelper.isKnownType(type_name)
                        or TypeHelper.isKnownType(collection_name)):
                    self.error(Messages.Error.NO_SUCH_TYPE % type_name)

                # Try to extract the next base from the current one:
                if hasattr(base, collection_name):
                    collection = getattr(base, collection_name)
                    if hasattr(collection, 'get'):
                        if not value:
                            self.error(Messages.Error.INVALID_OPTION % key)
                        if key.endswith('-identifier'):
                            base = collection.get(id=value)
                        elif key.endswith('-name'):
                            base = collection.get(name=value)
                            base = None
                        base = None
                    base = None

                # If we haven't been able to find a valid base for the current
                # parent identifier, then we should discard this permutation:
                if base is None:

            # If we already found a valid base, then we should discard the
            # rest of the permutations, i.e., the first valid permutation is
            # the winner:
            if base != None:

        # Generate an error message if no permutation results in a valid base:
        if base is None:
            self.error(Messages.Error.CANNOT_CONSTRUCT_COLLECTION_MEMBER_VIEW %

        # The connection is the starting point for the search, so if the
        # result is the connection we can conclude that there is no
        # base:
        if base == connection:
            base = None
        return base
Example #9
    def resolve_base(self, options):
        Resolves a base object from a set of parent identifier options.

        # Initially the base is the connection:
        connection = self.check_connection()
        base = connection

        # Find all the options that are parent identifiers, and sort them
        # so that the process will be always the same regardless of the
        # order of the options dictionary:
        identifiers = [
            key for key in options.keys()
            if OptionHelper.is_parent_id_option(key)

        # Calculate the set of permutations of all the parent identifiers, as
        # we are going to try each permutation till we find one that results
        # in a valid base:
        permutations = list(itertools.permutations(identifiers))

        for permutation in permutations:

            # Restart the search from the connection for each permutation:
            base = connection

            for item in permutation:
                # Get the name and value of the current parent identifier:
                key = item
                value = options[key]

                # Calculate the type and collection names:
                type_name = OptionHelper.get_parent_id_type(key)
                collection_name = TypeHelper.to_plural(type_name)
                if not (TypeHelper.isKnownType(type_name) or TypeHelper.isKnownType(collection_name)):
                    self.error(Messages.Error.NO_SUCH_TYPE % type_name)

                # Try to extract the next base from the current one:
                if hasattr(base, collection_name):
                    collection = getattr(base, collection_name)
                    if hasattr(collection, 'get'):
                        if not value:
                            self.error(Messages.Error.INVALID_OPTION % key)
                        if key.endswith('-identifier'):
                            base = collection.get(id=value)
                        elif key.endswith('-name'):
                            base = collection.get(name=value)
                            base = None
                        base = None
                    base = None

                # If we haven't been able to find a valid base for the current
                # parent identifier, then we should discard this permutation:
                if base is None:

            # If we already found a valid base, then we should discard the
            # rest of the permutations, i.e., the first valid permutation is
            # the winner:
            if base != None:

        # Generate an error message if no permutation results in a valid base:
        if base is None:
            self.error(Messages.Error.CANNOT_CONSTRUCT_COLLECTION_MEMBER_VIEW % str(permutations))

        # The connection is the starting point for the search, so if the
        # result is the connection we can conclude that there is no
        # base:
        if base == connection:
            base = None
        return base